EU / NA - Equillibrium LS Recruiting (Balmung)

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EU / NA - Equillibrium LS Recruiting (Balmung)
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Sergo
Posts: 2
By Valefor.Sergo 2013-08-14 14:07:35  
Equillibrium Recruiment

Some people will know me as Mattaus from Bahamut and some will know me as Sergo from Fenrir server on FFXI also that Equillibrium was the Bahamut Linkshell i used to lead on FFXI.

Recruiment Information

We are looking for New or Old players from FFXI & FFXIV that are either from the EU or NA to join Equillibrium for FFXIV: A Realm Reborn release, our plan is to be situated on Balmung Server so that we can all enjoy the new verison of FFXIV.

Equillibrium's Goals

Equillibrium's main goal is to make is FFXIV counterpart to be as rewarding but also as fun as it used to be on FFXI, to make this happen Equillibrium will be looking to do the following.

1. Have a strong core group of players & community.

2. Have total co-operation between memebers to help make the Linkshell grow as a group.

3. Become Efficent at working as a team to progress through content and end game such as dugeons and prime battles.

4. Fair be Firm "When it comes to drops and items"

Equillibrium's Focus

End Game & Raiding
Teamspeak 3

Final Notes

Join up to the forums here, post up a little introduction within our Linkshell Recruitment Thread and get ready for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and its release.

Thank You for your interest.

Mattaus (aka Sergo)