Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens
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By 2016-01-03 00:46:16
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By Jassik 2016-01-03 01:17:26  
Yeah, how other colors came about was nothing to do with their meaning, but they made up some meaning to them later on in the written material as well as the animated series.

Chicken and egg kind of thing.
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2016-01-03 01:23:20  
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Jackson explained the situation during a recent appearance on 'The Graham Norton Show,' revealing that -- as you may have already guessed -- it happened basically because what Samuel L. Jackson wants, Samuel L. Jackson gets.

Describing the climactic battle sequence in 2002's 'Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones,' Jackson recalled:

We had this big arena, this fight scene with all these Jedi and they’re fightin’ or whatever. And I was like, well s---, I wanna be able to find myself in this big ol’ scene. So I said to George, "You think maybe I can get a purple lightsaber?"

Although Lucas pointed out that lightsabers traditionally only came in red or green, Jackson responded with some pretty powerful logic: "Yeah, but I want a purple one. I’m like the second baddest Jedi in the universe next to Yoda."

Ultimately, said Jackson, "When I came back to do reshoots, [Lucas] said, 'I want to show you something, this has already caused a s--- storm online.' And he had the purple lightsaber! And I was like yeah! And so I could find myself in that big fight scene. There's like 300 lightsabers, and I'm like, ‘There I am, right there.’

Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Such meaning. Much wow.
Same thing as this
Altimaomega said: »
Schizm Gallantry said: »
In Jedi they had to make his lightsaber green due to blue backgrounds on the sarlacc pit scene. While maybe the fanboys wrote some other reason, they clearly stated that, THAT was the reason for changing the color while filming.
Altimaomega said: »
So they added a more interesting background for light sabers due to production challenges. Why does this even matter, when it gives the story more depth? (oh noes we have to actually think when watching a movie)

Jassik said: »
That stuff was added as canon AFTER Phantom Menace apparently. Sam Jackson requested the purple one, and they came up with a reason for it.
Altimaomega said: »
Could have been, not totally sure. If Jackson is the reason for all the different color light sabers which now add to the character of the jedi using them I give him props. I seem to doubt it though.

I guess you just don't get the point. Also, not surprising.
By 2016-01-03 14:46:45
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By Altimaomega 2016-01-03 14:56:41  
Not my fault you do not have any reading comprehension.

Altimaomega said: »
If Jackson is the reason for all the different color light sabers which now add to the character of the jedi using them I give him props.

Altimaomega said: »
On another note, light saber colors actually have meaning believe it or not. Blue is the color of a soldier/master swordsman, Green is more for the jedi that have a deeper understanding of the force. I bet you can figure out what the red ones stand for.

Altimaomega said: »
The entire point is, Lucas or someone made the colors have meaning and thus created an even more interesting universe.

When you learn how to read and comprehend the English language I will be more than happy to have a conversation with you. Until then please stop trolling/harassing me.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 19:24:33  
Why is Kylo Ren such a Vader fanboy? Was there nobody who could tell him about his deathbed regret and how he was getting played by the Emperor? Like I dunno, Luke? Who picked his helmet out of the funeral pyre and was like "I'm putting this ***on eBay"?

What was the plot again? We need to find Luke? Finn doesn't seem interested in it, Ray hardly seems interested in it, they have to pull teeth to get Han to go along with it. Why doesn't anybody in this movie want to be in this movie? The plot resolves when R2D2 decides to wake up because I dunno, he knows the movie is almost over. Literally a deus ex machina.

Why do we even need to find Luke? It seemed like the Force awakened pretty easily on its own. Ray the Hedgehog would've finished off Darth Sexbang if not for the earthquake, so it makes no sense why we'd need Luke's help since Ray is already stronger than the person who beat Luke in the first place.

If the Millenium Falcon is so easy to track that Han found them nearly instantly, why didn't he find it before? Does covering something with a tarp make it invisible to his sensors? And what the *** were those thugs even arguing about? Han took out two loans or something? Is this the Intergalactic Credit Agency? Who gives a ***?

Did they blow up *** Coruscant? When Leia tells Han to bring Ben back, was she really thinking anybody's going to let it slide that he's accomplice to a trillion murders?

And we can literally see these lasers moving through space and across the sky, which means in relativistic terms they aren't moving very fast; sure maybe they took the first target by surprise but why is it a pressing concern for the Rebels that they're 15 minutes from firing again? Those lasers should take *** months to get there.

Why does a group led by multiple galactic senators have like, a couple dozen ships? Similarly how does a faction of a former empire hiding in some shitty small corner of the galaxy, which should logically have less resources and less manpower, scale *up* the designs they had when they controlled literally the entire galaxy?

Why does the leader of a group of soldiers specifically trained to eliminate individuality and free thought agree to expose their base to enemy attack just because somebody is pointing a gun at her?

Spinny piledriver man was the coolest thing in this movie and they shot him. *** JJ Abrams.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 525
By Asura.Leonlionheart 2016-01-03 19:50:07  
lol damn, the movie had plot holes?

You went to see a Star Wars movie, remember? The first 6 weren't so full proof either.
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2016-01-03 19:53:07  
Malebolge said: »
Why is Kylo Ren such a Vader fanboy? Was there nobody who could tell him about his deathbed regret and how he was getting played by the Emperor? Like I dunno, Luke? Who picked his helmet out of the funeral pyre and was like "I'm putting this ***on eBay"?

What was the plot again? We need to find Luke? Finn doesn't seem interested in it, Ray hardly seems interested in it, they have to pull teeth to get Han to go along with it. Why doesn't anybody in this movie want to be in this movie? The plot resolves when R2D2 decides to wake up because I dunno, he knows the movie is almost over. Literally a deus ex machina.

Why do we even need to find Luke? It seemed like the Force awakened pretty easily on its own. Ray the Hedgehog would've finished off Darth Sexbang if not for the earthquake, so it makes no sense why we'd need Luke's help since Ray is already stronger than the person who beat Luke in the first place.

If the Millenium Falcon is so easy to track that Han found them nearly instantly, why didn't he find it before? Does covering something with a tarp make it invisible to his sensors? And what the *** were those thugs even arguing about? Han took out two loans or something? Is this the Intergalactic Credit Agency? Who gives a ***?

Did they blow up *** Coruscant? When Leia tells Han to bring Ben back, was she really thinking anybody's going to let it slide that he's accomplice to a trillion murders?

And we can literally see these lasers moving through space and across the sky, which means in relativistic terms they aren't moving very fast; sure maybe they took the first target by surprise but why is it a pressing concern for the Rebels that they're 15 minutes from firing again? Those lasers should take *** months to get there.

Why does a group led by multiple galactic senators have like, a couple dozen ships? Similarly how does a faction of a former empire hiding in some shitty small corner of the galaxy, which should logically have less resources and less manpower, scale *up* the designs they had when they controlled literally the entire galaxy?

Why does the leader of a group of soldiers specifically trained to eliminate individuality and free thought agree to expose their base to enemy attack just because somebody is pointing a gun at her?

Spinny piledriver man was the coolest thing in this movie and they shot him. *** JJ Abrams.

Why exactly did you watch the movie again? Sure, one or two of your complaints are fairly valid but a lot of them are covered in the movie and some others in the current Star Wars Universe.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 20:13:26  
I watched the movie because I wanted a space opera, not for Comic-Con nerd pandering. If those explanations exist in the EU, they probably could've worked a couple of the bigger ones (why Phasma is a huge coward, what's wrong with R2D2, where Ben gets his ideas of who Vader was, why we care about Luke) into the movie if they weren't so busy cramming in references to the old movies. The whole detour to validate the Falcon's presence in the film took up like 30 minutes of screen time.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 525
By Asura.Leonlionheart 2016-01-03 20:27:44  
Pretty hard to be dissatisfied with this movie if you're a Star Wars fan, if you're not a Star Wars fan then I see your problem.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 20:33:14  
Yeah I hear true Scotsmen loved the movie too.

This trilogy is shaping up to have the same problem the Hobbit movie trilogy had, where if each movie is considered by itself then nothing *** happens and each movie is deeply dissatisfying, but it's supposed to be some excuse that it's part of a trilogy. *** that. I'm here to see a movie, show me a movie. The original 3 Star Wars movies were a trilogy, but each one was also good on its own. Writing like this has no excuse.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-03 20:59:00  
You expect high quality writing from a bunch of screenwriters who literally had a few days to write a script?

Remember, they announced and started filming Episode VII on January 2015. The whole movie was rushed to the end.

Which is why I still say, showing the Thrawn trilogy instead would have been much better. At least no original thought would have had to be put into it, just follow the damn written story.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 525
By Asura.Leonlionheart 2016-01-03 21:02:12  
This movie wasn't really about plot, it was about character development.

It probably did that better than any Star Wars has yet

Edit: except for phasma
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2016-01-03 21:03:07  
Malebolge said: »
Yeah I hear true Scotmen loved the movie too.

This trilogy is shaping up to have the same problem the Hobbit movie trilogy had, where if each movie is considered by itself then nothing *** happens and each movie is deeply dissatisfying, but it's supposed to be some excuse that it's part of a trilogy. *** that. I'm here to see a movie, show me a movie. The original 3 Star Wars movies were a trilogy, but each one was also good on its own. Writing like this has no excuse.

The first Star wars movie was not part of a trilogy originally. The simple fact that you don't know this disqualifies you from any judgement you make.

Going into empire they knew that a third movie was going to be made witch is why empire is probably the best star was movie.

Malebolge said: »
Writing like this has no excuse.
This movie is fairly good. Because of writing like this, the next movie is either going to pay it off and make The Force Awakens even better and epi8 epic. Or they are going to fail miserably cheapen The force awakens and make people not want to watch epi9.

Writing like this is necessary in order to make a good interesting movies nowadays.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-03 21:04:28  
Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
This movie wasn't really about plot, it was about character development.

It probably did that better than any Star Wars has yet

Edit: except for phasma
I'll give you that.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 21:09:49  
No, I expected this first Star Wars movie following the prequel garbage to be a return to form of the first trilogy, not a redux of the second. Telling me this movie which was practically guaranteed to earn hundreds of millions of dollars the moment it was announced had its script hashed out in a weekend tells me nothing about that initial hypothesis that I didn't know coming out of the theater.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-03 21:14:27  
Well, if you were going to watch a movie thinking that it will suck, then the movie will suck for you.

That's your problem, you are being too much of a Negative Nancy.
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2016-01-03 21:17:27  
Malebolge said: »
No, I expected this first Star Wars movie following the prequel garbage to be a return to form of the first trilogy, not a redux of the second.

Um.. Hate to tell you. This movie surpasses the sequels by leaps and bounds. Really, what more can you ask for? The hype surrounding this movie was more than I've ever seen. And it still managed to be a good movie. The only people that seem to not like it seem to not like Star Wars in the first place.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 21:19:36  
I expected this first Star Wars movie following the prequel garbage to be a return to form of the first trilogy
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
you were going to watch a movie thinking that it will suck

Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-03 21:21:04  
Altimaomega said: »
The only people that seem to not like it seem to not like Star Wars in the first place.
It was a good movie, my only gripes stem from the fact that they made the entire EU non-canon.

But I knew that going in to watch the movie anyway.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 21:21:20  
Altimaomega said: »
Really, what more can you ask for?
A plot that is more than "look at this thing from the old movie"
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 525
By Asura.Leonlionheart 2016-01-03 21:49:54  
WELP sorry you didn't enjoy it.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 21:57:24  
Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
WELP sorry you didn't enjoy it.
And I'm sorry this movie wasn't good.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 525
By Asura.Leonlionheart 2016-01-03 22:00:41  
I thought it was, as did millions and millions and millions of others. Agree to disagree is all I can offer you
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 22:03:19  
Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
I thought it was, as did millions and millions and millions of others. Agree to disagree is all I can offer you
Phantom Menace made a billion dollars too, but sure, agree to disagree.
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2016-01-03 22:11:42  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Altimaomega said: »
The only people that seem to not like it seem to not like Star Wars in the first place.
It was a good movie, my only gripes stem from the fact that they made the entire EU non-canon.

But I knew that going in to watch the movie anyway.

I never read any of the EU canon so didn't really miss much. They did cherry pick some stuff out of it I hear though so that is kinda cool?

I have a few gripes. R2 needed a little more love! I can almost forgive him coming back online when Rey showed up. (probably sensed her or something to do with the Force) R2 just didn't get the screen time he should have. BB8 is no replacement even though she is awesome.

Solo finding the Falcon like the minute it left orbit is probably the worst hole in the film. Scanners picking it up w/e, way to damn convenient.

Knew Han was gonna Die the moment he walked out on the platform. That needed to be done differently somehow. I'm fine with him getting killed, just really needed to be done better.

That's about it.

Future gripes, if Rey is not Luke's I think It will ruin The Force Awakens. I don't know how they can explain away all the similarities they used.

I hope they make Snoke turn out to be Darth Plaguis. If they don't the new canon they have made will be cheapened.

However, Both these things could be different somehow and still be good. Just depends how well it is written. Given that much of this movie relys so heavily on the success of past Star Wars I doubt they are gonna drop any massive surprises that would actually pay off.

I don't see any, No, Luke, I Am Your Father moments coming.
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2016-01-03 22:13:45  
Malebolge said: »
Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
I thought it was, as did millions and millions and millions of others. Agree to disagree is all I can offer you
Phantom Menace made a billion dollars too, but sure, agree to disagree.

Not In the first 13 days! You do realize this movie has broken every single movie record right? TFA has made over 1.5billion so far wordwide and has not even opened in China yet. (Which was a huge oversight I think) It has already made 4x the amount The Phantom Menace made just in the United States!

Bad movies just don't do this. Sorry.....
By 2016-01-03 22:28:52
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サーバ: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-01-03 22:40:21  
I've never seen the origin of the purple lightsaber crystal explained or defined in the canon. Yellow, Green, and Blue all have meanings, as does red (obviously). Mace Windu was given his crystal as a gift, he didn't even forge it, so its impossible to say whether or not the crystal was formed using the dark side. I doubt we ever get an answer.
By 2016-01-03 22:42:04
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