Upbeat's Stream!

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Upbeat's Stream!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-08-17 07:57:04  
Twitch & Youtube both have options to trim your video down to smaller sections. Twitch has an option to directly upload a previous stream to youtube.

Past broadcasts -> Pick Video -> Gear symbol on the right of Share/Bookmark
Is how to get to the export & highlight.

I've never been able to get Xsplit's recordings to work, I think you need the paid subscription to do that.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-08-22 00:27:15  
Worm party!
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-08-22 00:46:30  
If you think worm parties are exciting, imagine how exciting watching someone else do it is. :P
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-08-22 16:49:07  
Odin.Jassik said: »
If you think worm parties are exciting, imagine how exciting watching someone else do it is. :P
Very true haha, I'll still never get tired of watching KC Jishnu's spam doe!

75 RDM vs Ash Dragon attempt! Probably going to be around a 3 hour long solo. Best attempt so far is 40%. All other previous videos of 75RDM vs Ash dragon have had help with bomb adds.

サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Titox
Posts: 399
By Ragnarok.Titox 2014-08-22 17:19:22  
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
If you think worm parties are exciting, imagine how exciting watching someone else do it is. :P
Very true haha, I'll still never get tired of watching KC Jishnu's spam doe!

75 RDM vs Ash Dragon attempt! Probably going to be around a 3 hour long solo. Best attempt so far is 40%. All other previous videos of 75RDM vs Ash dragon have had help with bomb adds.

Fun to watch it live! Especially when I started playing again! :3/ go go!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-08-23 15:27:13  
Another Ash dragon attempt failure!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-08-26 18:03:32  
Vanilla 360 RDM macro set up:
For anyone interested in learning a way to effectively use the in-game vanilla macro system.

Showing /macro set # commands.
*Each arrow is a /macro set command

Yellow = /macro set 1
Green = /macro set 4
Blue = /macro set 5
Purple = /macro set 10


*Sorry for size. Will probably need to open in a new tab & zoom in to read.

Much more detailed version of RDM macro set up. Usually I don't like showing my macros & macro set ups seeing as how they are constantly being edited & molded as I progress, however with the addition of gearsets I've finally got everything to a point where I'm happy with sharing!

You may notice 2 sets(6 & 7) are completely blank not to mention many empty spots, This is for quick additions of macros and subjob options. For example, One can easily make a /sch set by adding a "/macro set 6" macro to set 1(This moves you to set 6) then just put all /sch job abilities & spells in set 6.

Equipment Sets!

Duplicate the macros & replace my gear with yours in equipment sets & voila!
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Odaru 2014-09-05 04:47:31  
These posts all seem recent enough. Are you doing this on a private server, or?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [42 days between previous and next post]
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-10-17 06:42:29  
Bahamut.Odaru said: »
These posts all seem recent enough. Are you doing this on a private server, or?

Streaming binge!
45 hours in the past 5 days!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Phoenix.Crumbs 2014-10-19 10:02:41  
How about spending some of that time paying back the debt you went into (and then bailed on) to get that kraken club 3 months ago?
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Phoenix.Kaoriasada 2014-10-19 11:20:15  
Phoenix.Crumbs said: »
How about spending some of that time paying back the debt you went into (and then bailed on) to get that kraken club 3 months ago?

How about not being a jerk? Instead of making drama on a public thread, PM him or send him a tell in-game if you have a problem. It's immature.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-19 11:24:37  
Phoenix.Kaoriasada said: »
Phoenix.Crumbs said: »
How about spending some of that time paying back the debt you went into (and then bailed on) to get that kraken club 3 months ago?

How about not being a jerk? Instead of making drama on a public thread, PM him or send him a tell in-game if you have a problem. It's immature.

It keeps his thread up top, views are views when it comes to youtube/twitch.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 51
By Phoenix.Angelinn 2014-10-19 11:38:56  
Phoenix.Kaoriasada said: »
Phoenix.Crumbs said: »
How about spending some of that time paying back the debt you went into (and then bailed on) to get that kraken club 3 months ago?

How about not being a jerk? Instead of making drama on a public thread, PM him or send him a tell in-game if you have a problem. It's immature.

I've been sending him messages for three months. All he does is the old "I'll pay back next week, I swear!" And plus, last time I tried to send Upbeat a tell inquiring about this, you (Kaoriasada) sent me a string of very rude tells accusing me of harassment and specifically warned me NOT to talk to Upbeat again. So which is it? Settle it in tells or stay away?

Someone with a respected stream like upbeat should keep their affairs settled. I don't even care about the gil anymore (it's only 7m), just the principle of it, and how much everyone seems to respect him for some reason. Here are the logs. This is every interaction I've had with upbeat. I've been more than reasonable and patient with him (perhaps more than I should have been), and was never rude or mean. Decide for yourself.
JULY 28 2014

[21:22:17]Upbeatglitch>> hi. would you trade for KC? something like 15m + 45m in items and as I get gil I can buy the items off you?
[21:22:35]>>Upbeatglitch : sure
[21:22:57]>>Upbeatglitch : what kinda items? might just do a straigh trade if you're interested
[21:26:06]Upbeatglitch>> Was thinking <{Budliqa}>X2<{Nanti Knife}>X2<{Flume Belt}><{Hajduk Ring +1}><{Pamun}><{Tati Earring +1}>
[21:26:53]Upbeatglitch>> can easily add more if you'd like more collateral though
[21:29:17]>>Upbeatglitch : <{Hmmm.}> im not sure the value of that stuff will stay as high as it is for very long, will it?
[21:29:44]>>Upbeatglitch : i dont follow the bone market very closely :x
[21:31:08]Upbeatglitch>> Can set prices on the stuff for today's price and i'll pay that if I buy it back before. 
[21:32:11]Upbeatglitch>> I have it all in my <{Bazaar}> at the AH in <{Southern San d'Oria}>
[21:32:18]Upbeatglitch>> so you can see
[21:32:39]>>Upbeatglitch : im checking it out on ffxiah atm, sorry for being slow :P
[21:38:00]Upbeatglitch>> dont worry about it lol
[21:38:46]>>Upbeatglitch : sorry, lol its a big thing to consider :P trying to find a friend who can vouch
[21:39:04]>>Upbeatglitch : nothing personal :c   just dont wanna end up with 15m and a bunch of unsellable stuff ^^;
[21:40:53]>>Upbeatglitch : if you're interested i can hang on to it for a week or 2
[21:40:59]Upbeatglitch>> very true! That's why I intended on buying the items back off you if they don't sell
[21:41:06]>>Upbeatglitch : till the cash>collateral ratio's a bit better
[21:41:30]Upbeatglitch>> Sure :D that works
[21:42:14]>>Upbeatglitch : sorry for being difficult :x been screwed one time too many
[21:42:51]>>Upbeatglitch : you know suji, right?
[21:43:04]Upbeatglitch>> yeah
[21:44:35]>>Upbeatglitch : i'll try to get in touch with him, see if he can vouch for ya :)
[21:44:48]>>Upbeatglitch : that'd make me a lot more comfortable holding collateral, lol
[21:47:05]>>Upbeatglitch : its out of my bazaar~ if you can get to like 30-35m cash, i can do the rest in items/collateral
[21:49:05]Upbeatglitch>> Sure, that seems fair.
[21:49:23]>>Upbeatglitch : great :) looking forward to hearing from you!

AUGUST 1 2014

[21:31:51]>>Upbeatglitch : hey, you there?

AUGUST 2 2014

13:03:49]Upbeatglitch>> Hello. 
[13:03:55]>>Upbeatglitch : /wave
[13:04:56]>>Upbeatglitch : how goes?
[13:05:37]Upbeatglitch>> Missed your <{/tell}> yesterday.
[13:06:00]>>Upbeatglitch : no worries :P i was just checking in to see if we're still on for the krakenclub thing
[13:08:10]Upbeatglitch>> I am :D! I've got 26m i'd be willing to give + a few items. Can wait for more gil if you'd like though
[13:08:39]>>Upbeatglitch : one sec, skirmishing atm
[13:12:12]>>Upbeatglitch : <{Hmmm.}> lets get to 30, then we can take a little while to decide on prices for your collateral items
[13:14:20]Upbeatglitch>> Sounds good!

AUGUST 5 2014

[10:54:11]Upbeatglitch>> hi
[10:54:47]>>Upbeatglitch : hey
[10:55:29]Upbeatglitch>> still have kc?
[10:55:49]>>Upbeatglitch : yep :)
[10:56:47]>>Upbeatglitch : i just need to go afk though... any chance you'll be around in ~30 mins?
[10:57:11]Upbeatglitch>> Very awesome! @30m now if you want to talk about some items to trade 
[10:57:14]Upbeatglitch>> sure, i'll be here
[10:57:34]>>Upbeatglitch : thanks, sorry for the inconvenience :x just heard "incoming tell" as i was walking out the door, lol
[10:57:36]>>Upbeatglitch : ill hurry back
[11:23:12]>>Upbeatglitch : back, sorry about that
[11:23:30]Upbeatglitch>> no worries
[11:24:13]>>Upbeatglitch : before we do this, i feel obligated to warn you, krakenclub's essentially useless on seekers content
[11:24:29]>>Upbeatglitch : i know thats kinda obvious but id feel guilty if i didnt give fair warning :x
[11:25:01]Upbeatglitch>> I've put a few items in my <{Bazaar}> for an idea. Very thoughtful of you ^^
[11:26:57]>>Upbeatglitch : think we just warped to each other twice
[11:26:59]Upbeatglitch>> lol keep warping at the same time. I'm at the AH in walls
[11:28:05]Upbeatglitch waves to Crumbs.
[11:28:14]Crumbs motions joyfully to Upbeatglitch.
[11:28:19]Upbeatglitch's title: Fistule Drainer
[11:30:01]>>Upbeatglitch : im terrible at math, one sec lol
[11:30:31]Upbeatglitch>> np :D
[11:31:34]>>Upbeatglitch : so if im adding correctly, this stuff + 30m equals 53m?
[11:32:01]Upbeatglitch>> yeah
[11:33:23]>>Upbeatglitch : <{Hmmm.}> do you still have the flume belt you mentioned? i'd be willing to drop something from 
[11:33:28]>>Upbeatglitch : the bazaar for it
[11:33:45]Upbeatglitch>> Sure
[11:33:57]Upbeatglitch>> I have it in my inv now
[11:34:32]>>Upbeatglitch : awesome. if you have anything worth ~1-2m, i'd take that + flume belt over one of the axes
[11:34:37]>>Upbeatglitch : nice little discount for ya :o
[11:35:47]Upbeatglitch>> <{Vexer Ring +1}>?
[11:36:13]Upbeatglitch's title: Fistule Drainer
[11:36:58]Upbeatglitch>> also have <{Speed Belt}> <{Hexed Jacket}> and a few other items worth 1~2m if you'd like me to name a few lol
[11:37:10]Upbeatglitch>> <{Killedar Shield}>
[11:37:46]>>Upbeatglitch : ooh ooh ill take a speed belt
[11:38:18]>>Upbeatglitch : speed belt + flume ill take for straight trade value, no need to buy back
[11:39:40]Upbeatglitch>> Perfect! so what are we looking at now? Speed, Flume, Axe, DaggerX2, Body -1, & 30M for club? 
[11:40:43]>>Upbeatglitch : which has a total value of ~50.5-51, correct?
[11:40:58]>>Upbeatglitch : depending on what we're talking about for the speed belt
[11:41:06]Upbeatglitch>> That seems right
[11:42:03]Upbeatglitch's bazaar was closed midway through your transaction.
[11:42:25]>>Upbeatglitch : yeah sounds like a deal :o
[11:42:39]Upbeatglitch>> deal!
[11:42:41]>>Upbeatglitch : and you'd only be buying back the axe, daggers, and body
[11:43:05]>>Upbeatglitch : for ~16 total, and there's no rush on that
[11:43:14]>>Upbeatglitch : ill be trying to sell em as well probably
[11:43:38]Upbeatglitch>> Writing it down on a sticky note and putting it on my monitor lol
[11:43:43]>>Upbeatglitch : :P
[11:44:00]>>Upbeatglitch : ill keep em in my bazaar at the same price, just snag em whenever you want
[11:44:17]Upbeatglitch>> perfect
[11:44:38]Upbeatglitch wishes to trade with you.
[11:45:31]Upbeatglitch bows courteously to Crumbs.
[11:45:31]Crumbs cheers Upbeatglitch on!
[11:45:35]>>Upbeatglitch : enjoy! ^^
[11:45:43]Upbeatglitch gives a triumphant cry with Crumbs!
[11:45:49]Upbeatglitch>> thank you!!
[11:45:52]>>Upbeatglitch : that thing's fun as heck, been messing around with it in salvage/ein/dynamis
[11:46:54]Upbeatglitch>> I had one back in the day but sold it to fund bonecraft, been waiting a long time to replace it

AUGUST 7 2014

[16:49:56]Upbeatglitch's title: Fistule Drainer
[16:50:01]Crumbs cheers Upbeatglitch on!

AUGUST 10 2014

[13:13:23]>>Upbeatglitch : sold one of those nanti knives, so you're off the hook for that one :P

AUGUST 16 2014

[15:34:54]>>Upbeatglitch : hey, you there?
[15:35:06]Upbeatglitch>> yeah what's up
[15:35:58]>>Upbeatglitch : just checking in about you buying some of your collateral back :)
[15:36:24]Upbeatglitch>> Sitting on 1m atm, about to try 7 hexed jacket synths
[15:36:32]Upbeatglitch>> hopefully I can HQ one then buy all that back
[15:36:45]Upbeatglitch>> That's the plan anyways :D
[15:36:50]>>Upbeatglitch : sweet. well, i was able to sell off one of the nanti knives and the cursed mail-1
[15:37:07]Upbeatglitch>> Very nice! That leaves the axe?
[15:37:20]>>Upbeatglitch : axe and one more knife
[15:37:32]>>Upbeatglitch : the axe is the only one im worried about, im sure the knife'll sell eventually
[15:37:39]Upbeatglitch>> kk Should have that in the next few days
[15:37:54]>>Upbeatglitch : someone actually server hopped to buy the mail-1, lol
[15:38:04]Upbeatglitch>> Wow lol 
[15:38:21]Upbeatglitch>> I saved up like 10 synths to try and the guy got two HQs back to back
[15:38:29]>>Upbeatglitch : lmao nice
[15:38:41]>>Upbeatglitch : meanwhile im 0/63 on chelona boots+1...
[15:39:19]>>Upbeatglitch : well, like i said. im not hard up for money, so there's no rush
[15:39:24]>>Upbeatglitch : just check in once in a while :)
[15:39:29]Upbeatglitch>> Geeze ! horrible
[15:39:46]>>Upbeatglitch : ya really.. its a t1 ffs

AUGUST 25 2014

[20:40:57]Crumbs tosses something at Upbeatglitch.


[19:39:21]>>Upbeatglitch : <{/poke}>
[19:40:05]>>Upbeatglitch : it's been a month, startin to make me nervous :(
[19:40:14]Upbeatglitch>> <{/wave}> been having horrible luck with <{Befouled Silver}>s dropping -_-. any luck selling stuff yet?
[19:40:36]>>Upbeatglitch : only got the axe left
[19:41:41]Upbeatglitch>> very cool! I have 4.5m on me atm, trying to make a jacket -1 so I don't have to start over from the bottom 
[19:41:54]Upbeatglitch>> Enough mats for 10 synths now just missing the silvers 


[18:17:55]>>Upbeatglitch : hi
[18:18:24]Upbeatglitch>> hello. any luck selling the axe yet?
[18:18:32]>>Upbeatglitch : nope
[18:18:58]>>Upbeatglitch : was always pretty certain it wouldnt sell, checking in to see whats up
[18:19:27]>>Upbeatglitch : i know i said 'no rush' but we're closing in on 2 months :x
[18:20:43]>>Upbeatglitch : you are planning on buying it back like we agreed, right?
[18:20:48]Upbeatglitch>> true dat. I feel ya. Kinda shocked it hasn't sold tbh they were going fairly quickly
[18:20:59]>>Upbeatglitch : i feel like i've been more than reasonable about this whole thing, and i think you're taking advantage
[18:21:22]Upbeatglitch>> Was hoping it would sell more than buying it back, of course 
[18:21:54]>>Upbeatglitch : yeah i never expected the axe to sell, when there's free r/e stuff that's better :x
[18:22:04]>>Upbeatglitch : i said as much when we made our deal
[18:22:26]Upbeatglitch>> it's not like you're in any situation of losing anything :D making it seem like there might be a chance 
[18:22:28]Upbeatglitch>> you'll lose gil
[18:22:57]>>Upbeatglitch : i'm losing 7m if this axe doesnt sell <_<
[18:24:42]Upbeatglitch>> I'll take care of it
[18:25:24]>>Upbeatglitch : i'm sorry if im coming off pushy, but you can see this from my side right?
[18:26:42]>>Upbeatglitch : the deal was you'd buy things back as you were able, and its been a very long time heh
[18:26:52]Upbeatglitch>> Oh definitely. Just really slow situation lol I mean the axe COULD of sold overnight ya know
[18:27:40]>>Upbeatglitch : /shrug you still saved yourself a solid 12m on other stuff that did sell, so you're still ahead
[18:30:26]>>Upbeatglitch : so you are buying it back right? i've asked twice and didnt get a straight answer, lol
[18:30:41]Upbeatglitch>> yeah not really much I can say, sorry it's taking so long. 
[18:31:28]Upbeatglitch>> I mean yeah I'll buy it back if it doesn't sell. Just haven't been making gil lately
[18:31:50]Upbeatglitch>> You don't have any worry of me not getting you your gil, it's already on you just waiting to be switched 

And 3 months later, not a single item was bought back.

Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
I'll still never get tired of watching KC Jishnu's spam doe!
It's a bit infuriating watching someone publicly brag about how awesome the gear they stole is....

Either way, his viewers have a right to know.

tl;dr: Pays for kclub with lots of collateral. Update hits and collateral loses its value. Upbeat decides he doesn't have to pay back. Yes, I was stupid to make a deal like that, but Upbeat seemed trustworthy.

edited: added a few things and cleaned up grammar
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Phoenix.Kaoriasada 2014-10-20 02:36:05  
Phoenix.Angelinn said: »
I've been sending him messages for three months. All he does is the old "I'll pay back next week, I swear!" And plus, last time I tried to send Upbeat a tell inquiring about this, you (Kaoriasada) sent me a string of very rude tells accusing me of harassment and specifically warned me NOT to talk to Upbeat again. So which is it? Settle it in tells or stay away?

Except where you're wrong, because I didn't send you a tell about Upbeatglitch, in fact, I sent you tells about a GIRL, as I stated, and I have every right to defend my friends against people (you) who have harassed them. You should probably get your facts straight before you go making accusations. His name was never said and it isn't true.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-10-20 12:39:47  
Problem solved, thanks for the bumps.

Look out for more streams guys! Been trying to do 4+ hours a day! Having a lot of fun talking to everyone in the chat. Big things planned!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 51
By Phoenix.Angelinn 2014-10-20 20:13:48  
Phoenix.Kaoriasada said: »
Phoenix.Angelinn said: »
I've been sending him messages for three months. All he does is the old "I'll pay back next week, I swear!" And plus, last time I tried to send Upbeat a tell inquiring about this, you (Kaoriasada) sent me a string of very rude tells accusing me of harassment and specifically warned me NOT to talk to Upbeat again. So which is it? Settle it in tells or stay away?

Except where you're wrong, because I didn't send you a tell about Upbeatglitch, in fact, I sent you tells about a GIRL, as I stated, and I have every right to defend my friends against people (you) who have harassed them. You should probably get your facts straight before you go making accusations. His name was never said and it isn't true.

If it wasn't about upbeat then once again I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't play this game enough to even meet new people, much less harass them. Whatever your beef is, you can either skip the teenage "I'm so mad at you but I'm not telling you why I'm mad at you" crap and say it, or just shut up already. Either way, I'm done here. You can find me in-game if you wanna talk like grown-ups.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Anjou
Posts: 69
By Fenrir.Nauta 2014-10-20 21:59:54  
There's some drama here but all I'm seeing is that sic cat gun.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-10-22 04:59:20  
My response to the drama on this last page:

75 Ninja Action!!
YouTube Video Placeholder

75nin/dnc vs behemoth.

Uploading a video to youtube now of me creating all my 75 NIN gearsets & macro placements[ 6% 1836 remaining at the time of this post ]

Thinking up strategies for level 75 sky god fights.. Anyone have any off the wall or cool ideas they think might work?

BLU vs Seiryu could be possible
NIN vs Suzaku could be!

SAM/NIN Ridill/Kraken Spirits within build vs Genbu!?!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-11-08 15:42:49  

Magian trial NM spam!

Looking for a few trustworthy people that I can mod to watch the chat & talkative people to keep the chat rolling. It is very common that i'll miss an easy question someone asked by 15 mins or so because I'm focusing on streaming not the chat. Would make a world of difference to get a few FFXI-know-it-alls to stick around and help out.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Starkzz
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2014-11-08 16:28:31  
I doubt 75 NIN could handle Suzaku, but it would be interesting to see you prove me wrong. You'd be the first no doubt, although there's been many adjustments from 75 cap to now.

Not to discredit you of course, it would still be quite impressive even given the enhancements.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-08 16:45:39  
Phoenix.Angelinn said: »
Phoenix.Kaoriasada said: »
Phoenix.Crumbs said: »
How about spending some of that time paying back the debt you went into (and then bailed on) to get that kraken club 3 months ago?

How about not being a jerk? Instead of making drama on a public thread, PM him or send him a tell in-game if you have a problem. It's immature.

I've been sending him messages for three months. All he does is the old "I'll pay back next week, I swear!" And plus, last time I tried to send Upbeat a tell inquiring about this, you (Kaoriasada) sent me a string of very rude tells accusing me of harassment and specifically warned me NOT to talk to Upbeat again. So which is it? Settle it in tells or stay away?

Someone with a respected stream like upbeat should keep their affairs settled. I don't even care about the gil anymore (it's only 7m), just the principle of it, and how much everyone seems to respect him for some reason. Here are the logs. This is every interaction I've had with upbeat. I've been more than reasonable and patient with him (perhaps more than I should have been), and was never rude or mean. Decide for yourself.
JULY 28 2014

[21:22:17]Upbeatglitch>> hi. would you trade for KC? something like 15m + 45m in items and as I get gil I can buy the items off you?
[21:22:35]>>Upbeatglitch : sure
[21:22:57]>>Upbeatglitch : what kinda items? might just do a straigh trade if you're interested
[21:26:06]Upbeatglitch>> Was thinking <{Budliqa}>X2<{Nanti Knife}>X2<{Flume Belt}><{Hajduk Ring +1}><{Pamun}><{Tati Earring +1}>
[21:26:53]Upbeatglitch>> can easily add more if you'd like more collateral though
[21:29:17]>>Upbeatglitch : <{Hmmm.}> im not sure the value of that stuff will stay as high as it is for very long, will it?
[21:29:44]>>Upbeatglitch : i dont follow the bone market very closely :x
[21:31:08]Upbeatglitch>> Can set prices on the stuff for today's price and i'll pay that if I buy it back before. 
[21:32:11]Upbeatglitch>> I have it all in my <{Bazaar}> at the AH in <{Southern San d'Oria}>
[21:32:18]Upbeatglitch>> so you can see
[21:32:39]>>Upbeatglitch : im checking it out on ffxiah atm, sorry for being slow :P
[21:38:00]Upbeatglitch>> dont worry about it lol
[21:38:46]>>Upbeatglitch : sorry, lol its a big thing to consider :P trying to find a friend who can vouch
[21:39:04]>>Upbeatglitch : nothing personal :c   just dont wanna end up with 15m and a bunch of unsellable stuff ^^;
[21:40:53]>>Upbeatglitch : if you're interested i can hang on to it for a week or 2
[21:40:59]Upbeatglitch>> very true! That's why I intended on buying the items back off you if they don't sell
[21:41:06]>>Upbeatglitch : till the cash>collateral ratio's a bit better
[21:41:30]Upbeatglitch>> Sure :D that works
[21:42:14]>>Upbeatglitch : sorry for being difficult :x been screwed one time too many
[21:42:51]>>Upbeatglitch : you know suji, right?
[21:43:04]Upbeatglitch>> yeah
[21:44:35]>>Upbeatglitch : i'll try to get in touch with him, see if he can vouch for ya :)
[21:44:48]>>Upbeatglitch : that'd make me a lot more comfortable holding collateral, lol
[21:47:05]>>Upbeatglitch : its out of my bazaar~ if you can get to like 30-35m cash, i can do the rest in items/collateral
[21:49:05]Upbeatglitch>> Sure, that seems fair.
[21:49:23]>>Upbeatglitch : great :) looking forward to hearing from you!

AUGUST 1 2014

[21:31:51]>>Upbeatglitch : hey, you there?

AUGUST 2 2014

13:03:49]Upbeatglitch>> Hello. 
[13:03:55]>>Upbeatglitch : /wave
[13:04:56]>>Upbeatglitch : how goes?
[13:05:37]Upbeatglitch>> Missed your <{/tell}> yesterday.
[13:06:00]>>Upbeatglitch : no worries :P i was just checking in to see if we're still on for the krakenclub thing
[13:08:10]Upbeatglitch>> I am :D! I've got 26m i'd be willing to give + a few items. Can wait for more gil if you'd like though
[13:08:39]>>Upbeatglitch : one sec, skirmishing atm
[13:12:12]>>Upbeatglitch : <{Hmmm.}> lets get to 30, then we can take a little while to decide on prices for your collateral items
[13:14:20]Upbeatglitch>> Sounds good!

AUGUST 5 2014

[10:54:11]Upbeatglitch>> hi
[10:54:47]>>Upbeatglitch : hey
[10:55:29]Upbeatglitch>> still have kc?
[10:55:49]>>Upbeatglitch : yep :)
[10:56:47]>>Upbeatglitch : i just need to go afk though... any chance you'll be around in ~30 mins?
[10:57:11]Upbeatglitch>> Very awesome! @30m now if you want to talk about some items to trade 
[10:57:14]Upbeatglitch>> sure, i'll be here
[10:57:34]>>Upbeatglitch : thanks, sorry for the inconvenience :x just heard "incoming tell" as i was walking out the door, lol
[10:57:36]>>Upbeatglitch : ill hurry back
[11:23:12]>>Upbeatglitch : back, sorry about that
[11:23:30]Upbeatglitch>> no worries
[11:24:13]>>Upbeatglitch : before we do this, i feel obligated to warn you, krakenclub's essentially useless on seekers content
[11:24:29]>>Upbeatglitch : i know thats kinda obvious but id feel guilty if i didnt give fair warning :x
[11:25:01]Upbeatglitch>> I've put a few items in my <{Bazaar}> for an idea. Very thoughtful of you ^^
[11:26:57]>>Upbeatglitch : think we just warped to each other twice
[11:26:59]Upbeatglitch>> lol keep warping at the same time. I'm at the AH in walls
[11:28:05]Upbeatglitch waves to Crumbs.
[11:28:14]Crumbs motions joyfully to Upbeatglitch.
[11:28:19]Upbeatglitch's title: Fistule Drainer
[11:30:01]>>Upbeatglitch : im terrible at math, one sec lol
[11:30:31]Upbeatglitch>> np :D
[11:31:34]>>Upbeatglitch : so if im adding correctly, this stuff + 30m equals 53m?
[11:32:01]Upbeatglitch>> yeah
[11:33:23]>>Upbeatglitch : <{Hmmm.}> do you still have the flume belt you mentioned? i'd be willing to drop something from 
[11:33:28]>>Upbeatglitch : the bazaar for it
[11:33:45]Upbeatglitch>> Sure
[11:33:57]Upbeatglitch>> I have it in my inv now
[11:34:32]>>Upbeatglitch : awesome. if you have anything worth ~1-2m, i'd take that + flume belt over one of the axes
[11:34:37]>>Upbeatglitch : nice little discount for ya :o
[11:35:47]Upbeatglitch>> <{Vexer Ring +1}>?
[11:36:13]Upbeatglitch's title: Fistule Drainer
[11:36:58]Upbeatglitch>> also have <{Speed Belt}> <{Hexed Jacket}> and a few other items worth 1~2m if you'd like me to name a few lol
[11:37:10]Upbeatglitch>> <{Killedar Shield}>
[11:37:46]>>Upbeatglitch : ooh ooh ill take a speed belt
[11:38:18]>>Upbeatglitch : speed belt + flume ill take for straight trade value, no need to buy back
[11:39:40]Upbeatglitch>> Perfect! so what are we looking at now? Speed, Flume, Axe, DaggerX2, Body -1, & 30M for club? 
[11:40:43]>>Upbeatglitch : which has a total value of ~50.5-51, correct?
[11:40:58]>>Upbeatglitch : depending on what we're talking about for the speed belt
[11:41:06]Upbeatglitch>> That seems right
[11:42:03]Upbeatglitch's bazaar was closed midway through your transaction.
[11:42:25]>>Upbeatglitch : yeah sounds like a deal :o
[11:42:39]Upbeatglitch>> deal!
[11:42:41]>>Upbeatglitch : and you'd only be buying back the axe, daggers, and body
[11:43:05]>>Upbeatglitch : for ~16 total, and there's no rush on that
[11:43:14]>>Upbeatglitch : ill be trying to sell em as well probably
[11:43:38]Upbeatglitch>> Writing it down on a sticky note and putting it on my monitor lol
[11:43:43]>>Upbeatglitch : :P
[11:44:00]>>Upbeatglitch : ill keep em in my bazaar at the same price, just snag em whenever you want
[11:44:17]Upbeatglitch>> perfect
[11:44:38]Upbeatglitch wishes to trade with you.
[11:45:31]Upbeatglitch bows courteously to Crumbs.
[11:45:31]Crumbs cheers Upbeatglitch on!
[11:45:35]>>Upbeatglitch : enjoy! ^^
[11:45:43]Upbeatglitch gives a triumphant cry with Crumbs!
[11:45:49]Upbeatglitch>> thank you!!
[11:45:52]>>Upbeatglitch : that thing's fun as heck, been messing around with it in salvage/ein/dynamis
[11:46:54]Upbeatglitch>> I had one back in the day but sold it to fund bonecraft, been waiting a long time to replace it

AUGUST 7 2014

[16:49:56]Upbeatglitch's title: Fistule Drainer
[16:50:01]Crumbs cheers Upbeatglitch on!

AUGUST 10 2014

[13:13:23]>>Upbeatglitch : sold one of those nanti knives, so you're off the hook for that one :P

AUGUST 16 2014

[15:34:54]>>Upbeatglitch : hey, you there?
[15:35:06]Upbeatglitch>> yeah what's up
[15:35:58]>>Upbeatglitch : just checking in about you buying some of your collateral back :)
[15:36:24]Upbeatglitch>> Sitting on 1m atm, about to try 7 hexed jacket synths
[15:36:32]Upbeatglitch>> hopefully I can HQ one then buy all that back
[15:36:45]Upbeatglitch>> That's the plan anyways :D
[15:36:50]>>Upbeatglitch : sweet. well, i was able to sell off one of the nanti knives and the cursed mail-1
[15:37:07]Upbeatglitch>> Very nice! That leaves the axe?
[15:37:20]>>Upbeatglitch : axe and one more knife
[15:37:32]>>Upbeatglitch : the axe is the only one im worried about, im sure the knife'll sell eventually
[15:37:39]Upbeatglitch>> kk Should have that in the next few days
[15:37:54]>>Upbeatglitch : someone actually server hopped to buy the mail-1, lol
[15:38:04]Upbeatglitch>> Wow lol 
[15:38:21]Upbeatglitch>> I saved up like 10 synths to try and the guy got two HQs back to back
[15:38:29]>>Upbeatglitch : lmao nice
[15:38:41]>>Upbeatglitch : meanwhile im 0/63 on chelona boots+1...
[15:39:19]>>Upbeatglitch : well, like i said. im not hard up for money, so there's no rush
[15:39:24]>>Upbeatglitch : just check in once in a while :)
[15:39:29]Upbeatglitch>> Geeze ! horrible
[15:39:46]>>Upbeatglitch : ya really.. its a t1 ffs

AUGUST 25 2014

[20:40:57]Crumbs tosses something at Upbeatglitch.


[19:39:21]>>Upbeatglitch : <{/poke}>
[19:40:05]>>Upbeatglitch : it's been a month, startin to make me nervous :(
[19:40:14]Upbeatglitch>> <{/wave}> been having horrible luck with <{Befouled Silver}>s dropping -_-. any luck selling stuff yet?
[19:40:36]>>Upbeatglitch : only got the axe left
[19:41:41]Upbeatglitch>> very cool! I have 4.5m on me atm, trying to make a jacket -1 so I don't have to start over from the bottom 
[19:41:54]Upbeatglitch>> Enough mats for 10 synths now just missing the silvers 


[18:17:55]>>Upbeatglitch : hi
[18:18:24]Upbeatglitch>> hello. any luck selling the axe yet?
[18:18:32]>>Upbeatglitch : nope
[18:18:58]>>Upbeatglitch : was always pretty certain it wouldnt sell, checking in to see whats up
[18:19:27]>>Upbeatglitch : i know i said 'no rush' but we're closing in on 2 months :x
[18:20:43]>>Upbeatglitch : you are planning on buying it back like we agreed, right?
[18:20:48]Upbeatglitch>> true dat. I feel ya. Kinda shocked it hasn't sold tbh they were going fairly quickly
[18:20:59]>>Upbeatglitch : i feel like i've been more than reasonable about this whole thing, and i think you're taking advantage
[18:21:22]Upbeatglitch>> Was hoping it would sell more than buying it back, of course 
[18:21:54]>>Upbeatglitch : yeah i never expected the axe to sell, when there's free r/e stuff that's better :x
[18:22:04]>>Upbeatglitch : i said as much when we made our deal
[18:22:26]Upbeatglitch>> it's not like you're in any situation of losing anything :D making it seem like there might be a chance 
[18:22:28]Upbeatglitch>> you'll lose gil
[18:22:57]>>Upbeatglitch : i'm losing 7m if this axe doesnt sell <_<
[18:24:42]Upbeatglitch>> I'll take care of it
[18:25:24]>>Upbeatglitch : i'm sorry if im coming off pushy, but you can see this from my side right?
[18:26:42]>>Upbeatglitch : the deal was you'd buy things back as you were able, and its been a very long time heh
[18:26:52]Upbeatglitch>> Oh definitely. Just really slow situation lol I mean the axe COULD of sold overnight ya know
[18:27:40]>>Upbeatglitch : /shrug you still saved yourself a solid 12m on other stuff that did sell, so you're still ahead
[18:30:26]>>Upbeatglitch : so you are buying it back right? i've asked twice and didnt get a straight answer, lol
[18:30:41]Upbeatglitch>> yeah not really much I can say, sorry it's taking so long. 
[18:31:28]Upbeatglitch>> I mean yeah I'll buy it back if it doesn't sell. Just haven't been making gil lately
[18:31:50]Upbeatglitch>> You don't have any worry of me not getting you your gil, it's already on you just waiting to be switched 

And 3 months later, not a single item was bought back.

Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
I'll still never get tired of watching KC Jishnu's spam doe!
It's a bit infuriating watching someone publicly brag about how awesome the gear they stole is....

Either way, his viewers have a right to know.

tl;dr: Pays for kclub with lots of collateral. Update hits and collateral loses its value. Upbeat decides he doesn't have to pay back. Yes, I was stupid to make a deal like that, but Upbeat seemed trustworthy.

edited: added a few things and cleaned up grammar

I thought player Warning threads were banned by Mods...

How has this not been deleted, not discrediting what you posted (Although its not a screenshot so easily faked in seconds) and really this seems like a bad place to even post or raise such an issue, mainly due to Terms etc prohibiting this sorta stuff.

PLayer Warning: THIS GUY STEALS OFF YOU but then I have little to evidence, and really I did a deal where we held collatoral, and now I'm upset that guy didn't buy it back...

What would you have done had he died? You had collatoral, and while I see your basis was that he would buy stuff back, it was very stupid to go into such a deal and whether you feel butthurt or not, you made a deal like banks do, where you held something as collatoral and added a value to it, like banks do, and when the collatoral lost value you got upset.

Upbeat didn't pay you, so you kept the collateral.
People don't pay banks, so they keep the collateral.

It's the same principle but there's no 1998 Data Protection Law binding your from bringing up ***.

Get over it, your fault for making a God Awful deal imo.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-11-08 17:12:43  
Cerberus.Conagh said: »
I thought player Warning threads were banned by Mods...

How has this not been deleted, not discrediting what you posted (Although its not a screenshot so easily faked in seconds) and really this seems like a bad place to even post or raise such an issue, mainly due to Terms etc prohibiting this sorta stuff.
They definitely are & I seriously have no idea why the posts are still up.

Was an attempt at ruining a name, which honestly, if I a smarter individual I probably could of ran with it and dramallama'd all over the place for a few extra views... not my style.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-11-08 17:19:29  
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
I doubt 75 NIN could handle Suzaku, but it would be interesting to see you prove me wrong. You'd be the first no doubt, although there's been many adjustments from 75 cap to now.

Not to discredit you of course, it would still be quite impressive even given the enhancements.
Would be very difficult indeed. Probably would require the NIN to kite until Suzaku runs out of MP to bypass chainspell. Keeping shadows will be much easier than on say RDM, however firaga III will also hit much harder.

I'll give it an attempt soon!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-08 17:20:41  
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Cerberus.Conagh said: »
I thought player Warning threads were banned by Mods...

How has this not been deleted, not discrediting what you posted (Although its not a screenshot so easily faked in seconds) and really this seems like a bad place to even post or raise such an issue, mainly due to Terms etc prohibiting this sorta stuff.
They definitely are & I seriously have no idea why the posts are still up.

Was an attempt at ruining a name, which honestly, if I a smarter individual I probably could of ran with it and dramallama'd all over the place for a few extra views... not my style.

It's a game.

I honestly don't care if someone rips me off anyways, it happens in normal games and as I play these for the Role Playing aspect (I.E in game I play a complete *** but in real life, I'm BIGGER ***), I'd be disjointed if ***never happened, would get stale.

I don't know/care if it's true anyways, gil aint hard to make.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-08 17:21:39  
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
I doubt 75 NIN could handle Suzaku, but it would be interesting to see you prove me wrong. You'd be the first no doubt, although there's been many adjustments from 75 cap to now.

Not to discredit you of course, it would still be quite impressive even given the enhancements.
Would be very difficult indeed. Probably would require the NIN to kite until Suzaku runs out of MP to bypass chainspell. Keeping shadows will be much easier than on say RDM, however firaga III will also hit much harder.

I'll give it an attempt soon!

I did it on BLU!

But BLU is broken.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-11-08 17:24:36  
Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
I doubt 75 NIN could handle Suzaku, but it would be interesting to see you prove me wrong. You'd be the first no doubt, although there's been many adjustments from 75 cap to now.

Not to discredit you of course, it would still be quite impressive even given the enhancements.
Would be very difficult indeed. Probably would require the NIN to kite until Suzaku runs out of MP to bypass chainspell. Keeping shadows will be much easier than on say RDM, however firaga III will also hit much harder.

I'll give it an attempt soon!

I did it on BLU!

But BLU is broken.
At 75?!
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Starkzz
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2014-11-08 17:47:29  
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
I doubt 75 NIN could handle Suzaku, but it would be interesting to see you prove me wrong. You'd be the first no doubt, although there's been many adjustments from 75 cap to now.

Not to discredit you of course, it would still be quite impressive even given the enhancements.
Would be very difficult indeed. Probably would require the NIN to kite until Suzaku runs out of MP to bypass chainspell. Keeping shadows will be much easier than on say RDM, however firaga III will also hit much harder.

I'll give it an attempt soon!

Shadows would be easier to keep up than RDM? Really?

I mean, Suzaku tears through them pretty quickly as I'm sure you're aware. Can't really say how much you could bring her accuracy down as a Ninja, but I would wager her hit rate would still be pretty damn fair. Also not sure how well you would be able to land Ninjutsu debuffs, but I'm fairly confident in saying you will struggle alot with landing the paralyze spell.

With no haste, and, assuming you opt for /RDM, little FC, I can't see it being easier to be honest. Got me pretty interested though!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-08 18:03:14  
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
I doubt 75 NIN could handle Suzaku, but it would be interesting to see you prove me wrong. You'd be the first no doubt, although there's been many adjustments from 75 cap to now.

Not to discredit you of course, it would still be quite impressive even given the enhancements.
Would be very difficult indeed. Probably would require the NIN to kite until Suzaku runs out of MP to bypass chainspell. Keeping shadows will be much easier than on say RDM, however firaga III will also hit much harder.

I'll give it an attempt soon!

I did it on BLU!

But BLU is broken.
At 75?!

With ease.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Phoenix.Upbeatglitch 2014-11-09 10:40:24  
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
Shadows would be easier to keep up than RDM? Really?

I mean, Suzaku tears through them pretty quickly as I'm sure you're aware. Can't really say how much you could bring her accuracy down as a Ninja, but I would wager her hit rate would still be pretty damn fair. Also not sure how well you would be able to land Ninjutsu debuffs, but I'm fairly confident in saying you will struggle alot with landing the paralyze spell.

With no haste, and, assuming you opt for /RDM, little FC, I can't see it being easier to be honest. Got me pretty interested though!
(Allowing trusts for now, would be a whole other level to kill them without trusts.)

Ninja's native evasion + an evasion set actually allows NIN to evade attack rounds. RDM on the other hand has no chance with evading attacks. Ninja also gets Kurayami: Ni, Blade: Kamu, Yonin, & the extra shadow.

I'll stream an attempt here in a little bit.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
With ease.
Impressive! I'd pay to see that. I've given it a try or two with no success. What was your strategy?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-09 10:45:47  
Phoenix.Upbeatglitch said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
Shadows would be easier to keep up than RDM? Really?

I mean, Suzaku tears through them pretty quickly as I'm sure you're aware. Can't really say how much you could bring her accuracy down as a Ninja, but I would wager her hit rate would still be pretty damn fair. Also not sure how well you would be able to land Ninjutsu debuffs, but I'm fairly confident in saying you will struggle alot with landing the paralyze spell.

With no haste, and, assuming you opt for /RDM, little FC, I can't see it being easier to be honest. Got me pretty interested though!
(Allowing trusts for now, would be a whole other level to kill them without trusts.)

Ninja's native evasion + an evasion set actually allows NIN to evade attack rounds. RDM on the other hand has no chance with evading attacks. Ninja also gets Kurayami: Ni, Blade: Kamu, Yonin, & the extra shadow.

I'll stream an attempt here in a little bit.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
With ease.
Impressive! I'd pay to see that. I've given it a try or two with no success. What was your strategy?

I didn't use a strat I just winged it......... :O

Pretend you're a PLD using Genbu Shield (This is a life saver) and any source of PDT, cocoon, and "try" and headbutt any Aga spells. That's the only really Painful part, Aga spells can whooop you. I grabbed Book Buffs before though for Obscene pro/shell and I think those values have been made rather strong (pro and shell generally) since 75 cap days..

I'll redo it later and make a video for ya.

not to mention being able to hoard abillion Yag drinks cos Wardrobe holds all your gears!