CET/GMT+1 Linkshell "Solitude" Recruiting For 2.0

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CET/GMT+1 Linkshell "Solitude" recruiting for 2.0
Posts: 1
By substance 2013-04-02 02:06:05  
Solitude is currently recruiting new and veteran players to join our ranks and make the most of 2.0! We are an English-speaking, CET-based linkshell originating from the Sargantanas server (formally Lindblum). We've been around since November 2010 and have been a relatively small, tight-knit linkshell (around 15 active members) until 1.0 closed. Our concentration is full exploration of game content and building our characters to max potential.

If you're interested, you can find more info and the application submission form here: http://solitudelinkshell.com/

This application process is open to players of all servers (everyone will be required to play in a server of our selection come 2.0 launch, with the possibility of transferring to a Europe-located server).

Thank you!

CET = Central European Time