So this genius fell cleaver wanted me to warp to Jeuno to give money to his mule. I tried explaining him that it was incredibly stupid to warp out thus losing my lights and exp chain, but nope, I can't give money to him, only to his mule. /left
Not like it's a bad thing, the war was so gimp that I could cry.
Maybe he had max gil limit!!! Extremely unlikely though, seems unreasonable, silly war.
I wasnt a nagger to people who purchased my services >:
You nagged that one time when I tried to purchase you outside of the game... you said Idk.. that's illegal... I said so is what you are doing in the game... what's the difference...
I wasnt a nagger to people who purchased my services >:
You nagged that one time when I tried to purchase you outside of the game... you said Idk.. that's illegal... I said so is what you are doing in the game... what's the difference...
Man that sucked. Slept on the couch last night then woke up at 7, went back to sleep, woke up at 9, went back to sleep, woke up at 11, went back to sleep, woke up at noon and finally got comfortable enough to remain awake.
Compound sleeping is nice in some respects but it's like literally being a broken record D:
There are theories that we aren't supposed to sleep in 8 hour increments. For a long long time people slept in like 4 hour periods, be awake for one hour, then go back to sleep for another 4.
My natural schedule is more like be awake 20 hours, sleep 12. If I don't take pills or anything, and just go to sleep and stay awake when it feels natural, that's the schedule I'll fall into.. The awake period may vary 2 hours, more or less.
There are theories that we aren't supposed to sleep in 8 hour increments. For a long long time people slept in like 4 hour periods, be awake for one hour, then go back to sleep for another 4.
There are theories that we aren't supposed to sleep in 8 hour increments. For a long long time people slept in like 4 hour periods, be awake for one hour, then go back to sleep for another 4.
I remember hearing about this article that did a study on sleep patterns, and the ones that were best off were ones that slept in segments as opposed to a full fledged day followed by your typical 8 hours of sleep.
Might have to look into that one, but obviously it wouldn't be practical for most workplaces. Perhaps we should move to Mexico or Spain where they practice Siesta.
There are theories that we aren't supposed to sleep in 8 hour increments. For a long long time people slept in like 4 hour periods, be awake for one hour, then go back to sleep for another 4.
from my understanding of the levels of sleep you only need about 3 hours of REM sleep, but it takes about 8 hours to get that.
There are theories that we aren't supposed to sleep in 8 hour increments. For a long long time people slept in like 4 hour periods, be awake for one hour, then go back to sleep for another 4.
What period was this? Are we talking cavemen lol?
I believe it was referenced a lot in biblical times and Renaissance times. I think there are some references in Shakespeare too
There are theories that we aren't supposed to sleep in 8 hour increments. For a long long time people slept in like 4 hour periods, be awake for one hour, then go back to sleep for another 4.
What period was this? Are we talking cavemen lol?
I believe it was referenced a lot in biblical times and Renaissance times. I think there are some references in Shakespeare too
too keep or not too keep :| I need the space so I should uninstall it... but I may come back to it eventually and would have to reinstall it :x oh the choices... :x
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.