Merit Pt: Great! - Level Sync P.. *warps* GM Jail..? WTF D:?

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Merit pt: Great! - Level sync p.. *warps* GM Jail..? WTF D:?
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サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 02:04:07  
So like. .My account has been suspended today and will be suspended til 3/26/09. I'm being accused of RMT action. Total Bullshizz! [Thought I'd not go cursing fully lol].

Had a GREAT Merit pt! Then Disbanded, ran back to Whitegate, and get another level sync party in Valk about a half hour later, while talking to a few peeps in {/Say} around the Entrance square to Al Zahbi. We were mentioning some crap about the sites that still have NOT been takin' care of by the Special Task Force, even though they were given MORE than enough complaints about the sites that are still up, and being used in {/tell} mode.

I mentioned the one that comes up ALL the time about every day to me, in {/tell}, Brogame. My friend mentioned IGE and somethin else, but his char was not suspended or put on "suspicion of Real Money Trading" Actions.

I can understand that theyre TRYING to crack down on RMT stuff, but they hit the wrong person! I haven't done anything!! Its like, you cant mention it at all. In tell mode. In your Linkshell. In your party.. I mean, really..? Is this what SE has come down to? They'll get you for saying it. But can't crack down the website that's been given to them, OR the players that have been complained about for buying/selling the same products over and over and over again?


WHHHHYYYY? D= so bleh, you're thoughts..?
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Daimos
Posts: 1202
By Shiva.Daimos 2009-03-22 02:07:26  
I get those /tells too, discussed it with ls mates... but never been jailed from that... its absurd
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Omnitank
Posts: 210
By Fenrir.Omnitank 2009-03-22 02:13:00  
Special-Needs Task Force To the Rescue!
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
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By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-22 02:19:39
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So what exactly were you accused of doing?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Omnitank
Posts: 210
By Fenrir.Omnitank 2009-03-22 02:24:29  
Promoting RMT websites it sounds like, either that or selling her virtual body.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 03:13:49  
I was actually just talkin to some friends outside the shell currently, about how Brogames is one of the big names I see A LOT from tells I receive. Some see it way too much as well. IGE i hardly ever hear of these days, but know its up and still running. Just mentioned some crap about how they give these lulz coupons for $5 off your damn purchases.

And out of no where, a few min later, I end up getting sent to GM jail. ;_;
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 03:14:57  
They think I'm a real money trader, and was "purposely" promoting RMT sites. If that's the case, since they KNOW about the sites, why haven't they been investigated? Or is it that Square-Enix is really THAT weak against company's? Sure sounds that way to me!
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-03-22 03:18:49  
The OP said:
IGE and somethin else

Gotta be They're the ones always telling me.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-22 03:21:20  
Elkanah said:
They think I'm a real money trader, and was "purposely" promoting RMT sites. If that's the case, since they KNOW about the sites, why haven't they been investigated? Or is it that Square-Enix is really THAT weak against company's? Sure sounds that way to me!

Has to do alot about international copyright laws and who upholds them

China doesn't uphold any international copyright laws, hense why RMTs base themselves there.

So, SE can't really do anything because of China.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-22 03:22:09  
It's *** that you were jailed for this, if they'd actually examined our whole conversation as they should have it would be clear that you weren't talking about actually buying gil.

But unfortunately, I'm pretty sure SE has no power outside of FFXI. Which is why you could freely admit on here as much as you like about using windower, bots, hacks, buying gil, anything you want, and you won't get touched.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Pandemonium.Knightofdragons 2009-03-22 03:29:24  
you guys talk about these sites like SE has power over the Inet, SE can't stop those Inet Sites Because we're almost completely free to do as we please on the Inet else its agaist internatural law (snuff films) Welcome to the Internet!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 03:30:12  
It just makes me sad that Not even the Special Task force has done anything about any of these small mis-haps that happen. =(
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 03:34:53  
Knightofdragons said:
you guys talk about these sites like SE has power over the Inet, SE can't stop those Inet Sites Because we're almost completely free to do as we please on the Inet else its agaist internatural law (snuff films) Welcome to the Internet!

Still yet though, I'd like to think there's something that could possibly be done to help with these crappy things that come up. Maybe investigating a lot before accusing perhaps? Is this from Russia's side of the world? "Guilty until proven innocent"? I'd like to believe that there were more than just a bunch of words being said to have some HUGE effect to gain accusations.

Or possibly an apology to the player being accused of a crime that was not commited? Something...? o_o?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 03:40:55  
I still have a few days to go before I can log back in again. Oh well, I'll be back. But if the only cure is to not say anything or mention it ever again, then I'll just do that. Just kinda frustrating I'll still get tells, and be the only person I know who gets jailed for mentioning somethin' that can't be cracked down on =l
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-22 03:43:31  
Have you tried fighting it yet?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 03:44:10  
What's funny is somethin the GM said. Was a she of course. Can see through the way she stood. But she said:

"Hopefully this little misunderstanding will be the only one that we have. And hopefully we'll be on better terms when we meet again."

I just found that hilarious. How can you be on good terms with a GM you won't even know is the person who talked to you the first time lol... But yea, just thought I'd add that in for laughs.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-03-22 03:46:35  
Korpg said:
Have you tried fighting it yet?

Why bother? If I can't sign in at all, there's no point. Fighting it would probably either make a fool out of myself for trying to do something that won't be reversed, or possibly worse.

Not worth goin through bull**** just to log back in, When I could just wait it out, and pretty much get back on when I'm allowed to on 3/26/09 @00:00.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-22 03:50:24  
Elkanah said:
Korpg said:
Have you tried fighting it yet?

Why bother? If I can't sign in at all, there's no point. Fighting it would probably either make a fool out of myself for trying to do something that won't be reversed, or possibly worse.

Not worth goin through bull**** just to log back in, When I could just wait it out, and pretty much get back on when I'm allowed to on 3/26/09 @00:00.

Because the next punishment you will receive is LM-17.

Fight it, get it off your record. It would be the best thing you can possibly do.
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 551
By Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate 2009-03-22 04:00:49  
u know what i do "HELP DESK" just report everyone of them but the GM's seem to lazy thay wont even ban them while still in the game so they spam on -_-
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-22 04:03:44  
Cardinalgate said:
u know what i do "HELP DESK" just report everyone of them but the GM's seem to lazy thay wont even ban them while still in the game so they spam on -_-

kindof hard to ban something that just deletes itself to make a new mule to spam /ts with
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Fenrir.Korruption 2009-03-22 07:18:06  
Sorry, but you cant fight it. I was temp banned for pos warp, yet I was playing on xbox at the time. So unless I'm some super genius, which I'm not, then its impossible. When I contacted SE via their web chat, they told me to talk to a GM, which I couldnt because I was banned. When I got onto the game finally and contacted a GM. They told me to talk to the pol chat. It's an endless cycle of ***. Nothing much you can do, except take it like a champ and hope they dont screw up again.
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Kindle
Posts: 458
By Remora.Kindle 2009-03-22 07:20:33  
SUE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2009-03-22 08:18:58  
GMs and SE seem to work in extremes. Long periods of extreme negligance where rmt run freely, hacks are exploited... then the Salvage bannings which I won't go into in depth, but a few innocents were hit too. Since then, the GMs have been crazy. And not in such a good way.

So botters still run around freely untouched whereas an innocent player who just talks idly about rmt is now one step away from being permanently banned. Yeah, REALLY fair.

I hope all of this gets wiped from your record, it's absolutely ridiculous.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Ragnarok.Metalgears 2009-03-22 09:10:24  
yea ive gotten them also in ragnorok server weird
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Chaossoul
Posts: 51
By Fairy.Chaossoul 2009-03-22 09:23:55  
Two of my friends, my best friend IRL and my linkshell leader to be specific, were both banned for a similiar reason. They were both told that an "Improper Data Flow" made it appear as though they were using 3rd pty software in order to act in RMT transactions... In other words... some GM got bored and banned someone to make themself feel better... you likely got hit with the same thing...
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2009-03-22 09:25:48  
I just found that hilarious. How can you be on good terms with a GM you won't even know is the person who talked to you the first time lol... But yea, just thought I'd add that in for laughs.

they have a standard rubric of responses etc. he/she was most likely looking for the "GM appropriate" response to "player is Q.Q about verdict GM issued.... how do i let them down easy".


Because the next punishment you will receive is LM-17.

Fight it, get it off your record. It would be the best thing you can possibly do.


if i remember correctly this isn't close to the first time your "special" behavior has gotten you into a misunderstanding. You do NOT want to start running up a rap-sheet with the GM's. You know when they do the player appreciation campaign and it says "you have Q.Q'ed to a GM XXXX many times"? sometimes when making a GM call my friends will rotate between the one whos called the least and the one whos called the most just to lulz at how absurdly differently they are treated.

Get the situation taken care of because if you get too many "hi im slow it was a misunderstanding"s under your belt im willing to bet NEXT TIME the GM is going to go "hmmmm 4 instances of retardery???? B&
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2009-03-22 09:29:23  
P.S. <3 Elk XD
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-03-22 09:52:59  
Korruption said:
Sorry, but you cant fight it. I was temp banned for pos warp, yet I was playing on xbox at the time. So unless I'm some super genius, which I'm not, then its impossible. When I contacted SE via their web chat, they told me to talk to a GM, which I couldnt because I was banned. When I got onto the game finally and contacted a GM. They told me to talk to the pol chat. It's an endless cycle of ***. Nothing much you can do, except take it like a champ and hope they dont screw up again.

i got the whole speak to POL speak to a GM cycle thing so i got a REF number from a GM called them up and chews there *** out then asked for a supervisor, btw GM helpdesk is most times in the same office as POL helpdesk. demand to speak to a SGM or supervisor a POL. know your rights when wpeaking to call centers etc, it is your right to speak with a supervisor when requesten, dont take any BS that the supervisor is busy, just hit them with "i have the right to speak with a supervisor when i request to" they have to up hold this right.

speaking with normal agents is what gives call centers a bad name coz they dont do ***, supervisors are the ones to talk to. if i get any BS from an agent i just say this "you know what i have had wnough of you i want to speak to your supervisor now and dont tell me that i cant i knwo my rights so put your supervisor on now" and every time i speak to a supervisor. get names and site location, all calls are recorded too.

phone them, demand a supervisor imediately, tell the agent nothing, just keep demanding for a supervisor. you will get one, and you can get this sorted in no time
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Frorant
Posts: 30
By Remora.Frorant 2009-03-22 10:16:40  
One time I logged on a mule that none of my friends knew about and mass /t them the whole "go to now for gil sale!" etc etc something to that effect. I didnt get a tell or anything from a GM. I guess cause nobody reported it? I assume that somebody had to of reported you for your talks for whatever reason. I don't think a random GM would /banstick unless someone reported you.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: treborris
Posts: 4
By Lakshmi.Treborris 2009-03-22 10:16:45  
Yea guys its starting to get pathetic that SE is starting to ban people and their accounts when I see RMT at least 5 of them running through Mount Zhayolm each day within a cycle of about 20 minutes mining. Its sad that SE goes after/punishes the innocent when you have actual RMT being reported and nothing being done about it.

After all the complaints and reasoning me and my friends have come up with and such a hassle just to play ffxi is that....

Is there a possibility that SE is co-operating with these gil buying companies or have their own gil buying websites in order to make money for themselves?
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