All I got was Ginjo Tsukishima and Riruka... was very sad I wanted Ichigo lost agent and that hollow Ichigo.
That sucks, I'm sorry! At least the new hollow Ichigo isn't time limited to the anniversary like some people expected, so you could still pull him from future summons! :<
But now we can't plan our summons in advance because they're syncing us up with Japan so we've lost our peek into the future. (y'A')y
Lemme guess, they have no way to merge the dupes like you can with FE: Heroes, right? SHITSUX.
Nah, you can merge dupes. It just increases the power of their ultimate attacks. I'm just a little worried they're gonna pull a Dokkan Battle and add another use for dupes later that's much better than the current one, so I don't really wanna merge them so they're just gonna clog up my box for a while. :x