The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Parshias
Posts: 51
By Sylph.Parshias 2015-11-29 10:52:24  
Sylph.Hyunkyl said: »
How hard is it to solo T1 Escha NM on COR for Pursuer?

I'm not sure about soloing on COR, but don't you have BLU leveled? I thought I saw you running around as BLU at some point.

Vyala is child's play to solo with trusts. The rest of them are slightly trickier, but could probably be handled by a decent BLU. Ferrodon and Gulltop will depend on you being able to land Blank Gaze to wipe their buffs. Wepwawet can be finicky with his AoE damage when he's at low HP, so focus on magic defense when he gets low. Revetaur... is almost certainly not soloable.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Chroph
Posts: 81
By Phoenix.Faloun 2015-11-29 14:01:33  
i personally soloed gulltop and ferrodon(didnt try the other NMs) as corsair. Gulltop is very easy and ferrodon need to be killed quick with dark shot to dispel. I used ayame to open for leaden. Fight duration was 2min.
Posts: 60
By Zeak 2015-11-30 03:32:21  
Sylph.Hyunkyl said: »
How hard is it to solo T1 Escha NM on COR for Pursuer?

COR has a pretty easy time with most T1 Escha NMs (Both Zi'tah and Sky), mostly due to their ridiculous damage output in melee situations. Since accuracy is not an issue, you can usually just use MAB/Atk./STP rolls and multi-step mobs down pretty fast. Slug Shot > Savage Blade > Leaden Salute > Wildfire is a 4-step Double Darkness that can easily shave off 30%+ of a NMs HP, not even counting MBs from Shantotto II, Ullegore or Robel. As an added bonus, you can throw MDB/M. Eva rolls onto Trust to give them some protection. I find this to be pretty necessary if you use Amchuchu or August to tank, because they will not pull the NM away from Arciela/Kupipi/Joachim/etc., meaning you have to work around the fact that everyone is gonna get hit by AoE. Arciela and Selh'Teus mitigate this somewhat with their AoE heals, but the added protection ensures their survival.

Since you're only interested in Pursuers gear, I'll list some strats I used to solo them. I'm also gonna say right now, BG has some misinformation on their pages. You gotta keep in mind, most people did these NMs with optimal "Throw a GEO at it" strats, meaning they just took a guess at the mob's behavior while burning it down ASAP.

Gulltop: Pretty easy fight, he's just a normal beetle with Wind spells. Any tank will do, and you can probably tank him yourself with /NIN since he gets paralyze'd very easily from Arciela. His gimmick is he gets a massive Evasion boost that is undispelable below 25%. I don't even know how high it is, and I don't think it's even feasible to achieve that much capped accuracy solo. However, since Leaden and Wildfire are unavoidable, I suggest to just use TP items, Tacticians Roll and Quick Draw to bring him down. Shantotto II also speeds things up, and she can close Darkness with Lesson in Pain, which she'll MB off of.

Revetaur: Hands down the easiest NM in all of Escha. His gimmick is he'll immediately use a Doom move whenever he is hit with a WS. So long as you don't use any WS, he'll only use Triclip and Mow. It should be mentioned that Trust WS do not proc Doom, so you can let August/Shantotto/Selh'Teus just SC off each other without worry. Triclip can be absorbed with shadows, and so can Mow; however, mow is a hate reset, so it's important to get hit by it to avoid pulling hate. Other than that, just auto-attack him to death, and kite One Hundred Fist if you manage to pull hate. Otherwise, the tank can soak it up, no problem.

Ferrodon: Basically Vidala jr., but no where near as frustrating. He gets destroyed by magic damage, so COR can take him down before his attack is stacked too high. Make sure to Dark Shot him, though, as he also gains a dispellable Haste effect after each Boiling Blood. So long as you keep his attack speed in check, all of his attack are blinkable, meaning you can tank him for a bit if your Trust falls. Focus on damage, and brink a couple nuking Trust. Ullegore is an excellent choice as he'll MB with Water and Stun some of his TP move. Also, none of his WS will interrupt your SCs. Although, you might wanna just use Wildfire > Wildfire to create Darkness if you're riding the hate threshold too much, but do try to sneak in some Leaden closers somehow; they demolish him.

Vyala: As stated before, he's a joke. He has no real gimmick other than a high-powered Charge Whisker, but Amchuchu/Karuha make it negligible. AoE heals help a lot, too, but you're likely gonna be using Arciela I anyway, so she can cover that role.

Wepwawet: Okay, so I might've a bit boisterous about CORs greatness; I actually switched to RUN/NIN for this fight. The biggest reason is that this guy shrugs off magic damage, which is one of CORs biggest assets in these fights. There's also the issue that this guys LOVES to AoE, particularly Gates of Hades and Breakga. This means you generally want to tank him yourself and pull him away from Trust. The upside it that with RUN (including Amchuchu), you can mitigate A LOT of his damage. However, that doesn't solve the issue with Breakga. My only suggestion if you attempt to fight him on COR is to switch your multipstep to Slug Shot > Savage Blade > Last Stand > Savage Blade, and use TP later on in the fight to Flat Blade either Gates of Hades or Breakga if you have super amazing reflexes.

That's pretty much all I can discern from these fights. COR certainly has a lot of options, and I've used it to solo the majority of T1 in Zi'tah/Sky. I think Vidala is the only Zi'tah NM that is too one-sided for COR to solo reliably. He pretty much causes problems for any non-nuking job, and there is a huge RNG factor at play regardless of how fast you can kill him. Which is a shame, because Rawhide is still a decent body for COR next to Adhemar. Unfortunately, I've only ever been able to solo him with RUN, and he is STINGY with the body drop. Well, all drops are equal opportunity, but this game has got to have some hidden pool modifier that only drops gear you don't need.

Anyway, hope that helps. Good luck.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-11-30 17:00:04  
Zeak said: »
Wepwawet: Okay, so I might've a bit boisterous about CORs greatness; I actually switched to RUN/NIN for this fight. The biggest reason is that this guy shrugs off magic damage, which is one of CORs biggest assets in these fights. There's also the issue that this guys LOVES to AoE, particularly Gates of Hades and Breakga. This means you generally want to tank him yourself and pull him away from Trust. The upside it that with RUN (including Amchuchu), you can mitigate A LOT of his damage. However, that doesn't solve the issue with Breakga. My only suggestion if you attempt to fight him on COR is to switch your multipstep to Slug Shot > Savage Blade > Last Stand > Savage Blade, and use TP later on in the fight to Flat Blade either Gates of Hades or Breakga if you have super amazing reflexes.

I just soloed Wepwawet on COR/DNC and I'd say it's a pretty easy and straight forward fight. I kinda played safe with runiest + magus roll, although it may not be necessary to play that defensively. Trusts were August, Ayame(to open light SC), Joachim, King of hearts, Mihli. The entire fight is basically just engage and use savage blade after Ayame used her WS to close light.

Trusts can eat the AoE damage just fine. Pop petrify screen to block breakga at 40%(or 30%??), by the time it wears NM should be dead. It's possible to play more offensively than this, if you do roll rotation to keep defensive buffs on trusts and offensive buffs on yourself, since NM's attack doesn't hurt that much with DT- sets, but trusts do take more damage from AoE.
MSPaint Champion
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-11-30 21:58:59  
So, with Taeon gear being largely replaceable for most things, I've decided to shift my unused pieces for things like Last Stand on THF and the rare times I'm on COR. Was thinking of setting up my Taeon Chapeau for Ranged Acc/Attack, WS Accuracy, and probably AGI. I know that'd be a slight AGI loss compared to Pursuer's, but it seems like the accuracy would have a substantial lead.

Anyway, is it known whether or not WS Accuracy applies to all hits or if it's just the first like with WSD?
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2015-11-30 22:19:07  
I believe it was tested years ago that the WS accuracy on gorgets applies to all hits.

One thing that to my knowledge hasn't been tested is whether or not it applies as magic accuracy for elemental WS.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-02 10:40:45  
Sandmaster said: »
How close to melee is 3-HIT build when you hit an !! STP roll using Doomsday?

It is also worth noting that I have more RACC, a lot more RACC then I do in my melee ACC TP set.

I'm sitting on 1100 RACC outside of Escha, I am easily 100 ACC less in my melee TP setup.

Also, Exactly how much DW is needed to cap delay speed with 55% haste (25 & 30 magic haste2), and how much DW is needed to cap delay speed is that is taken to 60% Haste using Haste Samba?

I guess the other way would be using Ulmia's March's but I find her such a waste of a slot. At least with Joachim you get Elegy but then his use of song's is fairly unpredicatable, (maybe becaue you HP is low when he sing's) you end up with Paeon's. Or am I remembering incorrectly and Ulmia give's us Prelude's instead of March's? Either way capping melee delay speed on COR is not simple like Snapshot is.

Basically, it is much easier to cap /ra speed then it is melee att speed as a few pieces of gear and your there. In comparison's using DW melee weapon's and /ra you ideally need to be in party with a RDM, PC Bard, and Haste Samba.

Sorry super late reply but here it is:

You can find the DW formula here:

"This job ability is one of the most potent ways of increasing DPS, but it is subject to the delay cap as follows:
(Delay_1 + Delay_2) × (1 - Dual Wield %) × (1 - Haste %) ≥ (Delay_1 + Delay_2) × 0.2"

Say for example, if you're using delay 200 weapon x2, with 60% haste:

(200+200)x(1-50%(DW))x (1- 60%)= (200+200) x0.2 = 80

Unless I calculate anything wrong, it seems that you need 50% DW to cap delay at 60% haste.

Also I believe /ra for TP is underratted. It used to be bad but it shouldn't be anymore. Not just because of higher racc and snapshot gear nowadays, but also 32% triple shot proc rate from gear/job point when its up. Imagine you're wielding a 2h weapon with 32% triple attack, that is a lot of TP....

Against anything that has AoE /ra mode doesn't need to turtle, while melee may need to turtle to avoid eating dirt, that hurts melee multi attack and melee acc even more.

That being said, since melee is still required to land steps/samba to increase everyone's DPS, and you can only use one of COR's strongest physical WS in melee mode, understand when to melee and when to /ra to maximize your(and the party's) output requires quite a bit of game knowledge. 6 years of maining this job,I find this job is still....hard to play well.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-02 10:45:35  
Does ftp transfer to both hits on Savage?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-02 10:55:59  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Does ftp transfer to both hits on Savage?

Nope, so STR neck/waist. The key to bump Savage number high up is 1250 TP bonus from gears though. It's easily 13~15k with enough attack/def down buffs. Even without buffs it often avg higher than last stand because you gear for STR instead of AGI. So that adds a bit more to fSTR and attack.
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-12-02 11:14:50  
Thx Afania, I also agree with what you said about Triple Shot. When having some parse fun doing MR Delve, your dropping 9-12K Last Stand's almost back to back once you hit Zerk and Triple Shot. Ws > /ra > ws > /ra etc if lady luck is on your side. When you said 32% Triple Shot proc, I presume you mean ontop of however much the base proc rate of the JA is. 12% Chas frac+1 & 20 JP's in the TS category must bring you over the 50% mark of a chance that your shot Triple's (Acc check not withstanding)?

That being said, since melee is still required to land steps/samba to increase everyone's DPS, and you can only use COR's strongest physical WS in melee mode, understand when to melee and when to /ra to maximize your(and the party's) output requires quite a bit of game knowledge. 6 years of maining this job,I find this job is still....hard to play well.

This. The job has many different way's of playing it and knowing when to shoot and when to melee is important. I have found there are times I can get into an amazing rythm playing the job where DMG output suprises myself. It could be doing something I have done a 100 times, like I managed to get Capacity chain 52 in Escha Ru'an solo+trusts. I usually can't pass ~18-19 on any job (SAM, MNK, COR, NIN), because you only have a few seconds to kill the next mob after the previous one (its Chain 28 solo in Woh Gates meaning mob level has a direct correlation with the time you have to reach the next part in a CP chain). When I switched the trusts up to have Qultada (Chaos+Cor's/Fighters), King (Haste2 + Dia3), Tenzen2 (enhanced STP roll/DPS), Zeid2 (enhanced Chaos roll/DPS), Apu and rolled STP + Regain I was able to engage > Laste Stand > next > QD? > Last Stand > next > Laste Stand etc at such speed I wasn't able to replicate my result's the next day very easily when I was feeling tired and less focused. It is a lot of fun suprising people in CP party's however because its an area I find COR really excel's in.

Afer reading some of the solo result's from COR Main I might head to Escha and have a go. I have been using Ninja to solo BCNM and Escha NM's with nice result's but the beetle has been posing a problem on NIN where I could see COR excelling on it LS style. Those hands are the final LS/WF piece I would benefit from (bar Reisenjima equip I havn't tackled yet), I've been using Taeon Gloves with AGL+9 MAB+20 augments so it hasn't been a piece I have been seious about getting.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-02 11:19:32  
Ideally you could melee and shoot when TA timer is up. But that can create issues with the type of buffs you use.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-02 11:51:17  
Sandmaster said: »
Thx Afania, I also agree with what you said about Triple Shot. When having some parse fun doing MR Delve, your dropping 9-12K Last Stand's almost back to back once you hit Zerk and Triple Shot. Ws > /ra > ws > /ra etc if lady luck is on your side. When you said 32% Triple Shot proc, I presume you mean ontop of however much the base proc rate of the JA is. 12% Chas frac+1 & 20 JP's in the TS category must bring you over the 50% mark of a chance that your shot Triple's (Acc check not withstanding)?

Yeah sorry, 32% = 12% from frac+ 20% from JP. I have no idea what the base proc rate is, BG-wiki doesn't have any info on it.....maybe time to test this as well, if it's not been tested.

Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Ideally you could melee and shoot when TA timer is up. But that can create issues with the type of buffs you use.

Even without flurry, it's still possible to get 75% snapshot from gifts and gears in melee weapons. 50% from perfect 5/5 taeon, 10% from gifts, 6% from the SoA ring, 6.5% from back and 3% from waist. That's still quite a bit of delay reduction IMO.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2015-12-02 12:05:25  
I think it might be worth it to swap out taeon hands and legs for carmine hands and adhemar legs (rapid shot path). If you use nq for both you're losing 4 snapshot but gaining 20 rapid shot. If you use hq it's a loss of 2 snapshot with a gain of 22-23 rapid shot.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-06 20:23:43  
Mann, Leaden salute is so OP in escha/reisenjima mage burn party on anything that doesn't resist dark. Broke 80k with 3000 TP leaden salute with temp items + GEO buffs. That's close to 190k damage from SC, then BLM can MB off darkness. I think hitting 90k in mage party is possible with dark weather, MAB herc gear and max vorseal(which I don't have.....).

Can pop another wing to get 1000 TP again and do double dark with WF if the NM doesn't resist fire, so BLM can do 2 more nukes with extended SC duration.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2015-12-10 02:33:32  
RIP my Herculean Boots, Nov 2015 > Dec 2015
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Stepth
Posts: 2030
By Lakshmi.Stepth 2015-12-10 08:25:31  
Chances that the mined stuff on BG missed COR's weapon? Or did SE forget us again?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-12-10 08:45:35  
Lakshmi.Stepth said: »
Chances that the mined stuff on BG missed COR's weapon? Or did SE forget us again?

Forgotten, most likely.

Didn't see a dagger either, coin toss on whether we'd have even been on it anyhow.

Acknowledging how powerful Leaden Salute can be under the perfect circumstances, my LS rarely has those circumstances for the number and specific jobs we take to do things, so my frustration with corsair has grown quite extensively recently to the point I've been trying to get some other things well-geared to just do those instead unless we specifically need a corsair.

Today's update has not changed that trend. I'll always be a pirate. But right now the pirate is diversifying.
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-12-10 08:46:19  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Mann, Leaden salute is so OP in escha/reisenjima mage burn party on anything that doesn't resist dark. Broke 80k with 3000 TP leaden salute with temp items + GEO buffs. That's close to 190k damage from SC, then BLM can MB off darkness. I think hitting 90k in mage party is possible with dark weather, MAB herc gear and max vorseal(which I don't have.....).

Can pop another wing to get 1000 TP again and do double dark with WF if the NM doesn't resist fire, so BLM can do 2 more nukes with extended SC duration.

I've been using Allies roll for much less, but it would of pumped up that SC DMG over 200K - would be a nice screenie to show (if the dmg dealt is listed 99,999, 99,999, 50,000 or is it just like in ff3 where you get the 99,999 and nothingelse?

Imagine how much dmg using a PB would do with the 999AGL and +900MAB? You could happily switch targets and go pop > pop > pop. I'm guessing SE chose 11M silt because it is ffXI? Hopefully there will be a way of lowering the cost to the 1M mark soon after a few brew's have been used.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-10 09:47:36  
Sandmaster said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Mann, Leaden salute is so OP in escha/reisenjima mage burn party on anything that doesn't resist dark. Broke 80k with 3000 TP leaden salute with temp items + GEO buffs. That's close to 190k damage from SC, then BLM can MB off darkness. I think hitting 90k in mage party is possible with dark weather, MAB herc gear and max vorseal(which I don't have.....).

Can pop another wing to get 1000 TP again and do double dark with WF if the NM doesn't resist fire, so BLM can do 2 more nukes with extended SC duration.

I've been using Allies roll for much less, but it would of pumped up that SC DMG over 200K - would be a nice screenie to show (if the dmg dealt is listed 99,999, 99,999, 50,000 or is it just like in ff3 where you get the 99,999 and nothingelse?

Imagine how much dmg using a PB would do with the 999AGL and +900MAB? You could happily switch targets and go pop > pop > pop. I'm guessing SE chose 11M silt because it is ffXI? Hopefully there will be a way of lowering the cost to the 1M mark soon after a few brew's have been used.

I wish I could do a 99999 leaden salute+ 99999 darkness and make a cool SS, unfortunately it may need a lot of effort for my current gear to pull it off. Something like GEO 2hr+ voidstorm+darksday would do.

/looks at other CORs in the thread: Who's gonna do it ;D

Ramyrez said: »
Lakshmi.Stepth said: »
Chances that the mined stuff on BG missed COR's weapon? Or did SE forget us again?

Forgotten, most likely.

Didn't see a dagger either, coin toss on whether we'd have even been on it anyhow.

Acknowledging how powerful Leaden Salute can be under the perfect circumstances, my LS rarely has those circumstances for the number and specific jobs we take to do things, so my frustration with corsair has grown quite extensively recently to the point I've been trying to get some other things well-geared to just do those instead unless we specifically need a corsair.

Today's update has not changed that trend. I'll always be a pirate. But right now the pirate is diversifying.

Exactly why can't you play it lol. It's hard to find a content or setup that couldn't fit COR in nowadays.

I've been playing this game as a perma COR for damn long, and really wanted to take a break from it and play something else. I've been doing everything I could to take a break from it, but eventually I go back to play it just because it's damn useful for lowman party. With trusts taking care of the tank/healer role, and tons of content nowadays favors lowman or even solo, it's really nice to be able to kill stuff fast with COR in pt. As long as Ayame can hit the target and target doesn't resist dark, COR kills stuff extremely fast with SC, pair up with a GEO buddie to boost leaden salute numbers and cap haste, it's possible to duo a lot of things in a few SC. The only part I don't like is the lack of good cleaving ability. My AE couldn't 1 shot most fodder without malaise, BLU and BST can do the cleaving job better.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Stepth
Posts: 2030
By Lakshmi.Stepth 2015-12-10 10:39:29  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »

I think the allure of corsair for me these days is finding out the best way I can support my group. This changes in every type of content and even between encounters in said content.

Leaden isn't the be all end all of the job. I don't think I realized how many dark based NMs we had until I finished DP and suddenly every other mob seemed to be a dark demon from the pits of hell who enjoyed being pelted with my 200M cannon.

Take Sinister Reign for example. Leaden tears apart most of the bosses but Teodor, Rosulatia and SSJ Arciela laugh it off. At those times I'm better off helping make light with Savage or Last Stand. Heck, Rosulatia made me upgrade my Wildfire set for the first time in ages. Is it as fun as shooting off 20k Leadens with super Darkness? No, but in the end I'm completing the content and that's what's important to me.

I don't have much experience with Reisenjima NMs as I've only done a handful of the T1s, but they seemed mostly dark based or resistant. I'm much more content messing up Byrth's DNC SCs in those ones.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-12-10 10:47:34  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Exactly why can't you play it lol. It's hard to find a content or setup that couldn't fit COR in nowadays.

I've been playing this game as a perma COR for damn long, and really wanted to take a break from it and play something else. I've been doing everything I could to take a break from it, but eventually I go back to play it just because it's damn useful for lowman party. With trusts taking care of the tank/healer role, and tons of content nowadays favors lowman or even solo, it's really nice to be able to kill stuff fast with COR in pt. As long as Ayame can hit the target and target doesn't resist dark, COR kills stuff extremely fast with SC, pair up with a GEO buddie to boost leaden salute numbers and cap haste, it's possible to duo a lot of things in a few SC. The only part I don't like is the lack of good cleaving ability. My AE couldn't 1 shot most fodder without malaise, BLU and BST can do the cleaving job better.

You're assuming we don't have enough people when I say "numbers." Trusts have nothing to do with our LS events. Which isn't even going into the personalities of people and what they're willing or not to do, etc.

It just doesn't work out a lot of the time with the specific setups we end up using.

Edit: TL;DR because I'm not bitching back and forth about optimal setups: ours isn't optimal. But it works and it keeps everyone involved, which is the point in playing with friends. It just isn't ideally suited/built around me and my shiny hand cannon.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-10 11:10:32  
Lakshmi.Stepth said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »

I think the allure of corsair for me these days is finding out the best way I can support my group. This changes in every type of content and even between encounters in said content.

Leaden isn't the be all end all of the job. I don't think I realized how many dark based NMs we had until I finished DP and suddenly every other mob seemed to be a dark demon from the pits of hell who enjoyed being pelted with my 200M cannon.

Take Sinister Reign for example. Leaden tears apart most of the bosses but Teodor, Rosulatia and SSJ Arciela laugh it off. At those times I'm better off helping make light with Savage or Last Stand. Heck, Rosulatia made me upgrade my Wildfire set for the first time in ages. Is it as fun as shooting off 20k Leadens with super Darkness? No, but in the end I'm completing the content and that's what's important to me.

I don't have much experience with Reisenjima NMs as I've only done a handful of the T1s, but they seemed mostly dark based or resistant. I'm much more content messing up Byrth's DNC SCs in those ones.

I think the issue here is that, to reach max DPS on COR, the type of buffs COR needs is often very different from other jobs.

But when party was set up using a "generic" setup such as melee+ melee buffs, COR can't hit DPS ceiling because the buffs that benefits jobs like BLU does not benefit COR as much. Suddenly you're forced to use a gimp WS and do much lower WS avg than mainstream DD jobs like BLU, THF or DNC.

Can you use buffs that benefits COR instead? No. Because the party invited COR to boost other melee's DPS. So you're forced to focus on support because you can't hit DPS ceiling on COR.

For example, WF works on Teodor, Rosulatia and 1st wave Arciela. If you use malaise on those mobs, it's still a solid 12k~15k WS, which is pretty high IMO. But can you use Malaise in a melee setup? Nope, because melee doesn't benefit from it.

This is the same reason why we don't make a party with both BLM DD and melee DD, because they require different buffs. You're better off buffing ONLY BLM and push nuke numbers as high as possible, or only buffing melee and push physical WS as high as possible. But you can't do both effectively.

What is the solution? If you want to DD on COR, you pretty much have to make your own party and not use generic buff/setup. You kinda have to use buffs that only benefit COR, if your goal is to push COR dps to the max.

That's why when Spicyryan claimed that COR isn't a good "leader job" in this
this thread. I had to disagree, because you HAVE to be the leader to setup the party so that COR can DD. If you try to fit into any party setup that's build for BST, BLM or BLU, and you're invited to buff them, you won't do very good damage because the party is built to buff BST, BLM and BLU, not COR.

Mind you, Sechs once claimed that their DD COR only setup(with buffs that only benefits COR, obviously) resulted a 4 min SR run, which is about the same as top tier BLU melee zerg afaik. Compare with a "generic" setup, a DD COR pt setup it's not less efficient, IMO.

tl;dr: Make your own party if you want to DD on COR :)
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Stepth
Posts: 2030
By Lakshmi.Stepth 2015-12-10 11:13:06  
Get in Mage party. Don't have enough physical buffs to get TP to consistently unleash super Leaden.

Get in melee party. Where'd my super MAB buffs go?

サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-10 11:13:37  
Ramyrez said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Exactly why can't you play it lol. It's hard to find a content or setup that couldn't fit COR in nowadays.

I've been playing this game as a perma COR for damn long, and really wanted to take a break from it and play something else. I've been doing everything I could to take a break from it, but eventually I go back to play it just because it's damn useful for lowman party. With trusts taking care of the tank/healer role, and tons of content nowadays favors lowman or even solo, it's really nice to be able to kill stuff fast with COR in pt. As long as Ayame can hit the target and target doesn't resist dark, COR kills stuff extremely fast with SC, pair up with a GEO buddie to boost leaden salute numbers and cap haste, it's possible to duo a lot of things in a few SC. The only part I don't like is the lack of good cleaving ability. My AE couldn't 1 shot most fodder without malaise, BLU and BST can do the cleaving job better.

You're assuming we don't have enough people when I say "numbers." Trusts have nothing to do with our LS events. Which isn't even going into the personalities of people and what they're willing or not to do, etc.

It just doesn't work out a lot of the time with the specific setups we end up using.

Edit: TL;DR because I'm not bitching back and forth about optimal setups: ours isn't optimal. But it works and it keeps everyone involved, which is the point in playing with friends. It just isn't ideally suited/built around me and my shiny hand cannon.

Well, as mentioned above, if you want to DD on COR, then you will have to make a choice between going with friends or build an optimal setup just for DD COR. Since you choose to play with friends and go with a setup that COR can't DD very well, then there's no reason to pop on the forum and complain. :p
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-10 11:16:02  
Don't have to necessarily have friends as long as you build a reputation for being a cor who can put up the numbers. Probably hard for someone picking up now the job, but certainly possible for those of us blessed by being around during Corsairian Voidwatch Kingdom.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-12-10 11:18:04  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Don't have to necessarily have friends

This game is utterly pointless without.

Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Since you choose to play with friends and go with a setup that COR can't DD very well, then there's no reason to pop on the forum and complain

Except that there's being a second-tier DD, which corsair should be, and there's being utterly ignored and cast off by SE, which is basically where corsair is. Simply being able to close big skillchains with a setup built around you is not exactly ideal.

Basically I think this is where, in regard to my pushing for a more balanced set of adjustments to corsair, I'm going to use the trendy "sorry, not sorry."
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-10 11:19:09  
Lakshmi.Stepth said: »
Get in Mage party. Don't have enough physical buffs to get TP to consistently unleash super Leaden.

Get in melee party. Where'd my super MAB buffs go?


Mage PT: 350 TP gain from QD STP set gogo ;D SAM+ Regain roll, QD QD WS, random deal QD QD WS, super revit QD QD WS, random deal again QD QD WS. WC and repeat. If you /SAM that's 3 more WS from SJ :D That's 7(x2 with WC) WS on high evasive mobs without the need to hit them ;D

For melee zerg setup it's RIP DD COR :( Savage blade number isn't bad but it interrupt light SCs :(
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Stepth
Posts: 2030
By Lakshmi.Stepth 2015-12-10 11:21:06  
RIP old Save TP cap. We salute you.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-10 11:21:42  
Ramyrez said: »
This game is utterly pointless without.
Thank you philosoraptor, but that wasn't the point.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-12-10 11:26:24  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Ramyrez said: »
This game is utterly pointless without.
Thank you philosoraptor, but that wasn't the point.

Then what was?

Serious question.
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