Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,560
By Asura.Alymorel 2012-04-12 23:19:57
registered for classes! can't wait to get my *** kicked by them Which semester? And what are you taking? umm i registered for summer I, summer II and fall semster
CS algorithms
artificial intelligence
data systems
linear algebra
calc III (again ; ;)
some independent study
stellar systems (astronomy class lol)
and something else Ah, I can't sign up for fall until April 25th. I signed up for precalc in the summer though. All I could afford, but every step is good. ^^ What's your major?
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31,068
By Ramuh.Urial 2012-04-12 23:32:59
registered for classes! can't wait to get my *** kicked by them Which semester? And what are you taking? umm i registered for summer I, summer II and fall semster
CS algorithms
artificial intelligence
data systems
linear algebra
calc III (again ; ;)
some independent study
stellar systems (astronomy class lol)
and something else
My summer wont be too bad.
Poly Sci 101 - American Gov
Math 200 - Stats
Accounting 201
By Irohuro 2012-04-12 23:44:04
if anything i'll be taking web fundamentals during the summer
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9,001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2012-04-12 23:46:00
Today I am 26, on Friday the 13th, and in less than 5 months my girlfriend is due.
Not sure what it's going to be yet.
inb4 crack comments of rearing
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9,001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2012-04-12 23:46:27
what does the scouter say about my post count?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-04-12 23:49:00
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28,615
By Bismarck.Magnuss 2012-04-12 23:50:30
This summer, I'm taking:
By Jetackuu 2012-04-13 00:10:21
By Irohuro 2012-04-13 00:13:35
well, i think i might have mild carpel tunnel in my left wrist
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23,779
By Fairy.Spence 2012-04-13 00:28:50
Can anyone explain to me why chrome turns my facebook into this
and the ebay homepage keeps going completely black
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2012-04-13 00:38:16
Does anyone know why my internet went to crap the past couple of days?
By Irohuro 2012-04-13 00:59:32
oh yea, ibuprofen pm is kicking in
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27,982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2012-04-13 01:11:38
Went bowling till midnight, *** yea. Went to Perkins afterwards. Ate some amazingly delicious French toast, all right! Did it all with awesome friends, OH HELL YEA! Back home at 1AM posting useless information on a video game forum when I have to wake up in 5hrs... wtf is wrong with me. XP Goodnight everybody!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15,273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2012-04-13 01:16:32
Went bowling till midnight, *** yea. Went to Perkins afterwards. Ate some amazingly delicious French toast, all right! Did it all with awesome friends, OH HELL YEA! Back home at 1AM posting useless information on a video game forum when I have to wake up in 5hrs... wtf is wrong with me. XP Goodnight everybody!
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 574
By Leviathan.Erang 2012-04-13 01:52:44
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2012-04-13 02:17:22
Happy birthday, Jet! (Assuming that is what you meant...) And happy Over 9k day!
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-04-13 02:43:56
Random (probably sending me to hell) thought:
Do dyslexic deaf/mute people sometimes sign with the wrong hand(if which hand you use matters)?
By Irohuro 2012-04-13 02:47:19
it sorta matters, i imagine it'd be similar to if you were to
.sbrawkcad txet baer
but dyslexia is for visual stuff, dyspraxia is the movement equivalent
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,518
By Asura.Dominate 2012-04-13 03:16:41
Does anyone know why my internet went to crap the past couple of days?
 >.> When this happened to me it was from sun damage, amg! But if you can't figure it out by resets/etc, I'd just have someone come out and look at it. Be pushy about it too! Went on for a couple weeks with me and I almost lost it when they finally decided to listen to me about it not being an issue on my side.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,518
By Asura.Dominate 2012-04-13 03:18:19
Can anyone explain to me why chrome turns my facebook into this
and the ebay homepage keeps going completely black I don't use Chrome so I can't be of much help. Have that happen due to lag/plug-ins or compatibility issues though. ;o
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23,779
By Fairy.Spence 2012-04-13 03:21:20
Thanks, lag would explain it.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,290
By Shiva.Galbir 2012-04-13 04:09:46
Was lurking through old threads and I found this. Would that be the oldest surviving thread on the ah? :o
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,269
By Fenrir.Jinjo 2012-04-13 06:04:18
things that are big and depressing
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16,303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2012-04-13 07:06:46
Went bowling till midnight, *** yea. Went to Perkins afterwards. Ate some amazingly delicious French toast, all right! Did it all with awesome friends, OH HELL YEA! Back home at 1AM posting useless information on a video game forum when I have to wake up in 5hrs... wtf is wrong with me. XP Goodnight everybody!
That's all we are to you D: !? A video game forum!?
/takes subligars and leaves.
-10 Sagi points.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16,303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2012-04-13 07:07:44
Was lurking through old threads and I found this. Would that be the oldest surviving thread on the ah? :o
I didn't know Asura had accomplishments.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,290
By Shiva.Galbir 2012-04-13 07:13:32
Oh yea it's a hell of a feat to be that big of a drama base.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27,982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2012-04-13 07:15:50
Went bowling till midnight, *** yea. Went to Perkins afterwards. Ate some amazingly delicious French toast, all right! Did it all with awesome friends, OH HELL YEA! Back home at 1AM posting useless information on a video game forum when I have to wake up in 5hrs... wtf is wrong with me. XP Goodnight everybody!
That's all we are to you D: !? A video game forum!?
/takes subligars and leaves.
-10 Sagi points. Well you're also a good circle of friends. :x It's just hard to classify this stuff as much else. As much as I enjoy all of your company I don't feel it's right to say you're much more than a group of people that I met over a forum about a videogame I used to play which I have of course gained trust and as much of a friendship as is possible over a medium such as this. :x
I should not type ***in the morning. :x
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16,303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2012-04-13 07:37:10
Went bowling till midnight, *** yea. Went to Perkins afterwards. Ate some amazingly delicious French toast, all right! Did it all with awesome friends, OH HELL YEA! Back home at 1AM posting useless information on a video game forum when I have to wake up in 5hrs... wtf is wrong with me. XP Goodnight everybody!
That's all we are to you D: !? A video game forum!?
/takes subligars and leaves.
-10 Sagi points. Well you're also a good circle of friends. :x It's just hard to classify this stuff as much else. As much as I enjoy all of your company I don't feel it's right to say you're much more than a group of people that I met over a forum about a videogame I used to play which I have of course gained trust and as much of a friendship as is possible over a medium such as this. :x
I should not type ***in the morning. :x
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.