iiPunch - Monk Guide
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-26 22:36:21
You can also use Yoran and Ygnas together for really healing intensive fights.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,726
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-27 02:32:05
Yes, but again, that means giving up the only GEO trust. Personal choice, and no argument from me that Yoran isn't good, but I don't think he's THAT much better than the next best WHM option to warrant passing on the only source of trust Frailty/Fury. Sylvie is truly unique, and gives extremely useful buffs (and she even has Cures/-nas to help mitigate any healing deficiencies with the rest of your trust setup).
As for your "healing intensive fights" scenario... if you were really needing healing enough to go with two WHMs, I really can't imagine many realistic scenarios where Yoran + Ygnas would be sufficient, but Ygnas + Sylvie + [pick a non-UC WHM trust, or even Selh'teus for that matter] would mean death.
Now, all of this is assuming people have access to Ygnas though, and I realize a lot of people don't. It makes a lot more sense to me to go Yoran UC if your next best WHM option was one of the non-Ygnas alternatives.
By Taint 2019-10-27 08:54:49
Sylvie is a game changer for trust soloing harder content.
Requires Ygnas which is a time sink but very much worth it.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-27 09:57:16
I've tried them both solo, and on hard stuff (Omen bosses, N Lilith, D Alexander, etc.), Yoran's afflatus solace is essential to keeping you (or a trust tank) alive in many situations, and he's got much better MP efficiency than any other healer for when Selh'teus can't reliably do his MP restore. Sylvia also tends to stay in range, which can get her killed or become an additional MP drain, offsetting her own curing ability. She also casts Haste I, which is a pet peeve of mine for healers (just Ygnas doing it is bad enough).
Ygnas is a good healer, but mostly for his lightning-fast erase/na spells and AoE buffs, not for his curing in particular.
I do agree that if you don't attempt to push your limits and mainly use trusts for routine lesser fights, Sylvie's kill speed increase is extremely useful.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-27 10:01:54
Nashmeira II is slept on. Telling you now. AoE intensive fights aka Neak she comes in hella clutch.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-27 12:40:18
All of the trusts have some unique fight or skill they specialize in. Nashmeira2 runs out of MP way too fast and has no native way to heal it back unlike Sylvie or Yoran. For shorter fights this is fine but it's not ideal for the longer solo on something like htbf or even Apex.
Sylvie is by far the best UC trust for soloing job points and minor tasks where you want the extra buff support (I.e you're under geared or a weaker DD). I have gone back and forth between her and Yoran and she's just the best you can get for soloing something like Apex or quick geas fete or whatever. I used her almost exclusively when doing all of Monk, Warrior, Samurai and Dragoon job points. I also found her extremely useful for soloing omen cards, making certain objectives significantly easier. For things like that, you don't really need the extra healing support. She also works in tandem with other buffers well, and despite her always being in range, she has a knack for always being one of the last trusts alive in a fight. I've witnessed this more than once, she's extremely durable for a mage.
Yoran is the gold standard of healers, and he opens up unique party and low man possibilities that Sylvie can't realistically accommodate. You'll also be able to play a little more reckless with your fights because he does a very very good job of prioritizing healing you first before others. Also, for fights like Alexander htbf, Sylvie cannot be used by certain jobs, making Yoran the better option in that case. You can tackle harder difficulty content with Yoran than you can with Sylvie, as I've used both on all of the DDs. It's expectedly cleaner with Yoran.
With all of that said, it's a debate that I've had for a long time and I've come to the conclusion that both are equally as useful and you wouldn't be making a poor decision using either of them. They are by far the best UC trusts to choose. If you're like me and lack ygnas, using him for soloing these new wave of htbf and other fights, Yoran is an easy choice.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,726
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-27 13:17:49
With all of that said, it's a debate that I've had for a long time and I've come to the conclusion that both are equally as useful and you wouldn't be making a poor decision using either of them. They are by far the best UC trusts to choose. If you're like me and lack ygnas, using him for soloing these new wave of htbf and other fights, Yoran is an easy choice.
That's a pretty good summary.
My hope is that Monberaux ends up being equal to or better than Yoran, putting an end to the healer debate and freeing up the UC slot for Sylvie. That would relegate Ygnas and his lightning fast -nas to a more niche role as an uber 2nd healer with great status removal ability, which is fine with me. Until then, I'll keep Sylvie on my main and Yoran on my alt...
Sylvie is by far the best UC trust for soloing job points and minor tasks where you want the extra buff support (I.e you're under geared or a weaker DD).
The only thing you said that I have some issue with is that last note... If you're relying solely on trust buffs, you will most likely never be capping attack (much less be taking advantage of any available PDL+) on any reasonably "current" content, regardless of whether you have awesome gear or if you're a strong DD. I still make great use of Sylvie Fury/Frailty on, say, my Masa SAM with high end gear.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,299
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-27 14:23:36
*** Monberaux, we need a new Cornelia! :(
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-27 14:34:22
*** Monberaux, we need a new Cornelia! :(
No... We NEED Cornelia. *** a new Cornelia!!!
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-27 14:45:43
It was really amazing being able to cap haste with two trusts, one buff never dropping. Though ninja can still achieve the same thing with two trusts, it's just not the same.
I'm also not completely convinced Monbereau is going to be a whm yet. SE did say they wanted to bring something the players have never gotten yet. IDK. You already have 3 useful whm trusts to choose from, 2 being UC and one being obtained through lengthy quest lines. Why would they introduce another through deeds, which is just as lengthy of a process? I get that he's a medic in the infirmary from the storyline, but it would kind of be a bummer to see months of keeping up with deeds resulted in something the player could already accomplish.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-27 18:23:50
The biggest bonus to Cornelia was that she was completely invincible and passive, so not only did you and any other melee-range trusts have an effortless 30% haste at all times, but she could never die nor was ever an MP sink or distraction to the healer.
By Aerix 2019-10-27 21:04:26
The biggest bonus to Cornelia was that she was completely invincible and passive, so not only did you and any other melee-range trusts have an effortless 30% haste at all times, but she could never die nor was ever an MP sink or distraction to the healer.
If I recall it was +20% Haste, but +30 Accuracy/Magic Accuracy on top of that. She was absolutely amazing.
I wouldn't mind if Monberaux were a healer on par with Ygnas or Yoran, but as we already have a bunch of WHM trusts another powerful buffer that stacks with Sylvie would be great. But we also need Cornelia back.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-10-27 21:45:59
A Cor that doesn’t bust every other roll would be nice.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-27 21:53:36
A Cor that doesn’t bust every other roll would be nice.
24 hour log of Qultada he only busts 30-40 times out of ~600+
Whatever they do with monberaux to make him "like a chemist" should be "interesting". Pretty dope if he randomly throws buff meds like Icarus wings, instead of another worthless healer.
UC trusts need to just go away, the whole unity system needs to go away. (the ranking, the talking and the locked trusts) Only having one usable WHM really isn't reasonable. All the other whms may as well have literal zero meva, that's super imbalanced.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,334
By Siren.Kyte 2019-10-27 22:07:30
As far as I can tell, Ygnas has at least somewhat elevated magic evasion.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,726
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-28 00:06:40
As far as I can tell, Ygnas has at least somewhat elevated magic evasion.
Yeah, it's definitely noticeable. For instance, I've often been slept with all of my other trusts, and Ygnas just powers on through and wakes everyone.
UC trusts need to just go away, the whole unity system needs to go away. (the ranking, the talking and the locked trusts)
I can get behind that. They could even use it as an excuse to add some new "content" with minimal development work and I wouldn't mind much. Just give out Trust Ciphers for all of the UC trusts and let us use them. Could gate it behind some grind: Ambuscade points (the latest phase of Ambu rewards is kinda drying up now with people having most of the weapons they care about), buying them for merit points, some RoE crap, etc.
By Aerix 2019-10-28 03:42:44
UC trusts need to just go away, the whole unity system needs to go away. (the ranking, the talking and the locked trusts) Only having one usable WHM really isn't reasonable. All the other whms may as well have literal zero meva, that's super imbalanced.
At least you can filter out the Unity chat. The chat is usually capped out anyway and people only spam messages for RoEs.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2019-10-28 03:54:46
started to add some sets to the bgwiki community monk guide so they are all in one place and updated. never edited a wiki before but i figured out enough to post sets. if anyone wants to submit sets they want to see on the page, send me a msg here, thanks.
Awesome! Are the counterstance and dt sets posted in the last pages general consensus? Could add those
Also quick question I'm not getting, basically the drill is:
- If impetus up always use VS
- If Footwork (no point in wasting stacking it with Impetus) Tornado Kick
- If none of the above use Raging fists if your overall TP mod will be above 2400, otherwise use Howling fist
- If using Spharai (and the R15), the third point will change to use Final Heaven
Am I getting it right?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-10-28 04:02:05
Final heaven is garbage don’t use it unless trying to get AM.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-10-28 04:32:12
started to add some sets to the bgwiki community monk guide so they are all in one place and updated. never edited a wiki before but i figured out enough to post sets. if anyone wants to submit sets they want to see on the page, send me a msg here, thanks.
Awesome! Are the counterstance and dt sets posted in the last pages general consensus? Could add those
Also quick question I'm not getting, basically the drill is:
- If impetus up always use VS
- If Footwork (no point in wasting stacking it with Impetus) Tornado Kick
- If none of the above use Raging fists if your overall TP mod will be above 2400, otherwise use Howling fist
- If using Spharai (and the R15), the third point will change to use Final Heaven
Am I getting it right?
Not quite, I believe the function should be similar to other DDs now.
Raging Fists has pretty much been my bread and butter lately.
You only hold til your WS fires at 2000 so if Moonshade but Non-GodHands that’s 1750+ The WS has a significant jump in damage at the 2000 mark very similar to other Heavy WSs. Consistently hits 40-60k with minor attack buffs.
VSmite feels like CDC right now; strong but inconsistent, even with Impetus up Raging is still competitive but more reliable. So for me, I stick to Raging.
Tornado is beautiful but needs Footwork and 3000 TP. Also worth noting that it’s damage will be unimpressive until you have AF Boots. It’s probably obvious but I’ve recently returned to MNK and tried to do an amazing Tornado Kick... I was sadly disappointed...
I have most BiS gear but I only have Karambit right now, all this could change drastically with proper weapons.
Side note: I missed Impetus; hitting 10k Crits with H2H was sorely missed lol
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-10-28 06:03:17
Haven’t gotten to play with the new update but raging and howling were always my goto weapon skills. I found at Attack cap just spamming with no hope of sc Raging Fist always did More damage.
By SimonSes 2019-10-28 07:50:34
Not quite, I believe the function should be similar to other DDs now.
Not really because monk still has higher white damage than most other DPS, so holding TP not only benefit your WS damage, but also your white damage is high enough to push the TP threshold when it's best to WS further.
Raging Fists has pretty much been my bread and butter lately.
You only hold til your WS fires at 2000 so if Moonshade but Non-GodHands that’s 1750+ The WS has a significant jump in damage at the 2000 mark very similar to other Heavy WSs.
The optimal point to WS with Raging is 2400TP + Moonshade.
But obviously don't try to hold TP when you fight something that will die from your next WS anyway.
Example with Karambit.
WS damage and DPS at various TP threshold:
1500+Moonshade - 31870 6558.484
1750+Moonshade - 37224 6849.830
2000+Moonshade - 42296 7073.917
2200+Moonshade - 47819 7272.545
2400+Moonshade - 50749 7366.542
2500+Moonshade - 51989 7292.659
Consistently hits 40-60k with minor attack buffs.
You either eyeball this and like most eyeballed numbers you pick higher numbers or you overflow a lot further than just 1750TP.
VSmite feels like CDC right now; strong but inconsistent, even with Impetus up Raging is still competitive but more reliable. So for me, I stick to Raging.
This is interesting idea, but unless you have godhands, spamming VS should still be slightly better (much better if you take advantage of skillchain damage)
Again example for Karambit:
2400TP+Moonshade Raging with Impetus up: 50918 8209.024
1000TP+0.2round overflowTP Vsmite: 35272 8543.484
Now for Godhands R0:
1900TP+Moonshade Raging with Impetus up: 50890 8512.338
1000TP+0.2round overflowTP Vsmite: 36391 8243.911
Tornado is beautiful but needs Footwork and 3000 TP.
Ok this is generally not true at all. TK is only slightly behind Raging Fists even without Footwork.
Karambit again (WITHOUT Footwork):
1750+Moonshade TK: 35821 (RF is 4% stronger)
2000+Moonshade TK: 39862 (RF is 6% stronger)
2400+Moonshade TK: 47196 (RF is 7.5% stronger)
Like you see TK without Footwork is only slightly behind RR.
Also worth noting that it’s damage will be unimpressive until you have AF Boots. It’s probably obvious but I’ve recently returned to MNK and tried to do an amazing Tornado Kick... I was sadly disappointed...
This is true and not true :)
True that TK gets a massive boost with AF+3 feet. Not true that without them damage is unimpressive, because with Footwork alone TK is already slightly better than RF at every TP threshold.
Karambit Footwork without AF+3 boots:
1750+Moonshade TK: 39826 (7% stronger than RF)
2000+Moonshade TK: 44353 (5% stronger than RF)
2400+Moonshade TK: 52435 (3.3% stronger than RF)
But it skyrocket with AF+3 boots:
1750+Moonshade TK: 47075 (26% stronger than RF)
2000+Moonshade TK: 52391 (24% stronger than RF)
2400+Moonshade TK: 61913 (22% stronger than RF)
Side note: I missed Impetus; hitting 10k Crits with H2H was sorely missed lol
People might be confused here. By 10k crits you mean sum of all crits in TP round yeah? Because you definitely wont be doing 10k crits (not even with x3 damage with Veret) with one hit unless with Boost.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2019-10-28 08:11:12
So it's VS with impetus, TK with footwork and otherwise spam Raging Fists, disregarding howling, yes?
Thanks Simon
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-10-28 08:12:50
Quote: 2400TP+Moonshade Raging with Impetus up: 50918 8209.024
1000TP+0.2round overflowTP Vsmite: 35272 8543.484
This is what gets me. Granted I dont use karambit. I use r15 Vere. I have all monk h2h r15 and working on aeonic to play with.
But if I was new coming to monk I'd see this and go well that's a no brainer. I'm going raging fists.
So victory at 1k
1k > 35272, 1k 35272, ~30-40k light, 1k again. 1k again. Another light sc. That's 200k worth of damage plus almost can sneak another weapon skill in because 2nd monk is waiting till 2400 both times. He would have only done half the damage without the skill chain.
Let me know if I'm way off base here. Just from my experience. I haven't got to play with a monk that has aeonic to maybe properly see. That's why I'm doing aeonic myself now.
By Nariont 2019-10-28 08:28:13
didnt tornado kick have an attack bonus built into like howling did? Or am i mis-remembering/got changed with the update?
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-10-28 08:42:07
Hmmm I’ll double check something. I was fighting Moogle Ambuscade and crits were most certainly breaking 10k with Impetus, usually hovering right around 9k per hit BUT it’s an Ambuscade boss and might have unusual properties I’m not aware of outside of it’s already strange nature.
I’ll do the fight again when I get home and screenshot but this was multiple runs of this happening and was the primary source of damage because the Moogle would use a 1-HR and put me into Amnesia almost right away. Melee with Impetus locks Empy Body if that helps any. Also MNK Nodowa +1. Impetus has always been powerful but I haven’t given full attention to MNK since Delve Era, I chocked it up to JA Adjustments and new weapons but it sounds like it might just be the Moogle. That’s my bad for not accounting for that.
As for the WS Averages, you’re probably right. I’ll hold til 2400.
As far as Tornado Kick, I charged 3000 TP, Bergressor, Imp with some hits for extra attack (Crits do nothing for This WS). Boost with Wait3 and... have yet to break 40k with it BUT I still need to get AF Feet and some other stuff so that’s a work in progress for me. I’ll work on it.
By SimonSes 2019-10-28 08:55:07
So it's VS with impetus, TK with footwork and otherwise spam Raging Fists, disregarding howling, yes?
Thanks Simon
Generally yes, but:
1. If skillchain damage is not reduced and you are solo and duo, then you should probably take advantage of skillchains.
Few solo self skillchains to consider:
Asuran > TK|Raging|Howling > VS > VS - Fusion>Light>DoubleLight (You can add TK|Raging|Howling at start to make it 5step and start with Liquefaction. You can also add TK>TK or Shijin>Raging|Howling to make it 6 step and add Imapction > Liquefaction at start)
TK > TK > TK - Impaction > Detonation
Shijin > VS > VS - Light > DoubleLight
(Godhands only) Shijin > TK > Shijin > Shijin > Shijin Induration > Fragmentation > Light > Radiance (Can start with TK too for 4 step instead and can also add Howling Fist at start for 6 step :o)
2. If you are not at attack cap, then Howling should be almost always better than Raging. Even if you are close to attack cap at lets say 3.5 pDif, then Howling Fist with +2 neck will be better than Raging with Gorget.
By SimonSes 2019-10-28 09:02:11
As far as Tornado Kick, I charged 3000 TP, Bergressor, Imp with some hits for extra attack (Crits do nothing for This WS). Boost with Wait3 and... have yet to break 40k with it BUT I still need to get AF Feet and some other stuff so that’s a work in progress for me. I’ll work on it.
That is strange XD You use same WS set as for Raging Fists? With Boost and at 3000TP this WS can actually cap at 99999 damage. You can even check Rua's video about drg/mnk update and see him using high TP TK few times with Boost. Damage was always above 80k I think with one 99999. He was using af+3 boots ofc.
I’ll do the fight again when I get home and screenshot but this was multiple runs of this happening and was the primary source of damage because the Moogle would use a 1-HR and put me into Amnesia almost right away. Melee with Impetus locks Empy Body if that helps any. Also MNK Nodowa +1. Impetus has always been powerful but I haven’t given full attention to MNK since Delve Era, I chocked it up to JA Adjustments and new weapons but it sounds like it might just be the Moogle. That’s my bad for not accounting for that.
Are you sure it's not simply a Battlemod addon summing up your crits in chat? I dont recall Moogle taking special dmg from crits.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-10-28 09:23:38
Yup, my set needs work lol. I saw all the screenshots posted here I know full well it can hit capped damage.
As for the Crits, has Battlemod ever done that before? It was showing them as individual hits as I recall but if it’s Battlemod throwing a tantrum that would explain things better
If it helps any, we invited a Ukkon WAR and his AM3 Crits were popping 20k+ Same setup