US Economic Collapse?

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US Economic collapse?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Dbill
Posts: 168
By Ragnarok.Unctgtg 2011-03-09 07:58:00  
Fenrir.Eneas said:
Cerberus.Kalyna said:
I got gas the other day...
3.59 per gallon

heard that California has it at 3.95 per gallon

i *** hate this country!

lol thats still cheap gasoline you are gettting compared to what we pay over here.

Don't blame obama, blame those that rule him. Congress runs this country not Obama, he is just a puppet.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Terminus
Posts: 3351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2011-03-09 08:23:49  
Bahamut.Paulus said:
I hope there is enough gold in Fort Knox for a rainy day. ><!

You're joking right?

Ifrit.Arawn said:
I wonder what the total amount of money that the US is spending outside of the country on peacekeeping operations and aid to underdeveloped nations and to fight terrorism.

It wouldn't surprise me that if we ended up not spending all of that money we'd be able to start posting black numbers in the coming years. Of course, we'd have to go back to isolationist doctrine.

Would suck for some countries in the world. It'd save the citizens of the US a lot of headaches though.

This is what I love about all the people hate the US. "Leave everyone alone!" "Worry about your own ***!" <something bad happens> "America where are you!!!?!?? Give money!!!?!"

Notably, I remember the earthquake in Chile and was really happy when they basically said, "naw, we got this." I was so happy for some country to stand up and (finally) say that.

Phoenix.Degs said:
One thing I really believe is going to happen very soon is the formation of, not only the North American Union but more "continental unions" all over the world, following suit of the EU.... its already begun (not counting the EU) with the Union of South America, and the African Union...

I really dont want these to happen, but its probably inevitable, and it will be the only way of the countries of the world, including ours, of actually surviving...

That's really unfortunate, and I (like you) hope you're wrong. I see some of the more serious and deeprooted problems arising from the fact that we're already too big. Everyone is looking to the government for some kind of leadership - hell, I'd be thrilled with some people that just don't *** everything up - but even at the state level, they are so far removed from average people's needs and ideas and lives that of course they don't get it. On top of that, because the system is so gigantic and convoluted, you hear things like what's going on in my state: Schools are out of money, and some people want to raise taxes to help them out. But, a couple years ago, we did just that, and it was supposed to raise $3 billion statewide. It raised $6 billion. Sweet... except no one knows what happened to the money. State officials are at a loss to explain it... yeah guys... oops, just lost $6 billion. Oh well - who wants to go to Subway for lunch today?


Asura.Arkanethered said:
Isn't it awesome that most of them are exposed to more radiation from a pack of cigs than a lifetime next to a clean reactor?

I also heard that an ocean crossing in a plane exposes you to huge amounts of radiation as well. Nuclear (done right) is a big step up from where we are. But I wonder - nervously - about the related waste. We struggle enough with disposing of it, and nuclear power makes up a very small percentage of our total power generation. So while I think it's good and part of the solution, it can't be the whole solution. (Barring fusion.)

----(This is where I almost replied to Spicyran)----

Sylph.Cossack said:
Its not just the government, its not just the big corporations, the blame doesn't even rest fully on the shoulders of the lazy,dumb *** drooling idiots that go out and vote their government check, the blame really lies a little broader. In truth, until the american people get over their sense of entitlement, their fear and rapacious lust for security at any cost and especially lay down their HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE ill-placed sentimentality for doomed causes then we're not likely to progress. To put it simply, we've become fat lazy and soft. I support out country going belly up, its the first step to ***canning all these worthless social programs and government bureaucracies. Its time for uncle sam to get his foot off our neck.

For sure! More and more, I think about systemic solutions to our problems. And while hitting the reset button does feel a lot like giving up, it's also obvious the our system, our "leaders" and our laws are just plain not cutting it. I am with you in that it's all just "too much," but even if not, am I supposed to believe that while the last XXXXX number of bills intended to fix it all didn't work, this next one!!!! will? No, that's crazy.

And here's just my little take on some of what's going on, in the world, and in this thread.

Hey Democrats: stop blaming Republicans for everything - you aren't exactly pristine in your reputations or free from failure.
Hey Republicans: stop blaming Democrats for everything - you aren't exactly pristine in your reputations or free from failure.
I (as a more politically conservative person) would rather work for an honest, caring, open minded Democrat than an average Republican. But, the problem I have is that I don't really see very many. (and the same goes for the Republicans.) It's all just a shitstorm of currying favor, making promises to other powerful people, and playing games within a system that was set up with the idea being that most of the players were "good guys," when in reality the vast majority are not.

Also, think about what we're asking for - or at least what I am asking for. I am not even looking for a government that I can be proud of or pleased with. I'm just looking for something that's not entirely a *** mess, which is a far cry from happiness. It's not that I am tired of throwing money at rich people with no connection to me, who then shuffle it through a disgustingly inefficient system, and for it to come out the other end and go to people who are without fail, not like me. Tired of it. Yes, yes, we need to help people. Fine. But I am not exaggerating at all when I say that I am afraid that people living off of the government can live significantly better than I do. But, even if I would take the money, (I wouldn't,) I can't. I am giving people money I don't know, will never meet, and don't come close to caring about my money so they can live better than I can. *** fantastic.

Is there a limit to post size? I had better go...

サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Larodar
Posts: 5
By Gilgamesh.Larodar 2011-03-09 09:29:04  
Ragnarok.Unctgtg said:
Don't blame obama, blame those that rule him. Congress runs this country not Obama, he is just a puppet.

Congress doesn't rule a thing. The United States of America is Not a true Democracy.

Our money is printed by the Federal Reserve, a private corporation, who congress is not permitted to audit. It has shareholders who profiteer by manipulating our economy and telling us when and with whom to go to war. The Great Depression was even engineered so JP Morgan could bail us out with fiat money and make us completely dependent on the central bank.

Rothschild family controls bank of England thanks in large part to the Battle of Waterloo. After US wins the war of 1812, UK bankers decide they can just own us financially when we submit to a private central bank.

Rothschild family funded Jp Morgan, Andrew Carnegie (Steel),Edward Harriman (Railroads), Cecil Rhodes (Diamonds), John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil), own mining giant Rio Tinto etc.

This group, including Paul Warburg aka Daddy Warbucks of Annie fame, pushed for Federal Reserve Act during Woodrow Wilson's presidency (google Jekyl Island Georgia).

After consolidating power there, they created the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations. In a location donated by a Federal Reserve shareholder and in meetings overseen by Rockefeller, the who's who of US politics/military/media/scholars/businessmen decide the course of action for the nation. Last presidential election we had only one or two nominees out of almost 15 running that were not members of the CFR. Presidential appointments (cabinet) come from this pool. Even worse, Reuters and AP who dictate what news we see are owned by Federal Reserve shareholders. Congress/Democracy are fraud, a facade as they are either CFR members directly or bought by lobbyists working for CFR interests.

The CFR would have us all believe it is a benign think tank looking out for our best interests. You can visit their webpage ( or youtube them (CFR). Brian Williams trying to convince me that the CFR is awesome reeks propaganda, look for yourself.

Lincoln tried to print Greenbacks that were not from the central bank. JFK tried to print non Federal Reserve notes as well. After LBJ took over he quickly did away with Kennedy's non reserve notes saying that silver was too valuable to use to back the dollar thus ending our last attempt at freedom.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jesi
Posts: 576
By Lakshmi.Jesi 2011-03-09 09:55:21  
Fenrir.Terminus said:

But I wonder - nervously - about the related waste. We struggle enough with disposing of it, and nuclear power makes up a very small percentage of our total power generation. So while I think it's good and part of the solution, it can't be the whole solution. (Barring fusion.)

This is why we can't have nice things.