The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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By Afania 2018-01-15 07:26:51  
Asura.Chiaia said: »
Afania said: »
It turns out that crit+10 beats DA+10 for melee white damage build. swap in crit neck/Hetairoi ring/QA+3 herc hands results in 6% increase in Melee DPS, which is pretty nice against certain NM.
Next level min-maxing here lol did you some how get wardrobes 5-10 already?

Well I don't craft, and I have like, no more than 3-5 gear sets for most other job ._., with 0-2 pieces of ja macros .___. So I still have a little bit more space ._________.!!

Most of the time I just grab an ambuscade set/universal gears for mage/heavy armor jobs and get it done. They happened to be good enough for things and useful on more than 1 jobs.

Compare with many endgame players, I have more relaxed/casual attitude toward this game, so does my ls and friends. We rarely require super elite jobs with 30 gear sets for anything. So being "bad" at a job without multiple dedicated gear sets isn't a big deal to me. For serious endgame players with 10 jobs and multiple REMA/HQ/+3/JA macros/situational swaps I guess they will have more inv issues.
By Afania 2018-01-17 17:25:46  
Since there are some adjustments to Ranged TP set recently and guide isn't updated, decided to spreadsheet and post currently possibly BiS (excludes DM augment) Ranged TP set for all weapon and WS with notes for those aiming to build BiS sets.

Keep in mind that since lanun +3 hands isn't added to spreadsheet yet, I kinda just guesstimate the hand slot.

Also worth noting, due to the gear set price and complexity, a good Ranged COR is far more expensive/harder to build than a good melee COR. However in Escha with buffs a good Ranged COR is definitely on par with RNG with all the triple shots and TP overflow ws dmg boost.

Fomalhaut TP - Last Stand
Fomalhaut TP is very simple: Since Last stand dmg scale with TP overflow, once acc is capped, stack as much TS(if it's up) and STP gear as possible and push the WS avg/SC dmg higher with TP overflow.

Lanun Gants +3 is amazing in that way since every QS proc results roughly 10% increase in ws dmg with SAM roll up, and they proc 50% of time. Even without spreadsheet to confirm I bet they are BiS hand for last stand TP.

If TS is not up, we stack as much STP as possible anyways, hopefully the Sam roll and stp gear is enough to push it to 3 hit.

Favors Chaos/SAM roll, and SJ /WAR.

Triple shot up:
ItemSet 355056

*Rune kris may be potentially better with refresh and capped attack due to STP, but IMO Kustawi +1 is overall better mainhand in most situations.

*Back augment: AGI/racc/STP

Triple shot down:
ItemSet 355588

DP TP - Leaden Salute

DP TP is similar to Fomalhaut Last Stand, stack as much stp as possible and push TP overflow and leaden Salute damage.

For some reason I am getting oshosi HQ body beating empyrean body. Im guessing it's because leaden scales more with TP overflow so the extra stp on oshosi body out weight higher TS proc rate.

If not closing darkness SC, favors Wizards/SAM roll, SJ /BLM or /DNC.
If closing darkness SC, change wizards to allies and /DNC.

Triple shot up:
ItemSet 356191

*STP+10 back piece.
*Use Hep Rapier +1 as 2nd weapon if /DNC
*This set does not have 4 hit if SAM roll is removed, I suppose you can swap feet to Adhemar D for stp.

Triple shot down:
ItemSet 356190

Armageddon TP - AM3
Armageddon AM3 TP set is a bit more complicated than both DP and fomalhaut because it depends on your WS and whether you have SAM roll up or not.

Since AM3 white damage is so high, often comes out 50:50 WS:white dmg ratio or more, it favors crit hit rate and dmg gears even if main WS is last stand.

Last stand:
Last stand favors combination of STP, crit rate and crit dmg gears. Like fomalhaut, it favors Chaos/SAM and /WAR. Meg +2 head is so good even if TS is up, just because of high deadaim on it.

When triple shot is down, body and leg slots are open to crit dmg gears as well, CD gear really pushes arma AM3 DPS high.

Triple shot up
ItemSet 356180

*AGI+30/racc/crit+10 back.

Triple shot down
ItemSet 356181

Wildfire is more tricky because this WS doesn't scale with more TP, so stp gear is pretty useless after x-hit is reached. Additionally, since WF SC with itself, in situations that you are just spamming WF it's often more ideal to use allies roll IF mob doesn't resist dark damage.

Therefore the ideal WF build involves TS up/down set with SAM roll and without.

If fighting NM that takes darkness damage well, the ideal roll would be allies/wizard and /DNC for SCBonus.

For WF sets with MAB herc legs, ilabrat ring and carmine HQ hands (192 tp return after ws), 62 stp is required in TP set to maintain 4 hit.

After reaching 62 STP for 4 hit just use as much crit hit gears in the remaining slot for white dmg.

Triple shot without SAM roll:
ItemSet 356183

*STP+10 back.

TS down without SAM roll:
ItemSet 356188

*Crit-hit +10 back.
*Since 3 hit isn't possible without SAM roll, I didn't add anymore STP than 62.

If NM doesn't take darkness dmg well, then ideal roll would be Wizards/SAM and aim for as much crit hit and white dmg as possible in TS up set, and 3 hit in TS down set for better WS frenquency.

TS up with SAM roll:
ItemSet 356184

*Assuming 4 hit is reached, crit-hit +10 back.

TS down with SAM roll:
ItemSet 356185
STP+10 back

*Even with unlucky number +7 SAM roll, this set should still maintain 3 hit. With higher number SAM roll swap out stp gears for crit-hit dmg/rate gears.

Any advice welcomed!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-01-17 19:37:09  
Afania said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »
Savage blade for me is a whiff fest, i have to sacrifice slots to stack acc or the *** misses, (Ou)

Do you have a brd? If you are doing Ou you can SV too, which should cap acc.

COR needs more attack and acc buffs than other DD to dps properly. So if you are used to setting up buffs for other DD, then it may need adjustments. SV or double madrigal is must have for cor. Otherwise you'd see cor do absolutely crap damage compare with blu or other DD. Many people claim cor do 1/4 dmg of real DD on forums for that reason.

That's the main reason why I really really rarely want to play cor unless it's my own pt or pt leader is someone that cares about cor dps. For avg under buffed PUG I usually bring 2h.

Anyone that claims COR does 1/4 the damage of any other DPS either has never played in a melee burn Aeonic shell. Well either that or their CORs were simply awful.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Xerus
Posts: 59
By Valefor.Xerus 2018-01-19 06:37:37  
I've been getting some stuff together for my COR and RNG recently, and for the 3 main magic WS among them, and during my Herculean armor augments I came into a problem; I'm not sure what is more valuable between WS Damage+% or MAB.

Primarily this leads me to, is there a way to tell how much WSD equates to about how much MAB? I couldn't find anything super useful except for the cor_ws_calculator doc, but that doesn't give me individual values to work with that I can see.
By Afania 2018-01-19 06:57:47  
It's not possible to tell because they change depending on other stats.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1,436
By Asura.Toralin 2018-01-21 12:47:24  
was working on my Triple shot and was reading this on wiki

Increases the occurrence of Triple Shot by 11%. Must remain equipped to gain this effect.

Do i need to lock this thing on like I do my feet for manawall? or... not worry about it

and triple shot gear Oshosi needs to get equipped in midcast correct?
Posts: 1,450
By fillerbunny9 2018-01-21 12:54:24  
all gear that is Triple Shot + needs to be in Midcast.

has there been testing to see what the proc rate on Relic +2/3 Hands are for Quad. Shot proc? I have been keeping an eye out for it, but not seen anything thus far.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,334
By Siren.Kyte 2018-01-21 12:56:54  
Additionally, since WF SC with itself, in situations that you are just spamming WF it's often more ideal to use allies roll IF mob doesn't resist dark damage.

To clarify, Darkness isn't necessarily dark damage- and in fact it usually isn't.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-01-21 13:18:20  
fillerbunny9 said: »
has there been testing to see what the proc rate on Relic +2/3 Hands are for Quad. Shot proc? I have been keeping an eye out for it, but not seen anything thus far.

3 pages back:
Afania said: »
Someone in my LS finished relic hands said quad shot proc rate is 50%.
Posts: 1,731
By geigei 2018-01-21 13:44:06  
50% of whatever % of triple right?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1,436
By Asura.Toralin 2018-01-21 14:03:01  
Wouldnt Triple shot be

40 base
20 jp
12 Chass Frac+1
5 Camulus
5 Oshosi Mask +1
6 Oshosi Trousers +1
3 Oshosi Leggings +1
91% Triple shot - am i missing anything?

サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,334
By Siren.Kyte 2018-01-21 14:14:56  
Fact that you added that up wrong aside, Camulus's Mantle has +5%.
By Afania 2018-01-21 15:13:45  
geigei said: »
50% of whatever % of triple right?

I am in the process of testing the hands proc rate with bigger sample size to be absolutely sure with %. Hopefully I can post the result soon.

Need to stop being lazy.....

Edit: Also now that I look back, empy body may still beat oshosi body due higher TS proc=more QS. So leaden TS TP set posted above are subject to change.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: ryoshi
Posts: 120
By Bahamut.Ryoshisan 2018-01-21 16:34:01  
Any suggestions on my WS sets?

My herc gear is augmented with +WSD 4% and MAB for Wildfire and Leaden Salute.

Last Stand herc gear has +WSD 4% and RAATCK

Working on getting Omen accessories; dont have them as of right now.

My gear sets are linked to my account.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1,436
By Asura.Toralin 2018-01-21 16:37:28  
Bahamut.Ryoshisan said: »
Any suggestions on my WS sets?

My herc gear is augmented with +WSD 4% and MAB for Wildfire and Leaden Salute.

Last Stand herc gear has +WSD 4% and RAATCK

Working on getting Omen accessories; dont have them as of right now.

My gear sets are linked to my account.
Plenty posted in the last 3-4 pages
Posts: 42
By ceinwyn 2018-01-25 12:24:20  
Hello, i've been trying to find this information, as i'm sure its been asked. but i can't find it.

Can someone explain why the WSD+10% on Fotia Gorget and Belt is not better than the MAB/AGI Necklaces or Belts?

i put everything through the calculations and i don't see it close. So i am trying to figure out what i am missing?

Posts: 89
By Marootsoobootsu 2018-01-25 12:27:40  
ceinwyn said: »
Hello, i've been trying to find this information, as i'm sure its been asked. but i can't find it.

Can someone explain why the WSD+10% on Fotia Gorget and Belt is not better than the MAB/AGI Necklaces or Belts?

i put everything through the calculations and i don't see it close. So i am trying to figure out what i am missing?


Fotias don't actually do 10% WSD. They increase fTP by .1. Which means that on high fTP WS, its increase is dramatically lower than 10%
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,881
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-01-25 12:38:26  
Depends on what you are using it for.

First, its been said many times, Fotia gear doesn't exactly raise WSD, its a mistranslation or something as it provides a static increase to fTP of 0.1.

For Wildfire, which has a static fTP bonus of 5.5, Fotia Belt/Gorget represent a 3.6% increase in damage. If you can equip matk/AGI in those slots that increase your damage by that amount, or 1.8% individually you'd be better off for pure damage using the matk/AGI.

For Leaden Salute, the bonus varies based on the TP you WS at. It's approximately 5% @1000 TP, down to 2% @3000 TP. It's arguably better to use Fotia @1000, but matk/AGI probably wins @3000 easy.

Then there is the 2% WS doesn't use TP to consider.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1,436
By Asura.Toralin 2018-01-25 20:38:11  
edit found it
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1,656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-01-25 20:44:37  
Asura.Toralin said: »
Whats the Job/Slot ingredient for the relic+2 hands? its not on wiki, goblin wont say ***
What do you mean it's not on the wiki I added every job almost 2 months ago (Dec 11th)?

Edit: 666 post yay me
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Lilmartio
Posts: 47
By Bismarck.Lilmartio 2018-01-25 22:16:52  
When I go to Reforged Armor (Relic: IL109-IL119/+2/+3) I see +2 and +3 as "Unknown", but when I click on "Were you looking for... +2 (or +3)" I see the ingredients. Not sure if I'm the only one getting this.
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: appleboy
By Seraph.Ringoko 2018-01-25 22:59:37  
Bismarck.Lilmartio said: »
When I go to Reforged Armor (Relic: IL109-IL119/+2/+3) I see +2 and +3 as "Unknown", but when I click on "Were you looking for... +2 (or +3)" I see the ingredients. Not sure if I'm the only one getting this.
You're not.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1,656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-01-26 22:15:26  
Bismarck.Lilmartio said: »
When I go to Reforged Armor (Relic: IL109-IL119/+2/+3) I see +2 and +3 as "Unknown", but when I click on "Were you looking for... +2 (or +3)" I see the ingredients. Not sure if I'm the only one getting this.
Thanks for letting me know. I've let the other admins know about it.

Also we have this thread here for reporting issues and info if you have any other things to let us know.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,334
By Siren.Kyte 2018-01-27 13:02:02  
Erm, this is old news.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-01-27 13:05:30  
Siren.Kyte said: »
Erm, this is old news.

Posts: 130
By Archaide 2018-01-29 09:37:57  
First off I am terrible with gearswap but love using it. I'm looking for a Lua that has a Flurry toggle with different preshot sets, I cant seem to find one. My ranger has a nice one but when I try to add QD and roll sets I get error city.

I tried Arislan's but it too complicated for me. I'm just looking for something simple like a Flurry Toggle, -DT toggle, Acc toggle, that's it. Anyone able to help out? Thx.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1,436
By Asura.Toralin 2018-01-29 09:50:26  
Is there a reason you dont just have it auto detect when you have flurry as a buff? then you dont need a toggle
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2018-01-29 09:57:38  
GS cant tell what version of flurry you have thats why some people have a toggle for flurry 1 / flurry 2 for different preshot sets
Posts: 130
By Archaide 2018-01-29 10:03:16  
Asura.Toralin said: »
Is there a reason you dont just have it auto detect when you have flurry as a buff? then you dont need a toggle

It's just a personal preference is all
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