The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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By fillerbunny9 2015-08-14 16:35:02  
Skirmish weapons seem to be set up differently than the Armor with regards to ease of augmentation, in that you pretty much NEED to use +2 stones to hit the top level augments, whereas NQ/+1 stones get a lot more mileage on armor. I could be wrong and talking outta my butt, but that has been my general experience with things as well as how I saw it tabled out in the past.
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-08-14 16:41:50  
Ouch, I can feel your pain, although I've done very well with 3stks of +1's. I got Acc&Att+20 for Acro gloves, RACC&RATT+20 for Taeon legs, and RACC&RATT+18 for Taeon feet. Im going to put Snapshot+5 on the feet for an all-in-one piece until I do Escha and get some Purser's gear, then i'll up the feet to 8+ Snapshot so they still serve a purpose. Legs however have the RACC&RATT+20, and crit rate+3% as their is nothingelse of use (I'd have 3%crit on feet also if I didn't need the Snapshot) and this is how SE has made Skirmish armor so they are not overly powerful - The stats you add from Dusk (in this case STR&AGL+7) are just catch up to where those stats should be. Its a bit of a rip off in that sence, although not all pieces require the additional stats when making LS/WF legs you just need the MAB & WSDMG+3% but then the AGL on them is subpar to something like Relic or Emph legs. With LS's love for AGL I'm finding I'm not wearing as much AGL as I feel I should be although I'm currently wearing the Sveltesse +1 waist for the +10AGL.

I think SE were very clever with Skirmish armors because careful checking shows that they are more like ilevel117-118 with no Job specific boosts that we would usually find. They are most likely the base 119 stats for jobs in those categories (Heavy armor, 2H DD armor, Light armor, Mage DD armor, Mage healing/support armor). Its very easy for them then for example when making a piece of armor for a RNG'd DD to up the STR and/or AGL stats, maybe the DEX&AGL stats fora hybrid acc/Racc piece, lower others. I'm most likely thinking into things far to much. Im going to CP lol
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seranos
Posts: 193
By Valefor.Seranos 2015-08-16 07:32:43  
I've always read that MACC and AGI effect QD accuracy, but see some RACC gear in LightDark Shot sets. Am I missing something?
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-08-17 08:07:38  
I bought
Valefor.Seranos said: »
I've always read that MACC and AGI effect QD accuracy, but see some RACC gear in LightDark Shot sets. Am I missing something?

I will always stick with the notion 2AGL=1MACC for QD ACC, and make sure the main hand has a 119weapon in hand due to the 188 MACC on it.

I would need to see the testing done before I used RACC over MACC for QD.

I also don't understand why SE would make sure at least one JSE piece has MACC on it if you could just use RACC instead and in higher quantities instead, but that could just be SE and their wierdness.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 684
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2015-08-17 09:48:11  
There's gotta be some partial truth to it. If you ever leveled COR during those frightful abyssea days when you could hit 99 in a few hours, using a quickdraw on something with great gear still resulted in a pathetically low shot. Once you skilled up your marksmanship (contributing to racc) you were getting less resists.

So either marksmanship directly relates to it's accuracy, or the racc from marksmanship skill attributes to it's accuracy. I'm not sure which is the case. There's probably some information somewhere that settles it.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seranos
Posts: 193
By Valefor.Seranos 2015-08-17 13:59:46  
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
There's gotta be some partial truth to it. If you ever leveled COR during those frightful abyssea days when you could hit 99 in a few hours, using a quickdraw on something with great gear still resulted in a pathetically low shot. Once you skilled up your marksmanship (contributing to racc) you were getting less resists.

So either marksmanship directly relates to it's accuracy, or the racc from marksmanship skill attributes to it's accuracy. I'm not sure which is the case. There's probably some information somewhere that settles it.

I've scoured Google and can't find anything for Ranged Accuracy. I think there have been some findings that Marksmanship Skill does help with accuracy.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-08-17 14:19:21  
This very thread has the information you're discussing if you feel like sifting through the backread.

Ultimately, yes. Marksmanship skill, magic accuracy, agility, and ranged accuracy all factor in.

Edit: Linky.
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-08-18 10:49:18  
Nothing was really said in that link regarding how RACC affects QD ACC, just the same kinda question and no1 knowing for sure.

All I know from my experiance is that I used to get resisted a lot until I have the MACC in my build that I have today based on the 2GL=1MACC for QD.

A good way to test it would be test it I'd presume would be using a non-ilevel Ranged weapon and hitting some DC/EM in escha, One would presume losing all that RACC 9if it affect QD ACC) would have an impact. I suppose it is something that I would very much like to know as I could de-clutter some COR gear if thats the case.

Need to blow off some steam;

Purser gloves dropped for my ls at the wkend, after not getting a drop from Vagary after months of it (except unlocking AF3 parts) I thought I'd be allowed them as I am on COR full-time but over half of the ppl lotted for their Ranger's Wildfire or w/e, the day wasn't going that well either, I see no sence in being rushed around, then told eactly what to do (ACC & Pet Acc rolls for T1 NM's, even on Beetle its dispel thats needed not bloody acc etc) I got put in a mixed party with a pld, bst, bst, drk, whm - and the other party had Blm Blm Blm Geo bst something. I try to make an obvious point to the leader that I should be in the blm pty, but the leader wanted buffs for his uber BST and then the LS leader threatens to kick me. I know how much LS leader's love to throw their weight around, and I very very nearly up and warped then to leave the shell myself. Lots of people want a good COR but the ls has been good to me in the past when I returned to the game ~8-9months ago so I'll take a bit of ***from certain ppl from time to time. It all started I think when I said I had to AFK for 5mins to go shop b4 ls event starts, when I come back the event leader was waiting my responce on a question I didn't even know because I was A F K, but maybe I should of read the log when I got back; only reason I didn't was becasue I had done all the NM's the evening before. Later on we were asked 'Is their a NM anyone would like to do'? so I replied Beetle again would be good, but obviously that didn't happen and I was the only person who answered also.

I feel, like I'm just used for buff's like a piece of ***. We ended with a HELM NM, and we obviously lost. Maybe the blm's would of benefitted from having a ***tonne of extra MAB and some MACC as they were getting resisted completely but hey the leader wanted some epeen BST numbers so I wasn't in the nuking party. It doesn't even matter that I have the best WS in the game on some content and can put out some pretty impressive WS numbers and SC numbers. I also feel put out because I have invested a lot of time and money into the many different gearsets we have. I think my Leaden set is exactly the same as in the guide other then I'm using a STR/AGL/MAB/MACC Doomsday.

Thats going to be the last time I have to take ***from leader's anyway, I know Escha is the thing now, so I won't be getting an Odium anytime soon, and next time I might leave the COR at home and hop onto SAM for a nice relaxing time.

Had to get that off my chest, before I go loopy and turn up either naked, or with just a Phantom roll set on because I don't think they would care.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: rada
Posts: 104
By Quetzalcoatl.Kyren 2015-08-18 12:18:54  
Sandmaster said: »
Nothing was really said in that link regarding how RACC affects QD ACC, just the same kinda question and no1 knowing for sure.

All I know from my experiance is that I used to get resisted a lot until I have the MACC in my build that I have today based on the 2GL=1MACC for QD.

A good way to test it would be test it I'd presume would be using a non-ilevel Ranged weapon and hitting some DC/EM in escha, One would presume losing all that RACC 9if it affect QD ACC) would have an impact. I suppose it is something that I would very much like to know as I could de-clutter some COR gear if thats the case.

Need to blow off some steam;

Purser gloves dropped for my ls at the wkend, after not getting a drop from Vagary after months of it (except unlocking AF3 parts) I thought I'd be allowed them as I am on COR full-time but over half of the ppl lotted for their Ranger's Wildfire or w/e, the day wasn't going that well either, I see no sence in being rushed around, then told eactly what to do (ACC & Pet Acc rolls for T1 NM's, even on Beetle its dispel thats needed not bloody acc etc) I got put in a mixed party with a pld, bst, bst, drk, whm - and the other party had Blm Blm Blm Geo bst something. I try to make an obvious point to the leader that I should be in the blm pty, but the leader wanted buffs for his uber BST and then the LS leader threatens to kick me. I know how much LS leader's love to throw their weight around, and I very very nearly up and warped then to leave the shell myself. Lots of people want a good COR but the ls has been good to me in the past when I returned to the game ~8-9months ago so I'll take a bit of ***from certain ppl from time to time. It all started I think when I said I had to AFK for 5mins to go shop b4 ls event starts, when I come back the event leader was waiting my responce on a question I didn't even know because I was A F K, but maybe I should of read the log when I got back; only reason I didn't was becasue I had done all the NM's the evening before. Later on we were asked 'Is their a NM anyone would like to do'? so I replied Beetle again would be good, but obviously that didn't happen and I was the only person who answered also.

I feel, like I'm just used for buff's like a piece of ***. We ended with a HELM NM, and we obviously lost. Maybe the blm's would of benefitted from having a ***tonne of extra MAB and some MACC as they were getting resisted completely but hey the leader wanted some epeen BST numbers so I wasn't in the nuking party. It doesn't even matter that I have the best WS in the game on some content and can put out some pretty impressive WS numbers and SC numbers. I also feel put out because I have invested a lot of time and money into the many different gearsets we have. I think my Leaden set is exactly the same as in the guide other then I'm using a STR/AGL/MAB/MACC Doomsday.

Thats going to be the last time I have to take ***from leader's anyway, I know Escha is the thing now, so I won't be getting an Odium anytime soon, and next time I might leave the COR at home and hop onto SAM for a nice relaxing time.

Had to get that off my chest, before I go loopy and turn up either naked, or with just a Phantom roll set on because I don't think they would care.

I'm still not 100% convinced that R.acc = M.acc. The tests they ran lowered Marksmanship which we already know directly effects QD dmg/acc. A test that would convince me the correlation casting is Blind 2, Geo-Slip, and other r.acc reducing spells with Marks still capped. If it fully resists then we know for sure r.acc helps with m.acc.

But that LS stuff sounds like just shitty end-game drama. It is the worst. If you can leave the LS, it is a game and you should be enjoying yourself not stressed out by it. I was lucky enough that my social LS started doing endgame stuff so I didn't have to deal with that anymore. Hope that helps.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3530
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-08-18 12:20:07  
Sandmaster said: »
I try to make an obvious point to the leader that I should be in the blm pty, but the leader wanted buffs for his uber BST and then the LS leader threatens to kick me.

If you have multiple good BSTs, you'll easily add more to the group by buffing them instead of the BLM party. That's just the way the game currently is, BST is really strong and COR buffs are incredible for BST. If your BLM party was getting "resisted completely" even with a GEO, your Warlock's Roll was not going to solve the issues there anyway. I think your LS leader was right on the decision to stick you with the BSTs.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Chroph
Posts: 81
By Phoenix.Faloun 2015-08-18 12:29:12  
Don't forget that CORs can be incredible DDs, and each one get you 2 powerful buffs.
So, 3CORs to dps get you 6 rolls(aka awesome buffs) and make all of them stronger, by synergy !

BSTx4~5+CORx1~2 ± GEOs is very good too, but 6 rolls is more fun :p
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-08-18 12:31:45  
Phoenix.Faloun said: »
but 6 rolls is more fun :p

This is FFXI. It is not about fun. It is about levels and despair.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3530
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-08-18 12:39:46  
Phoenix.Faloun said: »
Don't forget that CORs can be incredible DDs, and each one get you 2 powerful buffs.

No argument from me, but specifically to question of "do I stick this COR in the multi-BST party with at least one supposedly uber BST, or the BLM party who is getting mega-resisted even with a GEO?"... Well, I think that's a really easy decision.

Obviously the real answer is this though:
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2015-08-18 13:07:21  
As a BLM I'd prefer to have buffs from 2 GEO. I'm not picky: I'll also accept buffs from SCH, SMN, or COR but languor and malaise are amazing (and I'd prefer not to make one poor geo stand in so I'll take focus and acumen too). I like the CORx6 idea though! COR puts out some awesome numbers on the T1 ru'aun escha NMs.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2015-08-18 13:14:40  
If your LS is bringing more than 6 people to Escha Zitah, they're doing it wrong.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2015-08-18 13:17:27  
Asura.Suteru said: »
If your LS is bringing more than 6 people to Escha, they're doing it wrong.

Antisocial much?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2015-08-18 13:53:28  
Asura.Suteru said: »
If your LS is bringing more than 6 people to Escha, they're doing it wrong.

Have fun with the newest T3 bosses and their adds.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2015-08-18 14:07:21  
Bahamut.Tychefm said: »
Asura.Suteru said: »
If your LS is bringing more than 6 people to Escha, they're doing it wrong.

Have fun with the newest T3 bosses and their adds.

He said they were doing the Beetle for the Pursuer's gloves. Those mobs increase in HP/stats/etc when you have more than 7 people.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bunnygod
Posts: 563
By Asura.Loire 2015-08-18 14:19:14  
Asura.Suteru said: »
Bahamut.Tychefm said: »
Asura.Suteru said: »
If your LS is bringing more than 6 people to Escha, they're doing it wrong.

Have fun with the newest T3 bosses and their adds.

He said they were doing the Beetle for the Pursuer's gloves. Those mobs increase in HP/stats/etc when you have more than 7 people.
Don't bring deadweight.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2015-08-18 14:28:38  
We don't, hence why we never go with more than 6.

Back on topic, drop that LS, or once you're done giving the BSTs buffs, go more than 8' away and give yourself the DD buffs you want.
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-08-18 16:35:53  
Lots of reply's lol, and appreciate them. It was the first time the LS had done Escha as an event together, so the first job was quickly getting ppl's Vorseals, and I know 2 full pty is way to many for T1's but its a ls, fresh from Vagary which is a shame because we had mastered it but only a few ppl got good drops (from Plout * Perif), we did pop a HELM NM and that was the mob we got resisted on. We popped the beetle 3 times as it obviously has popular drops but I think we will be seeing a lot more /sh's for farming the various T1's, and then you need the gil to get to Rank 15 on each piece (~3.5M?), to some ppl thats pennies, but I've spent sooo much time in {A] Yorcia for a mixture of Using, farming, buying Snow stones etc. I have 2 Taeon gloves for example, one with MACC+20, one with AGL+10 MAB+20. I have enjoyed my Skirmish time (hands down the best GUN & GK properly augmented bar making a mythic), but when I think of all the gil I've spent and could of had from armor augments I regret doing so many pieces of Taeon/Acro with the odd exceptional piece for its slot.

Purser Cufs have made all of our Taeon gloves obsolete. Its rare to see much AGL on melee hand armor but Purser's already has a whopping AGL+17 which you can turn to having AGL+27 on your hands with the MAB+20 - I sometimes feel the Leaden Salute set we use from the guide lacks AGL, not that there is anything we can do about it but Purser's Cuffs really changes that and with the AGL Rank 15 gives you a massive chunk of AGL on our along with the MAB to boot - they really are an amazing piece that I cannot see being beaten anytime soon (for Wild Fire and Leaden lol.

If you have multiple good BSTs, you'll easily add more to the group by buffing them instead of the BLM party. That's just the way the game currently is, BST is really strong and COR buffs are incredible for BST. If your BLM party was getting "resisted completely" even with a GEO, your Warlock's Roll was not going to solve the issues there anyway. I think your LS leader was right on the decision to stick you with the BSTs.

Yeah I know the power of BST's, and how great our buffs are for them. I've duo'd a few hard mode battles like Ouryu Tough with my friend on his BST and me on COR. The problem was there was 2 party's, that were setup wrong;

PTY2: BLM BLM BLM GEO BST something, maybe whm or thf.

That left imo two options, swap the Drk for the Bst and I buff BST's, or the one I went with so I can have some easily buffe fun was swap me for the bst. It just seems like basic pty building and I know we only went thro the various T1's in Zi Tah, but we also popped a NM that needs proper de-buffing (most important, hello Geo, 2xThf's etc) and buffing to close the gap between us and the HNM. We never have a problem with deaths especially now a PLD can tank until his heart's content. The drama was added also later on when I was asked for pet acc roll, I honestly thought Beast roll gave pet acc/att/racc/ratt, when I was told to Drachen roll / Hunter's I didn't have it - but, although thats my bad a bit of 5minute patience for me to warp to Al'Zabi, pay the 10K or w/e it was for a low level roll, then copy the Beast roll macro over just changing Beast to Drachen in the title and in the macro itself would have solved the situation, but everything had to be rushed etc - the funny thing being, if you rush less, and have everyone properly prepared, fooded, buffed etc the fight will go twice as fast.

I want my 100JP Ninja Gift anyway,; have fun & Barrel's of Drink meh Pirates!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2015-08-18 17:11:56  
I know the HELM NMs are technically a T1 but they're the same content level as the T3s really. As far as obtaining the T1 escha gear, back when 3 ppl were required to pop escha NMs it was pretty easy to trio them with trusts. Didn't they change it so you can pop solo now? Your best bet for getting drops quickly might be to pop stuff with your 5 trusts (at least while the trusts have double hp and whatnot).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2015-08-18 18:35:10  
What's the verdict on Leyline Gloves?

Can get a total of 30 MAB, but Pursuer's still has over 20 more AGI.

e: Nevermind, Blurred Knife has wrong stats.
Posts: 33
By Latnemurtsni 2015-08-18 23:28:56  
How is Fugacity Beret +1 still BiS for Wildfire? Wouldn't Taeon Chapeau beat it out?

Also, when it come to pursuer augments, what are the best all around ones to get for each piece?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-08-18 23:32:17  
Yes, Taeon will be better, but Seha just lists the items that are best without augs, as most despise that system.

I use B on all Pursuer's outside of legs, which are D.
Posts: 33
By Latnemurtsni 2015-08-18 23:53:51  
Okay, I kind of figured that. Thanks!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3530
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-08-19 02:31:31  
Sylph.Oraen said: »
Yes, Taeon will be better, but Seha just lists the items that are best without augs, as most despise that system.

I use B on all Pursuer's outside of legs, which are D.

I think I disagree on Pursuer's feet, I find D (Racc+10 Rapid Shot+10 Recycle+10) an easy choice over B (AGI+10 DEX+7 Recycle+10). Comes down to whether you want the superior ranged TP piece (path D), or the superior Last Stand piece (irrelevant for Leaden/WF as there are several better choices there: Adhemar/+1, Lanun+1, MAB Taeon...)

To me, it's much more common these days that I find myself in situations where want to stand back and shoot (but can still use Leaden/WF for WS) as opposed to situations where I need Last Stand. And in the rare cases where Last Stand is needed, Pursuer D are still damn good (still 2nd place feet to path B I think?). Comes down to play style and what you find yourself actually doing in-game, but I'd wager that in current content (i.e. Escha, Vagary, maybe some UNM) it's more common for people to be in my boat.

Also, couple of comments/questions on the OP gear lists regarding Sinister Reign gear:

1) Floral Gauntlets (Racc+21 plus augment up to +15, AGI+12) should be top hands for max R.Acc set.

2) Don't understand why Ta'lab Trousers listed as a better choice than Samnuha Trousers. Relevant melee stats:

Ta'lab: STR+29 Attack+15 "Triple Attack"+3% Critical hit rate +2%. (plus max augments: Crit+3% Acc+15)
Samnuha: STR+38 DEX+6 Accuracy+15 "Store TP"+7 (plus max augments: DEX+10 STR+10 TA+3% DA+3%)

So, with max augments on both we're talking:
Atk+15 Crit rate+5% (Ta'lab) versus STR+19 DEX+16 DA+3% Stp+7 (Samnuha). Obvious advantage to Samnuha, right?

Given the relative ease of getting high to max augments on SR gear and guarantee of SOME augment for free, it's not really justified to not consider the augments if that was the reason Ta'lab were listed as #1. (plus, I mean... we're tossing Adhemar+1 stuff out there as gear recommendations - surely it's a far easier to get good augs on a SR drop)
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-08-19 02:46:50  
Hi I'm on vacation so can't edit the guide atm. I didn't know all augs for samnuha, while i completely forgot To edit racc set.

When i get home, for now the sea waits me!
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-08-19 08:50:01  
We still havn't found any testing or at least read peoples experiances when it comes to Quick Draw's Racc/Macc issue. Maybe we need to create a thread specifically for it, and our experiances, opinions and hopefully some very basic test data because we do have a gun with 242 Marksmanship skill on, which is 217Racc.

SE might of changed how Quick Acc works in the update that allowed us to gain Mark's skill ups from it. We should be able to get this nailed however with the mobs in Escha Ru An; their DC-Tough for 119 so they should be hard to sleep without the Kill or Racc our 119 gun's give us.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3530
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-08-19 13:54:15  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Hi I'm on vacation so can't edit the guide atm. I didn't know all augs for samnuha, while i completely forgot To edit racc set.

When i get home, for now the sea waits me!

Have fun! And thanks for the excellent and super quick updates for the August update.
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