is physical, No luck with any Pet attk/mab ring/earring's, waiting to buy a summoning earring and sadly no neo salv gear/neo limbus yet.
I'd use Shedir Crackows over relic+2 less Marduck crackows +1 give more attack to beat the Shedir Crackows BP DMG(3%)+SMN skill but highly doubt it.
Magical is pretty much speaking for itself even with new neo gear that give's any +MAB/MACC/Skill including magian staves etc, sure there's tweaks for it but works fine for me atm till I can snag some Arch / Salv gear. Shocked not much has changed for back/head/neck.
Love to see any changes that can be done (again minus neo gear lol) always nice to see more dmg in BP's! ^_^