By Ramuh.Austar 2017-06-11 21:39:30
wrote a quick overall bulk calculator which only compares the overall bulk based on stats, not typing, ability, or moves. EVs maximize overall bulk. the lower the number the more bulky it is.
Alomola 1.420
Mantine 1.445
Milotic 1.386
Slowbro 1.457
Suicune 1.236
Toxapex 1.350
Vaporeon 1.429
There are other water types with less bulk but tend to bring something else to to table
Pelliper 1.905
Starmie 1.905
Rotom-W 1.719
Quagsire 1.714
Gastrodon 1.588
Jellicent 1.506
Vaporeon's biggest competition is going to be Alomola, both's most useful role is going to be passing wishes. Alomola is overall more bulky and passes better wishes, it also has re generator so it can heal itself on the switch out turn of wish. vaporeon has more special attack by a large amount, but it's pretty useless since you'll only use it when fishing for scald burns. Alomola can get knock off which is more useful since wish passing is better on bulky teams or straight stall.