My sam doesn't have capped haste but I use a bullwhip belt and ace's mufflers. Oh, and an unkai sugemino and a hoard ring.
Is all I see when you post.
When did unkai Sugemino and hoard ring become bad? D:
I think he was more implying that there's neither 5-hit, nor capped haste (even for a 450 delay assuming he's using that). I suppose if you ws in exactly what you tp in, or use only rana and ALWAYS get 2 hits landed, that would be 5-hit.
I don't care if people don't have the greatest gear. I care when I know they HAVE better gear, or the ability to get it easily, and refuse to wear it. 5/5 aurore? No a HUGE deal to me (honestly, ill probably just laugh about it to my roomate). 5/5 aurore with 90 kannagi? Ok, now I know you can put forth the time and effort.... KU