BLU In Delve

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BLU in Delve
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サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Spook153
Posts: 92
By Bahamut.Samsonxiii 2014-10-20 12:21:56  
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-20 12:36:41  
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Doctorugh
Posts: 317
By Cerberus.Doctorugh 2014-10-20 13:17:44  
Self haste2 (ga), actually lets a bard toss in another att/w/e song instead of a march. B. typhoon (under utilized) drops def 10% (which can be extremely strong when paired with other def down debuffs. These alone make up lack of damage output between it and another heavy dd. Not to mention tons of other utility (and taking pressure off back line with stuns,sleepga,timely/self cure.

Blue, Sam x 2 > Sam x 3.

Blue adding 15% to 3 jobs > being behind by 20% dps

If you plan on arguing this point, just pretend I copied your thread and then wrote something about the failing education system (if feeling sarcastic) or something more derogatory (depending on the level of stupidity of said post). Either way I can't be actually bothered to read the post or give it any validity by actually responding.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2014-10-20 13:20:02  
As true as that may have been at some point, I feel it's not nearly as cut and dry with skillchains doing what they do these days
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-20 13:28:46  
Leviathan.Kaparu said: »
As true as that may have been at some point, I feel it's not nearly as cut and dry with skillchains doing what they do these days

As well as several jobs being able to haste2 fulltime while still performing other party roles.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-10-20 13:52:34  
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

So basically VD battlefields? And by 'heavy DD' you mean versus SAM.

Very rarely does a situation arise where placing a well geared BLU is going to be a detriment to the success of the group. Maybe to a few seconds on the win clock but little else. The toolbox BLU brings to the table is typically a boon to a group that isn't awash in ultimate weapons rotating accounts to clear content.

I wouldn't say the same thing about an automaton getting clobbered, a pet unable to hit the target or a job that is so bound to JA timers. These jobs don't compare to BLU and have enough mechanical issues that yes, you're probably setting back the group bringing them.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-20 13:55:05  
Cerberus.Doctorugh said: »
Self haste2 (ga), actually lets a bard toss in another att/w/e song instead of a march. B. typhoon (under utilized) drops def 10% (which can be extremely strong when paired with other def down debuffs. These alone make up lack of damage output between it and another heavy dd. Not to mention tons of other utility (and taking pressure off back line with stuns,sleepga,timely/self cure.

Blue, Sam x 2 > Sam x 3.

Blue adding 15% to 3 jobs > being behind by 20% dps

If you plan on arguing this point, just pretend I copied your thread and then wrote something about the failing education system (if feeling sarcastic) or something more derogatory (depending on the level of stupidity of said post). Either way I can't be actually bothered to read the post or give it any validity by actually responding.

Ccl is a Mythic SAM so he might be comparing Mythic SAM to Normal BLU which is meh, I won't argue 1 good SAM will crush 1 good BLU in DPS if you compare their damage 1 on 1, however BLU (much like DRG in ways although BLU crushes DRG in DPS wise from the few times I've parsed against lolDRG) plus the gear check for a BLU to even consider that level of competition against a half decent SAM is insane by comparison.

It boils down to does an extra 10% Defense down on your Target equate to the DPS difference between SAM and BLU?

Now just saying no is bulshit, run a spreadsheet for a MNK SAM BLU and applying 10% down effect on Target and then do MNK SAM SAM and see what the total combined DPS is.

FURTHER MORE no one said BLU was best DPS Ccl, do I need to quote ***again? It can and does deal alot of damage just because you've only ever seen ***BLU's don't tarnish us all that ***brush.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-20 14:13:12  
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Spook153
Posts: 92
By Bahamut.Samsonxiii 2014-10-20 14:23:31  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol. BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job. BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***. The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group. That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group. The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.
This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.
Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

Only Sam
Posts: 13003
By Pantafernando 2014-10-20 14:25:00  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

So now spreadsheet can be used to compare jobs?
Equally geared means you gave a sword to mnk? Or is the blu using a h2h?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-20 14:31:53  
Pantafernando said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

So now spreadsheet can be used to compare jobs?
Equally geared means you gave a sword to mnk? Or is the blu using a h2h?

I'm not sure why not......equally geared means delve2 weapon MNK v.s delve2 weapon BLU or something like that.

If you can't rely on spreadsheet for DPS comparsion, idk why this discussion even exist lol.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-10-20 14:32:38  
Pantafernando said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

So now spreadsheet can be used to compare jobs?
Equally geared means you gave a sword to mnk? Or is the blu using a h2h?

Ignoring Damage types BLU isn't far behind in Raw DPS.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1550
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2014-10-20 14:33:54  
Ragnarok.Afania said:
Define "Heavy DD"
A DD wielding a heavy weapon, duh!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-20 14:34:57  
Ragnarok.Zeig said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said:
Define "Heavy DD"
A DD wielding a heavy weapon, duh!

MNK isn't a heavy DD then!
Posts: 13003
By Pantafernando 2014-10-20 14:40:08  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
If you can't rely on spreadsheet for DPS comparsion, idk why this discussion even exist lol.

Congrats. You discovered this discussion shouldnt exist.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Spook153
Posts: 92
By Bahamut.Samsonxiii 2014-10-20 14:58:30  
I like turtles
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Doctorugh
Posts: 317
By Cerberus.Doctorugh 2014-10-20 15:41:22  
Pantafernando said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
If you can't rely on spreadsheet for DPS comparsion, idk why this discussion even exist lol.

Conragts. You discovered this discussion shouldnt exist.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-20 16:31:34  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

I didn't specifically mean SAM, but it's a good example. As for defense down spells, if you're doing bee for example, as it's been brought up a few times in this thread...

None of BLU's def down is as potent as angon or as reliable, BLU doesn't do as much damage as DRG on several of the mobs in the zone including the bee, you're already bringing a BRD and a WHM, maybe even a RDM or GEO, so having an extra madrigal or minuet half the time is a negligible increase as well. In that scenario, sure BLU can do a lot of things, but other jobs you already are taking do it as well or better, so why?

BLU can do a lot of things well, but it's not necessary to bring one to do those things because other jobs are already doing them or they just don't need to be done. If you're going to bring another DD, why not bring one that does more damage?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-10-20 17:15:03  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

If you're looking at defense down spells, dragoon will beat blue mage handily. And if you're using mythic as the barrier to entry for using dragoon, I get Ryuno as being only ~10% behind Koga on the spreadsheet... which is way ahead of BLU. edit: maybe not way ahead. A bit ahead? I'm not the best with BLU sets.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-20 17:26:35  
Sylph.Safiyyah said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

If you're looking at defense down spells, dragoon will beat blue mage handily. And if you're using mythic as the barrier to entry for using dragoon, I get Ryuno as being only ~10% behind Koga on the spreadsheet... which is way ahead of BLU. edit: maybe not way ahead. A bit ahead? I'm not the best with BLU sets.

Even in the best of situations, I get BLU barely knocking on the door of Ryu DRG, realistic situations, the gap is still less than the gap between mythic DRG and SAM. So, it's not a huge margin, but enough to beg the question.
Guide Master
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-10-20 17:27:45  
If only they'd fix tourbillon. Blu would be unmatched for def down then. That said, bilgestorm + benthic/frightful roar is a higher average def down over time than angon. 10% up 24/7 + 25% up 20% of the time >= 25% up 15~50% of the time. DRG's primary advantage on bee is better access to piercing damage. Requiescat works but isn't as effective.
Posts: 428
By Selindrile 2014-10-20 17:28:57  
In my opinion, the real question is: Does Blu's added utility make up for the DPS loss from a Sam taking that slot, and to me, the answer is sometimes, generally depending on the Sam VS the Blu and your current supports' ability.

In a perfect world, everyone geared and playing optimally, there would never really be a reason to invite Blu over Sam to delve, but in this oh so flawed reality, I think Blu is the better choice some of the time, but I wouldn't be willing to try to guess a percentage.
Guide Master
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-10-20 17:31:00  
There isn't much reason not to bring any dd to delve either unless you're doing enough runs at once that the small amount of saved time each run from bringing "optimal" dds gets you an extra run at the end of the day, cumulatively. That said, unless we're comparing mythic Sam to everyone else and assuming the other jobs don't have mythics or something for some reason, the difference will be more pronounced, but that goes for everyone. Sam beats everything. Mythic especially. But the difference between underdogs (mnk drk blu war etc) isn't as pronounced as most tend to spew out if you do it right.

Sam is the outlier.

Damage type variety to cover its weaknesses, recent blanket buffs affecting sam far more than anyone else, etc. all line up to make sam ridiculous. I don't think it was advertent, but it's still pretty stupid. Major dd jobs wouldn't be remarkably unbalanced if not for supersam.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-20 17:31:18  
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
If only they'd fix tourbillon. Blu would be unmatched for def down then. That said, bilgestorm + benthic/frightful roar is a higher average def down over time than angon. 10% up 24/7 + 25% up 20% of the time >= 25% up 15~50% of the time. DRG's primary advantage on bee is better access to piercing damage. Requiescat works but isn't as effective.

I wish they would, did they ever respond to your bug report?
Guide Master
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-10-20 17:34:46  
Every bug report i ever put up over the last 4 years or however long it's been have been ignored by the devs. People jumped on my bandwagon after i started including non blu spells and abilities (war sam etc) in, but no one really seems to care anymore.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-21 00:14:59  
Odin.Jassik said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Comparing BLU to DNC, BST or PUP lol.

BLU isn't a utility job, it's *the* utility job.

BST is hampered by pets, DNC has JA cooldown issues, PUP has a crappy pet AI and little control over its utilities. To say BLU is useless outside solo is the kind of hyper-elitism that mires ppl in Jeuno shouting for hours for a SAM when a BLU could have done the same ***.

The job fulltimes HasteII, can refresh itself, self-SC, keep itself healthy while doing dmg (ouch @ apoc), obtain high levels of DW, triple attack, buff itself with pseudo-zerk,, throw out light stuns and generally get the job done in ways the other jobs can't. Winds of Promyvion, cover all damage resistances and participate in generally every ounce of content while taking nothing from the group.

That's a claim neither DNC PUP or BST can make without detracting from the group.

The biggest limitation on BLU has always been a skill curve. But yet again SAM finds itself shitting up a BLU thread, big surprise.

This is relative, obviously, because even the best BLU's aren't going to be doing as much damage as an equally geared and skilled heavy DD with the exception of specific weaknesses or exploits. I love BLU, it's easily my favorite job, but it just isn't as useful in most content as I want it to be, and no amount of love for the job is going to change that.

Define "Heavy DD".....according to spreadsheet BLU isn't that far behind equally geared MNK, it could be around the same as WAR and DRK(not 100% sure though, haven't check). If you add defense down spells it's certainly a viable DD unless only SAM is considered heavy DD in this game.

I didn't specifically mean SAM, but it's a good example. As for defense down spells, if you're doing bee for example, as it's been brought up a few times in this thread...

None of BLU's def down is as potent as angon or as reliable, BLU doesn't do as much damage as DRG on several of the mobs in the zone including the bee, you're already bringing a BRD and a WHM, maybe even a RDM or GEO, so having an extra madrigal or minuet half the time is a negligible increase as well. In that scenario, sure BLU can do a lot of things, but other jobs you already are taking do it as well or better, so why?

BLU can do a lot of things well, but it's not necessary to bring one to do those things because other jobs are already doing them or they just don't need to be done. If you're going to bring another DD, why not bring one that does more damage?

I wouldn't compare angon with spell defense down personally, it has downtime and they're not the same.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-10-21 01:01:33  
"Heavy DD" originally referred to a the jobs that wore heavy armor, light DD was in reference to jobs on light armor. Originally SE put most of the offensive stats on the heavier armor with evasion and lessor offensive stats on light armor. Basically Haub vs SH type stuff. Then SE started mixing it all up.

Now the terms are used to reference a job that specializes / focuses on offense vs those that pack on utility. BlU can be either depending on spell load outs. It's not common but a BLU can strip out all utility and focus purely on offensive JT and offensive self buffs. Can get acc bonus 2, TA, store TP, CAB and 20% atk bonus with out a sub. WAR adds a further atk bonus, DA, and 25% atk bonus. Then you have a few spells like Sinker Drill which actually do worthwhile damage since SE allows that 45% atk buff to apply to them.

As a whole package BLU brings a lot to the table. And no its gear requirement is the exact same as SAM, DRK, MNK and so forth, as DD anyhow. The real problem is its complexity makes finding a good BLU extremely rare. Mostly you get retards who don't know how to gear themselves. In that situation them playing a job like MNK or SAM, where they can just copy another person's gear and smash the same three macros, is better. They are still going to suck but at least they won't get anyone else killed.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-10-21 09:35:06  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »

I wouldn't compare angon with spell defense down personally, it has downtime and they're not the same.

Angon is -25% DEF and it sticks, even if it has downtime. If and when they fix the macc on BLUs DEF down spells, it might change, but right now, Angon > spell def down. And I compare them not because they are actually in competition, but as a reason to take DRG over BLU just as an example.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ccl
Posts: 1995
By Asura.Ccl 2014-10-21 12:10:03  
Delve is easy enough to win with any job, therefore we can bring blu and win np, yes.

Now with all blu has to offer, are you guys bringing blu to Incursion 138+ and have much success with it?

sam sam(or ryu drg) geo sch brd whm and rdm+geo is what I aim for in Incursion, where do you guys put blu in there ?
Guide Master
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-10-21 13:16:33  
Odin.Jassik said: »
If and when they fix the macc on BLUs DEF down spells, it might change, but right now, Angon > spell def down.

It's not though. Angon's biggest benefits are:

A) Can't miss
B) Slightly easier to overcap with Angon

But as I said before, BLU's DEF down spells average out to the same or greater def down over time compared to angon. 10% isn't as big a number as 25%, but add in the fact that it's up the whole time as well as BLU's 25% DEF down that only has a 30s less duration than Angon (and 2 minute longer recast time if not factoring in Unbridled Wisdom) with the 10%, and you have a far more consistent def down than Angon.

The entire party will consistently be benefiting from the 25% when it's off cooldown and 10% DEF down when it isn't, and unless the target is resistant to wind frightful roar tends to be quite accurate.

Asura.Ccl said: »
Delve is easy enough to win with any job, therefore we can bring blu and win np, yes.

Now with all blu has to offer, are you guys bringing blu to Incursion 138+ and have much success with it?

sam sam(or ryu drg) geo sch brd whm and rdm+geo is what I aim for in Incursion, where do you guys put blu in there ?

Can replace the ryu DRG, just don't bring a bad BLU. Should be going for allout DD and applying AoE DEF downs. In case of emergency (GEO d/cs or something), can support stun.
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