On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide (V2)
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サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 08:53:58  
eliroo said: »
I don't think anyone is saying a WHM should build Melee sets first. I am personally saying that it should be something done eventually, after your support sets are built out enough.

Most of the melee gear is free. Ayanmo is more than suitable for adding some form of supplemental damage. Relic +2 just ups that damage by giving you more Attack and helping you hit pdif.

Regardless of the gil cost, WHM gearing should not end once your support sets are done.

Gil cost is important, because melee whm is always suboptimal to just standard cure whm. Misery loses too many stats, DD sets lose too many healing and support stats, misery spells are worse than solace and many arent even usable, and some even annoy other players even if its always optimal to use over their own enspells, because for whatever reason SE decided to make a non whm auspice overrite en spells.

Melee whm is fun, and its neat to be able to say "i supplied damage and healed", but thats all it really is. The benefit you get for the gil cost isnt really worth it unless you want something to do in non serious content.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 09:11:23  
Why are you assuming you are in Misery while meleeing? You need a reason to use Esuna to swap into Misery. Melee isn't really limited to your stance.

You can also do some memey things like Full Cure > Mystic Boon to increase your overall damage throughput.

Melee whm is fun, and its neat to be able to say "i supplied damage and healed", but thats all it really is.

This game is a game of numbers. The boss dies when its health reaches 0. In most cases the less amount of time it takes to get there the safer the encounter will be. Having a WHM contribute to DPS checks while still performing the fundamentals of their job is pretty huge. Their minor DPS could easily be the difference between getting to Wave 3 Boss at 27 vs getting to Wave 3 boss at 30.

And it's just much more about "Why are you standing around when you could be doing X". A good bit of time the WHM just sits there waiting for something to do, and thats when you could be meleeing. You could also be enfeebling but that point is a bit moot if a RDM is available.

The same applies to BRD where in most content they just have to sing 4 times every ~10 minutes, Meleeing is just the next best thing they can do in their free time.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-04-27 09:14:56  
I spent 100 billion gil to make my white mage an elite damage dealer. I didn't even spend money on cure spells etc.

Am I doing it right ?
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 09:17:10  
fonewear said: »
I spent 100 billion gil to make my white mage an elite damage dealer. I didn't even spend money on cure spells etc.

Am I doing it right ?

Just dual wield Raetic +1 Rods and you can DD and heal.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-04-27 09:17:53  
I can't even get a white mage to cast haste on me...how can I expect them to damage deal ?
Posts: 849
By Lili 2019-04-27 09:18:13  
Guys guys guys

Stop entertaining this dude. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about, and this has been going on for weeks already. We need to ignore his ramblings and go back to exchanging real information, we're just polluting the thread with useless back and forth.

With this in mind, let's have Mystic Boon sets. I'm using this stuff right now:

ItemSet 366402

Cape has MND20 Attack 20 Accuracy 30 Double Attack 10 and I use it as TP cape too. There's probably a better shield to use but Ammurapi has MND13 anyway and Enhancing Duration is a nice stat to be locked in to. Stikini are there just because I have them and for the +8 MND each, there's probably better options. Not sure what to put in ammo and second earring, possibly a Floestone (attack 10) and Brutal Earring?
Posts: 17966
By Viciouss 2019-04-27 09:18:21  
fonewear said: »
I can't even get a white mage to cast haste on me...how can I expect them to damage deal ?

I have that same problem fone.
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2019-04-27 09:18:30  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Can you stop pretending DD whm is a thing that SE actually allows?

"I went out of my way and spent an assload of gil on something that i could only get because i already got all my primary sets already". Again, just proving my point. And its not like most players just have 20m laying around.

20 mil isn't really that much...

Sure, if you have 3-4 botted alts during gain exp its not. If you dont, then youre looking at 4-5m unless you bot other things as well. And then youre still assuming you dont need to spend gil on the other things you need first.

You're doing gainxp very wrong. 20m still is basically nothing.
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2019-04-27 09:21:38  
fonewear said: »
I can't even get a white mage to cast haste on me...how can I expect them to damage deal ?

Really should be having a good brd or geo handling your magic haste needs, or you know: bring a rdm and/or a smn.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 09:23:03  
Lili said: »
Guys guys guys

Stop entertaining this dude. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about, and this has been going on for weeks already. We need to ignore his ramblings and go back to exchanging real information, we're just polluting the thread with useless back and forth.

With this in mind, let's have Mystic Boon sets. I'm using this stuff right now:

ItemSet 366402

Cape has MND20 Attack 20 Accuracy 30 Double Attack 10 and I use it as TP cape too. There's probably a better shield to use but Ammurapi has MND13 anyway and Enhancing Duration is a nice stat to be locked in to. Stikini are there just because I have them and for the +8 MND each, there's probably better options. Not sure what to put in ammo and second earring, possibly a Floestone (attack 10) and Brutal Earring?

Moonshade Earring is probably better up to 2750 TP given the lack of options we really have. Ishvara is also an option but without a solid calculator it would be hard to determine which is better between that and Regal. I personally do Ishvara/Moonshade and then swap from Moonshade to Regal above 2750.

I'm also curious if playing off of the STR mod would still be better considering the benefits of STR in general. Mystic boon is pretty lopsided favoring MND though.

Have you experimented with Telchine Augs at all? If you can max the full set thats +15% WSD at the cost of a good chunk of accuracy, attack and MND.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 09:23:38  
eliroo said: »
Why are you assuming you are in Misery while meleeing? You need a reason to use Esuna to swap into Misery. Melee isn't really limited to your stance.

You can also do some memey things like Full Cure > Mystic Boon to increase your overall damage throughput.

Melee whm is fun, and its neat to be able to say "i supplied damage and healed", but thats all it really is.

This game is a game of numbers. The boss dies when its health reaches 0. In most cases the less amount of time it takes to get there the safer the encounter will be. Having a WHM contribute to DPS checks while still performing the fundamentals of their job is pretty huge. Their minor DPS could easily be the difference between getting to Wave 3 Boss at 27 vs getting to Wave 3 boss at 30.

And it's just much more about "Why are you standing around when you could be doing X". A good bit of time the WHM just sits there waiting for something to do, and thats when you could be meleeing. You could also be enfeebling but that point is a bit moot if a RDM is available.

The same applies to BRD where in most content they just have to sing 4 times every ~10 minutes, Meleeing is just the next best thing they can do in their free time.

This isnt a game solely about numbers. Any action puts you on a lockout. If you WS then a mob used a major ability, youre stuck with a delay before you can take action, which can lead to a wipe. Ontop of that, whm doesnt get much subtle blow outside auspice, so you meleeing means mobs will use more abilities at a higher TP threshold. Its not as simple as "if i do damage mob dies faster". It can very easily become "if i deal damage the mob dies slower/we wipe".
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 09:25:03  
fonewear said: »
I can't even get a white mage to cast haste on me...how can I expect them to damage deal ?

Whm has too many other things to do, haste is a 3s global lockout, and whm haste is the worst haste available, so its one of the last things a whm will do and only when safe to do so.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 09:26:48  
I honestly want to play this game that Nyaarun does where any mob can just instantly kill a party at the blink of an eye if the WHM isn't constantly casting cures.
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2019-04-27 09:29:17  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
And you physically need AD, BRD gets none inherent to it, so your autos and WSs do nothing without it. Youll be lucky to land 4k WSs, and theres nothing you can really do to boost auto damage in a TP set for BRD.

Pack it up brds, your rudras and rimes a ***, evis too, wont break 4k cause youre on the same ***as whm, you can say lustratio and relic body for ws but that doesnt magically shoot them up to 20k+ its atk, but brd is as atk starved as whm, good thing they got buffs, just like the whm is likely to get if its gonna melee
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2019-04-27 09:35:11  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
fonewear said: »
I can't even get a white mage to cast haste on me...how can I expect them to damage deal ?

Whm has too many other things to do, haste is a 3s global lockout, and whm haste is the worst haste available, so its one of the last things a whm will do and only when safe to do so.
When you have the option of WHM haste or no haste, which is better in that case?

Bismarck.Nyaarun said:
No haste is better than some haste, cause WHMs I have too many better things to do, like cast Esuna on myself when I have no enfeebles on
By Afania 2019-04-27 09:36:17  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Can you stop pretending DD whm is a thing that SE actually allows?

I literally grabbed a Kaja rod and spent maybe 20mil to get my WHM to melee. Did Ambuscade on Thursday with her and she did 100~150k while opening with Shell Crusher then switching to Kaja Rod. Yeah she did around 1/3rd or 1/4th of what a real DPS(Cor w/ Naegling was doing ~550k in the same time frame) could do but she did it while buffing the party and healing.

Can you stop pretending you know anything about this game? Because clearly you haven't tried a single thing you have said. You just sit in a chair and presume you know everything when in reality your knowledge on any topic is limited to the small scope that you can see.

"I went out of my way and spent an assload of gil on something that i could only get because i already got all my primary sets already". Again, just proving my point. And its not like most players just have 20m laying around.

If 20m is too much, you can use ayanmo set and solve attack problem with buffs.

Other support dd, such as cor, does not have more attack than a whm btw. If they can dd then so can whm.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 09:50:50  
Oh also the Empanada (Epaminondas?) ring is going to definitely beat the Stikini Ring but its super expensive. The adoulin WSD ring would be the next best ring but only recommended if you play jobs other than WHM since Janniston is really nice.

I personally use Ilabrat as a ring since it gives me an extra boost in attack but I think Rufescent is going to be better than Stikini +1 and much cheaper.

For ammo I think Amar, Floestone or Hydrocera are pretty much your choices. I'll probably end up using Floestone most of the time and use Amar in high accuracy sets.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 09:55:05  
Nariont said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
And you physically need AD, BRD gets none inherent to it, so your autos and WSs do nothing without it. Youll be lucky to land 4k WSs, and theres nothing you can really do to boost auto damage in a TP set for BRD.

Pack it up brds, your rudras and rimes a ***, evis too, wont break 4k cause youre on the same ***as whm, you can say lustratio and relic body for ws but that doesnt magically shoot them up to 20k+ its atk, but brd is as atk starved as whm, good thing they got buffs, just like the whm is likely to get if its gonna melee

Content is really hard though, the WHM should have 3 Ballads on at all times and the reraise song incase their reraise gets dispelled.

You never know when the Bozetto Meeble is going to summon odin.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 09:57:11  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
fonewear said: »
I can't even get a white mage to cast haste on me...how can I expect them to damage deal ?

Whm has too many other things to do, haste is a 3s global lockout, and whm haste is the worst haste available, so its one of the last things a whm will do and only when safe to do so.
When you have the option of WHM haste or no haste, which is better in that case?

Bismarck.Nyaarun said:
No haste is better than some haste, cause WHMs I have too many better things to do, like cast Esuna on myself when I have no enfeebles on

Haste is better than no haste, but its also literally bottom priority for whm, meaning youre going to be waiting.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 09:57:57  
Afania said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Can you stop pretending DD whm is a thing that SE actually allows?

I literally grabbed a Kaja rod and spent maybe 20mil to get my WHM to melee. Did Ambuscade on Thursday with her and she did 100~150k while opening with Shell Crusher then switching to Kaja Rod. Yeah she did around 1/3rd or 1/4th of what a real DPS(Cor w/ Naegling was doing ~550k in the same time frame) could do but she did it while buffing the party and healing.

Can you stop pretending you know anything about this game? Because clearly you haven't tried a single thing you have said. You just sit in a chair and presume you know everything when in reality your knowledge on any topic is limited to the small scope that you can see.

"I went out of my way and spent an assload of gil on something that i could only get because i already got all my primary sets already". Again, just proving my point. And its not like most players just have 20m laying around.

If 20m is too much, you can use ayanmo set and solve attack problem with buffs.

Other support dd, such as cor, does not have more attack than a whm btw. If they can dd then so can whm.

Then youre losing out on refresh buffs, which are far more important. Cor has an assload of gear with att and literal abilities they use that give an assload of it. Cor is an actual DD and support given SE was smart and locked its support through weighted RNG.
Posts: 849
By Lili 2019-04-27 10:00:32  
eliroo said: »
Moonshade Earring is probably better up to 2750 TP given the lack of options we really have. Ishvara is also an option but without a solid calculator it would be hard to determine which is better between that and Regal. I personally do Ishvara/Moonshade and then swap from Moonshade to Regal above 2750.

I'm also curious if playing off of the STR mod would still be better considering the benefits of STR in general. Mystic boon is pretty lopsided favoring MND though.

Have you experimented with Telchine Augs at all? If you can max the full set thats +15% WSD at the cost of a good chunk of accuracy and attack.

Right, I never finished WOTG so I don't have Moonshade and I keep forgetting it exists. Definitely looks like the better option tho. I was also convinced WHM could not use Ishvara... I put it in the set, hah.

And yeah, Mystic Boon is so lopsided that I honestly doubt we can get enough STR in accessory slots to even make a noticeable difference... and for body slots, relic armor is still our best gear. AF has +8 STR and +11 MND over relic, at the cost of 130 accuracy and 315 attack. Not worth it lol. Same reason why I'm not going to bother with Telchine tbh, there's no way that 15% WSD can make up for the reduced base stats and the loss of atk/acc (not to mention the 5 inventory slots).
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 10:05:55  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Then youre losing out on refresh buffs, which are far more important.

Like stop typing on the damn forums. Go get 1k TP. Use Full Cure on your damn self, hopefully it will heal you from your delusions and then whack a mob with Mystic Boon. Wow. Full Mana. Incredible.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 10:08:40  
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Then youre losing out on refresh buffs, which are far more important.

Like stop typing on the damn forums. Go get 1k TP. Use Full Cure on your damn self, hopefully it will heal you from your delusions and then whack a mob with Mystic Boon. Wow. Full Mana. Incredible.

OR, how about this, you all could learn to play?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2019-04-27 10:11:22  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Afania said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Can you stop pretending DD whm is a thing that SE actually allows?

I literally grabbed a Kaja rod and spent maybe 20mil to get my WHM to melee. Did Ambuscade on Thursday with her and she did 100~150k while opening with Shell Crusher then switching to Kaja Rod. Yeah she did around 1/3rd or 1/4th of what a real DPS(Cor w/ Naegling was doing ~550k in the same time frame) could do but she did it while buffing the party and healing.

Can you stop pretending you know anything about this game? Because clearly you haven't tried a single thing you have said. You just sit in a chair and presume you know everything when in reality your knowledge on any topic is limited to the small scope that you can see.

"I went out of my way and spent an assload of gil on something that i could only get because i already got all my primary sets already". Again, just proving my point. And its not like most players just have 20m laying around.

If 20m is too much, you can use ayanmo set and solve attack problem with buffs.

Other support dd, such as cor, does not have more attack than a whm btw. If they can dd then so can whm.

Then youre losing out on refresh buffs, which are far more important. Cor has an assload of gear with att and literal abilities they use that give an assload of it. Cor is an actual DD and support given SE was smart and locked its support through weighted RNG.

Refresh doesn’t matter one damn bit when you slam out Mystic Boon for a full mp pool bud.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 10:13:15  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Then youre losing out on refresh buffs, which are far more important.

Like stop typing on the damn forums. Go get 1k TP. Use Full Cure on your damn self, hopefully it will heal you from your delusions and then whack a mob with Mystic Boon. Wow. Full Mana. Incredible.

OR, how about this, you all could learn to play?

You can also hit Dagan too if you want some HP back but it gives much less mana back. Have you even used a club weaponskill before?

Mjollnir will also give you Refresh +5 with AM and give you MP on hit.

Yeah WHM needs full ballads when in melee since melee doesn't translate into MP /s

Even in non-melee content where my WHM just heals she has only needed refresh in dire situations that involve someone whacking a ninja mob in Dynamis D without thinking and killing half the raid including herself. Even then the mana problems are solved relatively quick and she hardly ever requires special attention. Get a better idle set, get the empyrean pants and stop casting Cure 6 on a target missing 800 health.

Maybe you should learn how to play? My WHM has Solo healed Dynamis Bastok and Sandoria (RNG strat but still) full clears, how about you?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2019-04-27 10:19:00  
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
eliroo said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Then youre losing out on refresh buffs, which are far more important.

Like stop typing on the damn forums. Go get 1k TP. Use Full Cure on your damn self, hopefully it will heal you from your delusions and then whack a mob with Mystic Boon. Wow. Full Mana. Incredible.

OR, how about this, you all could learn to play?

You can also hit Dagan too if you want some HP back but it gives much less mana back. Have you even used a club weaponskill before?

Mjollnir will also give you Refresh +5 with AM and give you MP on hit.

Yeah WHM needs full ballads when in melee since melee don't translate into MP /s

Even in non-melee content where my WHM just heals she has only needed refresh in dire situations that involve someone whacking a ninja mob in Dynamis D without thinking and killing half the raid including herself. Even then the mana problems are solved relatively quick and she hardly ever requires special attention. Get a better idle set, get the empyrean pants and stop casting Cure 6 on a target missing 800 health.

Maybe you should learn how to play? My WHM has Solo healed Dynamis Bastok and Sandoria (RNG strat but still) full clears, how about you?

I do know how to play, but an idle set and empy pants dont help you when you need to cast non cures like RR, Arise/raise, aoe regen IV etc. You will oom eventually.
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2019-04-27 10:21:05  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
hen youre losing out on refresh buffs
lol'd and spit my drink

The only way you'd need refresh when you're meleeing whm is if your acc is *** (gear/buffs) and you can't boon something. Get your bard and gear on point, adjust and move on. It's really not that complicated.
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2019-04-27 10:28:03  
Someones never used mystic boon before, shocking
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-27 10:30:06  
I'm actually pretty convinced that if needed a Melee WHM could spit out more HPS than any other variant of WHM. Simply being able to use Full Cure on CD and having an infinite supply of mana really opens up a lot of options.

Though most situations where you'd need the healing output you probably wouldn't want the WHM in melee range.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2019-04-27 10:32:53  
Tbh, I never considered full cure to be very useful but with melee set up it kinda makes a lot of sense to use. Nice tip!
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