(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide

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(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
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サーバ: Leviathan
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user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-07-03 15:18:53  
What is Ideal WS and TP set for Aeonic Scythe?

What are acceptable side/down grades?
サーバ: Sylph
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user: Senshi
Posts: 142
By Sylph.Wasenshi 2017-07-03 15:59:47  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
I guess Ratri is ok for scythe WS if you can't get better. Personally I wouldn't use them unless they were HQ Ratri and I knew my accuracy wouldn't suffer. Scythe needs accuracy .. it doesn't have native +60 (+75 with aftermath) like Ragnarok does.
Ratri head/legs/hands are pretty much BiS for scythe WS unless you can get near perfect Oseem Aug
サーバ: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2017-07-03 19:07:44  
Leviathan.Brotherhood said: »
What is Ideal WS and TP set for Aeonic Scythe?

What are acceptable side/down grades?
i don't have my computer available right now to finish my calcs but it's along the lines of this until you start going into random augments:

ItemSet 352103

telo is for the accuracy. if it isn't needed brutal is fine, lugra at night with max bonus is better but not to the point id farm one up, just if you have it.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-07-03 20:55:20  
Since int is not a massive buff that I can see getting, Would acc/multi att be next best for TP and WS build?
サーバ: Asura
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user: Berlack
Posts: 34
By Asura.Berlon 2017-07-04 01:57:45  
Leviathan.Vedder said: »
Nq argosy leaves a lot to be desired too unfortunately but is a good stop gap on the way to af1+2/3 //HQ argosy //aug'd odyssean+Valorous. You're on the right path by all means just keep pushing :)

Okay - I have got a pair of Odyssean I have swapped to WS pants (Managed to get 3 WS DMG on them and gonna keep trying for 4) as a 4 hit build lost my waaay to much acc for what I got.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Ratri gear has three uses. Well .. the feet has three uses while the rest only has two. The feet for Dark Magic duration. The set for Souleater if you use it .. and most importantly, the set (minus body) for Dread Spikes. I'm sitting on 4.1k HP with four Ratri pieces before any buffs. Don't TP/WS in this stuff unless you're a returning player with a tank trust doing adoulin content.

Cool thanks, I am a returning player (about a month and a half now) but i've grinded a hell of alot of gear so I deffo won't be TPing in it, and won't bother using for WS then.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-04 12:40:15  
Check the high ends sets, nq ratri has a place in some scythe ws's such as cross/cata/quietus. Aza has some good sets posted there and once I get the KI later this week ill start toying with them as well. They might have a place even in insurgency at max tp(6.0 ftp on first hit only, 1.0 subsequently, coupled with multi attack gear, not a mythic drk though)

For love of god don't use with great swords, the scythe skill adds acc/atk akin to but not as a straight conversion

Should still be working on getting a odyssean set for torc using taupe stones(max vit/high acc+atk/wsdmg 4)

Feet, sulevias exists so grab em an +2 em
サーバ: Cerberus
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user: Kylos
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-07-04 13:03:23  
Yeah I have Mythic and see no reason to use NQ Ratri for Insurgency. The Scythe skill doesn't give as much accuracy as you think (they won't beat well augmented ody/valor), and the attack isn't too important thanks to Smite and buffs. I'm using Insurgency mainly, sometimes Quietus for skillchain purposes. It really depends on what you have. I hate Quietus missing .. so the more accuracy the better. I don't have Apoc, but if I did I'd definitely use Ratri for Catastrophe.

Depends what you have really, and what you're fighting. I only use Ratri for the excessive HP boost, and hands/legs for Quietus. For a returning player it's a decent set to have, til you get better .. just don't take hits in it.

Edit: Been messing around with these pieces a bit more. Ok, so you do get quite a bit of accuracy, but it depends on your target .. and I like to keep ACC in my WS sets around the same as my TP sets. So Quietus for example.. I'm using high acc (dark matter) Valorous Mail, high acc Valor Mask with 4 WSdmg, Ratri hands, legs, and Sulevias feet +2. Would lose too much acc if I lost the body and head. It's all good stacking WSdmg .. but if Quietus misses then it's a waste of time.

But you also have to think about the damage taken+. Stacking the set gives you 45%+ damage taken so you have to be extra careful. This is why I use 4 pieces for Dread Spikes (and I'm anxious having to do this mid-fight against anything dangerous) so I cast it before we engage the target .. or I run out of AoE range (if we have time) before casting spikes. WHMs won't like you if you suck their MP pools dry.
サーバ: Asura
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user: Azagarth
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By Asura.Azagarth 2017-07-04 16:23:27  
I am around 1200 acc with my posted sets using apoc, obviously lib/anguta will be -60 from that as a base. But really thats not to bad overall.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-04 17:17:12  
My general tp set only gives me like 1160 acc (DM Augs ody body 2QA 25acc 24atk/DM Augs ody feet 8acc/atk 3qa 4crit dmg) on the low end of things and really wouldn't use it with anything aside from apoc due to the accuracy. I have enough swaps that I can make the various tiers required, though I still need to tweak a bit more. Looking to throw DMs (next campaign) on valo body and see if I can get a true winner(high acc+ stp/multi attack/etc) and feet. I have a pair of valo feet with 9drain/aspir on em but 1 macc... my Yorium are maxed out (int/mac/drain) and will probably replace those even with ratri once I make em. Need to make a rag/cala which ill do this next month I hope, had 90 cala forever since before I quit prior to vwatch era lol
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Berlack
Posts: 34
By Asura.Berlon 2017-07-05 02:00:43  
Leviathan.Vedder said: »
Check the high ends sets, nq ratri has a place in some scythe ws's such as cross/cata/quietus. Aza has some good sets posted there and once I get the KI later this week ill start toying with them as well. They might have a place even in insurgency at max tp(6.0 ftp on first hit only, 1.0 subsequently, coupled with multi attack gear, not a mythic drk though)

For love of god don't use with great swords, the scythe skill adds acc/atk akin to but not as a straight conversion

Should still be working on getting a odyssean set for torc using taupe stones(max vit/high acc+atk/wsdmg 4)

Feet, sulevias exists so grab em an +2 em

Yeah I dont own any of it yet as I have literally just started to play DRK again (So barely have 50 JP as of right now) I was dabbling with a four hit build, but it put me at like 1000 acc and sucked.. In my current set im close to 1200 (Carmine +1 head /legs / feet Emicho hands/body I also have full valorous set for low acc situations, but i need better auguments on that.

ItemSet 351798

I think im going to work on Apoc next, it's like my all time favorite weapon in game, and I think i have decent enough gear to be worthy of using it. I still can't get over Reso and the seemingly randomness of it. I've swapped out argory pants for Odyssean ones with acc/atk ws dmg+3 and it still seems to be really erratic with the damage.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-07 15:04:49  
Argosy pants will be better then odyssean wsdmg as the wsdmg only applies to first hit. If you get odyssean high acc/atk/and wsacc that might work as wsacc applies to all hits from what I've read/researched. Like many say here, if you have capped acc, that's the same acc you will need in your ws build, can parse yourself for this but generally speaking 1250 with food should do for most content, with higher end things that aren't getting zerged requiring 1200+food+selfbuffs(1350-1400) pre-brd/cor/geo/rdm stuffs.

On aside note I am getting confused by the wording on bg for dreadspikes, I have always assumed it was based off of your current max hp, the wording there has me a little confused and was wondering if something had changed? One of the reasons why I have a fc/haste set to keep it up rather then hp++ (do have a set for that too but rarely use it)
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Fenrir.Pertalee 2017-07-07 16:16:30  
I do max HP in midcast, is like 4500 hp before ds/nv d3.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-07-07 17:15:46  
Leviathan.Vedder said: »
Argosy pants will be better then odyssean wsdmg as the wsdmg only applies to first hit. If you get odyssean high acc/atk/and wsacc that might work as wsacc applies to all hits from what I've read/researched. Like many say here, if you have capped acc, that's the same acc you will need in your ws build, can parse yourself for this but generally speaking 1250 with food should do for most content, with higher end things that aren't getting zerged requiring 1200+food+selfbuffs(1350-1400) pre-brd/cor/geo/rdm stuffs.

On aside note I am getting confused by the wording on bg for dreadspikes, I have always assumed it was based off of your current max hp, the wording there has me a little confused and was wondering if something had changed? One of the reasons why I have a fc/haste set to keep it up rather then hp++ (do have a set for that too but rarely use it)

HP does effect the cap on Dread Spikes. My set has 4.1k HP before buffs, so you're looking at 3.6k HP (88%) cap if you have 1200+ JP and using Heathen Body +1. It's better to do Drain III before Spikes, but you can always overwrite the initial one if you have time to do it. With a Magic Burst Drain III giving 9999 HP you'd have 8.8k cap. Third Eye w/ Seigan or Weapon Bash are good tools in getting spikes up mid-fight without the need for fast cast.

What I'm unsure about is if it gives you the cap based on your current HP or your maximum current HP. I've been switching to HP set, and purposely waiting for a cure before casting so I get the full effect. Wiki says "Based on your HP when casted", which I assume is your current HP. Planning on posting my sets again soon .. if anyone's interested in how I'm doing with Lib and Rag.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-07 18:32:43  
Yea kylos, that's the thing for me, cause if its current hp (not max 100% hp) then cycling in hp++and not getting topped off, well, not much fn point there now is it? The casting of it after drain 3 an capping hp is not much of a thing but in the 20 or so seconds that's down or you used ds/nv on another spell then it starts coming into play more
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,334
By Siren.Kyte 2017-07-07 19:05:51  
Wiki's pretty clear about it being based off max HP.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-07 19:28:17  
I beg to differ

Continues draining to counter applicable damage until it reaches a cap, at which point it wears off.
The cap is 50% of your max HP when the spell is cast, so wearing HP+ gear increases potency.
Increases to 70% with 1200 Job Points spent.
Increases to 88% with 1200 Job Points spent and Heathen's Cuirass +1.
Based on your HP when casted

Is exactly what's written. Its the last part (Based on HP when casted) that throws it for me, its easy enough to test, just haven't had time to get myself 100% surety. One or two words makes all the difference in these things, like "Based on your max HP when casted" or "Based on your current HP when casted" are two very different things. Removing that last line even removes ambiguity
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-07-07 20:10:32  
The last line just means that after you cast it, if your max HP changes, the limit for Dread Spikes doesn't change with it.

Back to Ratri, two more uses are in an MEVA set (for low to mid tier magic attacks or for pure enfeebles of all kinds), and in a survival set when weakened (when you have no other option). Even though you take extra damage with it on, it roughly tripling your max HP will make you overall harder to kill if your healers aren't stretched super thin, especially with accessory slots canceling out the DT+.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-07-07 20:23:34  
Yeah I messed around with Dread Spikes and the amount of HP you have doesn't matter, it is the maximum. Tried it at different HP values, and with low HP I got the same amount. Saves me waiting for heals at least.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-07 20:25:04  
Excellent thx kylos

Edit: and geriond
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-07-07 20:31:30  
Leviathan.Vedder said: »
Excellent thx kylos

No prob man. Tested it out in Reisenjima, counting the amount of HP drained each time. The enemy's Magic Damage Taken -% note on BGwiki means you won't get 88% as the total cap is calculated with enemy MDT in mind. If the monster had zero MDT, it would be 88% of your HP. On Indomitable Faaz I consistently got 3.3k spikes with 4.4k hp, which is over 500 HP away from 88%.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,334
By Siren.Kyte 2017-07-07 20:42:40  
Leviathan.Vedder said: »
I beg to differ

Continues draining to counter applicable damage until it reaches a cap, at which point it wears off.
The cap is 50% of your max HP when the spell is cast, so wearing HP+ gear increases potency.
Increases to 70% with 1200 Job Points spent.
Increases to 88% with 1200 Job Points spent and Heathen's Cuirass +1.

Not sure where the ambiguity is
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-07 20:51:54  
Lol in the last line like I had mentioned, but others answered my question and explained the wording differently which is all I needed for clarity.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-07-10 18:58:27  
I'd like to share my equipsets below. They are a work in progress, so I'll highlight which pieces I'm missing. I'll give key stats on glyptic augments to save space. I use Liberator and Ragnarok, so naturally the scythe sets have more accuracy due to losing 60-75.

I merited Dark Seal to 5 so I do not have Diabolic Eye. I do not have extra wardrobes, so I'm restricted to four Ankou Mantles. Using Gracile Grip for the accuracy and Haste +4. I aim to make it strong enough to fight WoC and possibly T4 Reisens, although I've yet to try them (working on it). I don't solo much .. so I play with Lib or Rag depending on what we need or what buffs we have. /checkparam values are without buffs or food.

Edit: Adding alternatives after acquiring new equipment in the list below.

Steelflash/Bladeborn: Replaced by Cessance/Brutal.
Sulevia's Cuisses +2/Odyssean Cuisses: Replaced by Ignominy Flanchard +3 for TP/WS. Keeping Sulevia's for -DT set.
Odyssean Gauntlets: Replaced by Ignominy Gauntlets +3.
Stikini Ring for Absorbs: Replaced by Kishar Ring.
Excelsis Ring for Drain/Aspir: Replaced by Archon Ring.
K'ayres Ring, Meridian Ring, Cryptic Earring for Dread Spikes & Souleater: Replaced by Moonbeam Ring x2, and Cassie Earring
Gracile Grip, Kentarch Belt +1, and some Valorous replaced by Utu Grip.
Valorous Mask & Flamm. Gambieras +1: Replaced by Argosy Head & Feet +1s.
Impatiens: Replaced by Sapience Orb.

ItemSet 352284
Acc w/ Lib: 1145 - A fodder TP set with plenty of multi attack. The Valor body has acc+33 atk+19 wsacc+9. Ankou's has str, acc(30)/atk, dbl atk +10. Greaves: ACC+35 Atk+31 STP+3 (8)

ItemSet 352298
Acc: 1193 - Stacking extra accuracy at the expense of some multi attack. Only used if AM3 is down. Ankou: DEX ACC(30)/ATK STP+10

ItemSet 352287
Acc: 1185 - Tough to gear for as you want STP, but not at the expense of too much multi attack. Also need accuracy, so I did my best to bring it close to the regular TP set. Same augments used from above.

ItemSet 352300
Acc: 1211 - Easier to gear for. Using double attack mantle.

ItemSet 352292
Acc w/ Rag: 1336 - Not really used unless we run into trouble. Helps to know which pieces are most accurate when I get a new aug or equip. Using the DEX/ACC mantle.

ItemSet 352304
Acc: 1175 - Strong with Lib. I find myself using Insurgency or Quietus mostly. Same augs as the gear above. Difficult to get acc higher. Using the dbl atk mantle and mask. Path D on Argosy.

ItemSet 352295
Acc: 1159 - Ratri helps the accuracy a little, and has tons of wsdmg. +3 legs to enhance accuracy enough so I can have Knobkierre over Seething. WSdmg mantle and mask.

Mask: DEX+8 ACC+34 ATK+22 WSdmg+4

ItemSet 352299
Acc: 1216 - Using dbl atk mask and mantle. Using body +3 because my Valorous has no mutli-attack augments and the accuracy set bonus with +3 legs is too much to pass up.

ItemSet 352301
Acc: 1232 - I'd lose way too much acc with Ratri legs, so AF+3 will make do. WSdmg mantle and mask.

ItemSet 352293
Acc w/ Lib: 1034 - Capping damage taken is easy so I filled other slots with accuracy and haste. T. Platemail and Vocane +1 would make it even easier. My Jumalik does not have a good augment. I switch to Founder's Body when fighting Caturae. Keeps me alive well.

ItemSet 352289
Dark Magic Skill: 587 - Finally got lucky on Niht mantle with skill+10 and drain/aspir +20. Eschite is path D for the fast cast.

ItemSet 352288
For Drain II and Aspir. Will get +3 feet eventually.

ItemSet 352302
Just like the above set except I have head ready to use with Dark Seal. Ratri increases the duration of Drain 3's HP boost.

ItemSet 352291
HP: 4.26k - Will get more with Ratri +1. Close to 4.3k with this set.

ItemSet 352290
Using Vicious Mufflers for the extra duration as it doesn't have damage taken+. Dignitary would replace Enchanters.

ItemSet 352294
Not using it much as it's more for buff spells on /rdm. It's great if you can work it in to a precast for endark or dread spikes as it will save you a few seconds. Good for stun, could add more macc though.

Recently augmented Ody gear have +4 on each so far, so Eschite legs D path is better til then. Leyline Gloves has +3 augment. Can't find anything with fast cast in the waist. Using Ankou Mantle with mp+60, macc+30/mdmg+20 fast cast +10.

ItemSet 352303
An extreme macc set for Shockwave mainly. Could be used for Absorb spells on resistant targets. It's there if I need it.

ItemSet 352297
I like to combine Souleater with Blood Weapon in emergencies, or certain situations. I include the body for if I want to pop Blood Weapon afterwards. It's not a tp or ws set, it's more like a mix of the spikes set with Souleater+ equip.

I have an Entropy set which I don't use much. Also, I tend to do Scourge in my Torc set to save space in my macro bar. Will update this when I get new stuff.

Edit: Added Cessance Earring
Edit2: Added Ignominy Flanchard +3 & Alternatives List
Edit3: Added Ignominy Cuirass +3
Edit4: Added Ignominy Gauntlets +3
Edit5: Added Kishar Ring
Edit6: Added Archon Ring
Edit7: Added Moonbeam Ring x2 & Cassie Earring
Edit8: Added Utu Grip
Edit9: Added Argosy Celata +1 & Argosy Sollerets +1
Edit10: Added Petrov Ring & Sapience Orb
Edit11: This Post Has Been Abandoned. Please refer to the new post on Page 145. Thank you.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-07-17 15:48:27  
Did another update on the post. Cleared it up a bit .. added AF+3 legs and modified accuracy values. Working on +3 body and legs at the moment, and I'd like to add two Argosy +1s to some WS sets when I have the money. Please let me know if I'm missing anything obvious. Cheers.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Drayco
Posts: 347
By Cerberus.Drayco 2017-07-17 17:50:03  
........and still no Apocalypse sets. Tsk tsk tsk.

Don't make me come back and build you an Apocalypse lol
Posts: 3,657
By Taint 2017-07-17 18:12:20  
Cerberus.Drayco said: »
........and still no Apocalypse sets. Tsk tsk tsk.

Don't make me come back and build you an Apocalypse lol

Busted out Apoc two nights ago for the first time since I've been back....it's stupid fun. Time to master DRK!
Posts: 1,600
By Ruaumoko 2017-07-17 19:13:37  
Apoc to me, is a defensive weapon only. As far as Scythe DPS goes an Anguta will absolutely demolish it.

Apoc is a defensive weapon but it's a damn good one. With a good Max HP Boost and with Dread Spikes to support you're near unkillable with it.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-19 12:37:12  
Apoc best niche is when you know there's going to be AoE flying around and you can get a strong hp buff going for soaking dmg or enhancing soul. I love it but its in no way on par with greatsword (my monte+1 even demolishes it) with a solid 5hit with lots of qa/ multi attack its super fun spamming out 3/4/5 steps and keeping hp buffed up. Really working on perfecting my sets for it as its niche fits my play style. Hoping that cala will also in another form
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-07-19 13:34:16  
Ruaumoko said: »
Apoc to me, is a defensive weapon only. As far as Scythe DPS goes an Anguta will absolutely demolish it.

Apoc is a defensive weapon but it's a damn good one. With a good Max HP Boost and with Dread Spikes to support you're near unkillable with it.
Id like you to post sets and make a How to guide like you did with RUN and PUP which are both amazing and worth using over most forum post!

Kylos, TYSVM! Those post with values and acc are amazing to base my sets off of (which fall short in about every way vs your sets) As vedder destroys my DD jobs vs his Dark I need to step up and make something I can make him cry over
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-19 14:14:38  
Tenzen fight is just about the phases and how to manipulate him to give you scarlet delirium boost at start and again after he invincibles. Self buff buff use lr before pull by few seconds throw ds/nv drain3 on him, this will pull hate towards u (I am assuming you were smart and let blu or brd initiate agg with sleeping tarus) this is where SD needs to be popped as a good chunk of time he'll ws you right off the bat for 1-2k, not a super huge buff but at this point your tanking currently. Now your just gonna throw up SE,seigan+3rd, you remembered to put dreads up I hope, as LR is gonna cap your haste while seigan×dreads (swap in dt if they both drop) should let you swing away hard, at this point your spamming ws til bow cones out and this is where you really want SE up since you can't ws this damage is vital. He'll put bow away, you'll we a few times, he'll invin you run away and reapply buffs and throw up SD again, played right you'll get another boost here and then its pretty much over. If I were capable of sleeping the tarus of actually try it solo but that's not gonna happen lol.
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