Dynamis-SanDoria and we killed just about everything in the zone. One of the pts was 4x RNG, DRK, and COR doing Chaos Rolls. Stupid RNG pt was killing everything before I could even USE my TP. QQ
But at least I got a freelot WHM hat to add to my silly hat collection! :D
Didnt clear Dyna yet again, and stayed up too late finishing my blm af. Stupid tunnels under Horruto ruins or whatever. Took me forever navigating down there.
A group of us in our shell were feeling bored so we went and:
Did the AF rng fight in xacarabard. Did the WSNM for dagger in Gustav Tunnel. Killed the sleepga2 NM in the tree. Fought Ramuh prime. Skilled up various weapons, along with a member breaking katana of trials.
A fairly productive night for us. Felt good to do more than just xp.
Got Homam hands making me 3/3 on the important pieces.
Led my ls in the Castle OZ scnm. It was our first try at it, and although it was quite messy we pulled it out and got our 6th SCNM hat. (Hint the smexy title)
Bought mats to have my close friend who is 100 bone to start spamming Gavil Greaves for an HQ to push my PDT set on sam to 31%
Finally upgraded to full gobbie bag and already loving it.
Went SAM/THF to Dynamis-Xarc and killed another SAM/THF like 8 times because she stands closer to the mob than the people I'm actually trying to kill and it's impossible to see ankle-high tarus in the first place. :P
Got a party in Caedarva Mire as SCH. 5/6 needed silena cause no one brought echo drops other than myself >.> Accession > Silena saves the day! (except for the constant silence spam, which made me cry) Got a brd in the party and everything was much better, but then I had to leave for Dynamis-Windurst.
Only 10 people showed in LS so dynamis was canceled. Left my good party for nothing. Ended up partying with LS for an hour and went to bed.
Just trying to get a goodwill thread going to talk about some of the positives of things we did in game lately rather than a lot of the negative trolling that's been posted.
If you're going to post, please don't be negative, this is not a my last night was better than your last night, just a chance to share in some of the things that we all get up to.
To kick it off: Last night was Limbus, we had a heap of people and I probably should have split it up into 2 runs to farm Temenos but I was a bit lazy. Our PLD forgot to change sub from BLM but we told him to leave it because we had lots of people and we all laughed at our PLD/BLM main tanking. Followed up with some KS30 Royal Rumble and got an OIngot and DCloth.