The Knights Of The Round - LS- Looking For Members

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The Knights of the Round - LS- Looking for Members
Posts: 1
By LoganPendragon 2011-04-19 19:06:19  
The name of our Linkshell is called The Knights of the Round.

We were an End Game linkshell in Final Fantasy 11 from 2005 to 2010 on the Ifrit Server. We have moved on to play Final Fantasy 14 and have been playing since the Beta.

We are a group of mature players. We do not accept cheating or botting of any kind and try and promote a family atmosphere with a focus on having as much fun as possible with as little drama as possible.

If you would like to join the The Knights of the Round in Final Fantasy 14 please fill out an application at the following website:

You can also talk to me in game (Logan Pendragon) or talk to Eudoian Kynasso or Yoda Oso in game if I am not on.

Thank You and have a nice day.
Posts: 302
By Yves 2011-04-19 21:28:42  
Yo! It's Yves! How's the wife's writing going? Hope you're all doing well and give my regards to the crew!

For those on Trabia, Logan runs a great crew and the group is welcoming and friendly. Having run with them back in the day on Ifrit they are more than fair and always a good time.

Keep it realz, homeskillet!
Posts: 117
By AquaRegia 2011-04-20 15:51:46  
Mmm... don't remember the LS on Ifrit, though I had to quit 11 to avoid flunking out college right before ToAU came out (was in TTK).
Posts: 38
By jmarkle 2011-04-25 17:05:26  
Good luck guys!
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Posts: 1
By Zigguraut 2016-11-23 15:23:30  
I know you people where is the guild portal now