How Would You Balance The Jobs?

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How would you balance the jobs?
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By Highwynd 2014-09-17 01:45:44  
Look at DNC, they can heal, they can buff, they can DD but all of it takes TP so the trade off is they have to manage their TP wisely based on their role and target and manage their distance.

Again, compared to DNC, SAM doesn't have to manage anything except timing for skillchains, which is irrelevant the moment you have more than 4 DDs in your group and then it's just spamming TP.

DNC have to manage TP for cures/DD/steps/buffs
DRG have to manage Wyvern costing DPS to use breaths/Spirit Link
DRK has to manage enmity/HP, because their JAs can kill them
SCH has to manage strategems, because they only get a few and their usefulness depends on them.
BLU has to manage MP and spell slots, because the job is based on which spells they set.
RUN has to manage Runes when they wear off or are spent, because Lunges and Swipes are good enmity tools but leave the player defenseless.

Really what weakness or tradeoff does SAM have to manage that's unique to SAM? Their accuracy is not the highest but also not the lowest(aggressor/hasso). Their attack is not the highest but not the lowest(berserk/warcry/ws with attack boosts). Everything else is either best or second best.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2014-09-17 03:16:19  
Highwynd said: »
If they want SAM to be the Skillchain spam job, do not give it the strongest ws's.

Let's make a job that specializes in Weapon Skill frequency, but also give them the strongest weapon skill in the game, and a free +20% WS damage trait, and a JA that gives them 250-300% TP when properly geared, and a JA that lets them use a WS for only 100% TP but at the power of 300% TP, and a TP move that increase their WS TP by 150%, and also +25% double attack on top of what they get from /WAR as long as they keep up a JA with a short recast/long duration. Also I was thinking, they should also swing again when they miss, but the 're-swing' should give them even more TP and more acc! Also this job should get ludicrous bonus damage for skillchains. Hell let's let them specialize in ranged damage and allow them to equip 2 relics simultaneously. Also I'm not sure if this is overkill, but maybe most of their weapon skills should get massive attack bonuses, oh and an ability to evade damage/counter. Screw it, let's give them A parrying and B evasion and the unique ability to wear both of the best armor types- heavy plate AND far eastern sets.

leaving out a lot of other tools that SAM gets, but you get the picture -_-

Seriously, SAM is a little too perfect. It's like you don't need any other DD for anything if there's SAMs available. They can just fudo endlessly off eachother for ludicrous light SC damage. Some jobs can WS for higher base damage than SAM but that's irrelevant when SAMs are pushing out 12-30k lights.

If I could balance this game, I would nerf the hell out of Samurai. They have the strongest WS and best WS frequency? Fine, but they have to become glass cannons. Because in any game, high damage= low defense. Think Akuma from SF. I would take them off heavy plate armor first of all, chainmail/scale is the best they get and far eastern armor. Heavy Armor stays WAR/PLD/DRG/DRK/BST. We can't use Usukane, so they shouldn't get heavy armor. Fudo and Shoha would get a big nerf. Let SAMs produce their damage from skillchains, not weapon skills. Weapon Skill damage is all jobs like DRK and WAR have, but they marginalize those jobs by letting SAM have stronger weapon skills and better WS potential. Overwhelm should be nerfed to 1% per upgrade, 20% from a merit is ridiculous, I don't care if it's directionally dependent, it's a trait that adds thousands of damage to their WS for no reason.

I would make Hagakure/Sengokiri all 5min recasts. Hassozanshin is annoyinh as hell, you guys already sub /WAR and now you get an extra 15% DA trait on top of that. I would remove it, you get a huge enough bonus from SAM Main Hasso with your empy and reforged , no reason that hasso should also give you a crapload of DA(and +42 STR, i would remove that job point category and give you guys subtle blow w/ hasso). Also meditate needs to be scaled back, it can already give SAM close to 300% with current gear and now that new mantle that extends duration for 3 ticks.

So thus far:
Fudo/Shoha->Reduced fTP by 25%
Remove attack bonus from all SAM WS except Gekko.
Hasso job Point +STR->+Subtle Blow
Overwhelm 20% -> 5% but remove direction requirement
Wide armor selection->Remove them from Heavy plate sets
Meditate->Impose a cap on max# of ticks so that no more than 200% TP can be obtained.

I'm sure I'm missing a lot of other nerfs that I could think of for making SAM a balanced damage dealer. Currently, unlike most other DDs, SAM really has no flaws. They have high damage, moderate defenses. Compared to DRK which has piss-poor defense and moderate damage capabilities(DRK's raw WS damage and WS frequency will never compare to Fudo spam'd back to back for Light SCs for 15k+, Resolution doesn't chain into itself like Fudo does.)

This pretty much sums up the most immediate and urgent issue. Thank you for putting the time into detailing just how ridiculous SAM is.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-09-17 06:25:00  
Seriously, SAM is a little too perfect.

Actually it has, if you're fighting a mob that can full time amnesia or can't use WS at all, then SAM would be inferior to others.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-09-17 06:30:26  
Highwynd said: »
There's really no other weakness that SAM has that's unique to their job. There's no 'hole' in their battle strategems. They don't rely on SC damage, SC damage is a bonus; their WS damage is already top tier. If SAM was designed from a balanced approach, they wouldn't have simultaneously the strongest SC potential and the strongest WS and the highest TP gain, they'd get one or two of those max.

Pre-fudo last year, when it was on emp only, Shoha was still ludicrously strong as a WS and it has an attack bonus. Remember, SAM is a DD job that can sub /WAR freely and get +attack from Berserk. Dragoon was married to /SAM because we don't have Store TP or native attack speed stances like SAM or DRK mains do. Therefore DRG missed out on Berserk. Not only did SE not give us an attack bonus WS, they gave us attack penalty weapon skills. Did they compensate by giving us anything else in the meantime? Not until very recently at least.

SAM has accuracy in that when they miss, they have 50-60% chance to swing again with 34 accuracy attached to it.

I wouldn't say SAM has weak att or acc at all because SAM's premier subjob has been /WAR for a while and /WAR covers those bases quite nicely.

If we're talking balance, you have to define balance based on other jobs that fill the same role, in the case physical close range damage.

SAM did not really have gaping holes in their gameplay that other damage dealers had. To compare SAM's problems with THF/DNC/DRG/PUP problems is folly, those jobs have huge flaws as damage dealers. The only 'flaw' i could even think of with SAM is lack of an AoE with their main weapon and that their WS are mostly 1hit so they miss more often compared to multihits which technically can still get partial hits when they 'miss'.

For example, to put it in perspective. DRK is categorized as SE as being your typical glass cannon. High att/low def, high enmity JAs, Souleater takes your HP etc. DRK has all of these gaping tradeoffs for their JAs and yet all of the benefits they gain from -20% defense, HP reduced per hit, high enmity, all of it still doesn't push them ahead of a SAM, which has NONE of those tradeoffs from their JAs. Where's the risk/reward with SAM? DRK has so many risks with using LR/Souleater and yet they are more prone to dying using it for not much increase in damage. SAM can WS away and deal incredible damage and yet not sacrifice any HP or defense to do so.

Fudo being a one-hit-wonder has a very generous advantage, the first hit of any melee WS gets an insane accuracy bonus, so much so that it took testing with blind potions that give -255 accuracy to find out how big of a bonus. Coupled with it being a 80% STR WS, it enables a player to min-max their way with some truly epic builds. Compare this to DRK, WAR and DRG who have to worry about having the same accuracy during their WS as they do in TP gear.

Their old weakness was per-WS damage was lower then DRK and WAR (DRG always been kinda screwed) but they made up for it with sheer quantity. SAM also had attack bonus's on their lower fTP WS's which enabled them to hit higher numbers without requiring as many buffs as their other melee counterparts. This made SAM ideal for high defense / high evasion content where your not receiving double BRD/COR buffs with full debuffs on the NM. Then SE made every BRD a four song BRD and recently buffed SAM to the level where they compete with WAR and DRK on a per-WS basis while still doing ~50% or more total WS's while self SCing for massive lights.

There is only one other time that I've seen this kind of blatant brokenness, it was back when Ranged Attacks ignored level correction. It caused a situation where nothing couldn't be made better by putting more RNG's in it. Now I hope SE's solution isn't as hamfisted and ill implemented as that one was but things can't keep going as they are.

Oh and Ccl is the pChan of the SAM group, so take everything he says about SAM with a large grain of salt. SAM can freely use /WAR for berserk which puts it on the same level as WAR/SAM and only slightly behind DRK/SAM. DRK can go /WAR but that -50% defense will get them killed on anything you want that much attack on, not to mention Soul Eater and Diabolic Eye are both suicide moves. That's DRK's biggest issue, their survivability is extremely limited if they actually use anything other then Last Resort.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-09-17 06:33:50  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Seriously, SAM is a little too perfect.

Actually it has, if you're fighting a mob that can full time amnesia or can't use WS at all, then SAM would be inferior to others.

That hurts WAR, DRG and DRK also as Amnesia locks out their potent JA's. MNK is the other broken DD job, but that's been the case for ages and was semi balanced by the rest being within the same general bracket for damage. SAM just flat out beats everything else by such a large margin it's comical.

And this is from someone who was, and still is, a diehard SAM fan. I cut my teeth in "end game" back when we would partner /THF DD's up with each other as "SC buddies" and invite them in to SATA SC the NM before rotating them out. Shudder the old ways weren't always the best ways.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-09-17 06:47:51  
Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Seriously, SAM is a little too perfect.

Actually it has, if you're fighting a mob that can full time amnesia or can't use WS at all, then SAM would be inferior to others.

That hurts WAR, DRG and DRK also as Amnesia locks out their potent JA's. MNK is the other broken DD job, but that's been the case for ages and was semi balanced by the rest being within the same general bracket for damage. SAM just flat out beats everything else by such a large margin it's comical.

I don't have newer parse for WAR DRG and DRK atm(since I haven't pt with them forever) so I can't be very sure, but one of the yorcia parse I had shows that 85% of SAM's came from WS, only 15% were from white dmg. I don't recall WAR DRK's WS dmg plays such an important role in total output according to some very old parse.
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-09-17 07:50:01  
Love the weak derail drama of omg SAM. How about you bring every Job up to snuff like SAM and MNK.

SE loves the party line "Well you have job flexibility, make it so." If content is too easy with ultra buffed Jobs then simply Low man more often, or change it up and try, OMG wait for it, Diffrent things just for the hell of it.

I have seen so many MMOs start off better then they end up after "Balancing" due to whiners who cry about other Jobs that can beat them.

Players don't Like the nerf bat, they like it even less than easy mode. Easy Mode is much easier to fix then white wash nerfs.

Make sub Jobs way more buffed and you will solve 85% of the balance issues.

HELL BUFF the crap out of SAM make them able to take on lvl 99 content at level 49, and simply allow these buffs to carry over in full effect when subbed.

Boom fixed. no more /sadpandas and #slit wrist from the crying crew.

While I don't feel a person should be forced to level every Job and gear etc I do feel it is not unreasable to require every Job to be leveled to 49 if a player wants to consider themselves elite.

But hey what do I know, I mean a system that has been in the game and under utilized should just continue to be ignored and under utilized.

Heck make SATA 5 sec recast and no positional requirement with a 20TP tp return for each use all attainable by lvl 49 when subbed.

Give Dnc a trait that grants +20% QA and +50 str when dual weilding daggers by lvl 49. (Thf n Dncs would rejoice and still not be omg broken)

Make it so that Nin gets an trait which allows their emnity their enmnity to raise above the hate ceiling when shadows are lost. Then give them a trait which maintans at least 1 shadow when AOE is used on them. ALL atainable by lvl 49.

You get the idea? I can go on all day its easy, actually simple even from a coding aspect, won't effect PS2 limitations, won't force countless People to go and lvl "FoTM" jobs in order to not get a "X job Onry."
Posts: 857
By Highwynd 2014-09-17 09:01:44  
Love the weak derail drama of omg SAM. How about you bring every Job up to snuff like SAM and MNK.

Because it takes a hell of a lot more time and effort planning, testing, implementing, then rebalancing and tweaking 12 jobs than just reducing the capabilities of two. You realize that large, widespread buffs to multiple jobs takes a long time to balance because even one or two buffs to a single job could throw balance off and require a quick readjustment, now imagine its for 12 other dds? Simultaneously?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-09-17 09:05:46  
Nazrious said: »
Love the weak derail drama of omg SAM. How about you bring every Job up to snuff like SAM and MNK.

SE loves the party line "Well you have job flexibility, make it so." If content is too easy with ultra buffed Jobs then simply Low man more often, or change it up and try, OMG wait for it, Diffrent things just for the hell of it.

I have seen so many MMOs start off better then they end up after "Balancing" due to whiners who cry about other Jobs that can beat them.

Players don't Like the nerf bat, they like it even less than easy mode. Easy Mode is much easier to fix then white wash nerfs.

Make sub Jobs way more buffed and you will solve 85% of the balance issues.

HELL BUFF the crap out of SAM make them able to take on lvl 99 content at level 49, and simply allow these buffs to carry over in full effect when subbed.

Boom fixed. no more /sadpandas and #slit wrist from the crying crew.

While I don't feel a person should be forced to level every Job and gear etc I do feel it is not unreasable to require every Job to be leveled to 49 if a player wants to consider themselves elite.

But hey what do I know, I mean a system that has been in the game and under utilized should just continue to be ignored and under utilized.

Heck make SATA 5 sec recast and no positional requirement with a 20TP tp return for each use all attainable by lvl 49 when subbed.

Give Dnc a trait that grants +20% QA and +50 str when dual weilding daggers by lvl 49. (Thf n Dncs would rejoice and still not be omg broken)

Make it so that Nin gets an trait which allows their emnity their enmnity to raise above the hate ceiling when shadows are lost. Then give them a trait which maintans at least 1 shadow when AOE is used on them. ALL atainable by lvl 49.

You get the idea? I can go on all day its easy, actually simple even from a coding aspect, won't effect PS2 limitations, won't force countless People to go and lvl "FoTM" jobs in order to not get a "X job Onry."
if you need all of that to win, go play ffxiv, it's better suited to your difficulty level
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Michiiru
Posts: 271
By Phoenix.Michiiru 2014-09-17 09:17:09  
How about we figure out what all the jobs need, and figure out ways to compensate for them? I mean they were all suited for a simple role, such as SAM's spike damage, or MNK's high HP and steady damage. Then there's BLU that needs some work with their own breath spells (Weak, long as hell recast timer, and extremely high MP cost for what they do.)

Then there's some other tweaks but I'm not really that interested in trying to look into everything...
Posts: 857
By Highwynd 2014-09-17 09:43:08  
I have a Ryunohige and consider myself to be a relatively good player even amongst other Ryuno DRGs. Despite this, a Tsusmaru SAM can easily keep up with my damage when you add in Skillchain damage. And a Koga SAM? Forget about. Sure my Stardivers do more or less the same as their Fudos but when they can skillchain into their best WS? I'm a TP machine too but my Stardiver doesnt make Darkness with Stardiver, in fact it makes nothing. Koga SAM's outparse me by a pretty decent chunk without SC damage calculated in, add in SC damage and they rock my ***. Do we really need 12 other DD's that can perform at a koga SAM level? No, but i do think SAM does wayyyyyyy too much damage for no risk. DRK and WAR should be doing significantly more than SAM because their abilities have huge drawbacks; yet they're lightyears behind SAM. Ryuno drg comes close but we have to worry about our pets to even stand a chance. SAM is top tier because they are flawless relative to other dd jobs. Thf/dnc/drg/blu/war/drk/pup/bst. All of these jobs you can list dozens of poorly implemented abilities or spells or job mechanics; SAM? Has none. They get their own ja haste, sub war without missing out on anything. Their white damage is great due to hassozanshin, hasso, berserk and double attack, ws potency is extremely good, 4 and 5 hits effortlessly, can dodge incoming attacks with third eye, sp2 makes them virtually unkillable to anything that would ordinarily kill any other DD. Seriously all SAM needs at this point is a hate shed and a self cure and just rename this Samurai Fantasy XI. The closest comparison was RNG being overpowered, all reward no risk, hell RNG at 75 out damaged drk and drg with melee damage alone because of acc bonuses and being able to equip the best axes, they could rampage for excellent damage just for lulz.

Every job should have draw backs. Mnk used to have drawbacks in that h2h base dmg was pretty far below 2h jobs. But with ilvl h2h, mnk base damage has grown to titanic proportions that relatively speaking they are at a higher base dmg compared to 2handers than they ever were. At 119 with oatixurs, they're dual wielding 180DMG , 48delay(96 delay per round) greatswords.
Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-09-17 09:49:00  
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
if you need all of that to win, go play ffxiv, it's better suited to your difficulty level

If you think this game requires leet skills for most any Job you aught to go play WoW. Currently to be the "BEST" DD require a few simple macro presses, or single keys if u bind ***with like a G15. But Hey your world is 1337 and everything is Awesome right? Go play with your legos like a good little boy/girl/it.

I don't need anything and any of those suggestions would not break much of anything. Are u afraid of a thf possibly pulling numbers like a SAM or Mnk. Does your world end if you can't easybutton top parse in a solo pt with Just ur NPCs?

As for the rebalance there would be little to none with buffs to subs. Did the game break when the raised lvl caps? Players as always would do 90% of the work min maxing and while there might be a month or two of Aby type wtfpwnage it would settle and then content could be adjusted / added to suit the new norm.

Also yeah I pay for a game I expect a company to actually work on it. Dusting servers and whipping one intern in a dark closet so he can produce lackluster tweaks only goes so far.

But its ok the crippling fear of not topping a parse due to lack of skill and not lol fail SE "Job Balance" is too much for the Epeen jockeys I get it.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2014-09-17 09:50:54  
Really what weakness or tradeoff does SAM have to manage that's unique to SAM? Their accuracy is not the highest but also not the lowest(aggressor/hasso). Their attack is not the highest but not the lowest(berserk/warcry/ws with attack boosts). Everything else is either best or second best.

Positional requirements of Overwhelm, and Utsusemi recast times as relevant.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-09-17 09:52:47  
Nazrious said: »
I can go on all day its easy
Please don't, your ideas are awful.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Michiiru
Posts: 271
By Phoenix.Michiiru 2014-09-17 09:56:31  
And this thread is going to end well.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: daNpwr
Posts: 120
By Bismarck.Stanislav 2014-09-17 10:03:04  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Nazrious said: »
I can go on all day its easy
Please don't, your ideas are awful.


Posts: 720
By Nazrious 2014-09-17 10:13:51  
Awful or not You ain't paying me to implement them. You are Paying for a game with severe balance issues. All the people crying for Nerfs don't seem to think/ understand/ care that if you nerf players they tend to quit.

However if you feel nerfing SAM and MNK will fix things thats cool its the web and you can post what ever you care too, don't mean you are right.

But since this particular post is about balancing Jobs and since you seem to have it all figured out please fix the game then, hell I'll even pay u a subcription fee every month if you do.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: fabiano
Posts: 154
By Ragnarok.Fabiano 2014-09-17 10:18:39  
now its sam , cant wait for the "abyssea revamp" everyone will be " crit ws job onry" and ppl drive the train to mnkwarriorcity
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2014-09-17 10:20:51  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Seriously, SAM is a little too perfect.

Actually it has, if you're fighting a mob that can full time amnesia or can't use WS at all, then SAM would be inferior to others.

That hurts WAR, DRG and DRK also as Amnesia locks out their potent JA's. MNK is the other broken DD job, but that's been the case for ages and was semi balanced by the rest being within the same general bracket for damage. SAM just flat out beats everything else by such a large margin it's comical.

I don't have newer parse for WAR DRG and DRK atm(since I haven't pt with them forever) so I can't be very sure, but one of the yorcia parse I had shows that 85% of SAM's came from WS, only 15% were from white dmg. I don't recall WAR DRK's WS dmg plays such an important role in total output according to some very old parse.
I don't believe that's right... Namely because I *just* did a Ra'Kaznar run with two SAMs (set up was RUN, BRD, WHM, RDM -he was a returning player and it's all he has at the moment-, and SAMx2).
And the parse was SAM1: 35% white damage 8% SC and SAM2: 15% white idr% SC and my RUN with 14.5% white (which is funny to me).
So it doesn't seem that the majority of damage is from SC (35% vs 8% of total damage dealt)...
But that's just one event and one experience.
Basically: don't underestimate fulltime 80% delay reduction and increased hitrate from Hasso and Zanshin and their effects on DPS.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-09-17 10:39:24  
I'm actually quite pleased with how SE has balanced BLU in the last few years and while it'll never be the 'top' job due to its hybrid nature, we've come along way from the Cannonball/Disseverment/Vertical Cleave days.

Access to Haste and Refresh natively coupled with brilliant trait selections like Dual Wield and Triple Attack were both gamechangers. Things like Winds of Promyvion, Phenilune, White Wind, Paralyzing Triad and Glutinous Dart add a wide variety of things a Blue Mage can do while wrecking things. The addition of many sources of Refresh+ pieces on viable melee equipment (sup Luhlaza) has only made the jobs MP woes less of a problem.

Coupled with a well-needed boost in the viable magical spell department, useful clubs and a brilliant weaponskill in Realmrazer and the revamped Black Halo, Blue Mage is simply a delight to play. The spell damage boost on difficult targets has also closed up a problem BLU's had for a while though it's still not quite dumping WS damage into a target with spells.

BLUs ability to cover many bases is unmatched and I think is the star example of a job that's become definitively better as times passed. A gold standard.

Breath spells still suck, macc on things could still stand to be reworked, some old spells could use some varnish (Terror Touch, Venom Shell, F. Barrier, 1k Needles, Warm-Up etc.) and a native way to set BLU spell sets would be appreciated.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-09-17 10:44:22  
Honestly, this game has less severe balance issues than it had during its peak.

Most of the problems in this game stem from systemic ones like buffs not dropping when the job drops from PT, player problems like not wanting to deviate from the norm despite the alternative options or simply skill ceilings on jobs like SAM/MNK being stupid easy to play compared to DRG/BLU/THF and the like.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Spiraboo
Posts: 516
By Cerberus.Spirachub 2014-09-17 10:48:17  
FaeQueenCory said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Seriously, SAM is a little too perfect.

Actually it has, if you're fighting a mob that can full time amnesia or can't use WS at all, then SAM would be inferior to others.

That hurts WAR, DRG and DRK also as Amnesia locks out their potent JA's. MNK is the other broken DD job, but that's been the case for ages and was semi balanced by the rest being within the same general bracket for damage. SAM just flat out beats everything else by such a large margin it's comical.

I don't have newer parse for WAR DRG and DRK atm(since I haven't pt with them forever) so I can't be very sure, but one of the yorcia parse I had shows that 85% of SAM's came from WS, only 15% were from white dmg. I don't recall WAR DRK's WS dmg plays such an important role in total output according to some very old parse.
I don't believe that's right... Namely because I *just* did a Ra'Kaznar run with two SAMs (set up was RUN, BRD, WHM, RDM -he was a returning player and it's all he has at the moment-, and SAMx2).
And the parse was SAM1: 35% white damage 8% SC and SAM2: 15% white idr% SC and my RUN with 14.5% white (which is funny to me).
So it doesn't seem that the majority of damage is from SC (35% vs 8% of total damage dealt)...
But that's just one event and one experience.
Basically: don't underestimate fulltime 80% delay reduction and increased hitrate from Hasso and Zanshin and their effects on DPS.

SC dmg only includes the dmg done by the sc, not the ws. Afania is referring to WS dmg, which is included in the scoreboard(persumably) as non SC dmg, so what you call white damage here isn't pure white dmg.

You can estimate the actual white dmg from looking at the wsavg stats and multiply that by the number of ws recorded, and take it away from that total dmg you get from the report... or use Kparser or something.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-09-17 10:50:43  
BLU is one of those jobs that is borderline OP. Not from a pure DPS point of view but from a total game mechanics POV. Tons of utility, potent self heals, potent defense / offensive buffs while having high physical and magic damage. Aoe sleeps, debuffs and a highly configurable load out system. Its only drawback is how complex it is to play and understand. To realize its potential the player needs to know the mechanics of FFXI really well. A good BLU is godly, a poor BLU is an embarrassment, not much room in between.

So SE has to be extremely careful with buffs lesr it break something.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-09-17 10:59:42  
Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
BLU is one of those jobs that is borderline OP. Not from a pure DPS point of view but from a total game mechanics POV. Tons of utility, potent self heals, potent defense / offensive buffs while having high physical and magic damage. Aoe sleeps, debuffs and a highly configurable load out system. Its only drawback is how complex it is to play and understand. To realize its potential the player needs to know the mechanics of FFXI really well. A good BLU is godly, a poor BLU is an embarrassment, not much room in between.

So SE has to be extremely careful with buffs lesr it break something.

And that's balance. BLUs potential is stifled by the limits of the player to understand its mechanics and the mechanics of the event. It's also a job that scares people off because it has so many moving parts.

While SAM gives up everything by mashing your Fudo macro until ***falls over, BLU requires a ton of different sets, understanding what spells do, preparing for the situations with your loadouts beforehand and utilizing that versatility.

Complicated jobs should be highly rewarding where simple jobs should be middling/average. Good players get to be 'OP' and bad players wear MP gear and look like idiots.

That's why SAMs OP. It's not difficult to understand yet it's so effective for seemingly no reason. What SAM should be is an average DD that excels when skillchains are involved but that's been abandoned for SMASH ALL THE THINGS which should be WAR or DRKs niche.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nemesio
Posts: 747
By Ragnarok.Nemesio 2014-09-17 11:02:18  
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
BLU is one of those jobs that is borderline OP. Not from a pure DPS point of view but from a total game mechanics POV. Tons of utility, potent self heals, potent defense / offensive buffs while having high physical and magic damage. Aoe sleeps, debuffs and a highly configurable load out system. Its only drawback is how complex it is to play and understand. To realize its potential the player needs to know the mechanics of FFXI really well. A good BLU is godly, a poor BLU is an embarrassment, not much room in between.

So SE has to be extremely careful with buffs lesr it break something.

And that's balance. BLUs potential is stifled by the limits of the player to understand its mechanics and the mechanics of the event. It's also a job that scares people off because it has so many moving parts.

While SAM gives up everything by mashing your Fudo macro until ***falls over, BLU requires a ton of different sets, understanding what spells do, preparing for the situations with your loadouts beforehand and utilizing that versatility.

Complicated jobs should be highly rewarding where simple jobs should be middling/average. Good players get to be 'OP' and bad players wear MP gear and look like idiots.

That's why SAMs OP. It's not difficult to understand yet it's so effective for seemingly no reason. What SAM should be is an average DD that excels when skillchains are involved but that's been abandoned for SMASH ALL THE THINGS which should be WAR or DRKs niche.
You make it sound like there is no difference between a skilled SAM and a non-skilled one. With identical gear, one that actually knows what they are doing will blow the other away. Knowing when to properly use SC, abilities, and certain WS's, albeit easier than a BLU, can still be difficult and taxing.

While its worlds simpler than BLU, its more than just a TP and WS macro.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-09-17 11:02:32  
Also, I've not been keeping up with Corsair lately but it's fallen to the bottom of the buffer pile amidst the massive Geomancer boosts, the prevalence of dispels and 3 song BRD being commonplace.

Anyone care to give me a refresher on where the jobs going and what it needs to keep up in the support arms race?
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-09-17 11:05:42  
Ragnarok.Nemesio said: »
You make it sound like there is no difference between a skilled SAM and a non-skilled one. With identical gear, one that actually knows what they are doing will blow the other away. Knowing when to properly use SC, abilities, and certain WS's, albeit easier than a BLU, can still be difficult and taxing.

While its worlds simpler than BLU, its more than just a TP and WS macro.

The point is that SAM is stupid easy to pick up and dominate with, especially with Hagun II in Tsurumaru. Like MNK, the jobs easy to pickup, has a good reputation (which attracts bads) and utilized effectively is just worlds of good.

Of course people can find ways to completely suck at a job with all the advantages but the job has a low skill ceiling and it's extremely effective once you understand how to use it which isn't long because it doesn't have that many moving parts.

There is simply less to *** with SAM. A bad BLU or DRG are completely an embarassment to have in a party where even the worst SAM can do something - even if its just throwing Fudos into a target.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ramyrez
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-09-17 11:07:39  
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Also, I've not been keeping up with Corsair lately but it's fallen to the bottom of the buffer pile amidst the massive Geomancer boosts, the prevalence of dispels and 3 song BRD being commonplace.

Anyone care to give me a refresher on where the jobs going and what it needs to keep up in the support arms race?

If my linkshell is any indication, the best corsair is a mule who can be swapped out of party and forgotten until you need to roll or Wild Card again.

The second-best corsair is a cor/whm helping with -nas/erase and haste.

Given our limited members and what we do to still accomplish endgame tasks, I can accept it, but...


I actually miss Voidwatch. -.-;
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Ophannus
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2014-09-17 11:17:31  
It's just really disheartening to see a Tsurumaru outparse my Ryunno DRG by like 15-20%(WS+SC dmg).
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ramyrez
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-09-17 11:19:18  
Valefor.Ophannus said: »
It's just really disheartening to see a Tsurumaru outparse my Ryunno DRG by like 15-20%(WS+SC dmg).

Even I hate the damn thing. Amano/Yoichi rotting in favor for Tsurumaru and plasm bow.
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