Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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By Pantafernando 2015-11-13 17:17:04  
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-11-13 17:18:57  
Hostages are sending messages saying they're being killed one by one..
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-13 17:25:51  
Wall off Europe prease

/half joke
サーバ: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-13 17:26:59  
5 explosions heard near the concert hall and automatic gunfire
サーバ: Carbuncle
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user: Pluton
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By Carbuncle.Arcksan 2015-11-13 17:30:59  
To be exact, 7 differents location in paris has been attacked at the same time tonight.
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-11-13 17:31:25  
I don't really understand this. They know they were killing the hostages already so what's the hold up? Why not just go in and try to save the others if they're already being killed?
サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Soraishin
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By Bahamut.Soraishin 2015-11-13 17:31:38  

inb4 syrian refugees show up
サーバ: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-13 17:32:37  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
I don't really understand this. They know they were killing the hostages already so what's the hold up? Why not just go in and try to save the others if they're already being killed?

Doesn't he have explosives? Maybe he has a dead man's switch
サーバ: Carbuncle
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user: Pluton
Posts: 137
By Carbuncle.Arcksan 2015-11-13 17:32:37  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
I don't really understand this. They know they were killing the hostages already so what's the hold up? Why not just go in and try to save the others if they're already being killed?

We re not sure, but the assault should have already started
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Pluton
Posts: 137
By Carbuncle.Arcksan 2015-11-13 17:34:25  
Double post , i confirm the Assault has started
サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-13 17:43:53  
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Well, this puts a much needed solemn tone on P&R. Those poor people.

Seriously. Holy crap.

Say what you want about the people in here, at least we're not terrorists... except maybe Nikolce.

I wonder how France and the U.N. will respond to this.
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-11-13 17:46:20  
I can tell you there's a bit of hysteria in Italy, especially cause next month starts the jubilee which means flocks of people from all over the world(talking in millions) will gather in Rome and there's a lot of talk about security.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Pluton
Posts: 137
By Carbuncle.Arcksan 2015-11-13 17:55:34  
The assault is done, but we already know that a lot of hostages has been killed...
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-11-13 18:08:47  
ISIS just claimed it was their doing.
サーバ: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-13 18:25:23  
So potentially 140 people dead or more? They're saying around 100 dead in Bataclan
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24,219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-11-13 18:26:50  
They're saying 104.

On Twitter there was a surge of posts of people inciting death to France(later all deleted by the network).
サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Kara
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By Bahamut.Kara 2015-11-13 18:59:18  
According to bbc France closed its borders
Posts: 12,259
By Jassik 2015-11-13 19:02:14  
Bahamut.Kara said: »
According to bbc France closed its borders

They've deployed the military as well
サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Kara
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By Bahamut.Kara 2015-11-13 19:11:12  
Jassik said: »
Bahamut.Kara said: »
According to bbc France closed its borders

They've deployed the military as well
Yeah. France deploys the military for situations like this.

Mil and I were in Paris for our honeymoon in 2006 and there were bomb threats. All near the tourist attractions military personnel were present with bomb sniffing dogs and rifles.

Pretty sure they did it for the last incident too
Posts: 12,259
By Jassik 2015-11-13 20:06:11  
Bahamut.Kara said: »
Jassik said: »
Bahamut.Kara said: »
According to bbc France closed its borders

They've deployed the military as well
Yeah. France deploys the military for situations like this.

Mil and I were in Paris for our honeymoon in 2006 and there were bomb threats. All near the tourist attractions military personnel were present with bomb sniffing dogs and rifles.

Pretty sure they did it for the last incident too

Yeah, it's not uncommon for situations like this, I was just adding to your post.
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By 2015-11-14 12:04:25
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-11-15 17:04:26  
France dropped a rain of fire on Raqqa(Syria)
サーバ: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-11-15 18:22:56  
When Senator Bernie Sanders was asked to defend his statements that climate change is the nation's most pressing national security threat, he didn't back down — and he's 100% right. Climate change is already destabilizing governments around the world and it's only going to get worse.

"Climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism," Sanders said. "And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you're gonna see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they're gonna be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops. And you're gonna see all kinds of international conflict."

The connection between climate change and the rise of terrorist threats isn't a direct line, but it is clear. In July, the Pentagon released a report to Congress that cited climate change as a major factor that will exacerbate national security threats and risks. “The Department of Defense's primary responsibility is to protect national security interests around the world,” a press release about the report said. When security includes questions of how families get enough food, how poverty might lead people to radical religious movements, and how natural resources destabilize governments, climate change is crucial.

“It is in this context,” the report reads, “that the department must consider the effects of climate change — such as sea level rise, shifting climate zones, and more frequent and intense severe weather events — and how these effects could impact national security.”

2015 is on track to be the hottest year ever recorded. International leaders are scheduled to meet in Paris for a climate change summit at the end of November.
Climate Change Really Does Contribute To Terrorism
サーバ: Phoenix
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Posts: 3,686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-11-15 19:03:52  
Trying to catch up. Did the left say if we can fight ISIS yet, or Daesh or whatever we are calling them now?

How about this? We call them a new name, we all agree to kill them, then the left never has to admit they've been wrong about letting ISIS grow and fester. I like it.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-11-15 19:19:36  
I don't know, did the GOP Congress vote to authorize war against ISIS yet? Or are they still running away from putting their names on it?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13,642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-15 20:58:59  
So what's the reasonable approach here? In the other thread I'm hearing talk of stopping ISIS with genocide and talk of stopping ISIS with hugs and butterflies, and surely there are sane people somewhere in-between.
サーバ: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-11-15 21:11:41  
Congress is pretty determined to not vote on a new AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force), the GOP simply does not want to vote for a war. They would rather let Obama stretch the law and use the outdated AUMF from 2002 to do what he can and criticize him for not doing more. He can't send ground troops without a new AUMF, he can send Special Forces which he has done. Coincidentally, a major ISIS executioner was killed shortly after the Special Forces got there.
So whats the solution? Pressure France to ask for a NATO response which will essentially let Congress off the hook and enable Obama to put together a real force to hit ISIS.
サーバ: Phoenix
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Posts: 3,686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-11-15 21:28:13  
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Congress is pretty determined to not vote on a new AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force), the GOP simply does not want to vote for a war. They would rather let Obama stretch the law and use the outdated AUMF from 2002 to do what he can and criticize him for not doing more. He can't send ground troops without a new AUMF, he can send Special Forces which he has done. Coincidentally, a major ISIS executioner was killed shortly after the Special Forces got there.
So whats the solution? Pressure France to ask for a NATO response which will essentially let Congress off the hook and enable Obama to put together a real force to hit ISIS.

So is it your claim now that all of this time President Obama has wanted to go to war with ISIS and use ground troops but that the Republicans in Congress have stopped him? Are you seriously going to play this? Show me the President, the Commander in Chief once requesting this. You should be ashamed of yourself being this dishonest and partisan, a new low for you.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8,022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-11-15 21:32:15  
Obama sends AUMF request to Congress February 2015

Took 2 seconds to google that.

Congress kills AUMF request two months later

And another 2 to find that one.
サーバ: Phoenix
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Posts: 3,686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-11-15 21:35:17  
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Obama sends AUMF request to Congress February 2015

Took 2 seconds to google that.

Congress kills AUMF request two months later

And another 2 to find that one.

from your link

"He made clear, however, that the Authorization for the Use of Military Force, or AUMF, does not call for the deployment of ground troops in Iraq or Syria.

"I am convinced that the U.S. should not get back into another ground war in the Middle East -- it's not in our national security interest and not necessary for us to defeat ISIL," he said.
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