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By 2018-09-24 16:53:01
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-24 17:02:35  
Afania said: »
Do people really reject Mont WAR DRK for wave 3 and take a cor (thats not mule nor friend) in pre omen gears with zero shooting/magic set?

I doubt It, lol. Friends or mule doesn't count.

Don't even have to answer yes, it's redundant, asura.
Posts: 2413
By Nariont 2018-09-24 17:31:26  
On asura as a dd if you dont glow you dont go unless you have an aeonic
By clearlyamule 2018-09-24 17:52:44  
Borealis drk do you need it?
Posts: 8809
By Afania 2018-09-24 18:10:11  
DirectX said: »
Not sure where the pre omen bit comes from either.

Because the original discussion was a returning player asking which job to play that get them into endgame content as fast as possible. And my original point was a new cor without af+3/relic+3 will not compete with a cor with these things, thus not getting invite because another guy with better gears takes the slot. It's the same as any DD, better geared/stronger DD gets a slot.

It's completely in line with the origional discussion.
サーバ: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-09-25 02:56:19  
Kinda depends on group too.

I run with a group that has plenty of good CORs, to the point where I almost never play it myself in events despite having Empy gun, good melee/shooting/WS sets (i.e., able to 1-shot Divergence statues), Regal neck, etc. I'm almost always more useful on something else that we have more of a shortage of just because it has gotten to the point that everyone tries to gear a melee via an OK COR, or maybe a Dunna GEO.

On the other hand, we could often use an extra WHM in almost any endgame activity (or at the very least, we could work with that and allow someone else to switch to notWHM) - Yagrush is always nice, but a newer player who cures quickly and pays attention is pretty much always viable too. Solid 3-song BRD is also generally always something we can find room for since we aren't loaded up with 4-song Honor March BRDs (though this is def YMMV based on group, if you run with 3 other 100% RMEA instrument BRDs, they'll obviously be preferable); and if you want to make yourself more valuable it has never been cheaper to fund a Ghorn. For picking up some extra jobs to add to your niche coverage, stuff like SCH or RDM are sometimes useful even without excessive gear requirements (though these are less mandatory for the majority of endgame).

Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
gobbie box reward
Lately, I very rarely see Divergence stuff, but since this month's update I'm suddenly seeing a noticeable number of Sealed Container NM pops - which I never saw before and which made me curious.

Following up on this post from a week ago, I'm even more convinced that SCNM pops are showing up at too high of a frequency for me than could be explained by purely random luck. I'm not even opening gobbie box on most mules in the past week, and have seen several more SCNM pops - which I almost NEVER saw before (maybe never got a single one) in months of opening boxes on 18 characters.

It is apparent to anyone who opens a lot of boxes that the current rate of Void/Shard Divergence items is not as high as it had been in previous months, and it looks pretty likely to me that this month has seen a marked uptick in SCNM stuff. I'm gaining confidence that this was an unannounced tweak - perhaps monthly percentage adjustments for certain classes of items (kinda along the same lines as the transparent monthly changes to login point items, Ambuscade rewards, campaign events, etc.)
サーバ: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2018-09-25 03:36:52  
I think that has always be the case, that SE manually tweak the pool % from gobbie box after every patch, or after some patch at least.

I've seen so many times people reporting to receive recently added pieces from the gobbiebox, multiple times, and then suddenly nobody gets anything.

It was pretty obvious with Shards/Voids, before that I remember it happening when they added SU3 gear (Kendatsuba etc), with those pieces popping pretty often and seeing lots of people/friends/myself reporting that on the month right after they were added.

Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's bias, but I think there's a thin line connecting all of this, just like you tried to say.
Posts: 8809
By Afania 2018-09-25 10:18:12  
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Kinda depends on group too.

I run with a group that has plenty of good CORs, to the point where I almost never play it myself in events despite having Empy gun, good melee/shooting/WS sets (i.e., able to 1-shot Divergence statues), Regal neck, etc. I'm almost always more useful on something else that we have more of a shortage of just because it has gotten to the point that everyone tries to gear a melee via an OK COR, or maybe a Dunna GEO.

This. The entire reason why I know cor aren't going to hand people easy invite is because of what Anza said here.

For very very long time, RUN was job I played the most in 2016-Omen era. And for very long time I played RUN for majority of VD run too. I start bring cor to VD post Omen after I got significant WSD in savage set from AF+3 body and regal neck. At that point I feel I could replace one of (out of two) top end rema DD and pt efficiency still increase.

If cor didn't hit certain level of dps, a pt with tank, DDx2, brd, geo, healer will be more preferable than dd+cor setup. Because just roll isn't enough dps increase over using 2nd DD.

Then hep sapara+1 and relic feet released. So tank, DD, cor(with all the newest gears) brd geo whm setup became so much better than ddx2 setup because cors dps became so damn close to a real 1h DD like blu with brd buffs, and dia4/sam roll pushes pt efficiency above ddx2 setup. Before cor get those new gears DD x2 setup is roughly equal or maybe even better than DD + cor setup.

So personally, I'm not seeing how a new cor with minimal gear could get invite in VD without friends...unless you are lucky that a DD without cor mule tries to use solo multi step strategy AND shout for a cor in VD. And even then I bet the spot would be full immediately.

And even with strong savage set, in VD cor still has less weight than a tank or mage. I run VD frequently, and it's so much easier to control the outcome of the fight on a mage job so I can silence/bind/CC things. On cor I'd have to rely on another person to do it.

Cor only really really became a very strong job with more weight since dyna became relevant endgame, IMO. And that's after the player obtained strong leaden set, multiple tier of acc set, strong hybrid set with multiple acc tiers, and significant amount of dyna D experience. A top end cor is extremely valuable in dyna D, probably in the best position I've seen after 10 years of maining the job. But returning player aren't going to do this content nor have gears for it.

On the other hand, minus smn zerg aeonic, whm is relevant in every content, and carries more weight with lesser gears. If I'm gearing a brand new character from scratch, the first thing I'd do is play whm in ambu D/VD in minimal gears for fast gil. I dont think there's another job that's as effective as whm in terms of getting the job done with minimal gears. Certainly not cor.

Since OP said he has connections, maybe cor could work for him. But his friend has to be extremely nice to invite him on cor to things like VD imo. In past 1 years I've pt with a total of 1 roll only cor in VD. 99% of time the spot is taken by another lsmate with at least above avg gears, and omen/escha/aeonic/relic+3 gears. On the other hand I literally invite whm in any gear level to VD and never give a damn. Some people has minimal endgame experience too. They just need to spam cure macro when people in yellow hp.
By 2018-09-25 12:57:02
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By Afania 2018-09-25 14:11:37  
DirectX said: »
Afania said: »
So personally, I'm not seeing how a new cor with minimal gear could get invite in VD without friends..
The problem is... noone has said this. You're arguing with yourself as usual.

Wasn't even arguing with you, I was agreeing with Anzas opinion on cor not having tons of invite opportunity and the discussion was just answering Ops question about newbie friendly jobs, by providing in depth pov on current state of the jobs in minimal gears, and which gear are required to get invite in higher ilv content.

chill. Dont know why you react so strongly from every post when others just share their opinions in a discussuion. Nobody is even "arguing" here, nor I quote your post at all.

you take things way too personal if you feel like replying a post defensively when I was quoting and agreeing with Anzas opinion.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2018-09-25 15:09:32  
This is 100% weapons grade bolognium:

DirectX said: »
Savage Blade, no RMEA COR can do even the current hardest content (T3 Dynamis D bosses) and parse well

Also, OP was asking about a starting job for a returning player. Dynamis D bosses is not part of the question.

Asura.Misakune said: »
Since my main focus was going to be BLM and SCH, I'll probably level GEO since it basically needs two sets of gear in addition to all of the blm/sch gear I will already have.:(

This is a good idea. Just make sure you start your coalition assignments asap. This way, by the time you're ready to get into more serious content, you have the option of making an idris.

If you decide not to make one, having maxed out coalitions is still needed to get SoA +1 ring, so it's not a loss.
By 2018-09-25 15:11:55
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By 2018-09-25 15:15:20
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By Afania 2018-09-25 15:20:21  
DirectX said: »
There is nothing personal with pointing out that noone argued to the contrary of what you are saying. If you are aware of that then the random points you are making are just completely random and odd.

Yeah, someone asked "what job should I play as new player" and another person said "you should not play X, here is my personal experience with X"

God forbid I made a follow up point of "you should not play X because (reasons), but if you have omen/dyna D gears you can play X, that's when the job start to get good. And X is really good in dyna D with those gears"

Geez, the point of the forum is to.....use It? Not everyone post it for the sake of fighting to win an argument.

People talk about personal experience because Ops question is directly tied to individual experience and not about math and fact. Dont know why you have a problem with people sharing their experience on getting invite on cor in endgame.
By 2018-09-25 15:33:37
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By Afania 2018-09-25 15:48:50  
DirectX said: »
Afania said: »
God forbid I made a follow up point of "you should not play X because (reasons), but if you have omen/dyna D gears you can play X, that's when the job start to get good. And X is really good in dyna D with those gears"
That's no more true than it is for other jobs though, hence it is an irrelevant point. The point of a forum is to discuss things, absolutely, but it's frustrating when it so often is completely non sequitur like this;

Hence I wrote an essay saying personal experience in detail.

I mean, ffxi is complicated with multiple gear sets and content, each content has different requirement too. And everyone also has VERY different playing experience based on who they play and interact with. Gear and job requirement for each player will be vastly different for everyone.

Is it entirely possible that a new cor get into "endgame" with low end savage set? Sure.

But keep in mind that it will not happen on everyone and anyone. If we just give one dimensional answers like "cor only needs (lowend) savage set". Fat chance is that he may try to join endgame that needs different set, and not ready for it. In the long run he ruins his own rep and everyone else's time.

And yup, I've seen spark gear cor joined my D/VD PUG before, when I shouted for DD(cor). And I blame people who keep saying "nobody care about cor dps" everywhere online.

That being said, I don't aim for absolute max geared members in every content too, they are certainly not necessary. I certainly don't care about melee sets if a melee set-less cor join my ranged pt, and vice versa. I don't care about high acc set in ilv 139 content with a brd, and I don't care about DD sets in a SMN pt either. You don't need every set on cor, but you do need to know when you will need those sets and avoid joining pt without them.

So for a new player, it's easier for them if they understand what kind of content that they are safe to bring cor to and what kind of content they should avoid until they have better gears.

All of my posts above covered essential points below:

1)Roll only cor is ok for friends and ls pt, not so much for PUG.

2) a cor really needs high level of wsd in savage set to be effective in 6 man ambu pt because there's limited spot available for DD, and their dps + roll needs to match 2nd DD.

3) multi step SC setup is an exception for 2), but it's not easy to get a slot as cor in such setup.

4) for dyna D etc, cor needs way more sets than just savage.

I believe with a more detailed reply like this(more than just "you only need a savage set"), a new player will have better understanding of where they can bring their cor to event based on what they have.

And IMO, THAT is useful for new players considering gearing up cor as 1st job. So they can make better decision on gear set prioritization and what content to bring cor to.
By 2018-09-25 16:06:18
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By Afania 2018-09-25 16:12:34  
DirectX said: »
Afania said: »
If we just give one dimensional answers like "cor only needs (lowend) savage set".
Literally noone said that though. You're still not getting that.
My post was about bare minimum required on COR and the ability to achieve that bare minimum vs the bare minimum required on other jobs. The word "can" was the key word in my original post.

This will go round in circles until you realise that you and other posters literally made this ***up and started arguing against it.

Nobody was making an argument that cor is easier or harder to gear v.s 21 other jobs in game to begin with.

We simply stated community expectations on a cor who tried to join a pt, that's different from whether you "can" clear or not. And in many cases, "I have a lowend savage blade set" doesn't always work in other people's eye was our point.

DirectX said: »
I still believe it is harder, more expensive and costlier to gear a melee DD like SAM or WAR to the same level of usability and desirability as COR too. You probably could Monte+1 all T3 bosses down, but ain't noone going to do that out of choice.

Yeah, so you are allowed to make a point of "nobody will pick a mont+1 war Because they have better choice".

But others are not allowed to make a point of "nobody will pick a cor with low end savage set because they have better choice".
By 2018-09-25 16:14:23
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By Afania 2018-09-25 16:18:16  
DirectX said: »
I have no idea why you keep interjecting things that noone has said. Where did "lowend" come from? You literally just made that up and interjected it...

Ok so the cor in your example has top tier savage set. But the war in same lv of gear can't get invite.....what?

So you are comparing a well geared cor with strong savage set v.s low end GS WAR? Or high end GS war? You keep saying war in mont +1 isn't getting invite to endgame, implying they have bad overall gear. Of course the cor who compare with it should use low end gears too.

This comparsion makes no sense at all. If the war that you talked about has as top end gear like cor with strong savage set, they can both get into endgame.....

DirectX said: »
It's clear you're not going to get this

Yup, never understand why every new player like to say "oh DDs are hard to gear I'm gonna avoid it" then on the same time they go "cor is so easy to gear". Its certainly very different from my(and many others) personal experience.
By clearlyamule 2018-09-25 16:33:55  
So like my will my sparks dd cor get an invite or what?
By 2018-09-25 16:37:40
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By Afania 2018-09-25 16:48:38  
DirectX said: »
In the same quantity of time, effort and money that it would take to gear COR to a usable and desirable level I do not believe that you could gear other DDs to the same level of usability and desirability (>>>NOT ONLY DUE TO GEAR BUT ALSO THE FACT MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO PIMP A DD AND COR CAN BUFF ALSO<<<).

I already addressed this......

Afania said: »
Nobody was making an argument that cor is easier or harder to gear v.s 21 other jobs in game to begin with.

I mean, seriously, read the last page, not one single post tried to compare how fast one can gear cor v.s 21 other jobs. We only made a point of community often expect quite a bit of gears on cor....

This is your first post:
DirectX said: »
I'd just do COR really. Savage Blade, no RMEA COR can do even the current hardest content (T3 Dynamis D bosses) and parse well as well as providing buffs.

Then people disagree(or at least feel your answer is too simple and one dimensional) with your opinion that cor can do the hardest content and feel they need to add additional info by saying this:

Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
And the answer is:
COR is easily one of, if not the, most demanding jobs to gear properly. A roll only COR can fill the need for samurai roll, but that's still relying on the benevolence or desperation of the person inviting them. A good COR needs much more than a savage blade setup.

Or this:

Foxfire said: »
Right, that's what I said.
I was just trying to stress the fact that just getting roll gear and a savage blade set doesn't make you a corsair that "can do even the hardest content and parses well". Just like every other job, it's much more complicated than that - especially with their relatively starved accuracy issues on the higher end (from what I remember, I'm no COR).

Then you called others taking your argument out if context and changed your opinion from

"Savage Blade, no RMEA COR can do even the current hardest content (T3 Dynamis D bosses) and parse well as well as providing buffs. "


"In the same quantity of time, effort and money that it would take to gear COR to a usable and desirable level I do not believe that you could gear other DDs to the same level of usability and desirability (>>>NOT ONLY DUE TO GEAR BUT ALSO THE FACT MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO PIMP A DD AND COR CAN BUFF ALSO<<<)."

When they were just adding additional info.

Then you decided to start a fight with me when I was agreeing with Anzas post with additional info and wasnt talking to you? Where did all that came from? Why do you feel like every single posts made by other people are fighting you when we are not?

Not one single person made a point of cor being harder or easier to gear v.s other jobs here except you.

Saying community often expect a cor to have more than savage blade set in endgame is not the same as saying cor has same/harder gearing difficulty than all other DD. What people are saying in this thread didn't even contradict your point about DD job gearing difficulty(which wasn't even your point in your 1st post). you are just replying because you thought people are saying you are wrong and feel like you gonna fight until the end.
Posts: 150
By Dazusu 2018-09-25 17:19:38  
so happy there's a block function on this forum D;
By 2018-09-26 00:53:30
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By Afania 2018-09-26 01:40:39  
DirectX: I'm not gonna reply to your post again.

2 posts later....

DirectX:I'm not gonna reply to your post again. I'm really not gonna reply again. I'm gonna block you so I don't reply again.....

You can't resist can you.....:D.

If you can't resist relying to my posts then don't quote my posts when I was replying to another user >.>
Posts: 1109
By DaneBlood 2018-09-26 08:36:59  
Does ConMP trigger on the price of a cure before or after the payback from ebers pants?

aka cure cost =100mp, kick back is 80
Conmp triggers on the 100hp and reduces price with 28% lowering it to 72
kick back is 80 (caps at spell cost so only 72) so the cure was free

Prices is the 100 - the 80 kick back = 20
ConmP triggers on that 20 prices and only reduces that cost wit 28% so the final cost is 15mp ?
By 2018-09-26 09:04:03
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By DaneBlood 2018-09-26 09:32:42  
DirectX said: »
Can't say this scientifically but I am sure I get free cures on WHM sometimes so it might be the first?

Yeah im pretty close to it too u gess ican go sit dow nand do the math.

I just needed to know so i know exactly how much to value conmp
If its before the kcick bakc conmpa is WAY more effective than if its after
Posts: 1030
By Foxfire 2018-09-26 14:57:28  
ConMP triggers first, Ebers effect is based on the original cure cost.

Same thing for occult accumen and conMP.
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