LOL awesome dude :D
Yeah the prices are bit wonky at the moment.
Trying to find that happy medium between what was Worth "X" On Diabolos is now "+X" on Siren and vice versa.
Prices of triggers for NMs varied.
Before the merger King Tiger Hides were down to like maybe 50K? Less?
Now they're back up to 130K!?!?!?
As for the crappy healing in Aby parties. Occasionally you'll find a good solid Alliance you can stick with for a few hours.
But for the most part, they tend to be 18 people:
6 of which are AFK or just scripted their jobs.
6 of which are ALL Key ***
(and it seems customary to wear either Formal Wear or RSE to show you're the Key ***)
6 people busting their ***.
That's why I don't even bother with the alliance parties anymore.
I do perfectly fine Soloing pages
(if I'm high enough level)
Duoing/Trioing pages
(if you want to go faster)
or put together an LS party of six, maybe one or 2 of them are leeching exp to level subs or finish off jobs.
Less of a headache, you know everyone's got your back, and you can just kick back on vent and joke the whole time without the nub frustration of some of the "special people" you find in alliance parties.
As for Nice People report:
Can't remember the name
(wish I could) but Saturday night Me and LS mates were exping/boot farming in Attowah. I was looking for WHM feet. Low and Behold, someone nearby shouted "WHM do you need it"
Shot them a tell, and got my boots.
Wish I could remember the name. Love when people don't let things go to waste and shout to see who needs.
Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
Booooo I has the next two days off!
Well morning sunshine! At least you have the next few days off.
I work for a University... so this week is commencement.
UGH. The whole place is a bustle... yet I have nothing to do.
Wish I could've taken the week off.
Anywho... its 9am and I needs my coffee!!!