Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-08 04:36:03  
It’s official: Al Sharpton is not a racist. At least in the case of a $20 billion lawsuit against Sharpton and Comcast, which was dismissed by a federal judge on Wednesday.

The lawsuit, which named Comcast and Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, along with Time Warner Cable and the NAACP, was filed in May by the National Association of African-American Owned Media and Entertainment Studio Networks. The co-plaintiffs claimed that the defendants were blocking equal access for black-owned networks.

The lawsuit claimed that the groups collaborated to make Comcast/NBCUniversal appear to fight for diversity, but instead kept 100-percent black-owned networks out of the mix. One of the payoffs, the plaintiffs allege, was the MSNBC show Sharpton hosts, which they say MSNBC owner Comcast gave to Sharpton in exchange for his signature on diversity agreements.

“Comcast spent millions of dollars to pay non-media civil rights groups to support its acquisition of NBC-Universal, while at the same time refusing to do business with 100 percent African-American owned media companies,” the suit read. “These payments were a ruse made with an ulterior motive: To make Comcast look like a good corporate citizen while it steadfastly refused to contract with 100 percent African American-owned channels.”

But in Wednesday’s ruling, Judge Terry J. Hatter found that the plaintiffs weren’t able to make their case.

“[A] complaint must contain sufficient facts to state a ‘plausible’ claim for relief,” Hatter wrote. “A claim is facially plausible when the facts to support it allow the court to reasonably infer that the defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged. This requires more than a possibility that the defendant has acted unlawfully. Where a complaint pleads facts that are merely consistent with a defendant’s liability, it stops short of the line between possibility and plausibility of entitlement to relief.”

Hatter concluded, “the plaintiffs have failed to allege any plausible claim for relief.”
Al Sharpton and Comcast Come Out on Top in $20 Billion Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-08 07:18:32  
Morning folks having some damn fine cups of coffee !

YouTube Video Placeholder
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-08 07:21:10  

TLDR Some guys feels were hurt cause Trump wasn't politically correct.

“I wanted to have him here as a legitimate candidate, but no legitimate candidate suggests somehow a female asking questions is doing it because she’s hormonal,” Erickson told reporters late Friday night. “…I think he’s disqualified himself at this point. When you make comments about a reporter like that —look, I’ve made plenty of comments about reporters in the past, male and female, but I’ve never once suggested one of them was angry because it was her time of the month. That’s just a party foul. No candidate should do something like that, I’m embarrassed to even talk about what he’s implying.”
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-08 08:43:32  
I found a pic for McFeely: (click on it to zoom in)

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-08 08:47:14  
I think the next debate is on CNN.

If Wolf Blizter moderates I can't watch it.

September 16, 2015 – Simi Valley, California

The second debate will take place at and be sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, which previously hosted two of the Republican debates in 2008 – the first and penultimate ones. Similarly to the latter, this debate will air on CNN and will be broadcast on the Salem Radio Network. Similar to the Fox News-sponsored debate in Cleveland, the debate will be split into a primary and secondary grouping based on polling data. Rules for dividing the groups have been published by CNN.[43] The primary grouping will consist of no more than 10 candidates.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-08 08:59:43  
It's PR's turn to default.

Puerto Rico just went into default for the first time in its history.

The commonwealth paid a mere $628,000 toward a $58 million debt bill due Monday to creditors of its Public Finance Corporation. This will hurt the island's residents, not Wall Street. The debt is mostly owned by ordinary Puerto Ricans through credit unions.

"This was a decision that reflects the serious concerns about the Commonwealth's liquidity in combination with the balance of obligations to our creditors and the equally important obligations to the people of Puerto Rico," Puerto Rico's Government Development Bank president Melba Acosta Febo said in a statement.

The default is a historic moment in Puerto Rico's economic "death spiral," a term the island's governor, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, has used. The island is struggling with about $70 billion in total outstanding debt, and its economy is in recession.

Padilla has put together a team to come up with a plan to restructure Puerto Rico's debt crisis by the end of the summer.
Puerto Rico just defaulted for the first time
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-08 09:01:22  
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
It's PR's turn to default.

Puerto Rico just went into default for the first time in its history.

The commonwealth paid a mere $628,000 toward a $58 million debt bill due Monday to creditors of its Public Finance Corporation. This will hurt the island's residents, not Wall Street. The debt is mostly owned by ordinary Puerto Ricans through credit unions.

"This was a decision that reflects the serious concerns about the Commonwealth's liquidity in combination with the balance of obligations to our creditors and the equally important obligations to the people of Puerto Rico," Puerto Rico's Government Development Bank president Melba Acosta Febo said in a statement.

The default is a historic moment in Puerto Rico's economic "death spiral," a term the island's governor, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, has used. The island is struggling with about $70 billion in total outstanding debt, and its economy is in recession.

Padilla has put together a team to come up with a plan to restructure Puerto Rico's debt crisis by the end of the summer.
Puerto Rico just defaulted for the first time

PR sole function is to provide us filthy Americans rum !
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-08 21:01:51  
Apparently Sanders only appeals to "white supremacist liberals."

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was shoved aside by several Black Lives Matter activists and eventually left a Saturday afternoon event in Seattle without giving his speech.

Sanders was just starting to address several thousand people gathered shoulder to shoulder at Westlake Park when two women took over the microphone. Organizers couldn't persuade the two to wait and agreed to give them a few minutes.

As Sanders stepped back, the women spoke about Ferguson and the killing of Michael Brown and held a four minute moment of silence.

When the crowd asked the activists to allow Sanders to speak, one activist called the crowd "white supremacist liberals," according to event participants.

After waiting about 20 minutes, Sanders himself was pushed away when he tried to take the microphone back. Instead, he waved goodbye, left the stage with a raised fist salute and waded into the crowd. He shook hands and posed for photos with supporters for about 15 minutes, and then left.
Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech
Posts: 1968
By Yatenkou 2015-08-08 21:12:34  
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-08-08 21:28:52  
I don't even know what to make of that. I'm sure a lot of people thought that the dumbest thing to come out of the news this week would be from candidates at the debate, not from Black Lives Matter activists at a Bernie Sanders rally.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2015-08-08 21:51:14  
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Apparently Sanders only appeals to "white supremacist liberals."

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was shoved aside by several Black Lives Matter activists and eventually left a Saturday afternoon event in Seattle without giving his speech.

Sanders was just starting to address several thousand people gathered shoulder to shoulder at Westlake Park when two women took over the microphone. Organizers couldn't persuade the two to wait and agreed to give them a few minutes.

As Sanders stepped back, the women spoke about Ferguson and the killing of Michael Brown and held a four minute moment of silence.

When the crowd asked the activists to allow Sanders to speak, one activist called the crowd "white supremacist liberals," according to event participants.

After waiting about 20 minutes, Sanders himself was pushed away when he tried to take the microphone back. Instead, he waved goodbye, left the stage with a raised fist salute and waded into the crowd. He shook hands and posed for photos with supporters for about 15 minutes, and then left.
Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-08-08 21:59:27  
As much as people have a reason to like/dislike Bernie Sanders, from the information given in the article, it seems Bernie got burned for taking the high road after his speech got hijacked.

And I had a hearty chuckle and wtf moment when I read "white supremacist liberals"
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-08-08 22:21:12  
Bloodrose said: »
As much as people have a reason to like/dislike Bernie Sanders, from the information given in the article, it seems Bernie got burned for taking the high road after his speech got hijacked.

And I had a hearty chuckle and wtf moment when I read "white supremacist liberals"

Politically, I think it makes him look better. Regardless, that man needs some beefed up security. I think a few large, black dudes would do the trick so that nobody could claim racism if they had to use force.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-08-08 22:58:26  
Oh, it certainly makes him look better by far.

And why organize a protest speech about how Black Lives matter when you can hijack the stage of a presidential hopeful, only to call his supporters "white supremacist liberals" by simply asking them to allow Sanders to go on with his speech?

None of their actions really represent why Black Lives Matter, or even set a good precedent for their movement. I can hashtag every single group who believes their lives matter, and it seems far too exclusionary to make it into anything beyond selfish motivations.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-08-08 23:04:42  
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-09 00:16:17  
Bloodrose said: »

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-09 01:02:17  
There's always going to be a few that make an entire group look like radicals. #BlackLivesMatter has brought a lot of attention to a systemic problem. Sadly, it has also been a convenient reason for a lot people to do some pretty shitty things.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-09 05:41:49  
Christian Taylor, a 19-year-old defensive back at Division II Angelo State, was shot and killed by a police officer Friday night.

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, police were responding to a burglary call at a car dealership in Arlington, Texas. Police said Taylor had used a vehicle to drive through the glass of the showroom window.Christian Taylor, a 19-year-old defensive back at Division II Angelo State, was shot and killed by a police officer Friday night.

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, police were responding to a burglary call at a car dealership in Arlington, Texas. Police said Taylor had used a vehicle to drive through the glass of the showroom window.

Rodriguez said both criminal and administrative investigations into the incident were underway. He also said surveillance tape showed Taylor engaging in "criminal activity" before he was shot.

Per the Associated Press, the FBI has been asked to help investigate the incident. During a news conference Saturday night, Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson said he had spoken to the FBI's Dallas field office early Friday, but stressed the move "in no way diminishes my confidence" in local officers to conduct the investigation.

Clyde Fuller, Taylor’s great-uncle, told the Star-Telegram he didn’t think his nephew was robbing the dealership.

“He was a good kid. I don’t see him stealing no car or nothing like that,” Fuller said. “I think something is going on that somebody is lying about. They say he’s burglarizing the place by running up in there? Nuh-uh. Something doesn’t sound right.”

Taylor was enrolled at Angelo State and preparing to start football camp on Wednesday. Taylor, a sophomore, had two interceptions in the Angelo State’s spring game.

Angelo State coach Will Wagner used Twitter to express his condolences.
Division II Angelo State DB Christian Taylor fatally shot by police
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-09 05:54:35  
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Christian Taylor, a 19-year-old defensive back at Division II Angelo State, was shot and killed by a police officer Friday night.

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, police were responding to a burglary call at a car dealership in Arlington, Texas. Police said Taylor had used a vehicle to drive through the glass of the showroom window.Christian Taylor, a 19-year-old defensive back at Division II Angelo State, was shot and killed by a police officer Friday night.

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, police were responding to a burglary call at a car dealership in Arlington, Texas. Police said Taylor had used a vehicle to drive through the glass of the showroom window.

Rodriguez said both criminal and administrative investigations into the incident were underway. He also said surveillance tape showed Taylor engaging in "criminal activity" before he was shot.

Per the Associated Press, the FBI has been asked to help investigate the incident. During a news conference Saturday night, Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson said he had spoken to the FBI's Dallas field office early Friday, but stressed the move "in no way diminishes my confidence" in local officers to conduct the investigation.

Clyde Fuller, Taylor’s great-uncle, told the Star-Telegram he didn’t think his nephew was robbing the dealership.

“He was a good kid. I don’t see him stealing no car or nothing like that,” Fuller said. “I think something is going on that somebody is lying about. They say he’s burglarizing the place by running up in there? Nuh-uh. Something doesn’t sound right.”

Taylor was enrolled at Angelo State and preparing to start football camp on Wednesday. Taylor, a sophomore, had two interceptions in the Angelo State’s spring game.

Angelo State coach Will Wagner used Twitter to express his condolences.
Division II Angelo State DB Christian Taylor fatally shot by police

サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-09 10:57:44  
Prelude: I'm actually in the middle of a writing assignment atm (just some simple synopsis of movements during the 1920s in the US) , so I'm just popping in and out for the time being. Luckily this new girl I'm falling for (haven't done that in a very long time and never like this plus she's Russian :D and she actually knows how to use her mind to mess with me in a way that tickles my soul) is busy with her studies all weekend long. Turns out she's only 22, lol.

Anyway... (just in case anyone missed my updates in life, lol)

So as far as I understand the story, he drove a car (vehicle) through the dealership window. Was he trying to rob the place or some kind of accident?

Only thing stated from the article was he was engaged in "criminal activity" before shot.

My point is, I can't see how they're going to use him as another example of racism from the police. It seems like way too far of a stretch.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-08-09 11:02:54  
I wonder what he did to deserve to get shot.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-09 11:07:28  
They're trying to make it sound like he was robbing the place by driving his vehicle through the storefront glass. Not sure exactly how that would work.

Any updates on his 'criminal activity' ?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-09 11:08:26  
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Prelude: I'm actually in the middle of a writing assignment atm (just some simple synopsis of movements during the 1920s in the US) , so I'm just popping in and out for the time being. Luckily this new girl I'm falling for (haven't done that in a very long time and never like this plus she's Russian :D and she actually knows how to use her mind to mess with me in a way that tickles my soul) is busy with her studies all weekend long. Turns out she's only 22, lol.

Anyway... (just in case anyone missed my updates in life, lol)

So as far as I understand the story, he drove a car (vehicle) through the dealership window. Was he trying to rob the place or some kind of accident?

Only thing stated from the article was he was engaged in "criminal activity" before shot.

My point is, I can't see how they're going to use him as another example of racism from the police. It seems like way too far of a stretch.

You had me at 22 year old Russian. My favorite type of woman !

She might work for the CIA though so don't reveal too much to her !
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-09 11:13:56  
fonewear said: »
She might work for the CIA
She's way too smart for them.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-09 11:14:12  
Also of note: “He was a good kid. I don’t see him stealing no car or nothing like that,” Fuller said. That always cracks me up.

I bet Hitler was a good kid till he failed as an artist also !

His panting looks pretty good to me:

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-09 11:17:58  
In his autobiography Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described how, in his youth, he wanted to become a professional artist, but his aspirations were ruined because he failed the entrance exam of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.[4] Hitler was rejected twice by the institute, once in 1907 and again in 1908.[5

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-09 11:18:49  
He should have caught up with Freud while he was in Vienna they could have discussed world donation over brunch !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-09 11:20:34  

Basically just what I said expect in article form !
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-08-09 11:21:32  
If you ever get bored one day you should read 'Mein Kampf.' There's some pretty good points in there about labor unions.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-08-09 11:22:22  
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
If you ever get bored one day you should read 'Mein Kampf.' There's some pretty good points in there about labor unions.

I keep saying I'm going to read Plato's the Republic but it would probably take me 10 years to finish it !

I rarely finish reading books. I like to jump around and read bits and pieces.
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