I am (slowly) trying to get all my mules up to level 99 to do trove. They are all on the same account so dualboxing is out of the question. Which of the current login campaign ciphers are worth getting? Assume I only ever have 4 trusts at a time and my focus is leveling a war.
First DPS slot should always be
Shantotto II for 300 points this month, she's literally twice as good as any other DPS trust in the game (the one time I parsed random leveling sessions she was doing 60%, so she might actually be 3x as good?)
Next three slots go to one tank, one healer, one more dps:
Valaineral is the best tank because he opens encounters with Uriel Blade to be a dps too, and he's free from RoE starter objectives
Apururu and Yoran-Oran both are lightyears better than any non-Unity healer option before Monberaux, both free from joining a Unity which you have to do anyway for Silver Vouchers - if you time out for the week and lose them, login still doesn't get you anyone significantly better than Kupipi for low-level use
Semih Lafihna is free at Rank 3 and gets Sidewinder at level 1 so she'll be second best dps basically always
Even if you did get the fifth slot, you would just use either Zeid II or Halver, who are free with RoV 1-17 and Rank 3 respectively, since Zeid hits like a truck and Halver gets Penta Thrust like Semih gets Sidewinder.
If you care about them long-term, get them all for the +trust level key items eventually, but the 100 pointers are all borderline useless. The only niche cases I've ever used any of them for are Ullegore/Teodor, who never miss with melee attacks no matter how underleveled you are, and Karaha-Baruha, who is a healer who also casts Haste 1 but heals way less well than the Unity trusts over long durations.
tl;dr: Shantotto2 at all times levels 1-98, 300 points this month, don't skip her, ignore everything else for your use case