PREMONITION Recruiting For 2.0! (EH On Bismarck)

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PREMONITION recruiting for 2.0! (EH on Bismarck)
Posts: 4
By moonpiejen 2013-07-03 20:46:54  

WE ARE NOW RECRUITING FOR FFXIV: ARR beta and launch. We were on Saronia originally and then ended up on Sargatanas when the server merges in 1.0 took place. We'll be remaining on Sargatanas for 2.0 launch.

Check us out at We will be running events in CST. Most of us will be leveling from the beginning to see the content through so we welcome new players or rerolls on Sargatanas.

Our officers have many years of experience being competitive in numerous games including FFXI, WoW, Rift, FFXIV v 1.0, SWTOR and GW2 and many others. We were Event Horizon LS on Bismarck. We merged with IRON on Bismarck later on. We were a very successful Sky/Sea/ground HNMs/Limbus/Salvage linkshell. We then became Premonition Gaming.

We are recruiting quality, dedicated, hard core players to add to our team. We have a long, strong history and we're looking for people to stick with us and see everything that FFXIV v 2.0 has to offer - in it for the long haul. Here are the jobs we are looking to recruit most at this time:


All other jobs are encouraged to apply as we review each application regardless of job and evaluate each applicant.

What we're looking for in our FFXIV players.......

**Active Player - We need people who will play enough to be considered active on the game and up for anything during our leveling and crafting explorations. Be ready to hit the ground running when end game is upon us as well. We're looking to be extremely competitive and will stop at nothing to be the best of the best. First and foremost we want to have fun! But we will always be striving to get firsts in end game.

**Mature -- We will only recruit those players over the age of 18. We require you to be mature and respectful to other members of the team. We do not tolerate drama and drama is the quickest way to be removed from the linkshell.

**Responsible - We seek people who are responsible and reliable. If we give you a spot on the roster then please give us the time that you have promised to us. We must be able to count on you to be there without fail and to adhere to our schedule.

**Competent - It doesn't matter if you don't have any experience in FFXIV, but you need to be the type of player who has experience in previous MMOs and at least understands that to be competitive you must have the desire to play your class to its maximum potential. We want you to be active on the forums and willing to help others become better than they already are. Just be someone who never stops at being better and always strives for the little bit more. You must also be willing to evolve and grow with us.

**Motivated - We require motivated individuals who are not afraid to get things done. We are not looking for players who need to have their hands held to achieve anything. Be a go-getter and be passionate about your successes and the success of the linkshell!

If this sounds like you and you would like to be a part of something great, please post a new application in the FFXIV recruitment section.
Posts: 4
By moonpiejen 2013-07-21 18:14:44  
Still looking for a few more players ^^
Posts: 4
By moonpiejen 2013-08-04 14:17:50  
Looking for SMN and BLM and SCH!