You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Cerberus.Krystela 2015-07-07 02:03:08
Just noticed Reain's old post about the area effect.
Didn't know they work from macros with GS unloaded. That's strange, gonna have to poke Byrth and Rooks about it because I find it very useful.
Those area effect things made me realize what I always suspected and what was probably always known, about different tier songs having different range.
Back in the days at 75 I used to believe that Wind instrument songs had a fixed width range (9.9 yalms), whereas String Instrument songs had a variable range that increased in tiers according to your combined string/sing skill, capping at 19.9 yalms.
Now I wonder if this is really true? I never tested it.
Still it's annoying to see how Horde Lullaby II has such a small range (even with String). The same applies to Minuet 5 and Ballad 3, probably to all songs added post 75.
It's pretty lame, wish they could somehow standardize it and make all string songs 19.9 and all wind songs 9.9... I wished it worked in macros too, it's indeed very handy! I wish ot was implanted 57363527 years ago xD
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-07 02:32:38
If what Reain says is true, it *DOES* work in macros.
The fact that it currently does for many of us, it's because they use Gearswap (or maybe Shortcuts is the culprit...)
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-07-07 07:49:07
Just noticed Reain's old post about the area effect.
Didn't know they work from macros with GS unloaded. That's strange, gonna have to poke Byrth and Rooks about it because I find it very useful.
Those area effect things made me realize what I always suspected and what was probably always known, about different tier songs having different range.
Back in the days at 75 I used to believe that Wind instrument songs had a fixed width range (9.9 yalms), whereas String Instrument songs had a variable range that increased in tiers according to your combined string/sing skill, capping at 19.9 yalms.
Now I wonder if this is really true? I never tested it.
Still it's annoying to see how Horde Lullaby II has such a small range (even with String). The same applies to Minuet 5 and Ballad 3, probably to all songs added post 75.
It's pretty lame, wish they could somehow standardize it and make all string songs 19.9 and all wind songs 9.9...
Old wiki has some values here http://ffxiclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/String_Instrument_Skill
The area of effect with harp is affected by the amount of string skill over the base/cap of the song. Low level songs cap naturally from our base skills. High level songs have high caps that we probably can't reach.
Also, If we were actually level 119 instead of item level the extra skill would have made our Horde Lullaby IIs bigger. :(
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 339
By Fenrir.Reece 2015-07-07 08:57:58
I always noticed the range increase with different tiers.
Always got pissed when Ballad 3 would hit the mages, then 2 would hit one extra person ahead of them.
Horde II range could be increased if in these next couple of updates we get a lot of skill based gear better than what we already have.
I still think the range of it now actually isn't too bad. Just used to it I guess meh
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-07 10:37:26
The range of Horde Lullaby 2 with String (Daurdabla 99) is hardly bigger than the range of Horde Lullaby 2 sung with Gjallarhorn.
Check the range of Horde Lullaby 1 and you'll see the huge range difference.
I ended up relying on Horde Lullaby 1 much more lately just because of that (previously I was mainly using HLII for sleeps, leeping HLI as my backup sleep for when HLII was on cooldown).
Yes, it's annoying. Wish they could standardize it to 9.9 for all Wind songs and 19.9 for all string songs.
But alas given the state of the game and the direction it's heading in, I doubt it's ever gonna happen.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-07-11 12:15:57
MDT sets!
ItemSet 336316
more of an inventory saver kinda set, but can cap MDT with Shell V with this in 5-6 inventory slots
ItemSet 336315
without Shell. Gendewithas can get MDT-4%, Artsieq Hat with Path C (MDT-5% M.Eva+10)
more updates soon!
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-08-05 11:51:20
from this update, aside from curing stuff, the thing that stands out the most for BRD is Porous Rope for debuffs (Magic Accuracy+5 / CHR+7). Kali, a new song duration+5% dagger, is of note too.
Anything else catch anyone's eye? New SS neck deserves a mention as well.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-06 06:02:05
Really curious to see if Kali stacks with Carnwenhan.
Not like Song duration really matters that much these days, but still, I'm curious.
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2015-08-06 07:01:37
Still seems pretty sweet if you'd be able to Troub-> Song -> Troub. With the 1200 gift, some decent gear, and a Carn, I imagine that's doable now if it wasn't before. Just won't help on the mobs that dispel.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-06 07:35:00
I haven't done calculations but with 5% more duration, Carn users should be able to have NiTro up before the previous songs expire.
The road to 1200 is a long one though, so in the meantime you could use Kali (supposing it stacks with Carnwenhan when dualwielded. Legato Dagger does not)
By Creecreelo 2015-08-06 13:15:27
Legato Dagger certainly stacks with Carn.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-06 15:54:58
When I tested it, it totally did not.
I was very disappointed.
Not sure if it was a temporary bug that got fixed shortly after. I'm talking about over 1 year ago when I got my Carns.
It's the first thing I tested before selling my Legato.
Not sure if my Carns was already 99 when I did the test. That might have been the cause of the thing.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-09 04:46:30
I posted the augs for Kali on FFXIAH if you guys wanna check.
Path A (iir?) provides around 30 Macc. Together with the rest of the stats it provides almost as much macc as Carns.
(roughly ~253 macc Carns, ~251 Kali path A)
I'm not much up to date when it comes to staves, there might be something even better for Macc, but if you like to debuff with a dagger, Kali is likely the best (after carns).
The additional duration is pretty awesome too, altough unless you're playing the role of backline jobs BRD, it's not really that useful these days to have +duration, given how because of the mass amount of dispels everywhere you have to re-sing songs very fast regardless of your song duration =/
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サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-09-16 02:34:53
Things of note this update:
Flanged Grip (Magic Acc+8)
Zendik Robe (Magic Acc+45, CHR+32, Fast Cast+13%) beats 119 AF1+1 body for debuffs. Also has the highest casting reduction you can get on body, tied w/ Sheikh Manteel for songs (although Dalmatica+1 aug tends to be most optimal, the two still have use for DD precast sets)
Incanter's Torque (Magic Skills+10) has use for debuffs depending on the target
Quirkening Brais (Song Spellcasting Time-10%), matches perfect aug Gendewitha+1
And 119 shields finally :D
also looks like we have useful food now? table in the update notes is obv an error since pre-adjustment and post-adjustment are the same, but it looks like both have post adjustment stats. Most notable ones..
Crepe Paysanne Magic Acc+21% (Cap: 30)
Crepe Delice Magic Acc+20% (Cap: 25)
Crepe Belle Helene Magic Acc+15
Chocolate Crepe Magic Acc+10 Update notes were wrong(er), posted all food effects a few posts down
will update both guides soon with these changes and other suggestions discussed in previous posts. Anything else of note to anyone? :o
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-09-16 03:03:35
Brioso+1 still better if you debuff with string instrument! (ok I'm kidding, if u're debuffing with string you're doing something wrong most of the times :P)
New body looks really interesting. Do want it, hope it's not gonna be too hard to obtain.
You still want to use Fili+1 though when you can afford the macc loss (for the increased duration)
The new Genbu Shield is nice for Idling but you still want the old one for the macc and cpot maybe and whatnot. Kinda annoyed by the lack of inventory+1 >.>
There's a wide set of new TP/WS gear too.
New Byakko are gonna be awesome for Evisceration, maybe TP too, needs to math it. Using these legs would allow, for instance, to go DA on leaf slot for the other Telchine pieces.
New Seiryu for Evisceration.
New Osode can be a nice TP piece for accuracy set, and it might be a better option than Bihu for WS.
There's also a new DD "all jobs" helm but I think that's more for ddmages than BRD tbf.
Querkening Brais look like they could be nice for TP as well.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-09-16 11:00:50
Brioso+1 still better if you debuff with string instrument! (ok I'm kidding, if u're debuffing with string you're doing something wrong most of the times :P)
New body looks really interesting. Do want it, hope it's not gonna be too hard to obtain.
You still want to use Fili+1 though when you can afford the macc loss (for the increased duration)
The new Genbu Shield is nice for Idling but you still want the old one for the macc and cpot maybe and whatnot. Kinda annoyed by the lack of inventory+1 >.>
There's a wide set of new TP/WS gear too.
New Byakko are gonna be awesome for Evisceration, maybe TP too, needs to math it. Using these legs would allow, for instance, to go DA on leaf slot for the other Telchine pieces.
New Seiryu for Evisceration.
New Osode can be a nice TP piece for accuracy set, and it might be a better option than Bihu for WS.
There's also a new DD "all jobs" helm but I think that's more for ddmages than BRD tbf.
Querkening Brais look like they could be nice for TP as well.
it's nice they gave Seiryu's Kote some crit, a la 75 Kote's synergy augment, but instead of DW for Osode from its synergy augments, they just throw Counter on :( 75 DW Osode still has some use on trivial targets for that reason, lol
Also got an upgrade for waist from Shetal Stone :o that Reiki Koshiobi gives 2 more DW
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-09-16 14:21:13
1% more, not 2%.
But also nice new boons like STP.
Anybody found out where that new sexy body drops from?
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-09-16 14:49:58
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-09-16 22:52:56
Fixed my post about the foods, looks like they were all switched around the begin with, all of these actually look pretty good:
Ham And Cheese Crepe: Magic Acc+10
Mushroom Crepe: Magic Acc+10
Crepe Paysanne: Magic Acc+15
Crepe Forestiere: Magic Acc+15
Butter Crepe: Magic Acc+20% (Cap: 25)
Crepe Delice: Magic Acc+21% (Cap: 30)
Chocolate Crepe: Magic Acc+20% (Cap: 35)
Crepe Caprice: Magic Acc+21% (Cap: 40)
Pear Crepe: Magic Acc+20% (Cap: 45)
Crepe Belle Helene: Magic Acc+21% (Cap: 50)
get them forks out boys, we're having crepes tonight.
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サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2015-11-22 01:46:02
Sup Singers, i try to reedit my old bard.
So, i have terp and just get lucky with linos :
What relic/af/empy i should focus since i play mage job all the time and have a tons of good macc etc multi job gear.
Thks in advance
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 517
By Lakshmi.Lenus 2015-11-22 02:33:22
AF you can completely skip. Relic, mainly the ones that enhance troub/night and I guess soul voice. Empyrean, get all 5 and upgrade them to 119. Work on ghorn also, its still nice.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2015-11-23 02:46:01
Aside from obvious trolling (but sadly true) arguing like: "Omg people still use BRD?!" I'm not sure I agree 100% with that.
Leaving Chronic set out of the picture for a second, Brioso 119 still have some good options.
Brioso 119 head ==> uh... Used midcast for Paeon, but lol@that
Brioso 119 body ==> best* midcast body to land debuffs
Brioso 119 feet ==> best midcast feet for buffs, thanks to the duration bonus
Can avoid feet if you don't wanna bother with duration+ sets, but why should you ignore it? With less priority maybe but imho it's a very important part of being a BRD. Body you can skip if you can get your hands on Chironic (see below). Head of course it's pretty useless, I was kidding.
For Bihu set now (relic):
Head 119 ==> best* midcast option for debuffs
Body 119 ==> Troub aug piece
Legs 119 ==> Soulvoice aug piece
Feet 119 ==> Nightingale aug piece
Getting +15 seconds on Night/Troub and +30 seconds on Soul Voice is imho very very useful. For that end you can use the level 99 dynamis +2 version though, augmented ones of course. The augment potency is the same on those pieces and on the 119 ones. Or if you can't be bothered with getting 20k XP in Dynamis, get the 109 versions, they have the augment as well and, again, it's the same as the 119
Fili now (empy):
Head 119 ==> best precast for songs. Augments Madrigal.
Body 119 ==> not the best for debuffs, but if you can afford the macc loss, it's gonna make your debuffs last longer, so it's cool. Of course it's the best for midcast buffs. Augments Minuet.
Hands 119 ==> best* for midcast debuffs. Augments March.
Legs ==> best* midcast for debuffs. Augments Ballad.
Feet ==> best for idle (mov speed), Augments Scherzo.
As far as the songs augments go, you could use the +2 version from Abyssea, but given how these items are pretty awesome for many purposes, I'd get the full set to 119 regardless if I were you
Where I put a * the situation gets complicated. It USED to be the best, but now Chironic opened up new options.
Here's a small summary of Chironic set:
Head ==> Previous option was Bihu 119 with ~73 macc. Chironic would need an augment of at least +35 to beat Bihu.
Body ==> Previous best option was Brioso+1 with ~75 (~78,5 for String instrument). Well technically Zendic Robe was the best with ~77 but I was trying to be realistic here! Chironic needs at least Macc+25 aug to be the winner, capping out at ~90 with a perf aug of +40.
Hands ==> Previous best option was Fili+1 with ~75. Chironic would need macc+40 (cap) to be equal to Fili+1. I.e. don't bother, Fili still the best, yeeaaah! \o/
Legs ==> Previous best option was Fili+1 with ~68 Macc. Chironic has ~40 base, so you only need macc+29 to beat Fili (cap is macc+40). You lose the Song Delay -8 though.
Feet ==> Previous best option was Telchine with ~67 macc. Chironic needs at least 34 macc aug to beat them. You lose the FC+5% from Telchine though.
I'm not really a huge fan of moving to Chironic for Feet and Legs, but for Body it represents quite a nice option I guess.
Supposing you don't know how to gear up for BRD, we can simplify the sets BRD needs into 3 main ones
Precast set ==> a set with Fast Cast and "Song casting delay-X%" bonus. Goal is reaching 80% of course. Kali (Escha ru'aun T2 weapon) helps with that, you can even dualwield it. Or you can go /RDM for an additional 15% to help you reach the cap.
Midcast set: buffs ==> midcast set to use when you're casting buff songs. It's gonna have a mixture of pieces augmenting specific songs, AF3 for the set bonus and Song Duration+. Keep in mind that the set bonus from Abyssea +2, 109 and 119 do not stack. Need pieces of the same ilevel for the Set bonus to work
Midcast set: debuffs ==> midcast set to use when you're trying to land a debuff songs on a target. Basically you want a mixture of +CHR, +Macc, +Sing and +Wind/String (according to which instrument you're using, but you should be using Wind!). All of the above convert into an approximate 1:1 ratio. (I'm simplifying things of course). That means that +1sing = +1macc, and +1CHR = +1macc. The same sadly doesn't apply to Wind/String. The ratio for those is roughly 3:1. Need roughly 3 skill to get 1 macc (or was it 4 skill? Tbf I don't remember exactely but what's important to know is that the ratio is NOT 1:1)
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2015-11-29 21:38:38
There's reports on BG of being able to get all songs +1 on chironic gear.
Unfortunately it's from Dark Matter augments, which are random as all hell.
Having an extra +4 songs from all the chironic pieces would be pretty darn OP. It might actually make Honor March a little more viable.
Edit: If you were able to get another +4 songs on different pieces of chironic gear (making a total of +9 including g-horn and emp bonus) you could actually cap magic haste with Honor March and Victory March while only needing Haste1. Currently, Honor March + Victory March + Haste1 will not cap magic haste, making it kinda bad. Most brds (esp 3 song only brds) would be better off using Victory + Advancing and a higher tier Mad/Minuet.
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サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Odin.Niteanjel 2016-01-14 23:22:38
Hey guys, Stupid request. Could someone send me their BRD Lua. The kinemetics one isn't updated and i just decided to bring back my BRD. Working on my Ghorn atm and i want everything to be ready :) thanks in advance. if you could email it to me at chefsanji89@gmail.com that would be apprecitaive
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-01-14 23:25:11
Has anyone confirmed the Song augments (+1 or +2)? Feels like Linos all over again.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2016-01-15 02:02:49
Not sure I've seen a lot of people bothering with Dark Matter, after the first few weeks.
Not like I expected a different outcome to be fair, did you?
By KnifeKatRengar 2016-02-02 02:19:34
Is the OP going to be updating this with the recent gear anytime soon or did they disappear?
I'd really like to see updated sets to look/set my eyes on getting. Since I know nothing of what there is to offer for a BRD anymore.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2016-02-02 02:41:20
will be updating OP soon to both guides :) sorry that I've been neglecting it