20 Kids Stabbed

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20 kids stabbed
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psubond
Posts: 310
By Asura.Psubond 2014-04-09 17:34:35  
all these kids stabbed, it's time to ban guns.

am i doing it right libs?
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Tedril
Posts: 509
By Shiva.Tedril 2014-04-09 17:34:41  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Leviathan.Kincard said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I love how you think that criminals would follow the law, even after they break it.

I also love how you think that criminals don't commit crime.

You're not getting the point. Of course laws arn't going to totally prevent something from happening, but they generally do a pretty good job of reducing it, otherwise you're basically arguing that we might as well live in an anarchic society.

This is why I hate politics a lot of the time. So often everyone argues in meaningless hypotheticals. You all should go write novels about plucky sociopathic architects.
That wasn't his point. His point was to say that, by outlawing guns, there would be a large decrease between gun related violence pre-ban to post-ban.

My point was what you are saying. So, basically you have told me that I didn't get my own point....
Sounds about right to me...
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-04-09 17:35:54  
Asura.Psubond said: »
all these kids stabbed, it's time to ban guns.

am i doing it right libs?

What about guns with knives attached to them.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-04-09 17:36:56  

Now I'm really scared. Right before I got shot in the face I yelled "this is a gun free zone!!:
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Dawnn
Posts: 556
By Dawn Charis 2014-04-09 17:37:49  
fonewear said: »
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kincard
Posts: 1442
By Leviathan.Kincard 2014-04-09 17:38:50  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
That wasn't his point. His point was to say that, by outlawing guns, there would be a large decrease between gun related violence pre-ban to post-ban.

My point was what you are saying. So, basically you have told me that I didn't get my own point....

...What? Run through the conversation and see what was said:

One guy says how restricting guns would not reduce crime because criminals will always break the law.
Other guy counters by saying that it doesn't matter if "criminals" (people that have already committed a crime) don't give their guns back because it makes it harder for people that arn't criminals yet to get guns.
You chime in with "criminals dont follow the law", which is missing the point and just repeating what the first person said without countering his point.
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2014-04-09 17:39:24  
Asura.Psubond said: »
all these kids stabbed,

gunz must = nifez

but we needz nifez rite?

so gunz ok!

am i doing it right conserviz?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kincard
Posts: 1442
By Leviathan.Kincard 2014-04-09 17:43:24  
Shiva.Tedril said: »
You are right in general, like the ban of illegal substances and the like... However, in this case where there is a downside as well as an upside, you will surely reduce it some, but you will always cause the side effect of lack of protection. And like stated before this is about criminal violence and has nothing to do with crimes of passion because there is nearly nothing you can do to effect that.
With most people needing protection being law-abiding, they will give up their weapons and therefore near 100% be affected. So you have the ratio of some help and some hurt... So it kinda evens out making this law grayer than others...

FTR I'm mostly pro-gun, I'm just not a fan of bad arguments which was what KingNobody was doing.

Though again, what you're talking about is all hypothetical. There's no way to know simply by thinking of situations whether an absolute decrease or increase etc in crime would occur. Personally I think it would have no effect whatsoever based on what I've seen of other countries, but that's just me.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-04-09 17:48:17  
I'm pro choice: gun or knife is ok with me.
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2014-04-09 17:49:56  
Shaving my face is so much easier with a semiautomatic.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-04-09 17:50:05  
Leviathan.Kincard said: »
Other guy counters by saying that it doesn't matter if "criminals" (people that have already committed a crime) don't give their guns back because it make it harder for people that arn't criminals yet to get guns.
Actually, that's only part of it.

I guess I overplayed my hand as usual by expecting people to be able to read implications.

a.) The term "criminal" is a post facto designation. No one is born a criminal (unless they're brown and in the wrong part of town, of course). Crime is regularly committed by people with no record, either because they've never done anything (serious) before or because they've merely never been caught.

b.) The statement of "criminals won't give up their guns" or "criminals will find a way to get guns" is accurate enough, but at issue is that people saying that are inherently thinking of habitual offenders, hence the unsubtly racist image of what may or may not have been Hispanic gang members. Habitual offenders, the group people associate with the blanket term "criminals," are hardly the only people that commit crimes.

c.) (This is what you said, Kincard) If I want to murder my hypothetical wife tomorrow, I'm going to have considerable difficulty securing a firearm right now, today, in 2014. A law that bans firearms necessarily involves a law to capture and destroy them. Although the habitual offenders will probably still get guns (at even more considerable difficulty), the average person looking to commit a crime is facing a steep climb to get a gun. I know it's really convenient to think that a ban on guns will just leave all existing firearms untouched (by "convenient" I mean "patently HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE"), but that's hardly how the real world works.

Or I can just write a simple sentence pointing out how weak an argument it is to focus only on those already known to be dangerous to the exclusion of those who commit the majority of new crimes. And watch the even weaker attempts at argument flow in.

Oh, and we can throw in that most crimes aren't committed using firearms, anyhow. That's a point for the pro-gun side that oddly never gets used, probably because it destabilizes the "omigawd, I need to be able to shoot brown people criminals coming at me with a gun!" argument.
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Dawnn
Posts: 556
By Dawn Charis 2014-04-09 17:53:23  
Here in cali there isn't too much of a "steep climb" to get unregistered or illegal guns, but maybe that's just this state.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-04-09 17:55:11  
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Dawnn
Posts: 556
By Dawn Charis 2014-04-09 17:56:51  
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-04-09 17:58:22  
And I already acknowledged it. The "steep climb" bit that you latched onto was about after the passing of a hypothetical ban. It was emphatically not talking about today.

Though, as a regular citizen, I have no clue where or how I'd go about getting a gun in my city. I know I can, but even working with ex-cons, it's not exactly the kind of topic that comes up.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-04-09 18:09:45  
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Dawnn
Posts: 556
By Dawn Charis 2014-04-09 18:12:01  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.

I don't mind really, I am only half paying attention between loading screens and fixing printers and stuff so I don't really entirely read walls o text. Today is a lax day at work... my big project for today got cancelled so I am just left sitting here really
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Deces
Posts: 485
By Lakshmi.Deces 2014-04-09 18:15:24  
Maybe Eric Holder should of gave this person some AK47s like he did with the cartels in Fast & Furious? That way he would not of had to work so hard at trying to kill people by stabbing them to death.
Then all the libtards would be jumping in their seat screaming at us that it is our fault that this happened too.

But no, they are left scratching their heads in silence waiting for something that will fit their agenda.

Like with both fort Hood incidents & this stabbing spree of 20 children and just about very other mass homicide committed are you willing to concede that the magical "Gun Free Zones" do nothing to keep you safe and your argument is invalid and has failed at the expenses of all these lives and families ruined?
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-04-09 18:21:53  
Dawn Charis said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.

I don't mind really, I am only half paying attention between loading screens and fixing printers and stuff so I don't really entirely read walls o text. Today is a lax day at work... my big project for today got cancelled so I am just left sitting here really
Must be nice.

My busy season ends next Tuesday (yay!) but work has started to get a little light. I have already filed all of my extensions, helping people in my firm out right now.

Which is why I'm able to come on this website every now and then as a small break...
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-04-09 18:23:50  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.

And what does deces do?
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Dawnn
Posts: 556
By Dawn Charis 2014-04-09 18:31:22  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Must be nice.

My busy season ends next Tuesday (yay!) but work has started to get a little light. I have already filed all of my extensions, helping people in my firm out right now.

Which is why I'm able to come on this website every now and then as a small break...[/spoiler]

Congrats on tuesday! And you work at a firm also? XD All I have to do is show up, not be an ***, and try to fix pc problems. So it isn't hard really, aside from web page SEO ranking stuff. Today I was supposed to drive a dvd to some client 2 hours away because someone forgot to give it to them, but turns out the client is coming into town tomorrow so no need. Now I am just sitting here loading misc software onto a few pc's and burning some other dvd's. There's also been 0 service calls so today has been awesome
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-04-09 18:32:08  
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.

And what does deces do?
Deces didn't insult Dawn.
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Dawnn
Posts: 556
By Dawn Charis 2014-04-09 18:34:28  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.

And what does deces do?
Deces didn't insult Dawn.

I have 14 siblings, a red headed girlfriend, a mexican father and an irish mother, insults stopped phasing me a loooooong time ago
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-04-09 18:34:32  
Dawn Charis said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Must be nice.

My busy season ends next Tuesday (yay!) but work has started to get a little light. I have already filed all of my extensions, helping people in my firm out right now.

Which is why I'm able to come on this website every now and then as a small break...[/spoiler]

Congrats on tuesday! And you work at a firm also? XD All I have to do is show up, not be an ***, and try to fix pc problems. So it isn't hard really, aside from web page SEO ranking stuff. Today I was supposed to drive a dvd to some client 2 hours away because someone forgot to give it to them, but turns out the client is coming into town tomorrow so no need. Now I am just sitting here loading misc software onto a few pc's and burning some other dvd's. There's also been 0 service calls so today has been awesome
My days lately has been "Hey, did you file an extension for me? Can I come by to drop off my stuff? Can you get it done before the 15th (and yes, I have clients doing this to me on the 9th, they think that I have nothing better to do than wait for them to drop their stuff off....)"
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Deces
Posts: 485
By Lakshmi.Deces 2014-04-09 18:35:30  
Hey viciousss,
It's okay to cry.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-04-09 18:38:17  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.

And what does deces do?
Deces didn't insult Dawn.

Still waiting for an answer. Take your time.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2014-04-09 18:40:38  
Ragnarok.Leysritt said: »
You want to bet? Can you catch a bullet? Can you get in close fast enough before they put a round somewhere in your body? With a knife you can somewhat predict what they'll do by the motions of their body. If they pull their arm backwards, 9/10 times the attacker is going to be trying to lunge and stab you. With a gun? All you have to go by are tiny signals like hand shaking, breathing, and that finger motion on the trigger. But you more often than not, no way in hell does someone have the reaction time to predict and dodge a bullet midfire, by then the bullet has left the handgun and is impacting into your chest, stomach, shoulder, thigh, or worse, your head.

With a knife, you can sidestep, grab their wrist, twist it while you punch them in the stomach or throat (depriving them of wind and thus making it easier to get the knife from their hand) and then it's a matter of making sure they don't get that knife back in their hands.

The first move is the riskiest, but it's not as bad with a knife as it is with a gun.

Being taught this by a police officer, you start to understand what they have to go through when they are dealing with some junkie with a switch blade on the streets and they can't use a firearm and instead have to do non-lethal takedowns.

Yeah, well that's all good in that particular hypothetical, not all situations are equal, and you keep failing to realize that.

Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Jet gets emotional about guns, take it all in context.

Personally I believe there is a big disconnect between people who grow up in cities versus rural areas regarding guns. When you're in a wide open area with miles between people, the ability to open carry and use the weapon for things like fishing/hunting/self-defense have legitimate weight behind them. You probably know most people around you, have a familiarity with the threats and can teach your kid gun safety.

Live in a city and its completely flipped around. You know how many people I can get into a verbal spat with on a daily basis for trivial ***like getting cut off or bumping someone on a street? The last thing I need is someone in the sea of *** to pull a weapon out on me because emotions have gotten the better of them. When you pack millions of people in tight spaces, you increase the chances of ***getting real.

I'd much rather that go to blows with fists or a knife than someone pulling out a firearm. But that's just my two cents brah, the NRA just wants to sell guns.

Not at all, but continue thinking that as it helps you sleep at night/defends your lackluster argument.

While I've lived in rural areas, I much prefer the cities and being around others. Your arguments are bad and you should feel bad, talk about emotional arguments. Everything you just said can be boiled down to "guns are scary so I don't want people to have them" while all the time failing to realize that you cannot stop people from owning things if they really want to have it, you can only stop people from being able to defend themselves, not to mention that people have the right to own, and that right shouldn't be infringed, do you not know what the word infringement means?

Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
I'm serious... beyond television where do you even come up with this stuff?
No, you're not.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2014-04-09 18:42:59  
Ragnarok.Leysritt said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Just looked on Gunbroker, you can get a Russian backpack flamethrower for $1200 USD.

Effective for home defense or making CNN anchors explode on air.

Or you can get a Calico M950 (shoots 9MM rounds, SMG that can hold a 100-150 round clip, and can either be semi or full auto!

You cannot have a fully automatic weapon (which to be honest, is unconstitutional) besides that it's called a magazine.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-04-09 18:44:25  
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Dawn Charis said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
And your reading comprehension drops another notch.

I really don't care either way about gun control, just saying in california illegal/unregistered firearms actually exist already. Not saying anything more than that
Don't mind Onorgul, he insults anyone who disagrees with him.

And what does deces do?
Deces didn't insult Dawn.

Still waiting for an answer. Take your time.
Bolded for the reading comprehension.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2014-04-09 18:47:15  
Dawn Charis said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
So if the only issue is the danger, how do you draw the line of what is too dangerous and what's not? Would a rocklet launcher be ok? Grenades?

any idiot who has taken a general electronics course can make a tiny EMP too, so maybe we should monitor all of our web activity to prevent terrorism, oh wait #PRISM

I blame violent video games, we should ban those too, wait no let's make them all register and get a license
I like you.

People are ignorant of how simple it is to build electronic devices to the extent of destroying civilization, the only real issue is the really destructive ones typically take a lot of power, and as we rely on the grid, it would be easy to stop rather quickly.
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