The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-23 14:41:42  
Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
Are you saying that the QD bonus is only good for the next elemental attack

Right. At least that's my past experience with the feet, if someone do magical dmg on it after I use QD with the feet, the dmg boost won't proc.

Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
and that the bonus effect can be flat-out resisted?

I'm not sure if this has been tested, it's just speculation. Maybe a good way to test this is to pop an ilv 135~140 NM and see if it always works without any meva-/macc buff.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-23 21:34:09  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
Are you saying that the QD bonus is only good for the next elemental attack

Right. At least that's my past experience with the feet, if someone do magical dmg on it after I use QD with the feet, the dmg boost won't proc.

Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
and that the bonus effect can be flat-out resisted?

I'm not sure if this has been tested, it's just speculation. Maybe a good way to test this is to pop an ilv 135~140 NM and see if it always works without any meva-/macc buff.

Decided to do some tests to figure out why are there "my empy feet doesn't work" report all the time.

Testing target 1: SR wave 1 Ingrid. Went naked except lv 99 mainhand weapon/gun and reforged empy feet +1, so my macc was pretty much floored.

My none resist 1st fire shot was 715, none resist 2nd fire shot was 893 which is 25% increase from 715.
I always do 2 fireshot back to back within 10 sec so my 2nd one always gets QD dmg boost.

1: 88 dmg(1/8 resist)
2: 111 dmg (1/8 resist, 25% boost proc)

3: 88 dmg(1/8 resist)
4: 111 dmg (1/8 resist, 25% boost proc)

5: 357 dmg(1/2 resist)
6: 111 dmg (1/8 resist, 25% boost proc)

7: 715 dmg(no resist)
8: 446 dmg(1/2 resist of 893 dmg, 25% boost proc)

9: 88 dmg(1/8 resist)
10: 446 dmg(1/2 resist of 893 dmg, 25% boost proc)

11: 178 dmg (1/4 resist of 715 dmg)
12: 446 dmg (1/2 resist, 25% boost proc)

13: 88 dmg(1/8 resist)
14: 111 dmg (1/8 resist, 25% boost proc)

Basically, even at low macc situations, all of the QD dmg boost proced. That being said, if your 2nd shot gets resist, dmg may appear lower than 1st shot. So you may want to double check your macc still.

Also did another test in a more controlled environment with fire shot > dia2 > fire shot immediately to see if spells like dia can "use" the QD dmg boost debuff, and my 2nd fire shot after dia didn't get dmg boost. Therefore I can confirm that my speculation from my past experience is correct, any magical dmg can "use" the QD dmg increase effect.

tl;dr: Don't QD in reforge AF3 feet if there are DDs spamming WS and mages spamming random spells. But the debuff effect seems to land all the time, even at low macc situations.

Edit: Also since I see ppl try to use dark shot to enhance dark elemental dmg even on targets with nothing to dispel, decided to edit empy feet info on bg-wiki for future references.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 710
By Shiva.Eightball 2015-12-25 15:58:32  
for some reason MAB and Macc is not listed on the herc set augments on BGwiki.... whats the most ppl have gotten? my max is 26 MAB and Macc.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alkai
Posts: 34
By Bahamut.Alkk 2015-12-29 15:22:35  
So I've been thinking about making a DP for a long time, already got 30k alex + tokens rdy. Didnt actually start the quest yet though since im not sure if I really want one or should go for Tizona instead. Basically I'm paranoid about how useful it would be considering all the dark resistant mobs as mentioned a few pages back.

Would love some input to make my decision more clear.

My main target of content is escha and maybe some unity in a lowman setting. Cp farm and older content is of no interest.

Thanks in advance
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-29 15:24:19  
The only question is what your favourite job is. Because if it is cor, then DP is well worth it. Amazing weapon, and also about to get a new upgrade soon that can only make it better.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-29 15:28:40  
Bahamut.Alkk said: »
So I've been thinking about making a DP for a long time, already got 30k alex + tokens rdy. Didnt actually start the quest yet though since im not sure if I really want one or should go for Tizona instead. Basically I'm paranoid about how useful it would be considering all the dark resistant mobs as mentioned a few pages back.

Would love some input to make my decision more clear.

My main target of content is escha and maybe some unity in a lowman setting. Cp farm and older content is of no interest.

Thanks in advance

Do both =)
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alkai
Posts: 34
By Bahamut.Alkk 2015-12-29 15:44:44  
I enjoy both jobs so I'm only trying to base it on impact, but since I'm posting here and not on the blu forum maybe I'm slightly cor biased.

Yeah I'm aware of the coming update, but that will include Tizona as well so it's not exactly a deal breaker xD

No way I'll make both unfortunately.

Ack, decisions..
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2015-12-29 16:10:30  
DP is very fun and I have no regrets making one. With that being said we have a tizona blu in the LS and I've seen him do some amazing things (although I don't really think his tizona is the deciding factor there). For endgame neither of those weapons is going to get a lot of play, but that's the nature of skillchain magic burst. For lowman stuff, you'll probably be happy with either choice so you should pick the job you like best if you can only make one.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-29 16:24:42  
Bahamut.Alkk said: »
So I've been thinking about making a DP for a long time, already got 30k alex + tokens rdy. Didnt actually start the quest yet though since im not sure if I really want one or should go for Tizona instead. Basically I'm paranoid about how useful it would be considering all the dark resistant mobs as mentioned a few pages back.

Would love some input to make my decision more clear.

My main target of content is escha and maybe some unity in a lowman setting. Cp farm and older content is of no interest.

Thanks in advance

Ok I just noticed my last post didn't help at all, I'll just give a quick pro and con of this weapon based on my opinion. I can't compare it with Tizona though, since I don't have Tizona and I have zero desire to make one.

To sum up, dp isn't a "I get it and now I'm op DD!" weapon like Nirvana and Koga. Sometimes it's great and sometimes not so much.

Pros: When you're only using leaden salute and QD, it's awesome. It's extremely fun to do 99999 dmg leaden salute AND same amount of darkness SC dmg in escha and 1 shot(or close to one shot) NM. If you use doomsday it may be a little bit harder to hit the damage cap unless you roll with idris GEO. It's also pretty fun to kill Escha T1/delve NM super fast with big fat leaden salute spam at capped haste.

Cons: When you're not using leaden salute, or when you need to switch between different WS, it became kinda meh. The base damage is too low for last stand, and it doesn't have any modifier for WF. While perfect augmented doomday doesn't suffer damage lose if you don't switch weapon.

Say for example, if I'm parsing against a doomsday user in SR, leaden doesn't work on 4 out of 9 NM. Everytime I need to use WF on an NM I either need to switch weapon and lose tp, or do gimped WF in dp. When mobs in SR die in 30 sec losing 500 or even 300 tp may be the difference between winning and losing the parse, because that's the difference of 1 WS(or more due to menu flipping). On the other hand doomsday users gain the advantage of never needing to switch gun and lose tp for different WS.

Sometimes if I don't switch weapon for different WS, the WS dmg difference is quite huge.

Also if you're shooting, you want to hit 1000 TP+ with 1 /ra when triple shot proc. Which means you need 250+ tp per hit after WS. And dp is a little bit harder to get 250 tp per hit than doomsday.

Based on the store TP formula:
TP/hit = floor( Base TP/hit × (100 + Store TP Total)÷100 , 1)

Doomsday is 173 TP/hit, DP is only 161, so you need 56 STP to get 250 TP per hit, which is No.11 SAM roll or crooked No.2 SAM roll. On the other hand doomsday can settle for less store TP, therefore it's more flexible with gears/racc sets and you can settle with lower number SAM roll.

If you can't hit 1000 TP with 1 ra when triple shot proc, that's also quite a bit of dps lose because there's a huge difference between shoot once to 1000 TP and shoot twice, you're WSing 2 times slower.

Overall I don't think it's a very job changing DD weapon unless all you ever do on this job is leaden salute darkness SC. But I kinda play COR whenever I can and I don't always get to use this weapon.

I'm not sure what would SE do with the REM adjustment. If you want to be safe you could just wait until Feb.

Idk about Tizona, last time when I checked BLU spreadsheet it's about 100 dps ahead of crit aug Colada when AM3 up.

tl;dr: Do it if you like this job and vice versa.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-29 16:36:56  
Bahamut.Alkk said: »
I enjoy both jobs so I'm only trying to base it on impact, but since I'm posting here and not on the blu forum maybe I'm slightly cor biased.

Yeah I'm aware of the coming update, but that will include Tizona as well so it's not exactly a deal breaker xD

No way I'll make both unfortunately.

Ack, decisions..

If you ask on BLU forum they'd just tell you to build Tizona, if you ask here we'd just tell you to build dp :p When I made it leaden wasn't even good, and it was even more useless at that time, but I decided get it because it's a GUN and I love guns :D
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alkai
Posts: 34
By Bahamut.Alkk 2015-12-29 17:46:23  
Thanks Afania, that's some really good info!
Have to say it doesnt sound all that hot in the end but I know REM in general has fallen behind alot, but I'm a pretty patient guy so I guess I'll just wait for the new stats in the feb update. Cheers
Posts: 75
By myaihze 2015-12-29 18:23:37  
How up to date is the leaden salute gear set on the front page?
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-29 18:29:05  
Missing Herculean gear.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-29 23:40:26  
Bahamut.Alkk said: »
Thanks Afania, that's some really good info!
Have to say it doesnt sound all that hot in the end but I know REM in general has fallen behind alot, but I'm a pretty patient guy so I guess I'll just wait for the new stats in the feb update. Cheers

That's probably the best choice, since dp is unlikely to gain a huge base damage boost when dp base dmg is already very low, if SE don't change ranged weapon AM3 after Feb dp may not gain as much boost as Tizona.

Also just for the headsup, someone posted dp and doomsday leaden number at 3000 tp on page 95, it seems that dp is around 5% ahead of doomsday at 3000 tp in terms of leaden salute damage, the number may change depending on the buffs. Atm I don't think doomsday is that behind especially if you consider other advantage doomsday has.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-12-30 07:41:15  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
If you ask on BLU forum they'd just tell you to build Tizona, if you ask here we'd just tell you to build dp :p When I made it leaden wasn't even good, and it was even more useless at that time, but I decided get it because it's a GUN and I love guns :D

All this.

For all my bitching about DP, I still made DP instead of Koga (and Koga was still world-beating at the time), even though I love samurai too,'s DP. It's a literal hand cannon. How awesome is that? And now I'm making Koga instead of something else "better" or "more useful" because that's what I want. To be the best at the jobs I love.

Make the weapon you love. It may get better. It may get worse.

But if you make a weapon for the job you love at least you're working toward being the best at what you love and not letting a mythic rot because the flavor of the month changed.

While unlikely, there could be a future where Tizona adorns mannequins and lockstyles like most Empyreans do now. Who knows?
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 710
By Shiva.Eightball 2015-12-30 10:54:59  
ok so BG wikis list of augments for herc gear does not list any magical augments, does anyone know where I can find a better list for this?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-30 16:13:00  
Ramyrez said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
If you ask on BLU forum they'd just tell you to build Tizona, if you ask here we'd just tell you to build dp :p When I made it leaden wasn't even good, and it was even more useless at that time, but I decided get it because it's a GUN and I love guns :D

All this.

For all my bitching about DP, I still made DP instead of Koga (and Koga was still world-beating at the time), even though I love samurai too,'s DP. It's a literal hand cannon. How awesome is that? And now I'm making Koga instead of something else "better" or "more useful" because that's what I want. To be the best at the jobs I love.

Make the weapon you love. It may get better. It may get worse.

But if you make a weapon for the job you love at least you're working toward being the best at what you love and not letting a mythic rot because the flavor of the month changed.

While unlikely, there could be a future where Tizona adorns mannequins and lockstyles like most Empyreans do now. Who knows?

Tbh, I wish dp could be an utility weapon instead of a pure dps weapon. It's actually quite unlikely for Tizona to be completely useless. Although it doesn't seem to be that far ahead of other 119 alternatives, at least it has macc and you get your mp back, so it's always going to be useful in a way.

Dp is nothing but pure dps weapon. You do more dmg with QD/leaden, and more /ra dps when AM3 up then noting else. :(
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-12-31 06:58:48  
Dp/Doomsday is similar to Koga/Nene/Ichigo. Koga sits at 224/450, while Nene sits at ~285/484 with 20+Acc and wsdmg+7% to bring it up to par dmg output wise. Nene is a simple 4-Hit (5-HIT for Max ACC), taking full advantage of HassoZanshinIkoshoten (which most Sam's should be well over 30% with JP gifts and Ryuo feet (40% with Ichigo)).


None of that matter's because as soon as the update in Feb rolls out and Koga gets some +40-50+ Base DMG Koga will reign supreme again pooping over its fellow GK's (with one exception possibly being Aeonic).

I don't know how this fits into the grand scheme of things, but 1-hander [A] Skirmish weapons were smashed by weapon releases from Escha-Ruan + SR + HMMB's + Unity NM's, but 2H [A] Skirmish weapons still play a large roll for some job's. For me, that is maybe another sign of how 2H'ers have fallen behind when weapon releases from along time ago are still relevant and having ACC on your weapon is pretty much a must?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-12-31 07:12:17  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Tbh, I wish dp could be an utility weapon instead of a pure dps weapon. It's actually quite unlikely for Tizona to be completely useless. Although it doesn't seem to be that far ahead of other 119 alternatives, at least it has macc and you get your mp back, so it's always going to be useful in a way.

Dp is nothing but pure dps weapon. You do more dmg with QD/leaden, and more /ra dps when AM3 up then noting else. :(

Yeah. Like I said. It's extremely unlikely for Tizona to ever be useless. But weirder things have happened.

At this point I sort of feel the same way about DP.

SE has made it abundantly clear they *don't* want Corsair to be anything close to resembling a pure DPS job, nor do they want Corsair to be as powerful of a buffer as other buffer jobs.

We haven't got it the worst of all the jobs out there, so I can't *** too much, but it really feels like ever since the introduction of ilevel gear SE has really had no idea what the hell to do with Corsair and they have no pressing desire to figure it out. We excel at a few things, but some things we're practically useless and with the sliding scale of mob HP/etc. per slot, there are times where it's just not even beneficial to have the extra buffs.

It is what it is. I play with a close-knit group of people and I always have options of other jobs to be useful when Corsair isn't optimal. They can take me off Corsair, but they can't take the pirate out of me!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-31 12:51:56  
Ramyrez said: »

SE has made it abundantly clear they *don't* want Corsair to be anything close to resembling a pure DPS job, nor do they want Corsair to be as powerful of a buffer as other buffer jobs.

FFXI nowadays is more like each DD has it's own unique advantage that shines in specific pt setup or situation, there are no real "top DD for everything" anymore. BLU shines in double BLU setup against highly evasive mobs because BLU can self haste and gets 1 free DD bubble. SAM shines in SAM SC+ BLM MB setup because SAM can self SC pretty well. BST is op with 1hr, THF shines with big fat darkness SC if you setup for it, and BLM is still the most useful DD on higher lv content.

Besides the lack of A rank melee skill and 269 skill melee weapons, COR is actually, IMO, in a pretty good position as a pure dps job. Against anything that doesn't absorb/resist magic dmg and you can cap melee acc on, COR is DEFINITELY top tier DPS.

That's because COR require very, very little support to reach 15~20k avg WS on mobs that doesn't absorb/resist magic dmg. All you ever need is ONE bubble(malaise) and storm spell to boost your WS dmg to 20k range, which can be done with just 1 GEO/SCH. Now if you change job to other physical DD job, you'd need a lot more attack buffs to boost your physical WS to 15k+ avg. If you're BLU, you gain 1 extra DD bubble because BLU can self haste so it may still doable. If you're not BLU, you're kinda screwed because there aren't enough bubbles to boost physical WS avg high.

COR also gains tp super fast by self buff SAM roll, without having to rely on additional buffers. So yeah, extra pt spots for another DD COR to do more dmg.

The thing is that you can only build your pt that focus on 1 type of DD job for best result, not mixing them together. Double BLU setup works so well in zerg fights because you don't need to waste bubble on haste and acc buffs. Change BLU+BLU to BLU+SAM and it won't work that well anymore. If you want SAM to get 4 min SR clear, you may need SAM+BLM setup instead of SAM+SAM. Same goes for SCH+BLM setup, you simply don't use melee DD in such setup.

If you want COR to be top tier DD job, you HAVE to build pt focus on DD COR. If you try to DD on COR in a DD BLU setup, it's not going to do very well as a DD job since COR can't even cap haste in such setup. And COR can't DD in a BLM MB setup at all. That doesn't mean the job can't DD, it can't DD because the pt was built in a way that COR can't DD, not because the job itself can't DD.

Besides magical WS spam situations, COR also gains unique advantage of the ability to gain tp without the need to ever hit the mob via regain/sam/QD, which is very useful against highly evasive NMs with minimal acc buffs. In /ra situations our best bullet is only 3 base dmg behind RNG's best bullet, and we can cap ranged delay like RNG without needing velocity shot as well. On top of the ability to self buff/debuff and do more dmg, I fail to see why COR can't be good DD job like other DD jobs. The only real disadvantage that we have is the lack of A rank skill and our strongest WS can't lv3 SC with itself.

Despite I managed to do many 4.5 min(including 1.5 min buff time) SR clears in a COR+COR DD setup, which is nearly just as fast as popular SAM+BLM or BLU+BLU setup, majority of community still can't accept this job as a "DD" job. Even though I can do over 180k dmg in 10 sec on many escha NM using leaden salute SC zerg, most ppl still see this job as a none DD job, including dp owners like you. If someone claim COR is a DD job, suddenly it's some sort of sin to make such claim because a buff job isn't allowed to DD for some reason.

It's not the job that needs buff, it's the "a buff job isn't suppose to DD very well" mentality that needs to change. Try to build pt that pushes COR's DD ability to max potential, trust me, you will get surprising result.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 710
By Shiva.Eightball 2015-12-31 13:14:00  
you didn't mention it but I have had ALOT of success with Sam+cor MB parties, with Sam setting up a 3 step SC for salute in CP pt my Salute + darkness usualy did 60-80% mob hp and with a Geo the blms almost never MBd lol.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2015-12-31 13:46:50  
BLU+COR works extremely well, too.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 710
By Shiva.Eightball 2015-12-31 13:51:56  
and Ya I would agree with that, Sam roll on blu is OP and mighty guard with haste is enough haste for cor iirc. plus they can setup darkness SC for you.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-12-31 15:40:51  
BLU + COR burns are absolutely amazing for anything that does not resist darkness. I know SR is old news these days, but we have sub 3 minute runs now with BLU/COR/COR/GEO/WHM. Fastest we've killed a T3 was 16 seconds with double CDC > 3k Leaden. Insanely fast, and ridiculously enjoyable to see those huge darkness SCs. If you can build a party to compensate for a CORs drawbacks, it is, by far, one of the best DDs in the game.

I can't believe that Blue Mages have been reduced to working with you Ephramadian curs, but we do what we must for the Empire.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-31 15:41:54  
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-31 17:00:24  
Sylph.Oraen said: »
BLU + COR burns are absolutely amazing for anything that does not resist darkness. I know SR is old news these days, but we have sub 3 minute runs now with BLU/COR/COR/GEO/WHM. Fastest we've killed a T3 was 16 seconds with double CDC > 3k Leaden. Insanely fast, and ridiculously enjoyable to see those huge darkness SCs. If you can build a party to compensate for a CORs drawbacks, it is, by far, one of the best DDs in the game.

I can't believe that Blue Mages have been reduced to working with you Ephramadian curs, but we do what we must for the Empire.

What buffs were you using?
I'm assuming geo uses malaise to boost sc dmg up if that's what you focus on?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-31 17:05:06  
Siren.Kyte said: »
BLU+COR works extremely well, too.

What buffs were you using for BLU+COR setup? In a typical BLU DD pt setup COR would not cap haste without haste bubbles unless there's a RDM doing haste 2. Also leaden dmg won't be top tier without malaise.Were you using Malaise and just let leaden close big fat darkness SC?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 234
By Asura.Darvamos 2015-12-31 17:22:10  
When I did BLU COR COR setups we normally just have MG + Haste1(on cors) not capped haste but we did CDC + 1st Cor LS, CDC + 2nd Cor LS that way in between they were almost at 3k tp for the LS and its still speedy as hell. You could have the GEO entrust indi haste. Most runs with a good setup are under 6 mins and the first min is buffing so don't do the entrust till they start fighting. Don't forget you have 4 rolls from COR so using a bubble for mala or entrust haste isn't a big deal.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2015-12-31 17:26:25  
You set it up so that the COR has everything it needs- although I'm sure you could get away with a non-haste capped COR if the BLU is setting up a 3-step.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-31 17:26:51  
Asura.Darvamos said: »
When I did BLU COR COR setups we normally just have MG + Haste1(on cors) not capped haste but we did CDC + 1st Cor LS, CDC + 2nd Cor LS that way in between they were almost at 3k tp for the LS and its still speedy as hell. You could have the GEO entrust indi haste. Most runs with a good setup are under 6 mins and the first min is buffing so don't do the entrust till they start fighting. Don't forget you have 4 rolls from COR so using a bubble for mala or entrust haste isn't a big deal.

I tend to just use pld so they can get hate and eat all the ***move, and open darkness SC with CDC, used haste+malaise so CORs can cap haste. I guess BLU(or any DD that can open SC) could work too, as long as there's vex/attunement to block ***moves.
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