Mike Holmes is THE biggest name in home contracting in Canada.
There are literally groups of home builders who signed on to something called "Holmes Approved Home Builders". Ego is naming your kid after yourself (Hint: Mike Holmes Jr.), but he has incredibly high standards when it comes to home building. "Do it right the first time, and you won't have to do it again later" is kind of the shtick he's been peddling for over 20 years.
Like any other legitimate person in the industry, he's rightfully pissed at people pretending to be contractors who not only lowball intentionally to steal contracts from working professionals, he's rightfully pissed when they prey on the vulnerable, such as widows, grieving parents, new home buyers, etc. He's also helped many people take shoddy contractors to court, or given them a direction in order to do so.
On top of which, he does an immense amount of humanitarian work in Canada and the US. He and his team spent something like 6-7 months in New Orleans alone after Katrina hit.
The next biggest name would be Bryan Beaumler.