Bushido - The Way Of The Samurai (A Guide) V. 2.0

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Bushido - The Way of The Samurai (A Guide) V. 2.0
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サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2015-01-25 15:16:43  
welp well there goes that idea
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2015-01-30 13:37:29  
Just picked up a Mes hauby the other day, and was going over my sets see'ing if I could fine-tune anywhere. I think I'm just about happy with my Tsurumaru set, which I only use in Adoulin with Ionis up.

ItemSet 330632

Atm I have everything except the Ganesha's Mala, but this give me 927 accuracy(before food/buffs) and holds my 4-hit.

Anything else I might be missing? I get 218 TP/hit back(minimum 217 required to 4-hit this), but I can't drop Store TP any lower or I lose the 4-hit.

Back has 2 Store TP on it and legs are "A" path.

SAM is relatively new to me, only had it a few months.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-01-30 13:48:33  
Are you just shooting for a high-accuracy set or do you think you have to make your set just barely a 4-hit? This:
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »
I get 218 TP/hit back(minimum 217 required to 4-hit this), but I can't drop Store TP any lower or I lose the 4-hit.
along with not mentioning the goal of the set to me implies that's what you may be thinking, but overflow TP isn't a bad thing at all since it's pretty much a "TP Bonus" for your WSs.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2015-01-31 11:15:53  
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Are you just shooting for a high-accuracy set or do you think you have to make your set just barely a 4-hit? This:
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »
I get 218 TP/hit back(minimum 217 required to 4-hit this), but I can't drop Store TP any lower or I lose the 4-hit.
along with not mentioning the goal of the set to me implies that's what you may be thinking, but overflow TP isn't a bad thing at all since it's pretty much a "TP Bonus" for your WSs.

As I previously stated, this is a relatively new job for me, and between RDM, WHM, and THF that is now used for most stuff as end game DD, I don't really get to use it much, so I just have the gearsets kept simple for now.

I have 2 sets made so I can have it ready to be used in end game situations.

This one is only used in Adoulin with Ionis(940 accuracy with just Hasso and Ionis):

ItemSet 330632

This one is used on anything outside of Adoulin(919 accuracy with just Hasso):

ItemSet 327327

And they both use this Fudo set(862 Accuracy in Tsurmaru set with Hasso/Ionis) & (833 Accuracy with the Anahera set and just Hasso):

ItemSet 330470

I started using Anahera outside of Adoulin because even while getting 250 TP back on WS with Tsurumaru, the Store TP requirements for 4-hit with Tsurumaru in the TP phase are still really shitty since it only has 450 delay.

I'm also slowly working on a PDT set when I have time, but things have been slow due to work. I haven't bothered making any low acc sets yet for the simple reason I have yet to use SAM in any situations that require them. If something endgame requires less accuracy than what I have after TP/buffs I just balance it with food, either choosing meat, pizza, or sushi depending on the situation.

It may over shoot accuracy on some end game content a bit even with meat accuracy-wise, but for the most part I'm just trying to ball park it so I can bring it to any end game event LS requires it for on the fly.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-01-31 13:44:21  
Alrighty, well first off, your Adoulin set is actually 1% gear haste below capping delay reduction (assuming 71, 30, 40, 51, 30 for gear haste values, 24 for Ionis and 122 for Hasso w/ hands) and your outside Adoulin set is 3% gear haste short.

For your outside Adoulin set you have a few options: 1 being keeping the Windbuffet +1 and swapping the head to Stinger Helm +1, but that requires either an HQ Dakatsu Nodowa or a 3 STP Takaha Mantle for best results; otherwise you can try fitting in at least 1 more STP elsewhere. 2 being simply swapping the belt to Dynamic +1. And last being going back to your faithful Tsurumaru and going with this set:
ItemSet 332951
Gets rid of 44 of that unattractive delay along with having comparable accuracy (~7 more than option 1, ~9 less than option 2). Also gets rid of STP restrictions when considering your WS set as well.

For your inside Adoulin set you can either just swap the legs to Otronif +1 if you want to maintain more overall accuracy, or swap the feet to Otronif +1 for a slight bit more damage if you'd be capped accuracy either way.

Last, Brutal Earring > Vulcan's pearl for Fudo unless you're using Koga.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2015-01-31 14:08:19  
Forgot to look at haste values, I'm so used to auto-capping haste now with head/body/hands/legs/feet. ><; Thanks for pointing that out, I'll fix that when I have a bit more time.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2015-01-31 23:32:11  
Ok, tweaked the sets to account for the derp haste totals....I think they came out better than before with the other stats actually.

New Tsurumaru 4-hit in Adoulin with Ionis:

ItemSet 332963

New Anahera 4-hit set for outside Adoulin:

ItemSet 332962

Tsurumaru set can lose a little accuracy and stil be solid since it was at 940 before anyway with just Ionis/Hasso.

Anahera was a little trickier to balance, but I think the Zennaroi Earring along with some accuracy augments can help keep it up to par.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2015-02-01 09:13:55  
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »
Ok, tweaked the sets to account for the derp haste totals....I think they came out better than before with the other stats actually.

New Tsurumaru 4-hit in Adoulin with Ionis:

ItemSet 332963

New Anahera 4-hit set for outside Adoulin:

ItemSet 332962

Tsurumaru set can lose a little accuracy and stil be solid since it was at 940 before anyway with just Ionis/Hasso.

Anahera was a little trickier to balance, but I think the Zennaroi Earring along with some accuracy augments can help keep it up to par.

Ok, yeah, Tsurumaru set is now sitting at 912 accuracy with Ionis/Hasso, with no augments on the Otronif Feet, so should be fine. Especially since I need to get some accuracy on the feet for the Anahera set.

Anahera set is a bit trickier, it's only at 889 with Hasso outside of Adoulin, but should be fine after I get some accuracy on the legs/feet. I could probably upgrade to a Dakatsu Nodowa +1 as well if I feel like spending 10M on 1 accuracy, lol.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-02-01 09:37:21  
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »
Ok, tweaked the sets to account for the derp haste totals....I think they came out better than before with the other stats actually.

New Tsurumaru 4-hit in Adoulin with Ionis:

ItemSet 332963

New Anahera 4-hit set for outside Adoulin:

ItemSet 332962

Tsurumaru set can lose a little accuracy and stil be solid since it was at 940 before anyway with just Ionis/Hasso.

Anahera was a little trickier to balance, but I think the Zennaroi Earring along with some accuracy augments can help keep it up to par.

Ok, yeah, Tsurumaru set is now sitting at 912 accuracy with Ionis/Hasso, with no augments on the Otronif Feet, so should be fine. Especially since I need to get some accuracy on the feet for the Anahera set.

Anahera set is a bit trickier, it's only at 889 with Hasso outside of Adoulin, but should be fine after I get some accuracy on the legs/feet. I could probably upgrade to a Dakatsu Nodowa +1 as well if I feel like spending 10M on 1 accuracy, lol.

It has more STP also.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2015-02-01 10:09:19  
Actually, swapped my head/neck/ears around on my Anahera set. I was 1 Store TP shy of 4-hit, (I blame doing calculations at 2 AM in the morning and missing the .333, lol). But anyway, compared Yaoyotl/Iqabi/Steeflash/Bladeborn, and Galvialis/Dakatsu NQ/Zennaroi/Brutal. And both sets have the exact same Store TP. Dakatsu set comes with 5 Zanshin and the Iqabi set I have 2% more DA/1 more accuracy, so gonna go with the latter set.
Posts: 95
By honeycomb 2015-02-02 20:29:34  
Im trying to find a good weapon skill set up for Tachi: Kasha,
Tachi: Gekko , Tachi: Shoha any info be awesome? Am using Tsurumaru GK don't have any relics thank you for help :)
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2015-02-02 20:45:16  
shoha is literally on the front page and kasha can probably be geared similarly to fudo
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Leauce
Posts: 69
By Cerberus.Leauce 2015-02-03 17:14:28  
If you have a Koga, for weaponskills Shoha and Rana, what is the better option.
To gear for STR and attack or gear for multiattack, and why?
Appreciate any info.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2015-02-08 12:44:48  
Ok can soemone clarrify this. Can Fudo DA or not and if not why is Brutal earring on the fudo set?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-02-08 12:47:46  
If it can't DA, why would people use Brutal? Since Brutal is recommended, obviously it can DA.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-02-08 12:48:09  
Heimdel said: »
Ok can soemone clarrify this. Can Fudo DA or not and if so why is Brutal earrign on the fudo set?

Of course it can, it just benefits less from DA than it does from STR/ATT in many situations due to it's high fTP/mod.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2015-02-08 12:48:22  
It can, it's because that set is geared with koga and AM3 in mind so brutal earring isn't helping much when AM3 already gives 50 DA
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-02-08 12:48:59  

Edit: Holy jesus I'm slow. Also, the Brutal Earring in 1 set and Vulcan's Pearl in the other set is just a flub. Should just be Brutal Earring for non-Koga AM3 and Vulcan's Pearl for Koga AM3.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2015-02-08 13:03:33  
Probably help to have sets for the different GK. I could sworn it was listed liek that before.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-02-08 13:09:56  
There were. Don't really need different sets, just notes. I may go in and clean up the item sets a bit when I have some free time. I actually haven't done anything to the guide myself; I just update my sets every update, but keeping track of ~30 different Shoha/Fudo sets was a bit tiring especially when there were only 1 or 2 swaps between the different GKs, so I just made universal sets (can check my page for a more detailed list of sets, though I'll be reviewing and rehauling soon). But yeah, I'll see if I can clean it up a bit when I got time.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2015-02-08 14:11:50  
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
There were. Don't really need different sets, just notes. I may go in and clean up the item sets a bit when I have some free time. I actually haven't done anything to the guide myself; I just update my sets every update, but keeping track of ~30 different Shoha/Fudo sets was a bit tiring especially when there were only 1 or 2 swaps between the different GKs, so I just made universal sets (can check my page for a more detailed list of sets, though I'll be reviewing and rehauling soon). But yeah, I'll see if I can clean it up a bit when I got time.

Hmm wonder if the new unity GK be good to add also to the list of GK.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-02-08 14:27:46  
Heimdel said: »
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
There were. Don't really need different sets, just notes. I may go in and clean up the item sets a bit when I have some free time. I actually haven't done anything to the guide myself; I just update my sets every update, but keeping track of ~30 different Shoha/Fudo sets was a bit tiring especially when there were only 1 or 2 swaps between the different GKs, so I just made universal sets (can check my page for a more detailed list of sets, though I'll be reviewing and rehauling soon). But yeah, I'll see if I can clean it up a bit when I got time.

Hmm wonder if the new unity GK be good to add also to the list of GK.

As obtainable and powerful as Tsuru is, I doubt it would be useful to have sets for the transition weapons like kunimune, Ichimonji, and JSE.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2015-02-08 14:49:34  
Odin.Jassik said: »
Heimdel said: »
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
There were. Don't really need different sets, just notes. I may go in and clean up the item sets a bit when I have some free time. I actually haven't done anything to the guide myself; I just update my sets every update, but keeping track of ~30 different Shoha/Fudo sets was a bit tiring especially when there were only 1 or 2 swaps between the different GKs, so I just made universal sets (can check my page for a more detailed list of sets, though I'll be reviewing and rehauling soon). But yeah, I'll see if I can clean it up a bit when I got time.

Hmm wonder if the new unity GK be good to add also to the list of GK.

As obtainable and powerful as Tsuru is, I doubt it would be useful to have sets for the transition weapons like kunimune, Ichimonji, and JSE.

Oh not to gear sets just to th elist of avalible GK.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-02-08 18:05:16  
Ok, updated the front page sets section a little. Haven't gone through and double checked/revised the sets themselves yet, but they should be pretty good. I'll get to that sometime when I'm not doing anything.
Posts: 2
By Infiltration 2015-02-09 08:26:06  
Thanks for your sets Llewelyn, I'm almost complete with my amano 119 although I know its rather useless in comparison to koga/tsuru at this stage of the game heh.

I just have a question as to how you guys actually determine low/mid/high accuracy situations in real world.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Reiden
Posts: 322
By Cerberus.Reiden 2015-02-09 09:29:14  
Heimdel said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Heimdel said: »
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
There were. Don't really need different sets, just notes. I may go in and clean up the item sets a bit when I have some free time. I actually haven't done anything to the guide myself; I just update my sets every update, but keeping track of ~30 different Shoha/Fudo sets was a bit tiring especially when there were only 1 or 2 swaps between the different GKs, so I just made universal sets (can check my page for a more detailed list of sets, though I'll be reviewing and rehauling soon). But yeah, I'll see if I can clean it up a bit when I got time.

Hmm wonder if the new unity GK be good to add also to the list of GK.

As obtainable and powerful as Tsuru is, I doubt it would be useful to have sets for the transition weapons like kunimune, Ichimonji, and JSE.

Oh not to gear sets just to th elist of avalible GK.

The only great katana that should be your goal is Tsurumaru, unless you plan on doing a Relic, Empy or Mythic. I listed those gkt's back when people still had a hard time doing delve.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2015-02-09 10:32:39  
The regen set is missing dawn earing and Lycopodium sash.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Sieha1
Posts: 503
By Siren.Sieha 2015-02-09 11:22:28  
Infiltration said: »
Thanks for your sets Llewelyn, I'm almost complete with my amano 119 although I know its rather useless in comparison to koga/tsuru at this stage of the game heh.

I just have a question as to how you guys actually determine low/mid/high accuracy situations in real world.

well in the real world, there is a difference between being precise and accurate. however it depends on what you are talking about. how many ml it takes to complete a titration or how close you come to hitting a bulls eye (though dont shoot at cows, it just adds to their tortured existence of knowing they will be eaten.)
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-02-09 12:58:48  
Infiltration said: »
Thanks for your sets Llewelyn, I'm almost complete with my amano 119 although I know its rather useless in comparison to koga/tsuru at this stage of the game heh.

I just have a question as to how you guys actually determine low/mid/high accuracy situations in real world.
Just have to watch your auto attacks and estimate your accuracy at that time. If it seems you're uncapped, swap into a higher accuracy set. Of course, the same event won't always require the same level of accuracy in gear everytime. For example if you do a D battlefield with NQ Madrigals, you will probably want to be sitting in a mid or high acc set depending on what food you're using. However if you do the same fight again with Soul Voice Madrigals you'd be able to get away with a low accuracy set. You just have to pay attention to your buffs, know what event you're doing and gear accordingly. Not every group will need the same amount of gear accuracy as everyone else. It completely depends on what buffs your group usually goes with.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Gippali
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2015-02-09 13:05:25  
Infiltration said: »
Thanks for your sets Llewelyn, I'm almost complete with my amano 119 although I know its rather useless in comparison to koga/tsuru at this stage of the game heh.

I just have a question as to how you guys actually determine low/mid/high accuracy situations in real world.

scoreboard or parse are good ways to determine where your accuracy would be in a real world (game) situations. Spread sheets will also provide information as well.
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