Rapture LS Recruiting

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Rapture LS recruiting
Posts: 3
By IchibanMars 2011-10-03 21:42:34  
Rapture LS is currently recruiting experienced and new players.

We are an experienced and long standing LS in Wutai. blah blah blah. Here's the deal I've worked very hard on this linkshell and I plan to continue that for a long time I care about my members and I care about success.

Rapture's goal is to attract a friendly and humble community. We are currently recruiting new and mid-game players to help strengthen social relations and battle oriented expertise on this server which I think many of us can agree is lacking. As a member of Rapture players will meet other experienced/mid-level/starting players from a variety of backgrounds from mining to thaumaturgy and everything in between. Member's will also be able to participate in end-game events provided they meet the games requirements for them.

Rapture's raiding core is also recruiting members. Our raiding core consists of a close knit group of proven players with various accomplishments and even more goals still. Our criteria for recruitment is based on classes, skill level, and attendance and subject to a one week trial period. Members or the raiding core are constantly pushing the bounds of FFXIV team potential. One particular achievement was the recent and consecutive wins of the Dzemael Darkhold speed run without the use of battle regimens. Members of Rapture's raid core can expect frequent end-game events and even more frequent player formed end-game conquest missions.

If you are interested please visit our forums at: rapturexiv.enjin.com/forum

Thank you for your time ^^ See you on Wutai.