Spellcast For Dummies!

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Spellcast for Dummies!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2013-04-24 02:29:00  
Just updated Post #3 with Cancel, Automatic Macros, and Presto/Steps.

I'd like help/verification on 2 things from the advanced spellcasters.

1: Is this correct. I literally made it while writing the guide, because previously to tonight, I didn't actually use cancel in my Utsusemi script.
<!--               Utsusemi            -->
        <elseif spell="Utsusemi*"> 
            <if spell="Utsusemi: Ichi"> 
                <midcastdelay delay="3.0" />
                <cmd when="midcast">cancel 66</cmd> 
            <equip when="precast"> 
                <neck>Magoraga Beads</neck> 
                <lear>Loquac. Earring</lear> 
                <waist>Twilight Belt</waist> 

Correct may be a bad term with you guys, but will it properly work and/or execute the goal I'm trying to achieve?

2: Care to share a more efficient way to spellcast for Presto and Steps, so that there isn't a delay on my steps, even when presto can't be preformed?
<!--               Steps            --> 
        <elseif spell="*step"> 
            <if notBuffActive="Presto" > 
               <action type = "CastDelay" delay = "2"/> 
               <action type = "Command" when = "Precast">input /raw /ja Presto <me></action> 
            <if spell="Feather Step"> 
                <equip when="precast"> 
               <feet>Charis Shoes +2</feet> 

I stole the above from Elvaanmoq, because Byrth and Motentens didn't even have the word presto in their spellcasts, lol. I assume it has to do with being Mythic owners.

Thanks in advance.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-04-24 02:37:40  
Code xml
<if mode="and" Spell="*step"  notbuffactive="Presto" MLvlGT="77">
			<if mode="or" notbuffactive="Finishing Move*" buffactive="Finishing Move 2">
				<var cmd="set CurrentStep %Spell" />
				<addtochat color="121">Current Backup Step: $CurrentStep</addtochat>
				<cancelspell />
				<addtochat color="121">No Presto Up - Popping Presto!</addtochat>
				<command>input /ja "Presto" <me>;wait 2.0;input /ja "$CurrentStep" <t>;</command>
				<addtochat color="121">Skipping Presto.</addtochat>

^My DNC's presto segment. Though I have to admit, the presto section you have there does appear to be less complicated.

As for cancelling, you're talking about using an external plugin. I probably wouldn't include that as part of a beginner's XML until you get around to discussing AutoExec, where you can segway into other plugins working with Spellcast.

<cancelspell /> as a Spellcast command will simply stop a spell from firing off, like this:
Code xml
<if mode="and" spell="Afflatus Solace" buffactive="Afflatus Solace">
		<cancelspell />
		<addtochat color="39">Afflatus Solace already active. %Spell cancelled.</addtochat>

cancel # uses the "cancel" plugin to remove various buffs (Utsusemi, Sneak, etc).
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-04-24 02:45:51  
I think Byrth and I are similar in that we prefer to manually use Presto when we want to use it which is why it doesn't show up in his Spellcast
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2013-04-24 03:04:17  
Sylph.Hitetsu said: »

My apologies, I meant Cancel. I just fixed my post above, as well as the one in the guide as I was clearly mistaken. Cancel is all that I've included, as I find it rather straightforward, and extremely useful for Dnc.

Would you be so kind, as to break down your presto script for me?
Perhaps explain what yours does, that you find more beneficial to you. It has quite a bit more bells and whistles than I'm currently able to comprehend in my limited knowledge.

@Sylow, that makes sense. Just seems like an additional macro and/or button push that I would like to avoid if possible. But you probably don't have to step nearly as often as those of us without Mythic, so I doubt it effects/bothers you nearly as much. Perhaps any insight on a potential Presto Segment, for those of us who use presto for every other step we use?
*Note it doesn't have to be 'for dummies', as this might be something I just copy/paste into my personal spellcast, without adding to my OP.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-04-24 03:12:52  
My presto step makes sure I can use Presto and that I don't currently have it active.

After that, it makes sure I can make use of it (0 or 2 Finishing Moves), then it stores my current step in a variable so I can recast it as soon as Presto's been used.

Then, it pops Presto, waits 2 seconds and then uses the step it stored earlier. Other than that, it just spits out information about what it's doing.

If it's missing some of the criteria, it'll skip Presto completely. For example, if I can't use it or I have 1, 3 or 4 FM's (where, aside from the accuracy, I gain no benefit from Presto).

It's slightly more complex, in the sense that yours will try to spam Presto every time a Step goes through whereas mine will only try if it grants 3(0=>3)/5(2=>5) FM's.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-04-24 03:26:59  
This is going to be way beyond what your guide will likely handle


But I covered how I use it there ^

I didn't auto-presto before Mythic either because for example if I just wanted to top off after a NFR it would use up my Presto and not give me any benefit whereas with manual activation only I could use a step normally then save Presto for the next Step

At the time I didn't know how to deal with finishing move number but that's more complicated which is why I generally recommend against auto-Presto for beginners
Posts: 865
By Otomis 2013-04-24 03:30:32  
I do not use spellcast, and I am going to be very very honest it is because it seems over complicated and also kinda just feels odd to have a program preform abilities for you. Mainly just because it seems to complicated though.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-04-24 04:52:40  
Otomis said: »
I do not use spellcast, and I am going to be very very honest it is because it seems over complicated and also kinda just feels odd to have a program preform abilities for you. Mainly just because it seems to complicated though.

It really does depend on what you want it to do. I've made them for mules/friends jobs where they're just advanced macro swaps.

For example, start casting cure > fastcast => cure potency => idle. Basically cuts down my required macros from 4-5+ to 0 (I never macro'd cure :P would be 1 if I did!)

I've known some people to make huge lengths of gearsets, and just use Spellcast like a regular Windower macro "/sc set TPGear" instead of "/con exec DNC_TPGear.txt"

It even works well for changing gearsets on the fly, from say.. a zone change (though, again - that could be handled by different macro palletes).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2013-04-24 17:35:19  
I Tried your Presto segment, but I get an end tag error on line... 7 of what you copy/pasted.

<command>input /ja "Presto" <me>;wait 2.0;input /ja "$CurrentStep" <t>;</command>

Does all of the $current stuff, require more variables in other positions of spellcast, or should this work in isolation?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-04-25 00:13:48  
If you copied that exact text, it will be wrong. The embedded angle brackets need to be escaped in order to use them in an XML document. It needs to be:

Strike that, the forum auto-converts the escape codes.
 & lt ;
 & gt ;

without the embedded spaces. Since the forum is misleading, not sure if you put the correct values in there or not.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2013-04-25 01:03:42  
<if mode="and" Spell="*step"  notbuffactive="Presto" MLvlGT="77">
            <if mode="or" notbuffactive="Finishing Move*" buffactive="Finishing Move 2">
                <var cmd="set CurrentStep %Spell" />
                <addtochat color="121">Current Backup Step: $CurrentStep</addtochat>
                <cancelspell />
                <addtochat color="121">No Presto Up - Popping Presto!</addtochat>
                <command>input /ja "Presto" <me>;wait 2.0;input /ja "$CurrentStep" <t>;</command>
                <addtochat color="121">Skipping Presto.</addtochat>

With the ... ugh auto...
And even tried manuallu putting <t> just in case it was a mistake.
Same error either way.

I assume because it references a Variable I don't actually have?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-04-25 01:07:23  
You'll need to add a variable called CurrentStep
Code xml
<variables clear="True">
       <!---Current Step Variable, Queues for Auto-Presto" --->
   <var name="CurrentStep">None</var>

If you look at his code
Code xml
 <var cmd="set CurrentStep %Spell" />

var cmd="set xxx yyy"


"Variable command -- set variable "xxx" to "yyy"
Posts: 865
By Otomis 2013-04-25 01:23:20  
Sylph.Hitetsu said: »
Otomis said: »
I do not use spellcast, and I am going to be very very honest it is because it seems over complicated and also kinda just feels odd to have a program preform abilities for you. Mainly just because it seems to complicated though.

It really does depend on what you want it to do. I've made them for mules/friends jobs where they're just advanced macro swaps.

For example, start casting cure > fastcast => cure potency => idle. Basically cuts down my required macros from 4-5+ to 0 (I never macro'd cure :P would be 1 if I did!)

I've known some people to make huge lengths of gearsets, and just use Spellcast like a regular Windower macro "/sc set TPGear" instead of "/con exec DNC_TPGear.txt"

It even works well for changing gearsets on the fly, from say.. a zone change (though, again - that could be handled by different macro palletes).

Okies, so I have 4 different gear sets(modes?) for Thf I commonly use each for different content mob lv etc. I have one set for salvage for when I am partial nekkid to equip better half nekkid gear, another whole set I use for VW since higher lv and I use 3x rank 15 atmacites one which has the 5% haste. I use another set for dyna, and another set for abyssea. The thing is it all gets complicated and huge bulky bag having about 100 pieces of gear just for thf manually changing out gear per situation or having to tab back and forth through macro lines. sometimes I end up getting frustrated being on the wrong macro line and not realizing it. I have had folks ask which spellcast I use and if they could use mine because they notice how complicated all the gear sets are.

Is it possible to set this up where "I do not want it to preform abilities for me, at all. I like to be in full control of what I am doing!" But to automatically know which events I am in and change out my sets for me? Or realize when I am salvage how to make the gear I can put more optimized with out having to do it through a series of manual macros of just with menu?

EDIT: and each gear mode I have I have about 6-8 different sets. too much damn gear.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-04-25 01:32:14  
Otomis - that's pretty much how I use spellcast except I have it set up to be able to use multiple abilities from single macros (and cycle through them with another key)

I prefer to not automate abilities
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2013-04-25 01:40:37  
My mistake, I was focusing on the <> around the 't' rather than the one around 'me'. Thanks guys. Just played with it quite a bit... well done Hitetsu, that's quite nifty. I'm not sure how or why it works, but it does, and rather well.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1,400
By Fenrir.Richybear 2013-04-25 01:59:18  
Just going to start using this, as like many others, I've been intimidated as hell by xml files. It's probably not so bad after all, but trying to have people guide me through it over Vent/Mumble would be a pain, and just copy/pasting someone else's spellcast and hoping I don't ruin it during my own editing scared me.
Been using windower macros for years, but wondering if Spellcast has the same sorta glitch that windower ones do. (or maybe did, I dunno if it was ever fixed.)

For example in say a PDT set, you have 2 Dark Rings to equip. In Windower macros, you needed something else to separate them, or it wouldn't switch them in properly.
input /equip ring1 "Dark Ring";
input /equip back "Cheviot Cape";
input /equip ring2 "Dark Ring";
type thing. Just wondering if spellcast is the same way and I need to put something between the rring and lring lines?

So far I'm just editing my stuff for BLU.
Starting off slowly to see if I can get the 3 main phases down first, and then will progress as I get more comfortable. (TP / CDC / Idle) If that works then I'll start editing out per spell and stuff, but just trying to get the basics down so far.

Thanks again!
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-04-25 02:13:25  
While there's been a million posts - @Otomis:
Mmk, I'm not 100% sure I'm right in what I think you're getting at, but I'll take a stab at it :D

This will work out what zone you're in or if you have Voidwatcher status. It'll then swap to a different set of gear, so you only need 1 set of macros (opposed to 1 for each). All you have to do, is plug your gear in and add as many sets for each section as you'd like (I've included an example of adding gear into sets at the top - Just swap out Whatevers for whatever gear you want in that slot). Repeat that for everything and you'll be pretty golden, it'll just take you to update any in-game macros you have for swapping Gear sets to /con sc set SetName (/con sc set TP, /con sc set WS, etc).

For Salvage, I included a cycle for going through multiple sets, if you type //trigger0 (or make a macro for it) and use "/con sc set TP$Set" to swap to TP Gear, then it'll equip 1-3 sets based on whatever Set# you're currently on (that could be added throughout the entire script, just in case you felt like you wanted multiple TP/WS sets inside Dynamis or Abyssea)

However, I'm thinking you're possibly looking for something more like GearCollector? That'd be able to collect and your gear for you - if so, I won't be much help I'm afraid >< I've never really dealt with GearCollector outside of a pretty bad version when I first started playing with Spellcast.

EDIT: Missed a closing set tag. Fixed.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-04-25 02:18:39  
Fenrir.Richybear said: »
In Windower macros, you needed something else to separate them, or it wouldn't switch them in properly.

Some people say it fixed their issues, others say no. I think it's probably to do with machine specs and general lag.

Personally, I can't say D: I don't have 2 pieces of gear with the same name anymore.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2013-04-26 00:22:34  
Variables section is all finished up guys. Should be the whole enchilada. Best of luck to all the dummies like me!

I got a PM with a link to some info on Control Flow. Gunna read it over again, because I'm not sure I completely grasp the concept. Additionally, I'll add some small tricks as I pick them up later on. Might even try to re-assemble the guide as a whole, so that it's easier to read through. I should have reserved more posts it seems.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Dastrian
Posts: 22
By Leviathan.Dastrian 2013-04-26 01:31:33  
When making variables is there a way to write it so that instead of changing a single piece it uses a different group entirely? I'm working on writing one for my drk and want it to switch to an aftermath group whenever I've used catastrophe, but want to avoid making so many of the TP slots independent variables.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-04-26 02:11:48  
I can't work out why you'd need a variable for a group change, is there something in particular you're looking for it to do?
Code xml
<if mode="or" spell="Catastrophe"  buffactive="Aftermath">
	<if notgroup="Aftermath">
		<command when="Precast">sc group Aftermath</command>
		<addtochat color="121">Aftermath is/will be active - Changing to Aftermath sets</addtochat>

<elseif mode="and" notspell="Catastrophe" notbuffactive="Aftermath" group="Aftermath">
	<command when="Precast">sc group Main</command>
	<addtochat color="121">Aftermath inactive - Changing to regular gearsets</addtochat>

This'll swap to a group called "Aftermath" when using Catastrophe, or when you've got Aftermath already. Similarly, if you're using Aftermath gearsets, aren't using Catastrophe and don't have Aftermath, it'll swap to a group called "Main".
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Dastrian
Posts: 22
By Leviathan.Dastrian 2013-04-26 03:06:55  
I m just inexperienced and was unclear on what was required for a buff active rule I think. Thanks for clearing it up, that looks perfect for what I wanted.
Posts: 18
By Naer 2013-04-29 13:57:47  
Thanks this guide was very helpful man much appreciated~!
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Sylph.Shadida 2013-05-02 15:56:42  
This might be a dumb question, but since I've never used Spellcast before... do you have to include anything in your macros for SC to pick up when you're using a particular ability? Or does it do it automatically?

In the case of Waltzes: if I use <stpc> in my macro, will it still do the proper gear swap after I've confirmed the target but before the Waltz goes off? One of the biggest frustrations without using SC is that gear swaps kill the <stpc> cursor unless you're using Blinkmenot, so it would be great if SC took care of that.

Also I don't mean to nitpick, but doesn't Fan Dance overwrite Saber Dance without needing to cancel?

Thanks a ton for this guide - well-written and easy to understand!
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-05-02 15:59:49  
I have no issues with my Waltz macro (/ja "Curing Waltz III" <stpc>). This is the only thing I have related to Waltz in my SC:
Code xml
<if Spell="*Waltz*">
			<if buffactive="Saber Dance">
				<castdelay delay="2" />
				<command when="precast">cancel 410</command>
				<addtochat color="121"> ==> Saber Dance active - Cancelling for Waltz</addtochat>
			<equip when="Precast" set="Waltz" />
			<equip when="aftercast" set="$GearType" />

And yeah, Saber Dance and Fan Dance only need to be cancelled for Waltz/Samba.
Posts: 16
By Gokulo 2013-05-12 01:18:18  
So, I finally decided to learn to use Spellcast, starting with my DNC and this cool guide ;)

Anyway, I seem to have a problem with the equipment changes and cancel for Spectral Jig. Before using cancel, it would swap gear properly before cast and go back to idle set after that. But when I downloaded cancel it seems to switch to my TP set instead?

<!-- Jigs -->
<elseif spell="*Jig*">
<if spell="Spectral Jig">
<if buffactive="sneak">
<cmd when="precast">cancel 71</cmd>
<equip when="precast">
<legs>Etoile Tights +2</legs>
<feet>Dancer's Shoes</feet>
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-05-12 01:26:31  
Would have to see all your code to work out what was wrong.

When you post all your XML, wrap it in [ code ] [ /code ] tags to keep it looking neat and readable :D I doubt it's anything to do with using Cancel, would be the first I've heard of it anyway.
Posts: 16
By Gokulo 2013-05-12 01:46:22  
Ok thanks, I tried to copy what was in the OP mainly, but I could've screwed something here or there :D
<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
<variables clear="True"> 
<var name="TPLegs">Etoile Tights +2</var>
                <group name="DNC" Default="true">        
                        <set name = "TP" > 
                                <ammo>Charis Feather</ammo>
                                <head>Thurandaut Chapeau</head>
                                <neck>Charis Necklace</neck>
                                <lear>Brutal Earring</lear>
                                <body>Charis Casaque +2</body>
                                <hands>Thurandaut Gloves</hands>
                                <lring>Heed Ring</lring>
                                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
                                <back>Atheling Mantle</back>
                                <waist>Twilight Belt</waist>
                                <feet>Charis Shoes +2</feet>
                        <set name = "Idle" > 
                                <ammo>Charis Feather</ammo>
                                <head>Thurandaut Chapeau</head>
                                <neck>Charis Necklace</neck>
                                <lear>Brutal Earring</lear>
                                <body>Charis Casaque +2</body>
                                <hands>Thurandaut Gloves</hands>
                                <lring>Heed Ring</lring>
                                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
                                <back>Atheling Mantle</back>
                                <waist>Twilight Belt</waist>
                                <feet>Tandava Crackows</feet>
                        <set name = "Exen" > 
                                <ammo>Charis Feather</ammo>
                                <head>Thurandaut Chapeau</head>
                                <neck>Charis Necklace</neck>
                                <lear>Brutal Earring</lear>
                                <body>Thurandaut Tabard</body>
                                <hands>Thurandaut Gloves</hands>
                                <lring>Heed Ring</lring>
                                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
                                <back>Atheling Mantle</back>
                                <waist>Twilight Belt</waist>
                                <legs>Etoile Tights +2</legs>
                                <feet>Charis Shoes +2</feet>
                        <set name = "Evis" > 
                                <ammo>Charis Feather</ammo>
                                <head>Thurandaut Chapeau</head>
                                <neck>Charis Necklace</neck>
                                <lear>Brutal Earring</lear>
                                <body>Thurandaut Tabard</body>
                                <hands>Thurandaut Gloves</hands>
                                <lring>Heed Ring</lring>
                                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
                                <back>Atheling Mantle</back>
                                <waist>Twilight Belt</waist>
                                <legs>Etoile Tights +2</legs>
                                <feet>Charis Shoes +2</feet>
            <if status="idle"> 
            <equip when="idle|aftercast" set="Idle" /> 
                <equip when="engaged|aftercast" set="TP" /> 
            <if type="weaponskill">
    <castdelay delay="$Delay-JA" />
    <if spell="evisceration"> 
        <equip when="precast" set="Evis"/> 
    <if spell="exenterator"> 
        <equip when="precast" set="Exen"/> 
    <if spell="aeolian edge"> 
        <equip when="precast" set="AEdge"/> 
    <if spell="pyrrhic kleos">  
        <equip when="precast" set="PK"/> 
<!--               Jigs             -->    
        <elseif spell="*Jig*"> 
            <if spell="Spectral Jig"> 
                <if buffactive="sneak"> 
               <cmd when="precast">cancel 71</cmd> 
            <equip when="precast"> 
               <legs>Etoile Tights +2</legs>
               <feet>Dancer's Shoes</feet>			   
<!--               Utsusemi            -->
        <elseif spell="Utsusemi*"> 
            <if spell="Utsusemi: Ichi"> 
                <midcastdelay delay="3.0" />
                <cmd when="midcast">cancel 66</cmd> 
            <equip when="precast"> 
                <lear>Loquac. Earring</lear> 
                <waist>Twilight Belt</waist> 
		<!--               Dances             --> 
            <if spell="Saber Dance"> 
                <if buffactive="Fan Dance"> 
            <cmd when="precast">cancel 411</cmd> 

 <!--              Cancels             -->          
         <if spell="Fan Dance"> 
            <if buffactive="Saber Dance"> 
            <cmd when="precast">cancel 410</cmd> 
            <if Type="Waltz" BuffActive="Saber Dance"> 
            <command when="precast">cancel 410</command> 
            <castdelay delay="0.5" /> 
         <elseif spell="Trance" BuffActive="Saber Dance"> 
               <command when="midcast">cancel 410</command> 
         <elseif Type="Samba" BuffActive="Fan Dance"> 
               <command when="precast">cancel 411</command> 
               <castdelay delay="0.5" /> 

<!---------------Variable Gear           -->
        <if Buffactive="Saber Dance" > 
            <var cmd="set TPLegs Etoile Tights +2" /> 
            <var cmd="set TPLegs Charis Tights +2" /> 

サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-05-12 01:50:29  
<elseif status="Engaged">
<equip when="engaged|aftercast" set="TP" />

Try changing your <else> rule up at the top to that.

(Also, for point of note: "<castdelay delay="$Delay-JA" />" isn't doing anything because you have no Delay-JA variable)
Posts: 16
By Gokulo 2013-05-12 02:45:47  
Thanks, seems that helped ^^