(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,578
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-04-28 14:33:40
ya im on the fence for pavor too, though the +2 stat is nice and the dark skill does give a time bonus of 2 sec~ the dark skill also does add a small amount of macc.
With just Lib and Pavor it is +3 (+2 with any other weapon). I wouldn't bother using Pavor unless you can combine it with Lib, Erra Pendant, and Chupa Mantle for 75% Potency, or even better .. with Nether Void.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-04-28 14:35:04
ya but w/o lib anyhow your probably not landing an abs on anything worthwhile, just trash mobs around pop areas.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,578
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-04-28 14:38:59
ya but w/o lib anyhow your probably not landing an abs on anything worthwhile, just trash mobs around pop areas.
I think whether a DRK has Liberator or not, they should not neglect sets to help land potent Drains and Absorbs on high content. Just because you don't have the time to make a Mythic .. doesn't mean you can act like a Warrior with no spells.
Without Mythic I would gear more toward magic accuracy (losing a ton without Lib) and duration than potency; Chupa should be enough for potency. I would avoid non-ilvl gear even more without Mythic to make up for the lack of magic accuracy.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-04-28 14:45:31
I find that stuff rarely lands on higher end content even with a Liberator, especially with so many recent mobs having high dark resistance. We don't have as high of MACC gear as proper mages do, we can't use pear crepes without giving up melee food, and we rarely get the benefit of focus, languor, or warlock's roll. I have a very good maximum MACC set for absorbs (only missing a dedicated MACC ambuscade mantle), and without Liberator, even stuff as middle of the road as Omen mid-bosses still resist me almost half the time. Adding Liberator helps, but unless you're already using it, swapping to it just for normal absorbs isn't worth the lost melee damage, and higher end stuff will resist you anyway.
Even if you can land it, is getting a ~+25 stat for less than 4 minutes even worth it when it comes out of melee time? Absorb-Acc is the only one I'd consider that worth it, but anything hard enough to give you uncapped accuracy is going to be very hard to land absorbs on without Dark Seal.
It might be better if you have a RDM in party landing Frazzle III, but I don't remember the last time I melee'd with a RDM in party.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,578
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-04-28 14:51:20
I find that stuff rarely lands on higher end content even with a Liberator, especially with so many recent mobs having high dark resistance. We don't have as high of MACC gear as proper mages do, we can't use pear crepes without giving up melee food, and we rarely get the benefit of focus, languor, or warlock's roll. I have a very good maximum MACC set for absorbs (only missing a dedicated MACC ambuscade mantle), and without Liberator, even stuff as middle of the road as Omen mid-bosses still resist me almost half the time.
It might be better if you have a RDM in party landing Frazzle III, but I don't remember the last time I melee'd with a RDM in party.
I usually don't have much issues unless the NM is naturally resistant to dark magic or magic in general. Like the Gigas in this months Ambuscade .. I can land an Absorb on the main guy but it is very, very resistant so it isn't worth the effort. You get some NM who are easily hit by Absorbs despite being higher content.
It also depends on whether it's a zerg fight or something which takes a while to kill .. in a zerg you can't be wasting time casting spells, whereas a long fight with a mob which dispels often .. it could help to cycle absorbs so it's more likely to dispel them than something important like Shell. Again .. all very situational but I like to be prepared. We do have access to many magic accuracy gears unlike the 75 days.
If I know I have the time .. the three Absorbs I use the most are VIT, DEX and ACC. I like the DEX as it goes well with Ragnaroks Aftermath. If we got SMN doing Fenrir buffs .. or SCH doing voidstorm, I won't bother using any of them.
By Brynach 2017-04-28 15:06:58
Im used to popping the .Resistant toggle to use the higher macc set for spells.
My bigger issue that I created for myself is my mainweapon toggle. Once that is set, it wont change. An example would be Drain using Misanthropy. If im in my Caladbolg set, then it will skip swapping in Misanthropy because it will only recognize Caladbolg. I may have to end up removing the weapon toggle so I can utilize weapon swaps during absorbs, drains and aspirs.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 300
By Sylph.Gobbo 2017-04-28 15:12:24
It also doesn't help that Impact completely undermines the absorb spells with its priority and renders them completely useless. Granted Impact is more potent on NMs, just wish I could still use the absorb spells for my own stat gain.
By veddertehtaco 2017-04-28 15:40:04
ItemSet 350694
This will be the set I'll use for now until I tweak it more( earrings might get switched for dark skill /feet might get switched for macc)
I really am of a mind that casting abs-stat spells is a waste of time on most fights but popping them on fodder mobs before popping/going up floors is most solid way or using them, or to pull seeing as we lack ranged options (incursion xbow only ilvl Xbow we get, not that we're hitting anything lol)
Just curious why ppl are swapping legs? I'd think eschite would be a mainstay for that slot with its macc and dark skill
Edit: chupa over macc 30 ankou too my bad
By veddertehtaco 2017-04-29 17:31:32
Well, I got to thinking I should build a lib since drk is my baby but I wanted to ask a few questions ahead of time:
1) does the OAx affect ws's (I think I've read it does but want confirmation)
2) does the 30% wsdmg only affect the first hit of insurgency or all hits? (This I'm not sure as regular wsdmg only does first hits)
Probably have more questions later but if I'm not satisfied I might just make DP instead or focus towards rune ergon
Don't have ragnarok currently but thinking I'll just finish my caladbolg from 90 then maybe do rag afterwards, idk, drk has so many ultimate weapons it's hard to pick an choose based off my own desires ( I know I should probably just make rag....)
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,334
By Siren.Kyte 2017-04-29 17:36:11
Quote: 1) does the OAx affect ws's (I think I've read it does but want confirmation)
2) does the 30% wsdmg only affect the first hit of insurgency or all hits? (This I'm not sure as regular wsdmg only does first hits)
1) Only mythic OAx affects WS.
2) Relic and mythic WS boosts affect all hits.
By veddertehtaco 2017-04-29 17:44:01
Well damn, that just made the decision harder lol ty kyte
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-04-29 19:39:59
Taco: BH Will make a Lib just cuz Why the hell not. Cool lookin as well as Nice damage output Beat me to it!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Asura.Luckyseven 2017-05-02 10:04:08
Does anyone here use Ashita and have a xml for drk?
By Gruknor 2017-05-03 17:03:28
Does anyone here use Ashita and have a xml for drk?
Switch to windower4 and use gearswap. Lua is faster and more efficient than xml. Plenty of drk lua to choose from.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 206
By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2017-05-03 17:37:23
Lua is faster and more efficient than xml.
Could you please elaborate on this statement?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Ragnarok.Mystogan 2017-05-05 11:14:50
Old AC i started out with, hope it's of some use.
<settings> <!--Contains settings specific to this xml, must be set to true/false to override default-->
<buffupdate>true</buffupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you gain/lose a buff. Default: TRUE -->
<statusupdate>true</statusupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you change status(stand/rest/engage/etc). Default: TRUE -->
<hpupdate>false</hpupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when your HP % changes. Default: TRUE -->
<autoupdate>true</autoupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed on outgoing status updates(roughly every 350ms). Default: TRUE-->
<set name="Stand">
<set name="TP-Acc0">
<set name="TP-Acc1">
<set name="TP-Acc2">
<set name="TP-Acc3">
<set name="TP-Acc4">
<set name="TP-Hybrid">
<set name="Torcleaver-Acc0">
<set name="Resolution-Acc0">
<set name="Catastrophe-Acc0">
<set name ="Precast">
<set name="Absorb">
<set name="Dark">
<set name ="Endark">
<var name="Set">Acc0</var>
<cmd input="/changeset ">
<setvar name="Set" value="%arg1" />
<addtochat color="159">TP Set: $Set</addtochat>
<doidlegear />
<if p_status="engaged"><equip set="TP-$Set" /></if>
<else><equip set="Stand" /></else>
<equip set="Precast" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Drain*|Aspir*">
<equip set="Dark" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Endark*|Stun">
<equip set="Endark" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Absorb*">
<equip set="Absorb" />
<if ad_name="Last Resort"><equip><feet>Abyss Sollerets</feet></equip></if>
<elseif ad_name="Souleater"><equip><head>Igno. Burgeonet +1</head></equip></if>
<if ad_name="Resolution">
<equip set="Resolution-$Set" />
<if ad_name="Torcleaver">
<equip set="Torcleaver-$Set" />
<if ad_name="Catastrophe|Entropy|Cross Reaper|">
<equip set="Catastrophe-$Set" />
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-05-05 11:52:09
Lua is technically faster by some miniscule amount because windower uses LuaJIT, I believe, resulting in it being compiled. Ashitacast XML is parsed to pointers to nodes and every read used is optimized. The reality is that if any lua or xml is using enough CPU to be visible on a PC made since 1995, you're doing something terribly wrong.
Lua uses hundreds of megabytes more RAM, so definitely less efficient there.
Gearswap profiles are much longer and more complicated to write. Less efficient.
Ashitacast handles dropped packets perfectly and doesn't choke in instances like gearswap can. Definitely gotta give the efficiency point to ashita there.
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of reasons to use gearswap or windower over ashita. Gearswap has a ton of benefits that ashitacast doesn't. 'Efficiency', even with as vague of a term as it is, is not one of them.
A lot of people are under the impression that 'XML' is some standard that came from spellcast and represents everything spellcast is. Yes, XML was chosen as a form of input due to people's familiarity with spellcast at the time ashitacast was written. No, that doesn't mean ashitacast works anywhere near the same way spellcast did internally. It's as fast as gearswap and more accurate.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Caiir 2017-05-05 12:05:27
Not using a scripting language for something as complex/fluid as gear swapping situations personally gave me a headache every time I wanted to change something.
Just so everyone is on the same page. Spellcast was horribly, horribly inefficient. To the point where it read your entire XML every time you did an action, and may have read it multiple times for precast, midcast, and aftercast. There are much more efficient ways to interpret XML data and process it. If XML itself was inefficient, it would have been deprecated at this point.
My personal issue, and this honestly will not be the same for the standard user, is that XML just describes data and doesn't actually do anything on its own, so you're a bit more limited in what you can actually do since it's all handled on the backend. This functionality is probably more straightforward and easy to get going for the standard user, actually.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Asura.Luckyseven 2017-05-08 06:37:19
Does anyone here use Ashita and have a xml for drk?
Switch to windower4 and use gearswap. Lua is faster and more efficient than xml. Plenty of drk lua to choose from.
I kind of like the DX thing on Ashita. Game has never been so smooth.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Asura.Luckyseven 2017-05-08 06:37:40
Ragnarok.Mystogan said: »Old AC i started out with, hope it's of some use.
<settings> <!--Contains settings specific to this xml, must be set to true/false to override default-->
<buffupdate>true</buffupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you gain/lose a buff. Default: TRUE -->
<statusupdate>true</statusupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you change status(stand/rest/engage/etc). Default: TRUE -->
<hpupdate>false</hpupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when your HP % changes. Default: TRUE -->
<autoupdate>true</autoupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed on outgoing status updates(roughly every 350ms). Default: TRUE-->
<set name="Stand">
<set name="TP-Acc0">
<set name="TP-Acc1">
<set name="TP-Acc2">
<set name="TP-Acc3">
<set name="TP-Acc4">
<set name="TP-Hybrid">
<set name="Torcleaver-Acc0">
<set name="Resolution-Acc0">
<set name="Catastrophe-Acc0">
<set name ="Precast">
<set name="Absorb">
<set name="Dark">
<set name ="Endark">
<var name="Set">Acc0</var>
<cmd input="/changeset ">
<setvar name="Set" value="%arg1" />
<addtochat color="159">TP Set: $Set</addtochat>
<doidlegear />
<if p_status="engaged"><equip set="TP-$Set" /></if>
<else><equip set="Stand" /></else>
<equip set="Precast" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Drain*|Aspir*">
<equip set="Dark" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Endark*|Stun">
<equip set="Endark" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Absorb*">
<equip set="Absorb" />
<if ad_name="Last Resort"><equip><feet>Abyss Sollerets</feet></equip></if>
<elseif ad_name="Souleater"><equip><head>Igno. Burgeonet +1</head></equip></if>
<if ad_name="Resolution">
<equip set="Resolution-$Set" />
<if ad_name="Torcleaver">
<equip set="Torcleaver-$Set" />
<if ad_name="Catastrophe|Entropy|Cross Reaper|">
<equip set="Catastrophe-$Set" />
Thank you :)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Asura.Luckyseven 2017-05-08 08:00:28
Ragnarok.Mystogan said: »Old AC i started out with, hope it's of some use.
<settings> <!--Contains settings specific to this xml, must be set to true/false to override default-->
<buffupdate>true</buffupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you gain/lose a buff. Default: TRUE -->
<statusupdate>true</statusupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you change status(stand/rest/engage/etc). Default: TRUE -->
<hpupdate>false</hpupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when your HP % changes. Default: TRUE -->
<autoupdate>true</autoupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed on outgoing status updates(roughly every 350ms). Default: TRUE-->
<set name="Stand">
<set name="TP-Acc0">
<set name="TP-Acc1">
<set name="TP-Acc2">
<set name="TP-Acc3">
<set name="TP-Acc4">
<set name="TP-Hybrid">
<set name="Torcleaver-Acc0">
<set name="Resolution-Acc0">
<set name="Catastrophe-Acc0">
<set name ="Precast">
<set name="Absorb">
<set name="Dark">
<set name ="Endark">
<var name="Set">Acc0</var>
<cmd input="/changeset ">
<setvar name="Set" value="%arg1" />
<addtochat color="159">TP Set: $Set</addtochat>
<doidlegear />
<if p_status="engaged"><equip set="TP-$Set" /></if>
<else><equip set="Stand" /></else>
<equip set="Precast" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Drain*|Aspir*">
<equip set="Dark" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Endark*|Stun">
<equip set="Endark" />
<if ad_skill="darkmagic">
<if ad_name="Absorb*">
<equip set="Absorb" />
<if ad_name="Last Resort"><equip><feet>Abyss Sollerets</feet></equip></if>
<elseif ad_name="Souleater"><equip><head>Igno. Burgeonet +1</head></equip></if>
<if ad_name="Resolution">
<equip set="Resolution-$Set" />
<if ad_name="Torcleaver">
<equip set="Torcleaver-$Set" />
<if ad_name="Catastrophe|Entropy|Cross Reaper|">
<equip set="Catastrophe-$Set" />
This xml doesn't seem to change sets at all :S
Did it work when you used it?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 206
By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2017-05-08 10:46:50
<cmd input="/changeset ">
<setvar name="Set" value="%arg1" />
<addtochat color="159">TP Set: $Set</addtochat>
<doidlegear />
is the part that may be throwing you off.
you have to do
/changeset acc0
/changeset acc1 etc
...in game for the sets to start equipping since they are based on a variable. you can macro this command, as well.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2017-05-08 10:48:16
Hi guys, whats going on? Just popped on to see what's been happening. Haven't been since January and curiosity got the best of me today.
Has SE released the relic and/or empyrean armor upgrades from uh... whatchamacallit yet?
How's Reisenjima HELMs now after this many months post update?
@Gobbo: How's Sylph these days?
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-05-08 11:23:56
What Emicho +1 pieces, if any, have you guys bothered with? They used to be basically in a league of their own for high accuracy sets, but now that the Ignominy +3 pieces have a set bonus, that set is in the same league. I picked up the feet because they're the only Ignominy piece without accuracy, but I dunno if any of the rest are worth the gil.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-08 12:49:06
id only buy hands and thats more for the 1 stp than the acc. What are you having acc issues on now? Your gears as good as mine and I can cap acc on anything.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-05-08 13:17:51
There's a few enemies that when I'm underbuffed in terms of accuracy, like Fu or Koryu, that max accuracy sets will allow me to use Caladbolg instead of Ragnarok.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2017-05-10 00:20:47
I've just recently started dusting off my drk, and am in the process of revising my xml but should have everything working smoothly today. The gear is a bit out of date and primarily concerned with the xml functioning properly at the moment, but you can put your own gear in as needed.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-10 00:46:44
I hope the new JSE set is a typo and not all macc.....
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-05-10 01:01:37
So, Scythe > Great Sword now?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-10 01:07:32
Not close.
The scythe+ skill is not that great. your looking at .9 acc per and 1 acc. So you will have less acc/attack than what af+3 would be. PLUS there is no multi hit on it.... makes it very hard to use.
I could see some of the pieces useful for low acc 1hit ws sets. However with nearly no acc.... we are going to be hard pushed to break even 1100 acc on ws.
Great dread spikes set though. We will have what, 5k hp now pre drain3 lol?