100,000,000g Bounty

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By 2012-10-08 20:40:44
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サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 20:47:37  
My aspirs still appear to do full damage to mp even through Manawall.

I can also use stun to stun, or sleep to *stun* to try and interupt spells to prolong my life.
It would be very hard to fight directly, assuming I'm not snared/bound I can just kite for the duration of the 2hr.

Though that is an "if".
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1,318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2012-10-08 21:00:37  
Carbuncle.Josiahfk said: »
You would need to deal ~3800 normal points of dmg (depending on the blms pdt gear) before manafont wore off to kill the blm. Break landing is the only way a drk could beat a 2 houred manawalled blm/sch with full hp/mp really.

But yeah 2 hour and manawall weren't part of my original post because that's not something I could sustain and beat you over and over with

I just got ask, what in the world is your avatar gif from?
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 21:06:56  
I think its Wakfu.

Iop all the way!
Posts: 53
By deshi 2012-10-08 21:25:12  
Fenrir.Dynastytaru said: »
If I have 2hr limit right, we want to be on a even playing field right? well wait for timer on ablitys im not in a hurry w and why dont you bring dat azz ova here so it can get tap rq.

you're the scum that makes ballista look ridiculous to outsiders. while i don't agree with urteil's concept of "ballista" i certainly recognize you as complete garbage - please die in a fire. at the very least urteil conducts his ***with a little respect.

@urteil if you're doing this to increase awareness/bring on new challengers, why not fight on the test server? if someone is badass enough to beat you, you can move a mule to their server to give them their gil. sounds fair, no?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: jadecc
Posts: 221
By Asura.Jadecc 2012-10-08 21:30:34  
I would deffinately want to take you on with my pup! not saying id win but if i was on pheonix id at least try :) not worth transferring to (probrably) lose lol :(
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Shiomi
Posts: 654
By Phoenix.Shiomi 2012-10-08 21:31:31  
I'm pretty sure he's applied at least twice and never accepted. At least I think.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 21:32:09  
First, because the possibility of any sort of "foul play" nonsense is mitigated by it having taken place on a "real" server.

Second, want to fight my character versus other characters that are built up, leveled, and worked in a non-testing environment, parallel to my own, the real servers.

Third, not a place where new game play mechanics may not have adequate testing, things currently in development, and where there are ways to get equipment that is not parallel to every other realm in existence.

This could be used to invalidate victories or defeats by people, I would like to avoid it entirely.

Fourth, I'm not really up to ponying up 30,000,000g and then paying for transfers. I feel I've done my part in the transaction by offering up a legitimate reward.

While I do hope to bring new interest this is not an entirely selfless endeavor.

There is also some romanticism in the idea of somebody "traveling" a great distance to face new great challenge. You may discard this as you please, but I still find some value. Some of that "epic" ness is removed by taking out this element, don't you think?


I had membership on the test server, I lost it, I applied a couple times. I do not have it. I have not put a great degree of effort into re-obtaining it.

Perhaps some people are hesitant because they do not believe in the legitimacy of the reward, I can provide proof it exists.

I conduct myself with a degree of seriousness, the quickest way to become the biggest laughing stock this game has ever seen, would be to not pay-up and for this to be some elaborate ruse.

I assure you it is not.

You do touch on an interesting philosophical aspect of the enemy I think will defeat me will possess, and for that you seem interesting.
Posts: 53
By deshi 2012-10-08 21:40:12  
i'm the leader of the team ballista group, currently on carbuncle. you talked to evviva previously i think..

just saying, we've been there. trying to draw out new blood is difficult as hell. if you promise to bring their gil to them personally, you might get better results. but i have to say, i admire your showmanship.. good luck.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 21:41:33  
deshi said: »
i'm the leader of the team ballista group, currently on carbuncle. you talked to evviva previously i think..

just saying, we've been there. trying to draw out new blood is difficult as hell. if you promise to bring their gil to them personally, you might get better results. but i have to say, i admire your showmanship.. good luck.

The show is half the fun for the performers and the audience.
The nature of the encounter will make the result all the more satisfying.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we exposed him as a fake?
Is he one? Is he not? What do you think [player name]?
Wouldn't be wonderful if he was truly what he says?
Could he be what he says?
Who will actually have the dedication to find out?!
Who will dispel the doubt?!
Posts: 53
By deshi 2012-10-08 21:55:18  
ahh, you edited during my response, lol.

by no means am i questioning your seriousness or reality of your reward, i'm just offering advice on how to get people to take the bait.

i agree, the show is important. but for people to truly "convert" you need to be doing the majority of the work.. you clearly have confidence in your ability, maybe cut in the reward in half or less for those challengers that fight you on the test server. or create a new test server challenge on its own..

if your desire (and the point of this challenge) is to find more members to fight with on the regular, small risk, big reward is the way to go. (50$=30mil hmmmmm, what's the going rate at brosale?) if you just want to build e-peen then i guess.. you don't need any help in that respect.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 22:06:53  
Epeen for Epeen's sake is such a fruitless endeavor followed by feeling hollow.

I apologize for the edit.

From a quick search, Gil seems to be 7$/m which comes out to $210.
Posts: 53
By deshi 2012-10-08 22:42:11  
good god! alright then, continue, lol.

but you get where i'm coming from right? moving just to fight is too much for the average joe. but i suppose 25$ just to give someone 30mil.. for you is too much. my ls has struggled with this idea, considering asking GMs for help (to distribute rewards, etc). it's really the true problem. people would take up any challenge if it costs them nothing, which builds interest for our niches. if we could just send out gil/alexandrite to anyone on any server i'm sure we could round up competitors easily, it's a shame.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-10-08 22:44:57  
To play the devil's advocate, by doing this you're having the opposite effect of encouraging people to forge a solid passion for Ballista. I'm willing to bet 99% of the people you spar against go into the match thinking "going to totally destroy this guy!" then they get horribly defeated, probably many times, making them think Ballista is unfair and 1 job is overpowered, ending with them losing all interest.

I feel the reason Ballista never caught on was because of the high learning curve. For example, a brand new player comes to an official Ballista match, has no idea what's going on, no one is there to teach him the proper way to do things. The majority of the time, new players are defeated embarrassingly by the veterans, leaving a very bad taste in people's mouth and thus losing all interest. Obviously, if people decided to stay and really put some effort in learning the many facets of the game to see how fun it can be, Ballista would still be going strong now, but due to SE putting lackluster rewards(300gil for winning a match, wtf?) no one bothers.

If your true goal is to find an ultimate challenge, I suggest making some guides harnessing your knowledge and teaching people you meet and fight the proper methods.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 143
By Carbuncle.Evviva 2012-10-08 22:49:06  
Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
To play the devil's advocate, by doing this you're having the opposite effect of encouraging people to forge a solid passion for Ballista. I'm willing to bet 99% of the people you spar against go into the match thinking "going to totally destroy this guy!" then they get horribly defeated, probably many times, making them think Ballista is unfair and 1 job is overpowered, ending with them losing all interest.

I feel the reason Ballista never caught on was because of the high learning curve. For example, a brand new player comes to an official Ballista match, has no idea what's going on, no one is there to teach him the proper way to do things. The majority of the time, new players are defeated embarrassingly by the veterans, leaving a very bad taste in people's mouth and thus losing all interest. Obviously, if people decided to stay and really put some effort in learning the many facets of the game to see how fun it can be, Ballista would still be going strong now, but due to SE putting lackluster rewards(300gil for winning a match, wtf?) no one bothers.

If your true goal is to find an ultimate challenge, I suggest making some guides harnessing your knowledge and teaching people you meet and fight the proper methods.

サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 22:54:43  
The goal is to see if anyone can beat me and win the 30,000,000g.

I don't see what everyone else giving up has to do personally with me. I've taught a lot of people and refined them as a means to further refine myself. Creating your own enemies is a very useful method of getting better.

On that note, I've done quite a bit of teaching and I have no problem teaching someone who takes the time to seek me out.

I destroy them they then have the opportunity to get better or give up. My babying them or guiding them has very little effect on a person as they are the sole source of giving up/pressing on.

They have made this choice and I am not going to be able to be anyone's savior unless they choose it, and then they are true the source of salvation not me.

Giving up/throwing in the towel is not my duty or my goal to correct. The person is going to do that regardless of me holding their hand or posting my "knowledge" everywhere.

The only thing I'm not encouraging is fodder.
Or current-fodder that chooses the state of being fodder as permanence rather than temporary.

I am far from abusive to people who behave honorably and earnestly want to learn. However if painting me as the villain gets people to actually fight then so be it, just come on up and defeat me already while I play this hypothetical organ.

This is edited*
Guide Maker
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-10-08 23:01:20  
Phoenix.Urteil said: »
The goal is to see if anyone can beat me and win the 30,000,000g.

I don't see what everyone else giving up has to do personally with me. I've taught a lot of people and refined them as a means to further refine myself.

I've done quite a bit of teaching and I have no problem teaching someone who takes the time to seek me out.

And if I destroy them they then have the opportunity to get better or give up. My babying them or guiding them has very little effect on a person as they are the sole source of giving up/pressing on.

They have made this choice and I am not going to be able to be anyone's savior unless they choose it, and then they are true the source of salvation not me.

Giving up/throwing in the towel is not my duty or my goal to correct. The person is going to do that regardless of me holding their hand or posting my "knowledge" everywhere.

The only thing I'm not encouraging is fodder and current-fodder that keeps the state of being fodder as permanence rather than temporary.

I'm only pointing out this mentality will never save Ballista, and is a huge reason why it's in the state it's in now.

I realize it's not your job to save it, but it's counter-intuitive if you truly enjoy it and want more meaningful 1vs1/matches/whatever.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 23:02:59  
My mentality?

Of advancing no matter what, responsibility for your losses/defeats, and never giving up?

What I'm trying to do is give people an incentive to use their things gained from the rest of the game at the highest possible level and face a challenge, or see a challenge being faced.

So people will think " Oh there is some depth, and everything I do everywhere else affects how I can do that!"

"And when I own this weapon or this item, and somebody impresses their ego upon me I can do something. I can resist the over geared through skill."

But beyond that,

"As a skilled player as an intelligent person, I will be able to manipulate this all to my will. I will be able to the mundane ritual of acquisition, and I will be able to use those to express my will to people that oppose me."

Ultimately, a person who's skill matches their equipment. (because this IS an RPG after all.)

"The weapon I killed Odin II with. . . hmm this guy has been talking a lot of nonsense perhaps it is time . . ."

"Hmm. You know this Laerdr armor defends me so well, why shouldn't it help me survive against anything else."

"I killed a Dragon with this knife, it should work on people too."

I want to give floor to the most powerful of people and the strongest of people as far as gear is concerned. I want people to see Burtgangs clash and Aegi scream.

Excalibur facing off against Mandau. I want people to see that all they do can also liberate them from being a bystander.

"But I don't have those things!"

I'll grant the floor to anyone. Undergeared or not, because I do like people to "see" what is really possible.

By promoting this synergism (because this game has an amazing setting for it) You will see people work hard to get the best things to use them effectively.

What I'm doing, showing that even at the highest level Ballista is not just keyboard rolling, is helping quite a bit. That even when all this crazy stuff happens and this crazy stuff is in play, there is a bit of a rhyme and reason, that the most powerful tools will help you, and to look for the obscure things to lead you to victory. (Fey weapons.)

It is promoting the holistic nature of things quite strongly. It is making you look for gear from Legion/Abyssea/Whatever/Relics that will support you.

How do these items stack up, should I try to get a fey weapon with a +effect? What will this "useless" gear does not fit into TP/WS/PDT/MDT sets do for me?

Wow! All of these weird items are actually really cool!

(This is a shout out to you Jurfu Cloak and Prodigous Mantle.)

And because of this synergsim, that thankfully the spheres of equipment acquisition are not separated people cannot truly free themselves from being responsible for their egos.

They have access, and everyone else has access to the opportunities to get the same things. Because the gear in PvE is best for PvP eveybody who enjoys PvP should rejoice!

This requires that everyone must be responsible for their ego, as the ability to write it off becomes smaller, and smaller and smaller.

However I don't mind being the bad guy. Sure.
I killed Ballista.
Will some Hero step forth.
But by doing that, you will become and be, everything I wanted to see.

And I also have an inkling that even if nobody faces off against ME, I wonder if any fights have happened between a couple of friends somewhere because of the ideals I have promoted?

One of them might throw in the towel "This sucks!"
I'm pretty sure there are a few who haven't and can't wait to show everyone else.

One day they might come for me.

Come beat me up. I'm running out of Organ sheet music and nefarious schemes.
Posts: 53
By deshi 2012-10-08 23:15:57  
Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
good lord, right on the f-cking money.

yes, the learning curve is massive, but the real problem was that there was no help. 99-cap, 60-cap, 30-cap, whatever it is, there are experts and they will blow your *** right open.

my group offers a stable environment to learn 60/team game strategy, and i suppose urteil would help you learn uncap/one-on-one if you asked him to take you under his wing.

it's a gambit, really. you bait them into fighting you and hopefully some small percentage decide to stick around and figure out why they lost - and become stronger - so they can fight again later. if he made a thread saying "who wants to learn uncap one-on-one ^^;" how many people do you think would respond? none.

the rewards for playing.. well.. let's consider what people earn for playing the rest of the game. you manage to lot high and get some wonderful piece of equipment. what do you do with it? fight the same monster over again? parsers!? yee-haw?

there are real enemies (like urteil in uncap or the frightening JPLS on carbuncle) that will take your ***and show you where to put it. what's better than defeating that feared force? nothing. that's why we play, isn't it?
Guide Maker
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-10-08 23:44:50  
deshi said: »
Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
it's a gambit, really. you bait them into fighting you and hopefully some small percentage decide to stick around and figure out why they lost - and become stronger - so they can fight again later. if he made a thread saying "who wants to learn uncap one-on-one ^^;" how many people do you think would respond? none.

the rewards for playing.. well.. let's consider what people earn for playing the rest of the game. you manage to lot high and get some wonderful piece of equipment. what do you do with it? fight the same monster over again? parsers!? yee-haw?

And that's the real problem. It's clear to anyone who has put serious energy into Ballista, but 99.99% of the playing population can't/won't get past step 1(getting rocked/humiliated and sticking around to find out why).

I'm not trying to paint Urteil as a bad guy. Who knows, maybe 30M is enough to make people seriously try, god knows if SE added a 30M reward to a Ballista event it'd skyrocket its popularity. I was only trying to point out that 99% of the matches he probably conducts are just him rocking his opponent, who has almost no experience or knowledge of 1vs1, ending with them getting frustrated, never giving Ballista a second thought again, which is basically how it died in the first place.

I've just been going off the assumption that Urteil is searching for someone to match his skills, which he isn't going to find by offering 30M(which isn't a lot, esp with a sever xfer involved). It's my own personal opinion he'd have better success making some tutorials or anything other than perpetuating the thing that we already know killed Ballista in the first place.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 23:53:53  
Well 30m is 210$ USD I believe if you want to go that route. Pays for itself both ways +.

By putting up videos of people getting "smashed" people are going to go "Oh I can do better than him!" etc. Or putting up videos if I get challengers is going to inspire people that they can do better/mistakes.
By having this showcase, people will see displays of what is hopefully possible, and reach towards infinity.

A single entity vs another.
The power they both gained in game.

They will take this hope and perpetuate this idea/work towards a level of victory.
I can argue its just as constructive.
But then again I'm hoping for this magical .1% I guess.

But I'll do you all one better. If you beat me, I'll give you 30,000,000g and pay for your transfer fee home, 25$ USD.

To ask me to do anything else I feel is just rude.

This 99% won't ever be anything than what they are, what they choose to be.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 143
By Carbuncle.Evviva 2012-10-08 23:56:15  
Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
deshi said: »
Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
it's a gambit, really. you bait them into fighting you and hopefully some small percentage decide to stick around and figure out why they lost - and become stronger - so they can fight again later. if he made a thread saying "who wants to learn uncap one-on-one ^^;" how many people do you think would respond? none.

the rewards for playing.. well.. let's consider what people earn for playing the rest of the game. you manage to lot high and get some wonderful piece of equipment. what do you do with it? fight the same monster over again? parsers!? yee-haw?

And that's the real problem. It's clear to anyone who has put serious energy into Ballista, but 99.99% of the playing population can't/won't get past step 1(getting rocked/humiliated and sticking around to find out why).

I'm not trying to paint Urteil as a bad guy. Who knows, maybe 30M is enough to make people seriously try, god knows if SE added a 30M reward to a Ballista event it'd skyrocket its popularity. I was only trying to point out that 99% of the matches he probably conducts are just him rocking his opponent, who has almost no experience or knowledge of 1vs1, ending with them getting frustrated, never giving Ballista a second thought again, which is basically how it died in the first place.

I've just been going off the assumption that Urteil is searching for someone to match his skills, which he isn't going to find by offering 30M(which isn't a lot, esp with a sever xfer involved). It's my own personal opinion he'd have better success making some tutorials or anything other than perpetuating the thing that we already know killed Ballista in the first place.

Not entirely applicable to Urteil's 99 1v1 concept, but it's a generalized 'how-to'.
Posts: 53
By deshi 2012-10-08 23:57:00  
Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
deshi said: »
Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »

to be completely honest, people that can't handle that initial loss aren't going to be worth dealing with anyway.

but i agree, creating a tutorial/wiki/whatever for your specific niche can help. it's just nice to know how many people might actually read it... before you spend the countless hours writing it.

(your devil's advocate is helpful btw, thank you.)
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-08 23:57:59  
A person who is able to take care of themselves is a worthy ally indeed.
I'd be amazing on a team and was, and am.

Just because I'm supposedly invincible 1v1 doesn't mean I turn to jello and go half HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE when a team is in play.

If someone is great at teamwork I think they will be have an easier entry into the mechanics and concepts, and will be able to be both participant and observer and improve in both areas/vice versa.

These largely go hand in hand.

So I'm giving 30,000,000g away and paying 25$ for the ride home upon victory.

Editing the OP now.
Posts: 53
By deshi 2012-10-09 00:05:34  
Phoenix.Urteil said: »
A person who is able to take care of themselves is a worthy ally indeed.
I'd be amazing on a team and was, and am.

not taking a shot at your non-team play, but it's a shame you prefer to play alone. true passion is hard to find. we could use a dedicated dark knight on our squad.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2012-10-09 00:07:09  
I have seen Urteil fight a few people, as well as other members of the shell and I can say that any time someone has fought him and acted like a decent human being throughout that they were treated with the respect they deserved. Anytime a person sticks around after a fight, asks for tips or pointers, or wants feedback I always see it being offered.

The only time I ever see someone getting "smashed" or embarrassed is when they have it coming to them, by being rude before or after a fight.

He can be a little showy sometimes but even if he beats you to a pulp Laha-... Urteil is a gentleman about it and will go as far as to tell you exactly what he thinks would be good for you to try in order to beat him. He's not just satisfied with being the best, he wants his opponents to become better too.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-09 00:10:03  
deshi said: »
Phoenix.Urteil said: »
A person who is able to take care of themselves is a worthy ally indeed.
I'd be amazing on a team and was, and am.

not taking a shot at your non-team play, but it's a shame you prefer to play alone. true passion is hard to find. we could use a dedicated dark knight on our squad.

Apocalypse would angry if I left him behind.

Ragnarok would be oh so disappointed.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 209
By Cerberus.Neojuggernaut 2012-10-09 00:10:17  
Oh boy I come to this post 1 day later and see what Aeyela had to say. If you think what I said was idiotic that's fine but how about some perspective there girly/thing w/e you are. I don't doubt Urteil's ability to kite/rape people. However, my only proposal was to just see how things would go face to face. So really, imo, your lack of intelligence or stupidity (I can't decipher which because 9 times out of 10 your only education is maybe high school diploma but probably GED or less) tells me you never watched the WWE cage matches. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't there championship matches like that? I believe that's called a stipulation. Meriam-webster is a good friend of yours if you don't know what stipulation means by the way.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-09 00:11:26  
Phoenix.Lillicarnage said: »
I have seen Urteil fight a few people, as well as other members of the shell and I can say that any time someone has fought him and acted like a decent human being throughout that they were treated with the respect they deserved. Anytime a person sticks around after a fight, asks for tips or pointers, or wants feedback I always see it being offered.

The only time I ever see someone getting "smashed" or embarrassed is when they have it coming to them, by being rude before or after a fight.

He can be a little showy sometimes but even if he beats you to a pulp Laha-... Urteil is a gentleman about it and will go as far as to tell you exactly what he thinks would be good for you to try in order to beat him. He's not just satisfied with being the best, he wants his opponents to become better too.

What's the point of killing weak people. Their ignorance rubs off and can be quite hard to polish out. It rusts you know, diminishing your skill causing the phenomena we like to call "Being rusty" at a particular venue.
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