Hell yeah. Time for a Gundam Battle Operation 2 patch.
Full-Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt) and Psyco Zaku (Thunderbolt) added to the gacha. Boosted drop rates for 1 week. They're space-use only and are the first 500 cost units.
Some kind of Zaku II added to the recycle shop for 2 days only.
Limited-time event missions that reward a 300 cost Z'Gok, along with tokens and recycle tickets.
>limited missions
>z'gok, clear all limited missions
>take part in 20 battles
>take part in 15 rating matches
>win 10 battles
>beat 10 rivals
>beat 3 ms or more in 1 battle 3 times
>be one of the top scores once
>commend 3 times
And general patch improvements.
>update patch
>improved network performance
>you now automatically leave the room instead of return to it after a rating/quick match
>fixed receiving penalty for accidental disconnects
>if your rating were to drop in a team with people who have left the battle, the rating reduction will be reduced depending on the number of players or even mitigated
>if you draw with your rival, you will both be considered beating your rival
>if your rival leaves the battle, you will now properly receive rating/rewards properly instead of being registered as having no rival
>L2 press and L2 hold in room now swaps opening the communication list and chat
>minor bug fixes not related to gameplay