On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
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By Afania 2019-02-14 14:23:03  
Bahamut.Wesleydimble said: »
Not sure if many others have similar preferences, but I like to cure in -dt for easier recovery in case things get exciting.

I cure in -dt and dring too, but mostly because I play on vanilla so theres 1+ sec window switching from cure to idle. For lua users I guess it wouldnt matter as much since swaps are instant and automatic.
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-15 08:26:15  
I went over my older Cheap/easy set and reposting it here.
I consider this a good starting set or mule set. Does not take alot of gil and only low tier fights.

ItemSet 360041
This sets assumes /sch so you can run with aura storm on

Main: Iridal Staff - Cheap on AH 100k
Sub: Achaq Grip - from wkr. can use kupon from ROE to get it or cheap on AH 10K
ammo: Clarus Stone - Abyssea NM or cheap on AH 10k

head: Vanya Hood (PathD: MP+50,Fast Cast+10,Haste+2%) - escha Zitah T1
neck: Nodens Gorget - Escha ruan T1
ear: Glorious Earring - Quested and easy
ear: Mendi. Earring - Escha Zitah T1

body: Ebers Bliaud +1 - Emp gear. Does not need to be reforged to be used
hands: Vanya Cuffs PathA (MP+50,Cure potency +7%,Enmity-6) - Escha Zitah T1
ring: Lebeche Ring - Hightier battlefield
ring: Janniston Ring - from completing Aodolin missions

back: Alaunuss Cape (10% FastCast) - from ambuscade
waist: Korin Obi/Hachirin-no-Obi - sea farming belts
legs: Ebers Pant. +1 - emp pants. does not need to be reforged to be ues
feet: Vanya Clogs PathE (Cure potency +5%,Cure spellcasting time -15%,Conserve MP+6) - Another Zitah T1

Cure Power: 717 (not calculating in cape)
Cure Potency: 50
Cure Potency 2: 7

Emnity-: 21
Conserve MP: 17
Recast: 32%

Cure to MP: 6%
Weather bonus: yes
Solace Boost : 24

Everything here is either:
- Cheap on ah (below 100k per item)
- highest level is T1 from escha (potential only escha Zitah)
- A lot of the items are also BiS for optimal HQ set and/or have other BiS uses

Some rotation/tweaks:
- You might want to spend the gil on getting Chatoyant Staff for some more resist in your idle set)
- If you cant get nodens neck or lebech ring you can replaced the Vaya hands to bhokus gloves. (13% Cure Potency)
This will keep you out of Ruan or avoid grinding a HTBF
- Reti Pendant can be used in neck instead if you do the above gloves swap to gain 4 conserve MP (Escha ru'aun T1)
- Only doing Korin Obi Will make you loose 1% no MP used, which is approx the same as 4 ConserveMP. Making it faster to farm
- You can replace mendicant earring with Nourish. Earring (+1) or Roundel Earring (75k on AH). You are only loosing 2ConMP
- You can replace ammo slot for esper stone or white tahlum to trade in 3ConMP for 2enmity- (This set is just shown with ConMP piece because it's going to be more useful later on when you cap emnity- easily with cleric's torque)
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Miltani
Posts: 6
By Lakshmi.Miltani 2019-02-26 03:33:52  
is there any updated set for cursna?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-02-26 06:51:21  
ItemSet 365319

Path B on Vanya feet, alternatively you could use Gende. Galosh. +1
Posts: 1,731
By geigei 2019-02-26 08:33:08  
Vanya head have more skill and dirt cheap.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-02-26 09:29:59  
I guess if you're not serious about whm and don't have kaykaus +1 and your inventory management isn't that important for that 4 healing skill and 6 conserve mp.

You're looking at a difference of 64.42% and 64.70% success for that one inventory slot, you be the judge if that's worth it to you. Assuming that you have Kaykaus +1 of course.
Posts: 1,731
By geigei 2019-02-26 09:35:43  
Wait, using a better piece of gear makes me less serious?

Also none of the weapons listed makes any sense since you'll want yagrush aoe.

Edit: not to mention gada also have more skill than beneficus and won't drop your ilv.
Posts: 2,521
By eliroo 2019-02-26 09:43:23  
Its a bit confusing but I think he is saying:

If you are serious about WHM you have Kaykaus +1.
If you are serious about WHM and don't have inventory space then Kaykaus +1 is a good trade since you lose very little.
If you do have inventory space then Vanya is better.

I think?
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-26 10:09:38  
Asura.Meliorah said: »
ItemSet 365319

Path B on Vanya feet, alternatively you could use Gende. Galosh. +1

massing that Yag man :D
I believe gende. Galosh > vaya feet, am I wrong ?
Havent done any math on it

Personally cursna is defenitly a set i would go all in for every bit of chance of saving someone from dying.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-02-26 10:12:33  
Assuming you have Gambatinee I assume you're also capable of subbing scholar for ascension. I also assume you're capable of making your own gear swap functions to check if main hand is Gambatinee to auto ascension and divine caress if aoe cursna spam is your major concern, that and of course toggles.

In all the content that I've ran I haven't had to worry at all about aoe doom, there is a T1 Ru'Aun that has a doom aura? guess what it should be dead before it even gets shield up and doom aura is even a threat of killing anyone. Yakshi why are there melees even on it, they're just going to get floored by canopierce if there isn't enough of them up there to soak it and even then he probably shouldn't even have the aura up long enough to use Tiimber.

Sorry I forgot Gada was even a thing, slips my mind when its only used for enhancing magic.
Posts: 1,731
By geigei 2019-02-26 10:19:34  
Cursna is used for curse too, thats why i 100% yagrush, i spam gin lately zerging, hp drop so fast there's a lot of risk getting zero/invocation while cursed.
Posts: 42,727
By Jetackuu 2019-02-26 10:34:25  
Definitely should toggle between yagrush for aoe cursna and higher change to get it off when removing doom. People call me crazy for bothering to start a gamba...
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-26 10:45:33  
This is my suggested optimal set

ItemSet 365323
- No dual wield setup. I assume /sch here
- Head either Path B
- Feet Path B
- Cape with FastCast 10

Stats with Path D on head:
AoE: Yes
Cursna Effect: +116%
Healing skill: +129
Enmity-: 3*
ConMP: 10

65.16% doom removal rate

* not counted in divine benison effect from WHM job nor yagrush

--- edit ---
Adjusted with below feedback
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Finbar
Posts: 86
By Asura.Finbar 2019-02-26 10:45:49  
Aye, curse is worth leaving Yag on all the time, as the marginal increase from anything other than Gamba is not worth a toggle for doom. Gamba is about priority #5,124 for me.

Also, I played with the calculator and Vanya feet and Gende. Galoshes +1 are extremely close, with the 40 skill winning by a small amount. But I'm not at home and oddly the calculator is blocked by my firewall at work (tagged as pornography), so I had to use my phone, which the calculator is not remotely optimized for. I'll check when I get home, but I'd guess it's more a choice of which one you'd rather have in your inventory.

And Dane, you forgot Menelaus's Ring.

Calculator: http://chiaia.optic-ice.com/Cursna.html
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-26 10:55:20  
Asura.Finbar said: »
And Dane, you forgot Menelaus's Ring.

Calculator: http://chiaia.optic-ice.com/Cursna.html

Thank you i didn see the cursna effect fist time i looked at it

Im not putting it in the set yes because of the fastcast-
I wanna see if those 5% more cursna beat beeing able to cast a second Time faster for removing Doom over time.

but its lunch time a work now. and i really should be using my ussable lunch time on ffxi... :D
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-26 12:05:51  
Asura.Finbar said: »

link blocked due to nudity/pronographic....
yeah now i have to talk with our internal it guys lol
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6,052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-26 13:09:36  
-5 fc on cursna's recast isn't even going to change the recast enough to move it a full packet interval, so it does nothing

The original set posted by Meliorah is the best aside from weapons. I agree with other posters that yagrush is a better default, there are a few situations where you'll want aoe doom removal in which case I recommend a toggle such as:

Mode A(default):
/nin or /dnc, accession active: Gamb/Gada
/nin or /dnc, accession inactive: Gamb/yagrush
other sub, accession active: Gamb/Thuellaic Ecu
other sub, accession inactive: Yagrush/Thuellaic Ecu

Mode B(Priority Gamb)
/nin or /dnc, accession active: Gamb/Gada
/nin or /dnc, accession inactive: Gamb/yagrush
other sub, accession active: Gamb/Thuellaic Ecu
other sub, accession inactive: Gambanteinn/Thuellaic Ecu

Toggle would only be changing non-dw, non-accession setup. The rest of the time, rules should catch the correct weapon.

Keep in mind that if you do have gamb, the removal rate is high enough to make divine caress cursna pretty awesome and you should certainly try to make use of it with accession or DW as much as possible.

Obviously if you have Yagrush but no Gamb, you'd always use Yagrush/Thuellaic or Yagrush/Gada depending on sub. If you have Gamb but no Yagrush, reevaluate your priorities.
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-26 13:33:42  
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
The original set posted by Meliorah is the best aside from weapons.

From a pure removal aspect what makes the kaya head +1 better than Vanya head With the higher healing skill ?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6,052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-26 13:36:29  
You're right, should swap the head.

So I guess it's:

Weap/weap/x/hasty pinion+1
alaunus/bishop's/theo +3/vanya
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2019-02-26 16:10:04  
I divine benison fastcast effect true fast cast ? aka it also works for recast ?

I have not been able to see a test for it.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Konekoo
Posts: 4
By Asura.Konekoo 2019-03-01 16:22:24  
Anyone else using OP's gearswap and running into issues with Clerics torque not equipping when erase is cast? It will equip itself during every other lyna spell but not erase. I'm quite baffled by it. Clerics torque +1 to be specific.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-03-01 17:38:12  
It's worth noting that erase is enhancing magic, not healing. So if the na/erase section is nested under a skill=healing magic rule, it will never run on erase.

I haven't looked over the lua, but it seems like a very likely cause. Personally I just made a sets.midcast.Erase set, so it would swap in specifically on erase. I dunno if this lua's rules support that type of set structure though.

EDIT: I got a bit curious, so I took a glance at the lua in the WHM guide. Specifically Conagh's.

The only reference to erase at all was as an entry in the Lyna table, which contained the other na spells as well. And this table is called twice. once in precast, and once in midcast. The midcast call is contained under a spell.skill =='Healing Magic' check. And the following enhancing section has no reference to erase.

So this does appear to be why the lyna set fails to equip on erase.

Sadly, this lua does not support equipping a set that matches the function and spell name(i.e, sets.midcast.Erase would equip on midcast, when casting erase, as long as the set exists and so on) so my earlier proposed solution would not work here without modifying the base code.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Konekoo
Posts: 4
By Asura.Konekoo 2019-03-01 18:04:01  
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
It's worth noting that erase is enhancing magic, not healing. So if the na/erase section is nested under a skill=healing magic rule, it will never run on erase.

I haven't looked over the lua, but it seems like a very likely cause. Personally I just made a sets.midcast.Erase set, so it would swap in specifically on erase. I dunno if this lua's rules support that type of set structure though.

EDIT: I got a bit curious, so I took a glance at the lua in the WHM guide. Specifically Conagh's.

The only reference to erase at all was as an entry in the Lyna table, which contained the other na spells as well. And this table is called twice. once in precast, and once in midcast. The midcast call is contained under a spell.skill =='Healing Magic' check. And the following enhancing section has no reference to erase.

So this does appear to be why the lyna set fails to equip on erase.

Sadly, this lua does not support equipping a set that matches the function and spell name(i.e, sets.midcast.Erase would equip on midcast, when casting erase, as long as the set exists and so on) so my earlier proposed solution would not work here.

Damn. I really like some of the mechanics this lua has but that's definitely a killer right there for me. I really appreciate you looking at it though! Do you happen to have a good whm lua your'e using yourself? Would highly appreciate it!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-03-01 18:15:51  
I don't think this issue is so hard to fix that it would be worth changing to a whole new lua over. I just meant that you can't just add a set and be done as the lua stands. But you could add the code to allow that.

For example, if you added the following code snippet to the start of your midcast cast then it should allow the desired behavior for midcast, assuming nothing overwrote it later. Or I guess you could put it at the end of midcast, so it would overwrite anything that came before it.
if sets.midcast[spell.english] then

Note that this had to be modified due to differences between the lua, so this exact snippet is untested. But I think it should work fine as long as you don't make any syntax errors while adding it.

So toss that in there, then make a sets.midcast.Erase (this is case sensitive!) and put the clerics torque in the set. Or use the lyna set as a base set. And give it a whirl.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Konekoo
Posts: 4
By Asura.Konekoo 2019-03-01 20:52:41  
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
if sets.midcast[spell.english] then
Worked!! Thank you!!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-03-01 20:59:21  
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1,656
By Asura.Chiaia 2019-03-01 23:08:12  
DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Finbar said: »

link blocked due to nudity/pronographic....
yeah now i have to talk with our internal it guys lol
Sorry to hear that. Probably being blocked since at this point in my life I just have a cheap shared web host plan, so someone on the ip probably has in the past. Nothing on my optic-ice.com or sub domains has ever had nudity or porn.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 161
By Bismarck.Ihinaa 2019-03-02 15:27:01  
What's the best shield for whm for not taking damage? Genmei Shield, Deliverance +1 or Culminus? PDT/MDT does not matter.
Posts: 42,727
By Jetackuu 2019-03-02 16:27:56  
Asura.Chiaia said: »
DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Finbar said: »

link blocked due to nudity/pronographic....
yeah now i have to talk with our internal it guys lol
Sorry to hear that. Probably being blocked since at this point in my life I just have a cheap shared web host plan, so someone on the ip probably has in the past. Nothing on my optic-ice.com or sub domains has ever had nudity or porn.

By chance could you have the fields be text fields instead of sliders? I realize it's a bit unclean that way, but I imagine it would make it more stable on mobile for some.
Posts: 42,727
By Jetackuu 2019-03-02 16:40:22  
DaneBlood said: »
I believe gende. Galosh > vaya feet, am I wrong ?

According to the math, path B feet do .7 better. I'd say negligible if you already have the one, or don't want to have another inventory -, but for optimal and every .% vanya look better.
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