Ok, it's time for me to come out.
I've been pretending to be a chick that got pregnant and then... No wait, wrong topic, but nonetheless I will get a lot of heat for this (I'm sure, lol).
I'm a proud BLU that always wants to sub WAR, eats red curry and hates being stuck in the mage party. I mostly offhand the Str/atk Shikarghar, yeah. BUT...
I also own a 2/4 Khadga... And honestly guys, I love it. It's so much fun, ws frequency is doubled with it, really. I know Proth and Night ran all the possible math you can ever run with it, and I sincerely respect all the feedback they always give, but the Khadga has it's uses.
I rarely use it in abyssea, where I usually use Apoc and Alpha&Omega atmas, in VW I also tend to prefer the str/atk, unless I'm stuck with 2 blus and they want me to set ALL the procs possible, leaving almost no room for traits ( I usally /nin in those cases).
Lately I've been doing a LOT of dyna, and I always offhand 2/4, it's the best choice for what I'm doing. Why? First off, I'm /dnc, so instead having 10DA + 5 TA I only set 7ish DA. Second, I'm not Tping in Tocy/Thaums (working on the second) because the 2tick refresh is so important there, and that's another 3 DA & 3 TA gone, leaving not so many multi hits per round. Third, I'm with a THF and a MNK, and we bi-shot all mobs (DC mobs) with skillchain: CDC + VS, or Exenterator + CDC, or CDC + Amorphic, so the WS frequency for me is much more important as most of our damage relies on skillchain.
That being said, Shikarghar > Khadga, no doubt about it, but it's a fun sword, you should all really try it, it's definitely worth it if you're a dedicated BLU.
Ok, unleash hell :)