Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-02-19 18:20:49  
Requesting a picture is an illegal hiring practice in Canada, because it leaves things open to discrimination based on appearances. Among other reasons.
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-02-19 18:21:05  
What I mean is pretty much all businessmen now are using the economic failure as a mean to exploit people one way or another. With less than minimum wage, sexually on girls, with stupid underpaid work hours, etc.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-02-19 18:22:44  
I know what you mean.

My mom's current supervisor claimed that the part time employees working under him deserved daytime hours/4 hours minimum, etc., and uses his own failures to claim almost every workable hour for himself, instead of the full time employees... work full time.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2015-02-19 18:32:41  
fonewear said: »
Well hate to tell her transition from pastry chef to office worker is an odd choice.

I'd say she look to get on disability until she can find work if her shoulder is that messed up.
She is on disability. And the office-type work thing is because she has trouble washing her hair since she can't lift her arm above shoulder height, so there's a limited amount of work she's able to do. She couldn't stock shelves at Wal-Mart, for instance.

Is that what we really want, though? She was injured on the job (it's a repetitive motion injury that multiple doctors have been unable to even diagnose, much less fix), she wants to work, and the work she's physically and intellectually able to do requires she have a pointless degree that proves nothing except, possibly, that she's in debt up to her eyeballs. Or she can go on disability and suckle at the state's teat for the remainder of her life. I suppose she should feel lucky her fiancé has a good job.

I have another friend who does have a university degree (don't know what in, but he can't find work in whatever field it is) who basically works as a***-mopper at a local club. I'm not being facetious. And the pay and working conditions are sufficiently better than the factory work he previously had that he says he enjoys it. I doubt very much he could support a husband and kids, though, and his pay isn't that great. How wonderful it is to live in a country where "It's better than nothing" is a valid excuse for shitty pay and shitty jobs.

Bloodrose said: »
There are a lot of entry level positions here in Calgary that require:

University/College degrees,
2 years minimum experience in said position
Reliable transportation, despite absolutely Zero duties requiring transportation beyond travelling to and/or from work,
Among other stupid ***where they pay minimum wage for you to train a fresh off his *** moron who couldn't tell the difference between a spoon, a fork, and a hole in his *** that inevitably gets paid more than you do to train him.
I've seen worse. I've seen jobs that actually do need several years experience, but expect that someone be willing to work for barely more than minimum wage. "Looking for an office manager with 5+ years of experience and references. Starting wage of $9/hour."
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-02-19 18:33:55  
Well when Hillary is President the good jobs will be everywhere !

Well if life is that bad you can always jump off a bridge.

Then you won't have to worry about working a shitty job.

I certainly know the "woe is me" stuff isn't going to get you a good paying job.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-02-19 18:43:34  
This is why I don't want to be serious all the time. I don't like me when I'm serious.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-02-19 18:48:11  
fonewear said: »
This is why I don't want to be serious all the time. I don't like me when I'm serious.
Have a Snicker's.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-02-19 18:49:36  
I feel better already. Thank you. I could easily *** about my real life problems but that isn't what this forum is about. This isn't my personal journal This is an escape for me.

That is why I rarely interject real life experiences or stories here.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-02-19 18:52:00  
I wouldn't mind getting a job, at a library, but I'd never be hired due to a previously existing back injury.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-02-19 18:53:01  
Damn it I just said I wasn't going to talk about real life stuff oh well: My sister works in a library I too would love that job.

I try to remain positive in an insurmountable level of *** the world throws at you.

Try to enjoy whatever it is you do find a little happiness cause the real world can be depressing as hell.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-02-19 18:55:21  
I'm happy if/when I wake up. daily goal achieved.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-02-19 18:56:18  
I'll be happy when I see the Sun again winter bums me out. Just to go outside and not be cold.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-02-19 18:58:47  
I do have my little pleasures in life.

Russell Stover makes these dark chocolate cover coconut candies.

And I like my vegetable cocktails.

These forums and most of the people on it.

I don't really indulge in the chocolate or candies as much as I used to, maybe 1-2x a month, and they're little 85g bags.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-02-19 18:59:36  
Beer and and going out to drink more beer is my thing.

Could be the worst day in the world two or three beers later and I'm good to go.

I talk to you guys on here more than my "Faecbook" friends. All they do is post pictures of babies and cats.

For a social network a lot of anti social people on it.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2015-02-19 19:14:37  
fonewear said: »
For a social network a lot of anti social people on it.
This is more of a Random Thoughts thing but, meh...

I'm getting slightly tired of seeing this. I mean, I get what you and everyone who says this means. If I post something serious, I have no clue if anyone even read it because no one replies or clicks like. When I changed my profile pic to me playing with my infant niece, my notification noise started pinging like a meth-addicted heart monitor.

But, on the other hand, I spent most of my weekends at home with nothing to do when I decided to stop using FB. Now that I use it, I only come home to sleep on the weekends and have had to turn down invitations to things. It's all in how you use it.

And in a vain attempt to pretend we're on some kind of topic, even the usual route of social networking to get a good job isn't doing many people much good these days, at least none of the folks I know. But FB does keep us from going insane, so that's something.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Leneth 2015-02-19 19:34:17  
A draft of a German position paper prepared for a meeting of euro zone officials in Brussels has been leaked which includes reasons for the rejection.

Trojan Horse position paper - Reuters

"The Greek letter is not clear at all, but opens immense room for interpretation. To mention the three most important points: It includes no clear commitment to successfully conclude the current programme and its falls short of a clear freeze of Greek measures. It is totally unclear how the Greek government wants to pay its bills over the coming weeks with the current shortfall in tax receipts.

This is why the letter is not in line with the last Eurogroup position. It rather represents a Trojan horse, intending to get bridge financing and in substance putting an end to the current programme. On this basis it makes no sense to start drafting a Eurogroup statement on Friday. We should aim at three things now:

First, the three institutions should carefully examine the Greek current fiscal position in relation to the letter and give us their advice, as agreed in the last Eurogroup, whether on the basis of the Greek letter a successful conclusion of the current programme would be possible, with a sufficient primary surplus and debt sustainability to be assured.

Second, we need a clear and convincing commitment by Greece, which may just contain three short and well understandable sentences: "We apply for the extension of the current programme, making use of built-in flexibility. We will agree with the institutions any changes in measures from the existing MoU. And we aim at successfully concluding the programme".

Third, Greece has to publicly confirm that it will refrain from unilateral national measures to roll back the current programme. The authorities will, with immediate effect, not take any initiative or implement any measure or policy which is inconsistent with existing commitments under the current programme or aggravate the fiscal situation. This includes refraining from announced labour market and social reforms to be voted in Parliament this week.

The 10.9 billion euros earmarked for banking recapitalisation should not be prolonged since the Greek banks have successfully passed the stress test last year."
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-02-19 19:40:48  
I guess Greece is confusing the EU for Russia.
Posts: 42672
By Jetackuu 2015-02-19 19:59:40  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
When I was job searching some time ago, 75% of ads wanted women only, with picture instead of curriculum and "availability". One guy right out told me I had to have sex with him to get the job(and then keep it). Wasn't even a good job.
Did you take the job?
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2015-02-19 22:10:15  
Odin.Jassik said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I guess you don't vote, or don't understand that it is the people who vote, not the campaign funds.

We're talking about different things, bud. Campaign tactics like over-exposure and paying armies of PR people to twist anything around is what taints the landscape. Politician shouldn't be a career, but the private funding system rewards the ones that are good at getting rich people to give them funds to run those kinds of campaigns, not the ones who have a goal and a PLAN.

Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Budget appropriations are guidelines associated with an agency's spending. Very rarely do an agency meet budget, they generally go over their budget for the year and ask for more money for next year.

You are the one who should do some research.

I can't figure out where you're getting this idea. Agencies can request all they want, they are given a budget by Congress and it's spend it or lose it. When the budget isn't sufficient, they can ask for additional money, but it's Congress who either appropriates more or allows them to borrow from the next year's budget. When a kid spends all his lunch money on candy, do you blame the kid or the parent when they ask for more and get it?

Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now you are increasing the PSAs needed by multiple times.

Assuming there's a viable 3rd party candidate, you're talking about 3 PSA's per major network in any given time period, that's not any more than they already are required to air. And candidates would obviously be allowed to purchase as much primetime space as the fixed budget allowed. They could do as many interviews and they liked, etc. There's nothing stopping them from spending that budget on whatever they please, they just wouldn't be allowed to spend more or forced to spend it. Having spent less would be a true indicator of a fiscal conservative.

Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Who's going to determine what message will go out? You just stated in #3 that you are going to have "the public" determine what messages get released, and you are limiting the message itself based by a restraining budget that will either get out of proportion quickly or not get conveyed to anyone due to "budget restraints"

You're purposefully missing the point for whatever reason.

I never said the public would determine anything other than who has earned their vote by demonstrating their ability on a level playing field.

Presidential campaign spending has become absurd. A combined 2 billion dollars in 2012, ~1.4 billion in 2008, ~880 million in 2004, ~530 in 2000. Do you see a trend? It's nearly doubled every cycle since 1980. And, more and more of it is coming from private donors. Almost half of GHWB's campaign receipts were out of public money, neither Obama or Romney took any of the nearly 100M they were each entitled to under current public funding. As it sits, in the last 2 presidential races, over 3.5 billion dollars of private campaign funding was spent on every manner of advertising and administrative luncheon and banquet and we have seen less and less actual vetting of candidates on their skills and experience. Our system is broken, and the public funding system we're supposed to have wasn't.

I agree with alot you mentioned Jassiks but the public funding part was not always part of our system. Our first elections in the U.S before President Jackson was not based on money. When Jackson introduced the Popular vote which never use to exist he wanted the american people to have a greater say and thus we got the first instances of money being funneled into campaigns which never use to be. It was based on announcing your run for candidacy and going to the public to speak your ideas as a independent individual. If they liked your message they would vote for your name when elections would be held. There was no such thing as Primaries either, that is a method political parties came up with it which my fore fathers advocated strongly against because it limited the amount of those who willingly wish to serve the nation best. Freedom should not be limited, and elections should not be limited. That was how it was originally set up it was not broken until the republicans and democrats started a two party monarchy.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-02-19 22:37:39  
There's always the licensing board. You can check for any damages or claims against a licensed contractor, or if the contractor is even licensed.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-02-19 22:43:50  
fonewear said: »
Beer and and going out to drink more beer is my thing.

Could be the worst day in the world two or three beers later and I'm good to go.

I talk to you guys on here more than my "Faecbook" friends. All they do is post pictures of babies and cats.

For a social network a lot of anti social people on it.

I post pictures of my cats on Facebook. Ameena and Shortcake are too cute to not post pictures. I do the world a favor.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-02-19 22:49:59  
Looking for a picture of Ameena from Star Ocean I just discovered Ameena Pinij and I'm a fan.

サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-02-19 23:23:02  
Bloodrose said: »
I do have my little pleasures in life.

Russell Stover makes these dark chocolate cover coconut candies.

And I like my vegetable cocktails.

These forums and most of the people on it.

I don't really indulge in the chocolate or candies as much as I used to, maybe 1-2x a month, and they're little 85g bags.

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-02-19 23:27:45  
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Looking for a picture of Ameena from Star Ocean I just discovered Ameena Pinij and I'm a fan.

I loved SO3's story, the gameplay was a little easy to exploit.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-02-19 23:37:32  
I thought the story fell apart at the end, but I never tired of Cliff. I could go on forever!
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-02-19 23:41:08  
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
I thought the story fell apart at the end, but I never tired of Cliff. I could go on forever!

It got a little predictable, that's true, but I liked it.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-02-20 00:44:18  
I'm a one-man wrecking crew.
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2015-02-20 02:53:49  
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
So where are these jobs that pay more than ***wages, offer a 40-hour week, and don't require a degree or trade school training?

Shiva.Onorgul said: »
All the jobs you noted require, at bare minimum, trade school. How the *** is someone paying for trade school when they can't keep the heat on?

I quoted the relevant paragraph for a reason. You claim there are jobs better than Wal-Mart and McDonald's that don't even require a high school diploma. I want you to prove that. I have a friend who injured her shoulder and can no longer do the work she's trained to do (pastry chef), so she's trying to find some kind of office-type work but literally no one will let her answer a telephone because she doesn't have a university degree.

But, hey, if you think we need more skilled tradesmen, I won't disagree. Just tell me who is going to pay them while they learn. I know trade unions offer a wage to apprentices, but there's no one giving me money to get a CDL. If there is, do tell me, I know a bunch of people who'd love to do just that.

Trucking schools all over the country. You sign up, they train you and your soul is theirs for two yrs. "That is the payment" They pay you "more than mini-wage" and give you "more than 40hrs" a week. No diploma or GED required. Need a clean driving record. Not only that, I know quite a few self taught skilled carpenters and plumbers that make damn good money. Hard work and word of mouth go along ways. "As long as you have the skills"

That being said, fast food, wal-mart type jobs, and factories, just hire people work them for about 6-8 months then find a reason to fire them, or make them quit. Its a really sucky world we live in now, I'm just glad Obama has all these jobs ready for everyone.
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