[Gungnir] Stormlight

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[Gungnir] Stormlight
Posts: 15
By LiminalityOdin 2012-04-20 15:13:46  


Stormlight of Gungnir

First off, I'd like to personally thank you for taking the time to view our recruitment post! We are all friends, if not a small virtual family.

Stormlight's Homepage: http://stormlight.guildwork.com

We just recently moved from our home on Enjin to Guildwork. So, work is still underway.

Just to answer a few common questions you may have, here are a few we've compiled and answered for you.

What is Stormlight's main focus?
Endgame! Although the game is very casual at the moment, our focus will be to tackle new content as it is released.

What events do you do?
Everything from leves to NMs to raids. There is a DKP system in place for future content if the need to implement one arises; however, we will attempt to avoid DKP for as long as possible. More information below.

What's the deal with DKP?
We intend to avoid use of DKP through a strict recruitment process. Stormlight is intended to be a small group of mature friends that know when to pass and when to lot.

How many members do you currently have?

We currently have 17 total members in the shell (21 including mules). Our current goal is 20-25 members, each of which is on equal footing. When we say equal, we mean there is only the shell creator who can give out pearls. Everyone is on equal footing and all opinions are equal with no set hierarchy. All of our members are active. Many of us have school, jobs, and families. So. although we require members to stay active, real life commitments are expected and not discouraged!

FFXIV Pro: http://www.ffxivpro.com/linkshell/Gungnir/Stormlight/

Are there rules?
Not many, but some you need to be aware of:

We are adult oriented.
We will not tolerate any seriously offensive comments to other members.
Each of our members are a representation of Stormlight and, as such, we wish to maintain a good standing with other Final Fantasy XIV players and linkshells.
Mumble/Vent access for all endgame events

What if I need to contact a member, and they are not online?
The best way is through the public forums, everyone checks them daily.

Finally, where do I sign-up/apply?

To apply, please fill out the application.

Application: http://stormlight.guildwork.com/recruitment

The main thing to remember is that we are all hear to enjoy the current and future of Final Fantasy XIV Online. So, please... enjoy the game and consider joining our ranks. Thank you.
Posts: 6
By Meatdawg 2012-04-23 10:32:57  
If you are Galka you get my vote!
Posts: 2
By Gortox214 2012-04-23 14:22:17  
I've grouped with several Stormlight members back in the Mysidia era, solid group of mature players.