Attn: Beastmasters! Survey! Take It Now :P

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Attn: Beastmasters! Survey! Take it now :P
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Caelestis
Posts: 157
By Bahamut.Caelestis 2011-09-08 14:14:42  
I dont understand seeing mobs like Hanuman, Karkinkos, and Chloris on this list...does this mean if we end up getting one of these mobs we will get a pet that will mimic (to some extent, of course) the actions of these NMs or just get a standard jug pet that resembles the way these guys look (aka the unique pink-like appearance of Chloris, for example)

Anyways, seeing mobs like Scorpions (awesome DD potential due to the TP moves they naturally possess) Slimes, Opo Opo, and another potential THF-like mob in Hippogryph...any of these 4 i would consider a win if we get one.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-09-08 21:03:22  
opoopo would be a great pet, they have very high evasion
and the other abilities that have been stated in previous posts
By 2011-09-08 21:27:36
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By Raborn 2011-09-08 21:55:45  
I'd like to see alot more jug options for BST open up (in particular the entire list). BST previously was stuck with basically 2 jug pets the crab or the cactuar and even still the crab far outlasted all the other jug pets. Seeing how SE seems to be pushing away from BST being able to use their charm ability I'd like to see either a lot more jug pets become available or for charm to be altered so it has some effect outside of a < 1 second bind effect, along with a revamp to bsts other abilities to help them more effective in battles or battlefields. Most NMs are unaffected by bsts ability list, which has been a prime reason for bst being looked down on for such a long time during events in the end game area.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2056
By Bismarck.Rinomaru 2011-09-08 21:58:01  
I want a Toad...
Posts: 25
By Choerilos 2011-09-09 12:49:43  
Already replied on the official forums but I would love that gold scorpion a lot. Maybe as our most heavy hitting pet.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Aydindril
Posts: 9
By Siren.Aydindril 2011-09-12 12:59:43  
I posted this on the original forums too, but I feel this about sums up my position on the topic.

サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: batboy267
Posts: 203
By Phoenix.Darkwizardzin 2011-09-13 13:36:07  
Well beastmaster the votes have been tallyed and it now comes to this:

Man, tons of votes up in here!

After looking over each and every one of your posts, it's a super super close call between:


Please vote on one or the other and let's see which pet comes out on top

Close contenders are below:

So you'll have to vote once more to find out what you will get: Ruszor or Slime.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: batboy267
Posts: 203
By Phoenix.Darkwizardzin 2011-09-13 16:13:53 one cares?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Spook153
Posts: 92
By Bahamut.Samsonxiii 2011-09-14 11:18:23  
Why is everyone not choosing Slime?

The built in -DT that slimes possess will be killer.
Posts: 1261
By esdain 2011-09-14 20:51:53  
Malboro. Gold eyes or red eyes. NOT THE RED BODY FROM TOAU AREAS! Just the red eyes like Capricious Cassie and Voluptuous Vivian.

Voting Hippogryph if Malboros aren't possible. Their THF eva with the EVA magian axes would rock socks. Plus they're THF! Maybe Dipper Yuly and it's THF stuff could be retired. Majestic large Hippogryphs > girly ladybugs.

Ten points to Hippogryphendore!

Seriously. Slime and Hippogryph. Nice defense pet. Nice evasion pet.

...and Malboro.
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サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-09-16 09:10:52  
Looks like scorpion is winning, with ruszor close second.

I wanted to see opo-opo! :(
Posts: 14
By smalltown 2011-09-17 01:34:25  
Ruszor> Scorp...... Anyone who thinks Scorp is going to be this big power house dd pet is in for a rude awakening. We are talking about SE here..... They will give it bad accuracy and mediocre damage output. Ruszor has good tp moves to make it worthwhile.
Hippogryphs would have been the safest bet. Thief job type, good tp moves and looks good but since nobody really voted for them then Ruszor will get my vote.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Choerilos
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Choerilos 2011-09-18 07:30:46  
smalltown said: »
Ruszor> Scorp...... Anyone who thinks Scorp is going to be this big power house dd pet is in for a rude awakening. We are talking about SE here..... They will give it bad accuracy and mediocre damage output. Ruszor has good tp moves to make it worthwhile. Hippogryphs would have been the safest bet. Thief job type, good tp moves and looks good but since nobody really voted for them then Ruszor will get my vote.

You do know that Ruszor (or any other pet for that matter) could also be nerfed to hell. No clue why you would think this would only happen to Scorpion. Ruszor could (for example) either have heavily adjusted Ready moves or just have several cut as a whole. If we look at possible nerfs then there is no best choice, since everything can be ruined easy enough.

High damage for scorp is also somewhat justified by the lack of enfeeble moves it has, compared to most pets. But whatever wins, we won't know what we really get (or if it will be any good) until we actually get it.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2011-09-18 08:16:15  
Phoenix.Sehachan said: »
Looks like scorpion is winning, with ruszor close second.

I wanted to see opo-opo! :(

Yeah my initial choice was hanuman if it got decent spells, but seeing as that pick was low on votes I went with Scorpion.

Seriously tho the fact that SE is even giving us an option to tell them what we'd like (even if it is via an intermediary like Camate) is such a step in the right direction.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-09-18 08:19:45  
Btw, what's the difference between scorpion and scolopendrid?(other than colour..)
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Caelestis
Posts: 157
By Bahamut.Caelestis 2011-09-18 09:03:27  
Besides the fact Scolopendrids get regain when earth weather is in effect, i dont think there is any difference them or the regular scorpions, i do hope im wrong however if we do in fact end up getting the gold version (or at the very least...include Sharp Strike/Death Scissors in the Ready list...)
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2011-09-18 09:42:37  
Phoenix.Sehachan said: »
Btw, what's the difference between scorpion and scolopendrid?(other than colour..)

Other than having regain effect I'm not aware of any differences between the two. Aside from color obviously.

Edit: yeah having the reply sitting there for almost an hour b4 you hit post won't insure you'll answer 1st :)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Choerilos
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Choerilos 2011-09-19 12:45:03  
Scorpion won! I have no idea how to link Camate's post in here like OP did so I will just post a LINK to the thread.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Valmur
Posts: 3642
By Cerberus.Valmur 2011-09-19 12:47:42  
That's good figured idiots would of voted for yet another mandy, so +1 to my day.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: ronson
Posts: 621
By Carbuncle.Ronson 2011-09-19 13:02:34  
Hippogryph 100% if not ill settle for the scorp

BUT here is my main concern!

CAN you please change the fact that beast has to loose his pet when he zones even tho most pets last a super long time,zoning in killing something with dipper yuly for TH III and loosing her zoning out isn't dam cheap!

If summoner keeps its pet i want to keep mine :(...(when smn zones,even tho they can smn unlimited pets,derp yo)

after stating the above i feel SE are trolling me with da smn.

that is all
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 43
By Leviathan.Goldengreg 2011-09-20 05:10:15  
So while I'm struggling with my new CreditCard to buy the f**ing crystas, it seems that Scorpion won the survey.

No active character = not allowed to log in FFXI forums >.<
I'm sure I could have make Ruszor or Hyppo win >.<
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サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-09-20 12:49:25  
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 43
By Leviathan.Goldengreg 2011-09-23 06:07:00  

I'm emobst because I wanted jugs of uncharmable creatures so much.
Hyppo and Ruszor were my choice not because of their stats, but their rareness. Would have been fun.