IiPunch - Monk Guide

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iiPunch - Monk Guide
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Posts: 2439
By Nariont 2019-04-18 10:55:56  
Retaliation is what always gets me when its only drawback is -mov speed, probably one of the more nothing tier debuff wise

How can counter be broken when you can pop retal and cap your pdt and arguably gain more dps while taking less dmg with the only drawback being you walk slow
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 11:02:13  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
The reason is because counter mitigates all damage.

In the old Final Fantasy games, Counter was what Retaliate is today. Cancelling a monster's attack with your own is basically a form of Paralyze to the target where the monster misses and you steal a round instead. It's a strong move for melee defense, but let's be completely honest here: NOTHING in FFXI kills you from just simple melee strikes. Being able to counter those and not take damage is barely as big of an advantage as people pretend it is, because the biggest threats to any job's survival isn't melee hits, is "osht" moves (like throat stab/everyone's revenge), magic, and TP moves, and none of those are counterable. The bosses in this game who will probably destroy you simply from melee attacks is a boss who can dread spikes or counter YOU.

You almost never die from regular hits, so being able to counter/retaliate those and gain TP from it should really just be treated like you landed a melee strike. There shouldn't be a distinction between "this is counter, don't give us TP" vs "melee strike, give tp". It's just a regular melee hit, retaliation or counter

Like i said, its not a good reason, but it is the reason. Also, auto attacks from moves can be quite deadly. Usually takes a second for the whm to swap off tank to you, or get to you if youre not high prio and healer is handling multiple parties/dealing with important debuffs. A few autos followed by a TP move that would have just hurt you can put you on the floor. Counter does give the whm some breathing room.

Even Run will die in a few auto rounds or so if they dont parry. (But thats because run is a squishy tank by design)

Ultimately i do agree you should get tp on counter, but as a currently forced whm main, to say that counterring autos isnt a major help is just false.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 11:04:12  
Also, mnk really needs massive HP boosts again. Monk is supposed to have the highest base HP and have it mean something. Now they just have sub tank HP, since tanks will stack some form of +hp.

Monk should really have 4k base HP.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 11:07:33  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Even Run will die in a few auto rounds or so if they dont parry. (But thats because run is a squishy tank by design)

Ok thanks for proving you were trolling this entire time so I can stop entertaining your comments.
Posts: 9025
By SimonSes 2019-04-18 11:09:28  
That could be a fix to counterstance too. Just have 4k hp+. Tp moves wouldnt one shot you, but you would need whm or dnc healer. Sounds good.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 11:47:46  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Even Run will die in a few auto rounds or so if they dont parry. (But thats because run is a squishy tank by design)

Ok thanks for proving you were trolling this entire time so I can stop entertaining your comments.

Its not trolling if its true. Run has high mdef/meva/mdt etc, but the same phys defense as a mage/light DD. Dont engage a mob on RUN and see how long you last without cures. Most of runs physical staying power comes from parry/hp restored on parry. DT can only do so much, even a war will take physical hits better disregarding parry.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2019-04-18 11:49:22  
That statement is correct if we are assuming non-Epeo RUN in a super tank scenario or a Hundred-Fists like situation. RUN really relies on those parries. Fortunately Battuta is a thing.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 11:57:02  
It's not true at all, lol. Good RUN in the right build takes single-double damage attacks from melee hits. You've never seen a good rune fencer before is the reason.

That's almost as stupid as saying "Paladin will die if it doesn't engage and turns around if there isn't a whm to keep it alive"
Posts: 2439
By Nariont 2019-04-18 12:02:05  
Even without epeo just an aettir with a pdt/phalanx kit can take more than "a few" auto rounds
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2019-04-18 12:05:37  
How does a MNK counter with a shield, or even parry, with only H2H anyway?

I mean, I thought this was a fisting thread, not a thread about how PLD>RUN or RUN>PLD.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3261
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-04-18 12:09:19  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Also, mnk really needs massive HP boosts again. Monk is supposed to have the highest base HP and have it mean something. Now they just have sub tank HP, since tanks will stack some form of +hp.

Monk should really have 4k base HP.

I feel like WAR, DRG, SAM get as much, if not more HP than MNK.

:/ Feels so wrong
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 12:13:25  
I mean, these certainly don't help Monk in any way. Strange THF, BRD and DNC is on there though...
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2019-04-18 12:18:27  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
It's not true at all, lol. Good RUN in the right build takes single-double damage attacks from melee hits. You've never seen a good rune fencer before is the reason.

That's almost as stupid as saying "Paladin will die if it doesn't engage and turns around if there isn't a whm to keep it alive"

Not sure if responding to me or if you just ignored the entire premise of my statement.

Taking higher end double digit damage when supertanking or against a mob with a high attack and hundred fists can definitely be lethal if the RUN doesn't parry. There is a reason that Battuta is saved for hundred fists scenarios.

My statement listing out specific times means that I disagree with the generalized premise but in the situations I listed, a RUN that gets no parries may certainly be in some form of trouble.

But yea, remain ignorant and aggressive. Turn towards insults first rather than actually reading.

Even without epeo just an aettir with a pdt/phalanx kit can take more than "a few" auto rounds

Yeah I definitely disagree with their original statement. There are situations a RUN will be in trouble but those are few and far between.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 12:25:56  
Even with, run is a glorified mage in DT gear. Youre still gunna be hurting. And no, the run in my group is virtually bis. You get a good chunk of no parries, and youre going to be yellow-red.

The entire point is that damage negation abilities are good. Run is a tank based entirely around counter. Nin is a dd made into a tank based entirely around shadows. Counters mitigation is still powerful and noticable when it procs.

Remove parry from run, and youll end up with the whm spending all their time cure bombing the squishy tank.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 12:30:35  
Not aggressive or ignorant, just the entire context of your scenario is stupid to begin with.

When would a RUN supertank and NOT parry? When would a RUN supertank, not parry, and NOT have a healer? Again, that's as silly as asking how long can a PLD survive normal hits if he doesn't block or have a healer to help him out. It completely removes the primary damage negation tool the job showcases and points at it's inability to stay alive when you rely solely on Defense. It's a dumb scenario all around.

RUN can take plenty of damage EVEN IF it doesn't parry, I have seen it personally: RUNs taking single digit damage from several charmed players (not parrys, single digit damage lol) and didn't skip a beat. But again, its a dumb analogy to begin with.

The topic has derailed beyond the original counter discussion, so i'll take some responsibility for that (I wasn't about to let that dumb RUN comment slide).

Going back to the this original comment

Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Ultimately i do agree you should get tp on counter, but as a currently forced whm main, to say that counterring autos isnt a major help is just false

Literally nobody said this. And like I said, nobody dies from simple melee attacks. Countering an attack and avoiding only physical damage isn't quite the advantage some of you are pretending it is, especially when you have to use (gulp) Counterstance to reach a reasonable counter rate.
Posts: 2439
By Nariont 2019-04-18 12:31:04  
Yeah minimum 55 pdt with round 35~40 phalanx at the low end, is glorified mage in dt.

Runs squishy when it pops last resort or hops into pure dd gear, if your runs are dropping like flies cause no parry, idk what to tell ya other than you got bad runs.

But did all this to some extent in the update thread already.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 12:35:58  
No one dies from autos because whms heal you. Autos still force whms to heal you instead of erasing/-naing debuffs and doing other vital roles. And autos CAN kill you if the whm is doing something else (arise, erase) and you take an auto round or two and get TPd on.

The idea that mob autos arent dangerous is just wrong. The only job that can disregard them is pld.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2019-04-18 12:37:14  
Nariont said: »
Runs squishy when it pops last resort or hops into pure dd gear, if your runs are dropping like flies cause no parry, idk what to tell ya other than you got bad runs.

Or I have BiS RUNs who rely on their main physical defensive cooldown, Battuta, to survive said situations. But yea remove Inquartata, Turms gloves and Battuta and RUNs would still be able to survive any situation with just a good DT set and Phalanx set :^).

Buuki makes a good point though. There are few situations where a RUN tanks unengaged and even in that situation you have a healer cure bombing them (Erinys) if you don't tank it with a PLD.

Edit: I also love the implication of "If you don't agree with me you just play with bad people". Because there isn't a world where you are wrong, people just exist in wrong worlds.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 12:37:22  
55 DT in light armor is basically just a whm. Run is literally just a whm/mnk/thf etc. Being autod.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 12:44:38  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
and you take an auto round or two and get TPd on.

EXACTLY. It's the TP move that is the biggest threat to a Monk. Thanks for agreeing with my original point:

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Being able to counter those and not take damage is barely as big of an advantage as people pretend it is, because the biggest threats to any job's survival isn't melee hits, is "osht" moves (like throat stab/everyone's revenge), magic, and TP moves, and none of those are counterable.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
You almost never die from regular hits
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2019-04-18 12:46:18  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
It's a dumb scenario all around.

Yeah this conversation is a bit of trap because each party is talking at two different extremes and will never see Eye to Eye. Probably best to go back to talking about how counter should return TP at least during counterstance or something.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 13:04:30  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
and you take an auto round or two and get TPd on.

EXACTLY. It's the TP move that is the biggest threat to a Monk. Thanks for agreeing with my original point:

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Being able to counter those and not take damage is barely as big of an advantage as people pretend it is, because the biggest threats to any job's survival isn't melee hits, is "osht" moves (like throat stab/everyone's revenge), magic, and TP moves, and none of those are counterable.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
You almost never die from regular hits

Except, again, the autos put you into kill threshold. Which is the entire damn point.

If you have 2.5k hp, and a TP move does 1.8k, and you die, guess why? Because he smacked you a few times first.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 13:11:56  
There's so much derailed garbage in these posts it's not even worth debunking anymore.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-18 13:23:16  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
There's so much derailed garbage in these posts it's not even worth debunking anymore.

"Derailed garbage" except my point has always been counter, parry, guard etc allows your whm to do literally everything else they need to do safer with more time than simply eating free autos to the face, forcing the whm to spam cures instead of casting their important spells to keep status ailments handled on everyone, or even arise the dead.
Posts: 9025
By SimonSes 2019-04-18 15:15:33  
Wait what? Take parry from RUN and it will die? What?

Explain to me what I see on this video then XD

YouTube Video Placeholder
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 15:29:45  
I didn't wanna go there Simon, it was too ridiculous of a claim to debunk i stopped. Once claims of having WHM-like mage defense, i rested my case (BTW that's the "RUN" i mentioned that took single damage from multiple charmed players for a long time). The only people who believed RUN defense was weak are people who've never seen a really good one. (mind yo u half of that video is in Epeo, the other half is in Aettir...)
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2019-04-18 15:36:22  
SimonSes said: »
Wait what? Take parry from RUN and it will die? What?

Explain to me what I see on this video then XD

YouTube Video Placeholder

Epeo is a beautiful weapon
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-18 15:41:22  
Half of the video is using Aettir... it's not the weapon, RUN IS just that strong defensively.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-04-18 15:46:08  
It's no secret that phalanx is strong. There's a gigantic difference between someone that has all DM/skirmish augs for phalanx and someone that casts it with +5~

Average and even above average runs will and do get wrecked.

Monk thread.
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