We're talking about PC controls, right...?
- W/S/A/D are forward/backward/left/right. Q is forward left, E is forward Right.
- Mouse moved with left click will move camera angle only. Right click with mouse movement will move character with camera angle. Can change camera angle movement to the arrow keys I believe.
- You auto-engage a monster when you use a weapon skill. Mages do not however. If you want to auto-attack, either right click the target or open your keybind menu and edit Z so instead of drawing weapon, it'll start auto attack... Or drag Auto-Attack down from the Action and Traits menu down on the hotbar.
- F1 will target yourself. F2-8 will target party member 2-8. F9 will quick target your pet. F10 will target your Focus Target. You may set a focus target with Shift+F while targeting something. F11 will target nearest enemy. F12 nearest NPC.
- Shift + T will target an enemy currently attacking you.
- /action "Cure" <tt> will cast cure on the target's target. Meaning, if you are targeting an enemy which is attacking a player, using this macro while targeting the enemy will cure the player. Using this macro while targeting a player attacking a monster will not heal the monster. But it will still consume MP. (I use this macro mostly to cure Carbys in arcanist parties lol :x)
- F will make you face target.
- / on the NUM pad will toggle walk/run.
- 2 4 6 8 on the num pad will act as S A D W.
- 7 on the numpad will toggle First Person/Third Person.
- Pressing Enter opens the chat menu for me... You can also press / (not the one on the NUM pad) to open the chat menu with / already typed. Useful to wipe out text you were going to post in the chat box, but decided it was unneeded.
Fun fact - The pet hotbar everyone seems to hate due to you having to click on it...? Open keybind and go to Hotbars. Scroll down til you see Pet Hotbar. Set the shortcut to CTRL+ALT+1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/0/-/=. For my 50s the most hotbars I need are 3. So this shouldn't interfere with anything.
And here's shortcuts and such copy/pasted from BG
Cycle through enemies (near > far): Tab
Cycle through enemies (far > near): Shift-Tab
Target your target's target: T
Target the enemy attacking you: Shift-T
Target Nearest Enemy: F11
Target Nearest NPC: F12
Face Target: F
Character = C
Intentory = I
Armoury Chest = Ctrl-I
Maps = M
Actions & Traits = P
Social Lists = O
Free Company = ;
Linkshells = L
Timers = Ctrl-U
Journal = J
Crafting Log = N
Gathering Log = B
Hunting Log = H
Signs = Shift-M
System Menu = NumPad -
Reply: Alt-R
Reply (Back): Alt-Shift-R
Chat Mode Say: Alt-S
Chat Mode Yell: Alt-Y
Chat Mode Shout: Alt-H
Chat Mode Party: Alt-P
Chat Mode Free Company: Alt-F
Chat Mode Linkshell: Alt-L
Chat Mode Linkshell (Back): Alt-Shift-L