This Day In Age In FFXI

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This day in age in FFXI
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Myrrhic
Posts: 280
By Asura.Myrrh 2012-12-23 10:39:59  
Bahamut.Sephiran said: »
In my opinion, there are two different types of elitists. There are those that think their way is the best and only way, and there are those that strive to be the best and help others get there too. The second type tend to accept alternative playstyles as well.

I really like that explanation.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 128
By Cerberus.Wulfgarson 2012-12-23 20:11:14  
by that definition i wouldnt call the 2nd type an 'elitist'. to me an elitist is someone who believes their station is higher than their actual capabilities, and they base those perceptions on gear choices, or who they tend to 'clique' with. id consider the 2nd type a friend.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2012-12-23 21:51:22  
Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
It seems as if there is nothing but elitist *** (or so they think) or rookie-type noobs wearing pink and white gear.
I don't know if Abyssea is to blame but I think it plays a part. It doesn't just make people who suck able to get to 99 with a job they don't know anything about... but also the people who are semi-decent suddenly get these huge egos because they have some kind of 'credibility' that is based solely upon an ffxiah page with all jobs at 99.
Your partly right.What i like is the fact that vets that really do know there job and the vets who know there job and can play it with old crap gear like the old 75 gear i use are still respected by the people that see them.My linkshell for example they have said a few times and i have said it to them.Even if i have crap gear i can pull it off.That cant be said of new players who boost to 99 and then cry when vets say you are not as good as me.
Guildwork Premium
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Sephiran
Posts: 40
By Bahamut.Sephiran 2012-12-24 05:02:11  
The second type I listed also holds the majority of people I hang out with. These are also the people I look for when I do Voidwatch as I know they won't disband should something go awry. Having a Widowmaker WAR in my party/alliance isn't taboo to me. In fact, I like them because they aren't so uptight and are willing to cooperate with everyone. If they have Ukonvasara, that rocks and is a great boon. However, I don't lock people out for not having it. To me, good gear is an advantage, not a requirement.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-12-24 05:10:28  
The widowmaker war is needed, otherwise who's gonna proc that g/axe 5?

"Axe 5!"
"lolnope Ukko"
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-12-24 08:05:47  
Bahamut.Sephiran said: »
In my opinion, there are two different types of elitists. There are those that think their way is the best and only way, and there are those that strive to be the best and help others get there too. The second type tend to accept alternative playstyles as well.

This explanation doesn't make sense.

1st type: The believe their way is the best. For example, you must use X gear set in Y situation, if you don't you're doing wrong.

2nd type: Strive to be the best and help others to get there too. So he/she may not have X gear set in Y situation, but will work on it(since he/she strive to be the best), and tell others to use X gear set in Y situations too.

Both type are fundamentally the same thing tbh. In the end both type believe that X set is best in Y situation, and will let other ppl know that they should be using X set. And letting other ppl know when to use X set is exactly the same thing OP complained about.

Or to be precise, there are no "alternative" play style, there's only 1 straight path to most efficient way to do it, and everyone all aim toward the end.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-12-24 08:35:45  
Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
I respect people who are good at the game and willing to help out. There's a difference between being helpful and being egotistical with your information.
and also, I'm NOT the one saying that. Have you not read these comments?

A lot of times it's just the difference between attitude, but the information itself is the same.

For example, both A and B saw a new player using uther on WAR.

A: Why are you wearing Uthers? You're doing it wrong and you suck.

New player: Omg elitist!

B: Hey I can give you a suggestion, you shouldn't be using Uther if you want more dmg on WAR.

The thing is, both A and B are literally giving out same info, but A got classified as elitist, and B can be considered trying to help the new player improve.

Which I don't see it's fair at all. Both A and B are literally trying to help, and giving out same info, why A is consider elitist and B isn't? Just because ppl pissed off after hearing what A said?

The thing is, a lot of times when that new player IS doing wrong, having someone telling him he isn't doing right is better than no one tell him. In that case both A and B are being helpful.

Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
If I shout for something at a really cheap price, let me suffer and no one reply. Don't tell me what I SHOULD be doing because chances are I know and just don't give a ***.
Please take the time and effort you are going to put into criticizing someone and just go back to talking ***amongst your friends or something. That way I at least don't have to hear it.

So let's say, today we all walk pass by a new player TP in STR and 0 haste and don't gear swap, by your logic we shouldn't inform him that he is doing wrong, and we should just secretly talk in LS "lol gimp noob doesn't gear swap", but we shouldn't let him know that he is doing wrong so he doesn't have to hear it? What kind of logic is that? By your logic, newer player will never be informed, because they should always be left alone. What's the point to talk to friends/LS about it when it doesn't help new player improve?

And just because you don't like to listen to suggestions, don't like to improve, doesn't mean you should take away other new player's chance to get the info. By asking everyone to shut up, all the new players will forever to equip uther's on DD.

And by telling everyone to shut up, you may piss off a lot of other players too. If I see my friends doing something wrong, I will let them know, if they told me to shut up and refuse to improve cuz they don't give a ***, I will find it hard and not enjoyable to play with them too. Those ppl who take criticism, are often easier to work with and play with IMO.

And 1 suggestion to OP. Take all the criticism, in game or irl. If you don't agree with other ppl's criticism, defend for your way with reasoning, but always leave a possibility that other ppl may be right. Ppl who can take criticism often have better time than those who can't. You said you don't enjoy the game when others criticize you, but maybe because you just hate criticism so much to begin with and you're not dealing with it properly. If you appreciate all the criticism coming at you, and love the possibility to improve, then you will probably enjoy your life and this game a lot more.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: AllenD
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Legend 2012-12-24 20:27:34  
Also, Merry Christmas!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: ezeichiel
Posts: 28
By Cerberus.Ezeichiel 2012-12-24 23:33:29  
I can understand op's frustration, have noticed people getting more picky about players they try and get in PUGs, even abyssea stuff. Just the other day I got turned down on Zelus tiara run because I didn't have a kannagi for my nin, this was after I offered to brew everyone's nm's on my cor. it's this kind of pickiness that gets annoying and what most consider negative elitism.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Detzu
Posts: 869
By Cerberus.Detzu 2012-12-26 03:06:48  
Back @ lvl 75 to 80, I'll always remember this BRD who formed an exp party and was kicking people for not using the right gears to be efficient enough. I found it crazy but I understood that exp was kind of tedious and we needed to go fast.
A lot of us have a limited time to play plus some events require skills/gears so finding the most efficient way to get things done leads to a kind of elitism.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jogikat
Posts: 105
By Cerberus.Jogiyat 2012-12-29 23:10:18  
Cerberus.Sevvy said: »
Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
Fenrir.Sevvy said: »
You pay your monthly dues each month to play how you want to play. We all do. Dont ***on other people because they dont conform to your standards on how to play. Honestly after listening to your babbling I wouldnt help you if you paid me millions of gil.
Once again, I'm not talking ***about noobs. I'm stating that there are noobs and there are experts. Also, I could give a *** whether you'd be willing to help me or not considering you're on a different server and I have some friends that are willing to help me with things.

I used to be on your server until two months ago. I know who you are, and I love Jogi a lot, but I know the types. (Changed my FFXI avatar so you can see, you probably know who I am, because I am one of those "elitests" you hate so much.)

I heart you too! BTW Smackster isn't Ace, he's playing Ace. Real Ace is in New Orleans doing a gig of some sort.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: esdain
Posts: 1154
By Valefor.Esdain 2012-12-30 00:08:17  
Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
You say someone is black, it isn't being racist... it's pointing out the obvious.

サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-12-30 01:12:51  
This thread is down to Cerb standards, I approve.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-12-30 19:31:22  

"Oh ***is that this ls?" LOL
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Avn68
Posts: 90
By Cerberus.Avn 2012-12-30 20:00:27  
Cerberus.Kvazz said: »

"Oh ***is that this ls?" LOL

::Cough Cough::
Damn, Smackeroo... This is what came to mind when I saw the last post...

Smokey: 'Sup, man?
Craig: Wassup.
Smokey: Why ain't you at work?
Craig: I got fired yesterday.
Smokey: Fo' real...?! I thought you had the day off yesterday.
Craig: I did. Went in there pick up my check. Came home. Supervisor called me about 4 o'clock. Talking about they got me on video tape stealing boxes.
Smokey: The *** you doin' stealin' boxes for? What you trying to build a clubhouse? Man, I know you didn't go out like that.
Craig: Hell, no, ain't got me on tape. But they said they did. Fired me on the spot. Talkin' about pressin' charges.
Smokey: Goddamn! You've got to be one stupid *** to get fired on your day off.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-12-30 21:24:55  
why link this and waste my time?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: AllenD
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Legend 2012-12-30 22:23:35  
That link shows Smacksterr talking crap about that ls while applying to that said ls on the same day. Now you're wasting my time for being too lazy to read a link.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-12-30 22:50:29  
I meant, "why should I care?" It was rhetorical though.
Guildwork Premium
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Sephiran
Posts: 40
By Bahamut.Sephiran 2013-01-01 19:26:43  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Which I don't see it's fair at all. Both A and B are literally trying to help, and giving out same info, why A is consider elitist and B isn't? Just because ppl pissed off after hearing what A said?

Objectively, you are correct. However, B said it nicer. Remember, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It's not necessary to be mean about it especially when trying to foster a thriving community of players.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Robmelee
Posts: 62
By Cerberus.Robmelee 2013-01-03 01:26:06  
Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
It seems as if there is nothing but elitist *** (or so they think) or rookie-type noobs wearing pink and white gear.
I don't know if Abyssea is to blame but I think it plays a part. It doesn't just make people who suck able to get to 99 with a job they don't know anything about... but also the people who are semi-decent suddenly get these huge egos because they have some kind of 'credibility' that is based solely upon an ffxiah page with all jobs at 99.

Well... Yes and No!

There are plenty or *** that not even Elitist, and there plenty of Elitist that are not even ***. The situation honestly varies. You have to understand something, no one logs into this game to play in accordance to someone else's standard but one can assume we all look up to a "Winning" standard whatever it may at any given time. As we know that standard has changed with each new FFXI generation. From Pre-Level Sync, to Post-Level Sync. Pre-Abyssea, Abyssea, and now VoidWatch, Legion, and Neo-Old School Content, etc.

Elitism is inevitable. What's funny... No one agrees entirely on what it means to be an Elite, seriously. Some say anyone with a Mythic, or Relic, or Empyrean. Some say someone that's fully decked out on one or more jobs with any of the Ultimate Weapons I mentioned earlier, and etc. There are many more versions of what this Elite is suppose to be, but we all agree on this much.

To be an Elite is to be someone that has very good gear, very quick, very responsive, simply, and very generally is always for the most part ON POINT! I think we all agree on that much. The rest remains to be seen. Sadly I think Elitism is a necessary function in this game for those with high ambition.

Let's face those who wants loot from Provenance Watcher, for the most part only want others with like minded success attitudes around them so the chances for the win is all the more greater.

Me personally, I strive for the best, and perform my very best on my main jobs. All I care about is this, do you want to win first attempt are you willing to do what it takes to pull your weight, that's it. If its Yes to all the above you all good in my book. Trying your best means going for the best gear you can reasonably get your hands on, having quality macros created, believe in keeping snk/invs meds, and RR items, so the WHM doesn't have to constantly babysit you instead of worry about the alliance, etc.

Elitism to me, is being at the point you already no what's expected of you and no one has to tell you s*hit, and simply no can't say ***neither. You are always that much on point!

Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
I guess I'm just sad that this game is very hard to enjoy nowadays without everything you say being talked down to by someone who swears they know know better.

You shouldn't be. You should never give anyone that type of pleasure....EVER! If you enjoy the game, play for you, and only for you, and NOT for anyone else.

We all have our own agenda's in-game. The goal I believe is to find Linkshells and/or Friends with similar or exact same goals so the game can be as enjoyable to you as possible.

If you want an Empy find a an Abyssea/Empy LS, you want a Relic find a reliable Dyna Duo partner, or Learn to be an a good BST for Dyna, and etc. You may have to adjust accordingly to the goal of desire at hand, and make solid acquaintances and hope they lead to lasting friendships.

Cerberus.Smacksterr said: »
I really don't play this game to out-do anyone. I play this game because I'm bored and it entertains me.

Good. While you may not be looking to out-do others, nevertheless this game is very competitive by its very nature. People constantly over-camping Gukz for Sobek's, people being overly aggressive in Dynamis, etc. Let's face it, anyone that is Pro or remotely close to being Pro is Aggressive.

In Closing...I have to ask why do you play this game? Surely it can not be because you are bored. One that is bored is quickly remedied and satisfied with the instant "WIN" feeling of gunning someone down in a shooter online via Xbox Live or Playstation Network.

You shall find no immediate satisfaction in Final Fantasy XI. To get that feeling of "WIN" in this game is to accomplish something big that only you and few trusted others can help you accomplish.

I like to think everyone in this game has some kind of ambition or big goal, why the h*ell else do we play otherwise? Surely no one wants to end there Final Fantasy XI Legacy in full Pearle.

Whatever your ambition in this game be, may it be something that satisfies you on the long term, and voids out anything that opposes it.

Play for you! Support those that support you! Concern yourself Not with those that hate on you.

That's it!

End Key
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: teknic
Posts: 7
By Cerberus.Synap 2013-01-03 12:52:06  
I am not "elite" I have played casually for years as my main game is WoW. My gear is not good, but I definitely try to play the best I can.

I have noticed a marked difference in attitudes of elitists between both games. In WoW, the elitism is less gear-based than FFXI, but more ranking driven (both your rank in PvE and PvP).

In FFXI, there isn't much of a "rank" culture. Sure there are some ranking on for achievements etc. but it isn't nearly as rank-oriented as WoW.

I split "Elitism" in FFXI into 2 categories:

1) Gear Elitism - Simply put, the better your gear is, the more 1337 you are. Simply having the gear is enough to qualify you in this case.

2) Knowledge Elitism - This form is based on how much research a player has done. This is HOW you use your gear, and how many stupid questions you ask regarding a fight/mob etc. This is how well you understand your class and maximize it.

I think the knowledge portion is most important, but people are too quick to judge based on gear. I have seen several people with amazing gear, multiple relics etc. that appear to have no idea what they are doing (I end up thinking to myself.. "How the *** did they get that gear?")

I can have "elitist" attitudes sometimes (I have said "How the *** can this dude be so *** bad? Is he really full-timing twilight mail??"), given that I have played these types of games for so long and I spend lots of time doing outside research on mechanics.

However I am always willing to explain things to players who know less than me and listen to and observe those that know more.