How Do You Feel About Windower?

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How do you feel about Windower?
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サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Leviathan.Symbol 2009-05-13 21:43:40
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Ludoggy said:
Bojack said:
Xxnumbertwoxx said:
God Lu you're such a *** lol

Naw, he's just too busy building his post count to read posts longer than a paragraph. lol XD

Ok...reading threw the thread once again. I see this.
*#$^ you!
Why do you guys think its my goal to get high post count?

Because you are special to them o.o
your posts make me laugh lol, I have no prob with em
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Leviathan.Symbol 2009-05-13 21:45:50
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Dasva said:
Shirai said:
Look at the back of your skull now and you'll see the GPS tracking device. They're probably on the way now...and better believe they're bringing the ban hammer. lol

Believe it!!!

I just found the chip.... says...
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-05-13 21:53:21  
Jaerik said:
Windower is illegal under the Terms of Service. is illegal under the Terms of Service. So is Allakhazam, so is Killing Ifrit, so is using any site, tool, or program not written by SquareEnix that decompiles, references, or in any way republishes any of SquareEnix's intellectual copyright, including any and all item, character, or mission data. Even posting screenshots is against the Terms of Service, unless taken via the in-game screenshot feature which watermarks SE's copyright over the top. Writing any fan fiction, derivative works, roleplaying, etc, is all against the Terms of Service. Letting any other player log into your account, ever, for any reason, is a violation of the Terms of Service.

I could go on. The point is, every single one of you, everyone, is or has violated the ToS at some point. Not a single one of you, especially none of you posting on this site, has any right whatsoever to accuse any other user of "breaking the rules." Period.

The only thing that matters is money. SquareEnix reserves the right to ban you for a ToS violation, but they are not required to, and they won't waste their time (or money) enforcing it unless it makes business sense to do so. In other words, the only thing that matters is if a particular 3rd party utility is causing more people to quit the game than continue playing it. It is the duty of 3rd party developers, and users of 3rd party tools alike, to not make SE lose money. doesn't make SE lose money. Allakhazam doesn't make SE lose money. And neither did Windower, until enough of you started bitching enough to force SE to do something about it. So your desperate Appeal to Authority on this matter is inherently circular.

That's it. That's your entire pretentious, vaunted claim to morality in an online game. "Is the continued use of this utility making SquareEnix lose money?" If it isn't, and you continue to play the game anyway, then whatever tortured logic you use to personally determine what is "cheating" and what is not is completely and utterly nullified. Nobody cares, and neither does SE. Go whine somewhere else.

^ this right here ends it all
By 2009-05-13 22:05:30
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"or in any way republishes any of SquareEnix's intellectual copyright, including any and all item, character, or mission data."


He said SE, and intellectual.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Leviathan.Symbol 2009-05-13 22:05:56
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Dubont said:
Jaerik said:
Windower is illegal under the Terms of Service. is illegal under the Terms of Service. So is Allakhazam, so is Killing Ifrit, so is using any site, tool, or program not written by SquareEnix that decompiles, references, or in any way republishes any of SquareEnix's intellectual copyright, including any and all item, character, or mission data. Even posting screenshots is against the Terms of Service, unless taken via the in-game screenshot feature which watermarks SE's copyright over the top. Writing any fan fiction, derivative works, roleplaying, etc, is all against the Terms of Service. Letting any other player log into your account, ever, for any reason, is a violation of the Terms of Service.

I could go on. The point is, every single one of you, everyone, is or has violated the ToS at some point. Not a single one of you, especially none of you posting on this site, has any right whatsoever to accuse any other user of "breaking the rules." Period.

The only thing that matters is money. SquareEnix reserves the right to ban you for a ToS violation, but they are not required to, and they won't waste their time (or money) enforcing it unless it makes business sense to do so. In other words, the only thing that matters is if a particular 3rd party utility is causing more people to quit the game than continue playing it. It is the duty of 3rd party developers, and users of 3rd party tools alike, to not make SE lose money. doesn't make SE lose money. Allakhazam doesn't make SE lose money. And neither did Windower, until enough of you started bitching enough to force SE to do something about it. So your desperate Appeal to Authority on this matter is inherently circular.

That's it. That's your entire pretentious, vaunted claim to morality in an online game. "Is the continued use of this utility making SquareEnix lose money?" If it isn't, and you continue to play the game anyway, then whatever tortured logic you use to personally determine what is "cheating" and what is not is completely and utterly nullified. Nobody cares, and neither does SE. Go whine somewhere else.

^ this right here ends it all

It wont, there are many still who will never understand.
You are NOT Supposed to use a windower other than the SE one
You CAN use it
You CAN get banned
You CAN get a warning
Nobody will care what you do in your game life , unless you abuse of these things windower has...
/end thread please
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Slamm
Posts: 308
By Asura.Slamm 2009-05-13 22:43:24  
Luignata said:
Windower gives an unfair advantage to those that play the game, straight and simple. That is against the ToS. Saying that Windower is harmless would be a lie, it's advantages in macros, recast, distance, all are distinct advantages in the game, and it's not meant to be played like that.

SE considers Windower illegal and will punish those caught with it. The fact that it can't be traced easily is the only reason they haven't banned for it yet. Get out now before we come across another Salvage incident.

this is excactly what someone with no idea wtf they are talking about will say

1st almost all of the basic windower plugins are coded into the game, both console and pc, SE just dont show it right now.

why? because they are lazy, people enjoy the game more seeing distance or having recast easily viewable, if SE made it available more people would keep paying for the game who play on consoles.

people said light luggage was a cheat, then SE does their version which is worse btw and now people are fine with it >.>

obviously it wasnt a cheat even when SE hadn't given it to us.

stuff like speed hacking is bad, being able to see party members tp is something that should be in the game in the first place, and SE just too damn lazy to do 5mins of coding.

and for people getting punished, yeh how many people on the windower forums openly display all their info in game and real life, if SE really didn't like windower most of those people would be banned atm.

by saying windower is bad SE don't have the pressure to update the game with stuff like distance themselves, so they have less work to do.

windower keeps a lot of PC players from quitting the game, SE knows this.

it is like how they deal with rmt, sure they ban loads of people for it, but how many obvious rmt still get away with it?

only difference is windower is only as bad as the player, if the player uses the basic plugins it doesnt harm anyone, however if the player gets a bad non approved plugin from a 3rd pt site, like some of the fface fish bots and ***then its obviously bad.

companys just want money, windower plugins make more people play which makes them more money, they aren't going to do anything major against windower people ever..
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Neowrath
Posts: 24
By Bahamut.Neowrath 2009-05-13 22:51:53  
Bojack said:

There's 5 types of people in those math classes:

- The students that understand math and do perfectly well or above average without a calculator.
- The students that have trouble grasping the concept and don't care enough to put any effort into it.
- The students who have trouble grasping the concept but do perfectly well or above average with the assistance of a calculator.
- The students that understand math and can do perfectly well or above average without a calculator, but still use one because it simplifies the process.
- The students that have trouble grasping the concept and still cannot manage to do well even with a calculator.

In FFXI there's pretty much the same 5 types of players:

- The players who understand the game mechanics and do perfectly well or above average without windower.
- The players who don't play very well and don't care enough to put any effort into it.
- The players who don't play very well but do perfectly well or above average with the assistance of windower.
- The players who understand the game mechanics and can do perfectly well or above average without windower, but still use it because it simplifies a lot of things.
- The players that don't play very well and still cannot manage to do well even with the assistance of windower.

You left out one of each...

- The students that kick *** at math and would rather make a calculator compute something than waste five minutes of their lives showing their goddamn work just because some idiot teacher doesn't believe how awesome they are.

- The players who understand the ***out of game mechanics but would much rather have all 12~16 gear slots change with the press of one macro instead of 2~3 macros because SE didn't have the foresight to see that six macro lines was ***.

I fall into both of those categories. You know how my jobs perform, dork.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Amara
Posts: 286
By Garuda.Amara 2009-05-13 22:55:17  
O.o 5 pages since I went to bed 10 hours ago... we're still discussing this? Has anyone come up with a solution to my AP radar problem?....
By 2009-05-13 22:56:26
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サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-05-13 22:59:03  
Bartimaeus said:
I just have no filters on, detect npc and pc. It seems to work fine for me, Amara. :/

This apradar is this one of the newer plugins (I still use 3.24 cause well it works I dont really care for most plugins they clog the screen and look tacky as hell) and whats it do exactly?
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Amara
Posts: 286
By Garuda.Amara 2009-05-13 23:02:03  
It's actually different from windower, it's not a plugin, I have to start it up seperately. But it brings up a map on your screen, since I play in windowed mode and only full screen when I'm using the controller. This map can show HP, distance, aggro range and has little dots of all the mobs in range of you, with or without names, and also shows party members and NPCs. As well as showing trail markings and ???s that widescan doesn't show.
By 2009-05-13 23:03:10
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サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-05-13 23:04:25  
Bartimaeus said:
Edit: nvm, wutshesaid. ^ :x

It's a third party program. It's mainly a map program. It also doesn't show mobs any further than you can see with radar or tab, usually. Not as far as a normal widescan though.

So it could help you see a tablet though instead of tabbing alot?
By 2009-05-13 23:06:39
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サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Amara
Posts: 286
By Garuda.Amara 2009-05-13 23:07:29  
Yes it could, but if it happens to be in an area with a lot of mobs, I find that... AP radar becomes pretty much useless there's just a mass of text in the area you are. If it's in a more open spot, then yes it would for sure show you where the tablet is. Main thing I use it for is Nyzul or just for getting around without having to open map ingame. Though there are some floors in Nyzul that apparently don't have maps so it's just a clusterfuck of names way down on the bottom of the screen and totally useless.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-05-13 23:07:39
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Slamm said:
Luignata said:
Windower gives an unfair advantage to those that play the game, straight and simple. That is against the ToS. Saying that Windower is harmless would be a lie, it's advantages in macros, recast, distance, all are distinct advantages in the game, and it's not meant to be played like that.

SE considers Windower illegal and will punish those caught with it. The fact that it can't be traced easily is the only reason they haven't banned for it yet. Get out now before we come across another Salvage incident.

this is excactly what someone with no idea wtf they are talking about will say

1st almost all of the basic windower plugins are coded into the game, both console and pc, SE just dont show it right now.

why? because they are lazy, people enjoy the game more seeing distance or having recast easily viewable, if SE made it available more people would keep paying for the game who play on consoles.

people said light luggage was a cheat, then SE does their version which is worse btw and now people are fine with it >.>

obviously it wasnt a cheat even when SE hadn't given it to us.

stuff like speed hacking is bad, being able to see party members tp is something that should be in the game in the first place, and SE just too damn lazy to do 5mins of coding.

and for people getting punished, yeh how many people on the windower forums openly display all their info in game and real life, if SE really didn't like windower most of those people would be banned atm.

by saying windower is bad SE don't have the pressure to update the game with stuff like distance themselves, so they have less work to do.

windower keeps a lot of PC players from quitting the game, SE knows this.

it is like how they deal with rmt, sure they ban loads of people for it, but how many obvious rmt still get away with it?

only difference is windower is only as bad as the player, if the player uses the basic plugins it doesnt harm anyone, however if the player gets a bad non approved plugin from a 3rd pt site, like some of the fface fish bots and ***then its obviously bad.

companys just want money, windower plugins make more people play which makes them more money, they aren't going to do anything major against windower people ever..

Welcome to 10 pages ago. Try again after you've read the rest of the thread.

Windower = Illegal, a fact that can't be argued. That's all the justification you need to NOT use it.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-05-13 23:09:09  
Where do I get this thing sounds like fun to play with and it helps on that one ENM too hmm
By 2009-05-13 23:09:10
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サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-05-13 23:17:29  
Bartimaeus said:
Amara said:
Yes it could, but if it happens to be in an area with a lot of mobs, I find that... AP radar becomes pretty much useless there's just a mass of text in the area you are. If it's in a more open spot, then yes it would for sure show you where the tablet is. Main thing I use it for is Nyzul or just for getting around without having to open map ingame. Though there are some floors in Nyzul that apparently don't have maps so it's just a clusterfuck of names way down on the bottom of the screen and totally useless.

When it comes to specific mobs, I use the filter panel. Works wonders :X Parse out mobs by text "strolling" or "strol", or only include names like "Dune Window, Giant Spider". :P

I don't know exact link, but forums on has it. It's a godsend for Sheep ENM

Wow that sounds like awesome at least soem of the time ill have to "not" try it out with the windower im "not" using
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Amara
Posts: 286
By Garuda.Amara 2009-05-13 23:18:05  
Luignata said:
Slamm said:
Luignata said:
Windower gives an unfair advantage to those that play the game, straight and simple. That is against the ToS. Saying that Windower is harmless would be a lie, it's advantages in macros, recast, distance, all are distinct advantages in the game, and it's not meant to be played like that.

SE considers Windower illegal and will punish those caught with it. The fact that it can't be traced easily is the only reason they haven't banned for it yet. Get out now before we come across another Salvage incident.

this is excactly what someone with no idea wtf they are talking about will say

1st almost all of the basic windower plugins are coded into the game, both console and pc, SE just dont show it right now.

why? because they are lazy, people enjoy the game more seeing distance or having recast easily viewable, if SE made it available more people would keep paying for the game who play on consoles.

people said light luggage was a cheat, then SE does their version which is worse btw and now people are fine with it >.>

obviously it wasnt a cheat even when SE hadn't given it to us.

stuff like speed hacking is bad, being able to see party members tp is something that should be in the game in the first place, and SE just too damn lazy to do 5mins of coding.

and for people getting punished, yeh how many people on the windower forums openly display all their info in game and real life, if SE really didn't like windower most of those people would be banned atm.

by saying windower is bad SE don't have the pressure to update the game with stuff like distance themselves, so they have less work to do.

windower keeps a lot of PC players from quitting the game, SE knows this.

it is like how they deal with rmt, sure they ban loads of people for it, but how many obvious rmt still get away with it?

only difference is windower is only as bad as the player, if the player uses the basic plugins it doesnt harm anyone, however if the player gets a bad non approved plugin from a 3rd pt site, like some of the fface fish bots and ***then its obviously bad.

companys just want money, windower plugins make more people play which makes them more money, they aren't going to do anything major against windower people ever..

Welcome to 10 pages ago. Try again after you've read the rest of the thread.

Windower = Illegal, a fact that can't be argued. That's all the justification you need to NOT use it.

Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it shouldn't be done... Gay relationships not even talking marriage are illegal in some countries... that doesn't mean I'm going to tell my fiance "I'm sorry I can't be with you anymore it's illegal!!" Marijuana is illegal didn't stop me from smoking, doesn't stop people now from smoking, infact some places are seriously considering legalizing it.

I think you're just butt hurt because either you don't run FFXI on pc, or don't know where to get windower from. If people chose to use windower, that's their choice, there is absolutely not reason for you to get on your high moral horse and tell us all we're cheating. Yes it is possible to use windower to run other programs which allow you to cheat. But in most cases people use it to provide them data they and YOU can already obtain just by using ingame commands. Or for asthetic purposes and music choices... Personally I haven't listened to ingame music for 4 years... it got freaking annoying after the first 2, so now I use windower to filter out that ingame crap and play what I actually want to listen to.

I use windower because now I can SS chat log, which means I can make awesome sigs of my epeen dmg and me killing people when charmed. Or I can SS drops for the LS I'm in. As memories down the road when I chose not to play any longer. I also use AP radar mainly because I'm way too lazy to open the map window.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-05-14 00:40:37  
Luignata said:
Slamm said:
Luignata said:
Windower gives an unfair advantage to those that play the game, straight and simple. That is against the ToS. Saying that Windower is harmless would be a lie, it's advantages in macros, recast, distance, all are distinct advantages in the game, and it's not meant to be played like that.

SE considers Windower illegal and will punish those caught with it. The fact that it can't be traced easily is the only reason they haven't banned for it yet. Get out now before we come across another Salvage incident.

this is excactly what someone with no idea wtf they are talking about will say

1st almost all of the basic windower plugins are coded into the game, both console and pc, SE just dont show it right now.

why? because they are lazy, people enjoy the game more seeing distance or having recast easily viewable, if SE made it available more people would keep paying for the game who play on consoles.

people said light luggage was a cheat, then SE does their version which is worse btw and now people are fine with it >.>

obviously it wasnt a cheat even when SE hadn't given it to us.

stuff like speed hacking is bad, being able to see party members tp is something that should be in the game in the first place, and SE just too damn lazy to do 5mins of coding.

and for people getting punished, yeh how many people on the windower forums openly display all their info in game and real life, if SE really didn't like windower most of those people would be banned atm.

by saying windower is bad SE don't have the pressure to update the game with stuff like distance themselves, so they have less work to do.

windower keeps a lot of PC players from quitting the game, SE knows this.

it is like how they deal with rmt, sure they ban loads of people for it, but how many obvious rmt still get away with it?

only difference is windower is only as bad as the player, if the player uses the basic plugins it doesnt harm anyone, however if the player gets a bad non approved plugin from a 3rd pt site, like some of the fface fish bots and ***then its obviously bad.

companys just want money, windower plugins make more people play which makes them more money, they aren't going to do anything major against windower people ever..

Welcome to 10 pages ago. Try again after you've read the rest of the thread.

Windower = Illegal, a fact that can't be argued. That's all the justification you need to NOT use it. is illegal, and yet, you are still using it....
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2009-05-14 00:54:16  
Korpg said: is illegal, and yet, you are still using it....

As do many employees of SquareEnix, who's day job still mainly consists of banning people for doing just that.

What about if SE used something "illegal" like to identify and ban RMT? Would they then have to ban themselves?

Is this the part where everyone's head explodes?
By 2009-05-14 01:05:22
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Dear god...

You divided by zero didn't you?
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-05-14 01:05:45  
lol.. Naah. B/c SE's above the law.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Alijah
Posts: 264
By Fenrir.Alijah 2009-05-14 01:13:27  
Jaerik said:
Korpg said: is illegal, and yet, you are still using it....

As do many employees of SquareEnix, who's day job still mainly consists of banning people for doing just that.

What about if SE used something "illegal" like to identify and ban RMT? Would they then have to ban themselves?

Is this the part where everyone's head explodes?

User submitted image
By 2009-05-14 01:16:30
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haha I was waiting on that one to come up.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Slamm
Posts: 308
By Asura.Slamm 2009-05-14 01:17:59  
Luignata said:
Slamm said:
Luignata said:
Windower gives an unfair advantage to those that play the game, straight and simple. That is against the ToS. Saying that Windower is harmless would be a lie, it's advantages in macros, recast, distance, all are distinct advantages in the game, and it's not meant to be played like that.

SE considers Windower illegal and will punish those caught with it. The fact that it can't be traced easily is the only reason they haven't banned for it yet. Get out now before we come across another Salvage incident.

this is excactly what someone with no idea wtf they are talking about will say

1st almost all of the basic windower plugins are coded into the game, both console and pc, SE just dont show it right now.

why? because they are lazy, people enjoy the game more seeing distance or having recast easily viewable, if SE made it available more people would keep paying for the game who play on consoles.

people said light luggage was a cheat, then SE does their version which is worse btw and now people are fine with it >.>

obviously it wasnt a cheat even when SE hadn't given it to us.

stuff like speed hacking is bad, being able to see party members tp is something that should be in the game in the first place, and SE just too damn lazy to do 5mins of coding.

and for people getting punished, yeh how many people on the windower forums openly display all their info in game and real life, if SE really didn't like windower most of those people would be banned atm.

by saying windower is bad SE don't have the pressure to update the game with stuff like distance themselves, so they have less work to do.

windower keeps a lot of PC players from quitting the game, SE knows this.

it is like how they deal with rmt, sure they ban loads of people for it, but how many obvious rmt still get away with it?

only difference is windower is only as bad as the player, if the player uses the basic plugins it doesnt harm anyone, however if the player gets a bad non approved plugin from a 3rd pt site, like some of the fface fish bots and ***then its obviously bad.

companys just want money, windower plugins make more people play which makes them more money, they aren't going to do anything major against windower people ever..

Welcome to 10 pages ago. Try again after you've read the rest of the thread.

Windower = Illegal, a fact that can't be argued. That's all the justification you need to NOT use it.

so what if its 10 pages ago? a point is still a point

ill say it again >.>

windower is only as bad as the player, if the player uses the basic plugins it doesnt harm anyone, however if the player gets a bad non approved plugin from a 3rd pt site, like some of the fface fish bots and ***then its obviously bad.

that is the main thing people should understand, if u find out your friend uses windower, hes the same friend as b4, same good guy.

now if its a bad person and u find out, good chances is they use some of the unsupported bad plugins

and last time i checked the windower devs don't allow any kind of bot or other very bad plugin on their site, pretty sure they never will.

and i have a busy life on weekdays only 4 hrs of free time a day, id rather not read 10 pages and pass out at work >.>
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Alijah
Posts: 264
By Fenrir.Alijah 2009-05-14 01:23:34  
Shirai said:
haha I was waiting on that one to come up.

I pretty much lurk every forum I can, just waiting for the chance to use it.
By 2009-05-14 01:34:14
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サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Amara
Posts: 286
By Garuda.Amara 2009-05-14 01:37:06  
But I like yelling at walls... they don't fight back so I'm guarenteed to win!!
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