For The Shinies! A Guide For Thief

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For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
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By Shichishito 2021-08-30 04:32:04  
Asura.Silvannesti said: »
I mean I thought the number of times you can evade was capped, you’re going to get hit anyway
you got a point there.
Asura.Silvannesti said: »
constructive criticism about why it’s not a good idea
while regal gloves net you a little TP the 5% you'd still get hit at eva cap they also increase damage taken by 20%. depending on what you chose from cape augments that throws you back to 21-26% pdt.

you decide wether that's a worthwile trade off but if you die more frequently due to unlucky volleys of spiky crits i'd go back to malignance gloves and see if it gets better.
サーバ: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-08-30 05:13:16  
I use Regal Gloves in what I call my "first round DT set" on RNG, COR, and THF. Essentially, a "if HP > 65%". They are too dangerous I would think to use in an evasion set full time, but a little free TP on the first few hits that land I figure can't hurt too much.
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By SimonSes 2021-08-30 05:49:13  
Shichishito said: »
TP the 5% you'd still get hit

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By SimonSes 2021-08-30 06:50:43  
Asura.Silvannesti said: »
SimonSes said: »
Crossbones said: »
Idk about those regal gloves silva lol.

Looks like one of those situations where someone try to fit rare item into some build, because he feels that he should use it if he was able to get the drop.

Idk was just thinking, evade get some tp, get hit get a lil tp. Just switched it in recently to test it out, haven't change it back yet. I mean I thought the number of times you can evade was capped, you’re going to get hit anyway. I was curious to try it, another little thing to min max. Instead of taking a weak stab at me how about some constructive criticism about why it’s not a good idea lol. Anyway, so far a can’t really notice a difference over Malig gloves that I was using before.

I got the hands for my dnc cure set, but always wanted to try them in this build. No flex just testing it out.

Strictly for Omen farming? You lower your PDT to like 16%? With 20-30 mobs on you it's just way to risky for no real reward. I get 3000TP anyway before I gather 20 mobs and for 2nd WS you get tp almost as fast as you can WS again. I see no point to risk getting volley of strong hits and die just to get some small amount of TP that do exactly nothing with this setup.

If you talking about evasion set for strong mobs, then Regal is a significant drop in Eva and super significant drop in PDT. It can get you one shooted.
By Shichishito 2021-08-30 07:30:49  
SimonSes said: »
Shichishito said: »
TP the 5% you'd still get hit

good to know. had some hit rate cap of 95% in the back of my head thus assumed its 5% but apparently they changed that too.

yeah, with 20% of hits going thru your WHMs stoneskin better be thick wearing those +20% dmg taken gloves.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-08-30 08:05:44  
Do we even know if the dt +20 is taken away from your total dt or is it it's own multiplier?
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Silvannesti 2021-08-30 08:28:15  
I've only had the gloves like a week. I slotted them into my eva set but I haven't had much playtime to test them out on many different things yet. I've only run around on them in low lvl trash stuff like Limbus, some D, VD BCNM farming and a few solo Ody runs.

I do appreciate all the info though, thanks.
Like I said before, they are firstly for my dnc cure set, though I just thought they looked interesting. So wanted to have a play around with them in some other capacity.
サーバ: Sylph
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Posts: 210
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2021-08-31 07:06:52  
so what we do know is this regarding TH
having TH3 immediately procs TH3 on the mob when you take any action
Each additional rank of TH up to 8 behaves in this same fashion
procing additional levels of TH are increased with:
crit hits
weapon skills
sneak attack
trick attack
there is no known formula for when a proc is triggered

in my personal experiences which make up for a fraction of a percentage of total TH trials across this game- stacking TH seems to increase my TH values on mobs

this is what wiki says on the matter for what it's worth

Treasure Hunter Proc System:
The Treasure Hunter proc system was introduced in the December 2010 update and applies to players using Thief main job, as well as the Ranger job ability Bounty Shot.
The maximum base Treasure Hunter level that can be applied from the first action against an enemy is 8.
This includes the Treasure Hunter trait.
The Kupower "Treasure Hound" is not subject to this cap. In areas affected by Kupowers, it is possible to apply TH9 on the first action.
Treasure Hunter can be increased up to a maximum value of 12, with 0 Job Points invested into Thief Job Points or via Bounty Shot.
The 100 Job Points Gift on THF increases the maximum possible value of Treasure Hunter to 13.
The 1200 Job Points Gift on THF increases the maximum possible value of Treasure Hunter to 14.
Bounty Shot allows the initial application of TH2 (up to TH4 with Bounty Shot+2) and can also cause upgrades between TH levels with repeated usage.
Upgrading TH levels from normal attack rounds is inversely proportional to the difference between your current TH level in trait/gear and the monster's current TH level.
Example 1: If you plant TH6 on the monster by pulling with your TH gear on and then continue to use your TH gear while you kill the monster, there is a 0-level gap between your current TH level and the monster's current TH level. This makes it "easy" to proc (approximately a 6% chance per melee round).
Example 2: If you plant TH6 on the monster by pulling with your TH gear on and then swap to TH3 to kill the monster, there is a 3-level gap between your current TH level and the monster's current TH level. This makes it comparatively more difficult to proc (approximately a 2% chance per melee round).
There is a much greater chance of TH level upgrade from Sneak or Trick Attack (approximately 10x).
This is multiplicative to the TH up bonus from Feint merits.
Treasure Hunter can only proc on the first hit of an attack round.
Attacks must do damage in order to potentially upgrade Treasure Hunter effectiveness. Hits for 0 do not count.
Treasure Hunter can proc on the first hit of weaponskills, but will not display any message when it does.

this pretty heavily implies that having gear equipped over TH8, lets say 14, would increase your odds of increasing the TH proc level on the mob, with diminishing returns for each level it's upgraded until you reach the cap of 14

so basically use your own discretion as to how you want to play the job. without any "known" facts about this, there is no right and wrong answers, just what works for you.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-08-31 10:34:22  
Crossbones said: »
Do we even know if the DT +20% is taken away from your total DT or is it it's own multiplier?

Any source of DT+ is subtracted from and DT-% you may already be wearing.

ie. If you have on DT-20% and put on the DT+20% from the gloves, they cancel out and you take normal unmitigated damage.
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By 2021-09-14 04:55:48
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By FaeQueenCory 2021-09-14 08:06:04  
kusaregedo77 said: »
r15 ternion +1 should still beat gleti as offhand to aeneas yes? i have aeneas and tauret mainhand to choose from and am solo skillchaining more often than not.
No. The accuracy is about the same, and while the WSdmg+ is close enough to the DEX+15 for Rudra's, the (potentially) same AGI and more Triple Attack for Exenterator (such as that is) should have Gleti's be..... basically the same/ever so slightly better.
Really depends on your buff situation as to how much the massive amount of attack Gleti's is giving you is either a lot or a pittance. But either way, that attack should help Gleti's pull ahead in most situations as an offhand.
Barring ridiculous situations where you are extremely overcapped in pDIF. Then there they should be roughly equal. Roughly.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-14 08:08:03  
The math shows R20 gleti's beating all other offhand options if your attack is uncapped, and even when it is capped it's still on even footing. Gleti's is just that strong. Crepuscular knife is the other notable option for high attack situations, but apart from that Gleti's is the go to offhand for everything if you have access to it. Ternion +1 is third in line, but it's still very serviceable. The difference between them isn't that big, but gletis does have the edge.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-09-14 10:39:35  
I guess you're not facting Air Knife there because, well, it's not exactely something everyone can aim for, right?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-14 10:53:03  
Mog bonanza only rewards aren't really worth discussing. And for what it's worth, I think R20 gleti's beats air knife too. They created air knife in November of 2000, and gleti's was released in February of this year. Air knife was BiS offhand at release, but I don't think that's the case any more. I certainly don't feel as disappointed not having access to it now that gletis is out. Dagger is crazy good.
Posts: 517
By Zubis 2021-09-19 09:24:04  
Is Tauret worth making if you have a Twashtar, Aeneas, and Naegling?

Are there situations where it's better than any of the above three.
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By 2021-09-19 09:28:40
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By FaeQueenCory 2021-09-19 10:55:02  
Tauret Aeolian Edge cleaving is definitely worth making it. Especially in a month like this (at the time of writing) where you can possibly AFK all your points.

Only "downside" would be if you don't have one of the other ambuscade weapons which would be better to get over the hipponipple dagger.
Naegling and Shining One are the two big standouts. (I realize you already have Naegling, Zubis)
Namely since pulse weapons are the limiting reagent in making a weapon.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-09-19 13:18:26  
Tauret with evis spam is solid in lower attack situations. I use tauret a lot more often than Aeneas, personally. Karambits are also 100% worth having.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-20 22:48:24  
Tauret Aeolian Edge cleaving is definitely worth making it....
Namely since pulse weapons are the limiting reagent in making a weapon.

If gil or pulse weapons are a problem and all you want is an aeolian edge cleaving weapon then malevolence from sinister reign actually does more damage than tauret. Tauret has 217 magic damage, 15 int, and 15 dex, and while that is a lot of magic damage, magic damage as a stat is one of the least impactful things you can gear for in a magic weaponskill. Malevolence on the other hand still has 118 magic damage, but it also has 34 magic attack on the base version, and augments can add an additional 10 Int and 10 more magic attack.

The difference of 44 magic attack far outweighs the 100 odd magic damage difference between tauret and malevolence, so if you're looking for an economical and powerful option for cleaving that's what you would want. Tauret of course has utility as an evisceration piece whereas malevolence does not, but as far as aeolian edge goes, malevolence produces the highest damage of all our dagger options.
Posts: 401
By Guyford 2021-09-21 02:17:37  
Tauret does have 16 MAB too but you're still right
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2021-10-01 06:38:56  
so is there a working spreadsheet for thief like there is for warrior gear? I've tried to download the one under the "working dps spreadsheets" but it never loads properly and I 'm not able to edit anything
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2021-10-04 13:23:45  

that all depends on what exactly you're doing. if you're doing anything solo, and you have access to trusts so you have sufficient magic haste to solo skill-chain, then aeneas will me your go to main hand as you can solo radiance or umbra for significant damage.

If you're in a group setting where you're simply contributing a single weapon skill to a skill-chain and that weapon skill is Rudra's storm, then your answer is Twashtar all the way.

the same goes for vajra, though those situations will be few and far between

tauret would be go to if you're being required to provide the gravitation side of the skill-chain

of these daggers, twashtar has the highest white damage with AM running. honestly, none of them are designed to be off handed, but that being said, if you had to pick a "best" overall combo, then Aeneas/Twashtar would probably be the meta as the dex bonus from Twash is still very high for Aeneas rudra's, and if you upgrade both, the agl bonus is still higher that then on tauret for exen.

it's also worth noting, that tauret would be better in a situation where you need increased acc, since it does have +40, and Evis is a multi hit, so there's less chance of it flat out missing, but, thieves don't often flat out miss weapon-skills thanks to SA and TA being guaranteed
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2021-10-17 07:33:41  
I was curious how Gleti's set stacks against glass cannon white build for THF with Twashtar and apparently, if you can cap attack with PDL body, legs and hands are an option (overall dps drops by 2%, but white damage actually goes up by almost 6%). The significant thing here is jump in survivability against Glass set: +24% PDT, +26MDB, +53meva, +38HP, +55evasion, +30VIT, +155DEF
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サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Buffyslyph 2021-11-21 18:37:36  
Anyone have a link to maintained WS sets?

Looking for across the board, but these primarily:

Evsiceration, Aeolian Edge, Savage Blade.

Also apparently /mnk is useful now? So Karambit/Asuran Fists?
サーバ: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-11-21 18:45:20
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-11-22 07:57:47  
You don't use asura fists if you sub mnk. The main reason for doing it is access to raging fists. I like to go thf/mnk for omen so I can cover all 3 weapon types for the midboss. Thinker goes down pretty quick on thf/mnk. Karambit works really well with thf, especially in glass cannon tp set.
サーバ: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2021-11-22 13:46:12  
Crossbones said: »
You don't use asura fists if you sub mnk. The main reason for doing it is access to raging fists. I like to go thf/mnk for omen so I can cover all 3 weapon types for the midboss. Thinker goes down pretty quick on thf/mnk. Karambit works really well with thf, especially in glass cannon tp set.

That clarifies so many questions. Asuran Fists didn't make any sense for THF when I was looking at it.

Completely different topic. I'm messing around with THF/DRG now that Super Jump and potentially more WS bonus DMG is incoming. Is this viable and if so, is there any consensus on what Jump/High Jump sets should look like?
Posts: 2,760
By Nariont 2021-11-22 14:06:51  
Your TP set basically. Jumps arent any good for /drg beyond the hate decay on HJ for survivability purposes and sj isnt an attack
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By 2021-11-22 14:07:00
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サーバ: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2021-11-22 15:31:15  
kusaregedo77 said: »
yes thf/drg is pretty standard, you can use malignance for all the store tp for jumps.

and its nice to help your non/drg buddies in long fights with accomplice > super jump

i may be wrong and its only multi attack that wworks on jump not store tp

I'm going to have to test it out. The thought process was Dual Wield bad, Store TP + Multi Attacks good. THF sitting at 19% TA by just being mastered means I would try to put more Store TP on unless there was a lot more TA per slot that Store TP, but if Store TP doesn't do anything then it's pretty obvious which way you'd go.

I'm just using them before WSing to add more TP and not slow down my auto attacks with animation delays.
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