Is FF14 Talk Making Ppl Quit?

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Is FF14 talk making ppl quit?
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Nanyo
Posts: 375
By Kujata.Nanyo 2009-08-08 16:35:03  
I think it's the bannings that are making everyone Leave FFXI >.> not FF14
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Gilgamesh.Thedreamer 2009-08-08 16:35:26  
Race are same
Zones look same
video is the boat of ff11 with only better resolution...

of course we can say its same at this point :x

wait and see MORE...
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Clouse
Posts: 168
By Ifrit.Clouse 2009-08-08 17:47:15  
Slamm said:
ii and iii were *** (nes ones) i hear the iii remake is good

x-2 was awful..

and the whole 15 year old blond kid saving the world thing they did with xii was pretty gay, but the rest of the game owned

tidus sucks too

ff3 on the SNES is godly

Also from what i see, the only difference between ffxi now and post-ffxiv will be less updates and expansions, same that happend to EQ, also a lack of new players coming in.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Pandemonium.Dreubaud 2009-08-08 17:57:36  
Yes, it does have that infleunce.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: zangada
Posts: 249
By Ramuh.Zangada 2009-08-08 18:03:43  
So far it looks too much of the samething, se can't fix the problems with ff11 so i dont have much hope for ff14. It may not be making ppl quit but it isnt helping, if u know this is over soon why waste ur time and money. SE still cant stop rmt tells so unless they get their heads out of their *** and fix important ***i dont bother with 14. GM's still dont do ***to help so i dont know why ppl will want to do it over again.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Slamm
Posts: 308
By Asura.Slamm 2009-08-08 18:30:17  
Clouse said:

ff3 on the SNES is godly

ff3 on the snes isnt ff3 lol
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Clouse
Posts: 168
By Ifrit.Clouse 2009-08-08 18:52:25  
Slamm said:
Clouse said:

ff3 on the SNES is godly

ff3 on the snes isnt ff3 lol

true, isnt the GBA ff3 same as psx/snes also?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-08-08 18:53:48  
GBA never did FFIII....

SNES FFIII is FFVI for Japan.

FFII, FFIII, and FFV never left the shores when they were first released....
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-08-08 18:56:31  
Slamm said:
Clouse said:

ff3 on the SNES is godly

ff3 on the snes isnt ff3 lol

Well it's FF3(US)/FF6(JP) lol, blame Squaresoft :d

Edit : As korpg said :o Was a bit late :p
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-08 19:06:24  
I'm just wondering how many people who are saying that it's just the same game as XI but prettier will change their mind once it comes out. All your concerns are based solely on a handful of screenshots. None of you seem to be considering the fact that the battle, quest and levelling systems are all ENTIRELY different.

Even if XIV looked EXACTLY the same as XI, I'd still be playing it. I'd be pissed that the graphics are severely out-dated, but I'd be playing it because of all the new and unique stuff it offers.

I think if it was just a giant add-on to XI a lot of you nay-sayers would play it just for the new areas and NM's. But it will also have new quests and some EPIC new stories. Did any of you note the fact that the game has mist?

While it may look like FFXI+1, I think you're all just whiny, butt-hurt little pansies QQ'ing that you'll have to start from level 1 all over again.

Rusko said:
I personally dont care about 14. I already hate low leveling, what the hell makes them think i want to start over after playing for 6 years. <|Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.|>

If this is seriously your opinion, then I guess you'll never buy any new game ever again?

Rusko's friend: "Hey Rusko, did you see that new XXXX game that has all your favourite characters, super realistic graphics, absolute freedom etc. etc. It's the first game to ever get 10/10 from EVERY review and is being called the best game ever"

Rusko: "Nah *** that, I don't want to start from level 1"
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-08-08 19:06:45  
Didn't I just read that Vanadiel is celebrating it's largest population ever? Frankly when I hear people say they're quitting it's because they have other ***IRL to do, and has nothing to do with FFXIV....

On a personal note... *** FFXIV... I probably wouldn't be so anti 14 if it weren't for all the fanboi's/gurls.

.... no *** way.. seriously.. they announced races? Well stop the presses Johnny... SE made an announement about a game that is well over a year away, and has a whole 90 second CG clip.... someone ... panic!!! I'll just drop what I'm doing and fap to the latest tidbit SE wants to throw out.

Honestly.. I hope 14 is a big mess of fail so I can lol.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: jaeganja
Posts: 318
By Odin.Ahligieri 2009-08-08 19:09:44  
Slamm said:
ii and iii were *** (nes ones) i hear the iii remake is good

x-2 was awful..

and the whole 15 year old blond kid saving the world thing they did with xii was pretty gay, but the rest of the game owned

tidus sucks too

From what I've seen the system in X-2 looks good...I just couldn't get past the opening video without going "yyeaaaah...I'm not playing this ***."

IMO Ashe or even Balthier were saving the world, and Vaan was there for the ride. He might have been part of the team, but he was not the captain or the star player (even if that character was "you"). But I agree I'm kind of over youngsters saving the world, somehow defeating ultra power goons that have years (sometimes decades/centuries/etc) of experience kicking ***.

Tidus did suck.

Anyways I highly doubt I'll quit FFXI for FFXIV. I don't want to restart the endless process of pimping out an MMO character. Just gonna move on with my life, sans MMOs.

Then again I didn't want to play this and that didn't fall through lol. I'd hate to ditch this character and the work I've put into it so far though, so I'd probably stay on FFXI if anything.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-08-08 19:09:44  
Blazza said:

Rusko said:
I personally dont care about 14. I already hate low leveling, what the hell makes them think i want to start over after playing for 6 years. <|Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.|>

If this is seriously your opinion, then I guess you'll never buy any new game ever again?

Rusko's friend: "Hey Rusko, did you see that new XXXX game that has all your favourite characters, super realistic graphics, absolute freedom etc. etc. It's the first game to ever get 10/10 from EVERY review and is being called the best game ever"

Rusko: "Nah *** that, I don't want to start from level 1"

Amazing how when taken out of context you can pretty much tell people what they're saying..... Besides.. last I checked.. 14 doesn't have any of the things you've listed. :)
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-08 19:13:07  
I was just referring to the fact that he's refusing to play a new game because he'll have to start from level 1 dumbass.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Slamm
Posts: 308
By Asura.Slamm 2009-08-08 19:19:24  
yeh vaan was nothing in ff12, shouldn't of even been included

you can play ff3 on an emulator with translation patch but don't bother its junk lol
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2009-08-08 19:32:01  
Phyrefly said:
Clinpachi said:
Honestly i DO hope people quit for XIV so it weeds out the people who have stopped making this game fun.

Me too.

you fail

new people don't make FFXI lame its the old old members who give a hard time to new people that make XI lame
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-08-08 19:33:55  
Radaghast said:
Didn't I just read that Vanadiel is celebrating it's largest population ever? Frankly when I hear people say they're quitting it's because they have other ***IRL to do, and has nothing to do with FFXIV....

On a personal note... *** FFXIV... I probably wouldn't be so anti 14 if it weren't for all the fanboi's/gurls.

.... no *** way.. seriously.. they announced races? Well stop the presses Johnny... SE made an announement about a game that is well over a year away, and has a whole 90 second CG clip.... someone ... panic!!! I'll just drop what I'm doing and fap to the latest tidbit SE wants to throw out.

Honestly.. I hope 14 is a big mess of fail so I can lol.

Quiet little one, the adults are talking now.
Slamm said:
yeh vaan was nothing in ff12, shouldn't of even been included

SE missed the memo that says boobs sell....
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: ryder75
Posts: 67
By Caitsith.Ryder 2009-08-08 19:42:12  
Clinpachi said:

I'll probably try XIV but i'll never devote another 5 years to a video game ever again.

Maybe because I'm getting older, but i feel the same way
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Rumaha
Posts: 10000
By Bahamut.Rumaha 2009-08-08 19:42:37  
Ryder said:
Clinpachi said:

I'll probably try XIV but i'll never devote another 5 years to a video game ever again.

Maybe because I'm getting older, but i feel the same way
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Rumaha
Posts: 10000
By Bahamut.Rumaha 2009-08-08 19:43:52  
Thunderz said:
Phyrefly said:
Clinpachi said:
Honestly i DO hope people quit for XIV so it weeds out the people who have stopped making this game fun.

Me too.

you fail

new people don't make FFXI lame its the old old members who give a hard time to new people that make XI lame

No, its *** and douchebags that made this game not fun, when they started playing makes no difference.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-08-08 19:49:35  
my opinion:

1. SE imposing the new credit card BS has stopped a lot of people from playing.
2. people have RL to attend to.
3. where the *** are my promised summons!?!?!?!
4. the last 2 expansions were mediocre.

personally i think there are always people quiting and you are just freaking out over nothing. as long as enough people play the game to pay for their servers they will keep them up. for all you know FF14 could suck a fat one. that game looks like an updated 11 anyways. i'd rather stay on 11 so i don't have to start over for the same damn thing with better graphics.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Drteeth
Posts: 361
By Shiva.Drteeth 2009-08-08 19:52:23  
Littledarc said:
my opinion:

1. SE imposing the new credit card BS has stopped a lot of people from playing.
2. people have RL to attend to.
3. where the *** are my promised summons!?!?!?!
4. the last 2 expansions were mediocre.

personally i think there are always people quiting and you are just freaking out over nothing. as long as enough people play the game to pay for their servers they will keep them up. for all you know FF14 could suck a fat one. that game looks like an updated 11 anyways. i'd rather stay on 11 so i don't have to start over for the same damn thing with better graphics.

Again, you're going off a handful of screenshots for a game that won't be released for a year. Yeah, it might suck. It might not. Stop bitching about a game that isn't even close to being released.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2009-08-08 19:53:42  
People taking the OP too srsly

サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Emobi
Posts: 41
By Shiva.Emobi 2009-08-08 19:55:33  
hahaha i hear that!

Though... it is a pretty cheap past time.

and as for who's making the game lame (though the game itself is really great) are those who turn it into something emotional and personal. i don't understand how people can get so nuts about it. and /blist is an amazing thing! you don't HAVE to listen to these people either! wow!

Shiva has been successful in driving out many bad players. flee, losers, fleeee! the social aspect obviously depends on the server and whatever social norms it encourages.

サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-08-08 20:05:21  
pfft. in a year you guys can find out whether 14 is good or not. quit bitching and making topics about it already and play 11 -.-
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-08-08 20:05:53  
Littledarc said:
pfft. in a year you guys can find out whether 14 is good or not. quit bitching and making topics about it already and play 11 -.-
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Sphynxer
Posts: 13
By Garuda.Sphynxer 2009-08-08 20:14:01  
Korpg said:
Littledarc said:
pfft. in a year you guys can find out whether 14 is good or not. quit bitching and making topics about it already and play 11 -.-
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Auraeon
Posts: 29
By Leviathan.Auraeon 2009-08-08 20:15:30  
Lost ~7 years of my life to FFXI. I'm glad it is finally ending, so I can finally live my life like it was supposed to be lived. I never got to experience being a teenager because I was playing FFXI all day, every day, from the time I was 15 to the time I was 22 (would be 23 or maybe 24 if I kept playing until FFXIV came out.)

Needless to say, I've learned from my mistakes, but it is a bit too late for that now. I wont play FFXIV, and FFXI has nothing to offer anymore, especially knowing that there is virtually no future left for FFXI.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Drteeth
Posts: 361
By Shiva.Drteeth 2009-08-08 20:20:32  
Littledarc said:
pfft. in a year you guys can find out whether 14 is good or not. quit bitching and making topics about it already and play 11 -.-

I'll play XI until XIV is released, then I'll play both! D:
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-08 21:02:46  
Drteeth said:
Littledarc said:
pfft. in a year you guys can find out whether 14 is good or not. quit bitching and making topics about it already and play 11 -.-

I'll play XI until XIV is released, then I'll play both! D:

I'm ashamed to say that I'll do the same. Especially ashamed when seeing the truth behind Auraeons words.