Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-08-03 16:26:23
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »How are you getting 52~56k ? it takes what? maybe 3 seconds for a ready move, if you include the gear swapping.
It's not the 2 seconds give or take for regular JA lockout, it's missing the TP gain for the WS along with the melee damage that would of gotten you that TP gain. JA lockout sucks hard on every job. A haste capped DD with Samurai's Roll and Fighter's Roll (if GEO is present) can get 1000TP every 3~5 seconds depending, average is around 4 seconds. With appropriate weapons Decimation hits like a truck and is best fired at 1K, that is the wall that makes ready useless.
Honestly the only use for a pet, right now, is bonus from Killer Instinct, applying defense down on target or attack up on the master.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-08-03 17:05:08
Starting another side project >.> What are some of the "do-these-asap" af/relic/empy reforges for a fresh 99 BST?
Tons of overlap in gear from other jobs...just gotta work on the JSE.
By Vankathka 2020-08-03 17:09:21
Dolichenus was the best and worst thing that happened to this job, playing it like a WAR with a buff battery is infuriating.
Mandatory reforges are Empyrean gloves, the Reward pieces.
Relic helm +3/Totemic Gloves+3 for WSD (Though if you're going to spam only Decimation these are less relevant to you)
Totemic Legs +3 give alot of pet attack.
Honestly its best you just read the main guide and decide what sets you want to make or deem useful to you, Falkirk has truly made everything accessible for what you could want.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-08-03 17:24:36
The main guide is definitely very helpful...overwhelming amount of info there. Taking my time to go through it. Thanks for the reco's!
By Vankathka 2020-08-03 17:36:53
It also really depends what you want out of the job, if you're looking to AoE farm (Salvage/Reisenjima/Escha) then pet sets would have a higher priority, if you're looking to just jump right in to CPing on Apex or Dynamis then a melee set would be more useful for you to prioritize.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Sylph.Ticktick 2020-08-03 17:38:02
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »How are you getting 52~56k ? it takes what? maybe 3 seconds for a ready move, if you include the gear swapping.
It's not the 2 seconds give or take for regular JA lockout, it's missing the TP gain for the WS along with the melee damage that would of gotten you that TP gain. JA lockout sucks hard on every job. A haste capped DD with Samurai's Roll and Fighter's Roll (if GEO is present) can get 1000TP every 3~5 seconds depending, average is around 4 seconds. With appropriate weapons Decimation hits like a truck and is best fired at 1K, that is the wall that makes ready useless.
Honestly the only use for a pet, right now, is bonus from Killer Instinct, applying defense down on target or attack up on the master.
something is wrong w/ your math. if your WS does 40k, at your stated rate of 1 WS/4 seconds, you're getting 10k DPS from WS dmg. Melee dps varies by job but lets say 6k/second to be generous for a dual wielder. Taking 2 seconds off is reducing your damage output by 32k.
By Spaitin 2020-08-03 17:52:20
There is no reason to compare a job versus a job. there is absolutely reason to compare jobs. they are all held to the same standard and bst misses the mark. By a lot. You seem to care about the weak and easy content more than the hard stuff. THat might just be you preferring easy stuff. You seem to not really understand the issues. You sound a lot like the people who defended drg and mnk before the big updates because you love the job. Then they super buffed both those jobs and now they are about right.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »ahh, I see you are saying 52k~56k is 130% of your ws damage. that lines up with your numbers, but I don't understand why you think you are trading 6.5+ seconds of master dps to use a ready move. I did it with about 6 hours of in game testing. I kept track of attack rounds I found that ready was forcing you to give up 2+ attack rounds on both pet and master plus the WS. Usually 2, but sometimes three.
Taking 2 seconds off is reducing your damage output by 32k. I found ready locked out the master for a little over two and then locked out hte pet for a little over 2 while locking the master into a REALLY bad TP set for another second. Basically forcing the master to take a little over 3 seconds off.
By Vankathka 2020-08-03 18:15:18
They could substantially increase 3 Charge ready moves as a way to make up for the DPS loss in high buff situations though that would require a pretty big buff, the main flaws are still there, CORs are limited to 2 rolls and the only way to buff pets in a meaningful way, some things could be fixed there if they allowed 2 separate rolls for Pets on a different timer like rage/wards for SMN but...
I still find it hilarious that they're pushing BST melee to the extremes with both our 1 hours being centred around pets along with 95% of our job abilities, but yes Melee is what was needed to be buffed.
By Spaitin 2020-08-03 18:21:45
I still find it hilarious that they're pushing BST melee to the extremes with both our 1 hours being centred around pets along with 95% of our job abilities, but yes Melee is what was needed to be buffed. I would LOVE to see the damn pet buffed. IT would probably break bst for solo content though. I think they just need to make them share stats. Maybe have a slight modifier on various pets. I think master does plenty of DPS. maybe too much.
By Ermah 2020-08-03 18:33:14
There is no reason to compare a job versus a job. there is absolutely reason to compare jobs. they are all held to the same standard and bst misses the mark. By a lot. You seem to care about the weak and easy content more than the hard stuff. THat might just be you preferring easy stuff. You seem to not really understand the issues. You sound a lot like the people who defended drg and mnk before the big updates because you love the job. Then they super buffed both those jobs and now they are about right.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »ahh, I see you are saying 52k~56k is 130% of your ws damage. that lines up with your numbers, but I don't understand why you think you are trading 6.5+ seconds of master dps to use a ready move. I did it with about 6 hours of in game testing. I kept track of attack rounds I found that ready was forcing you to give up 2+ attack rounds on both pet and master plus the WS. Usually 2, but sometimes three.
Taking 2 seconds off is reducing your damage output by 32k. I found ready locked out the master for a little over two and then locked out hte pet for a little over 2 while locking the master into a REALLY bad TP set for another second. Basically forcing the master to take a little over 3 seconds off.
I am so confused by your whining.... it's not evening complaining anymore. You don't really seem to have any arguments. "Weak and Easy Content"
Dynamis Wave 3 - Hardest content in the game, arguable the only hard content in the game. Beastmaster has a unique role that any smart linkshell wants and is desired by end game linkshells.
Reisenjima Helms - Nearly every job is not wanted on HELMS, the only jobs that are is basically Run/Pld and Smn and since you're so set on comparing jobs, that means almost every job is useless because the only jobs that are really wanted on HELMS is Smn, Geo, Cor Pld and Run and sometimes Brd. So that means Sam, Drg, Thf, Dnc, Blu, Pup ect ect are all equally as useless as Bst.
Omen - As I mentioned earlier, I was able to duo all but Ou and Kin on Bst so they are definitely useful here as well.
Aside from those three, what's not considered "Easy Content?" That BST can't do? Those are the three highest things that end game linkshells even do. Because 2 out of 3 of those bst CAN do and do very well and the third every job can't do but for some reason they aren't being held to the same standard in your eye as BST. For some unknown reason you just really want to hate bst. Maybe the problem isn't bst, maybe you just either gave up on it too early so you think it's bad or aren't performing well yourself.
By Vankathka 2020-08-03 18:33:34
To be honest, they'd have to really break pets to make solo overpowered on BST, while we have a pet we lack the buffs that make RDM the solo'ers that they are for Omen bosses etc, and we still have to be in range to use ready moves so eventually you will take hits and for tough content trusts aren't exactly sturdy, even if they doubled ready damage before buffs I wouldn't see the issue with it.
As for AoEing mobs we can already one shot most things that people would AoE as it is anyway so more damage there changes nothing and they have mechanics in place to prevent you from AoEing new content.
By Spaitin 2020-08-03 18:36:12
Maybe the problem isn't bst, maybe you just either gave up on it too early so you think it's bad or aren't performing well yourself.
Yeah... i just think you have rose colored glasses for bst. You refuse to see it how it is. wave three is the only content I think it is worth much on. Random ambu.
Omen - As I mentioned earlier, I was able to duo all but Ou and Kin on Bst so they are definitely useful here as well.
lol kin is the easiest one to solo on bst.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-03 18:36:50
something is wrong w/ your math. if your WS does 40k, at your stated rate of 1 WS/4 seconds, you're getting 10k DPS from WS dmg. Melee dps varies by job but lets say 6k/second to be generous for a dual wielder. Taking 2 seconds off is reducing your damage output by 32k.
.. thats exactly my point. I didn't say 52k. I was questioning where that came from. 32k sounds alot more reasonable, and.. not that far from the current game.
Also, using spreadsheet the best cycle time I'm seeing for bst is at 5 seconds. I don't think a player will be that efficient.
By Ermah 2020-08-03 18:40:33
Maybe the problem isn't bst, maybe you just either gave up on it too early so you think it's bad or aren't performing well yourself.
Yeah... i just think you have rose colored glasses for bst. You refuse to see it how it is. wave three is the only content I think it is worth much on. Random ambu.
Omen - As I mentioned earlier, I was able to duo all but Ou and Kin on Bst so they are definitely useful here as well.
lol kin is the easiest one to solo on bst.
Yeah... you're just an internet troll. I feel stupid for spending time arguing how useful BST is to you.
By Spaitin 2020-08-03 18:50:36
Yeah... you're just an internet troll. I feel stupid for spending time arguing how useful BST is to you. It is hard to explain things to you. You didnt know that bst defense down didnt stack... You kinda dont know enough about bst to talk about bst.
By Ermah 2020-08-03 18:51:56
Yeah... you're just an internet troll. I feel stupid for spending time arguing how useful BST is to you. It is hard to explain things to you. You didnt know that bst defense down didnt stack... You kinda dont know enough about bst to talk about bst.
Sounds good! Have a good one.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-08-04 10:52:39
I'll say the same thing here that I did in the PUP forum on the topic- BST is still a "plus" solo/lowman job. Because it will always be advantageous to have a pet taking hits. At lower gear levels pet jobs are arguably the best and most consistent solo/lowman jobs. The problem is that at higher gear levels other jobs can dps hard enough to kill stuff before trusts are overwhelmed, enfeeble/self-buff past dangerous mechanics, limit a mob's TP moves, etc. We have gotten very little for pets aside from, like path C Pangu, in the last few years, and they took our range away, which limited how safe we could be.
We need more than a melee buff.
Omen - As I mentioned earlier, I was able to duo all but Ou and Kin on Bst so they are definitely useful here as well.
Fastest Kin I've ever done, including monk strats, was using two BSTs as DDs, because there's very little white damage or TP feed healing him, and it's easy to bounce hate for Target. Ou there's a dps check at the end which I think you'll need a second BST or SMN to clear.
By shamgi 2020-08-04 13:07:04
I'm curious, looking through: are any of our jug pet abilities considered breath damage? It seems to largely have been removed as pet abilities, perhaps because the damage is based on HP and the pets is so relatively low it doesn't much matter, but I am curious if perhaps some pets like the Fungar aren't using some of those non-burstable abilities as breath damage rather than straight up magic damage.
By FaeQueenCory 2020-08-04 15:40:13
I'm curious, looking through: are any of our jug pet abilities considered breath damage? It seems to largely have been removed as pet abilities, perhaps because the damage is based on HP and the pets is so relatively low it doesn't much matter, but I am curious if perhaps some pets like the Fungar aren't using some of those non-burstable abilities as breath damage rather than straight up magic damage. Breath is a damage type, not just "something that is hp based".
If it deals breath damage, it deals breath damage.
Back in the 75era, nothing naturally had BDT, the only way to effectively reduce it, so breath spells were very powerful.
Then they nerfed it by giving every NM (and half the mobs into the 99era) an effective -50%BDT... making it the worst source of elemental damage.
Funny enough iLv stuff seems to generally not have the innate BDT, so things take full damage from Breath sources, which we've even got a couple more of (like Ifrit's Conflag Strike).
And all newer breath damage spells/moves tend to follow the normal magic rules (unlike older ones) and can MB for more damage.
Looking at it, seems that no BST pets do breath damage. It's all standard magical damage (e.g. reducible by MDT).
Though if I'm wrong on that, I would greatly appreciate to know which are breath and which are not.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-04 16:04:42
IIRC most of funguar ready moves are breath damage
also, aqua breath from crude raphie
By shamgi 2020-08-04 16:10:13
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »IIRC most of funguar ready moves are breath damage
also, aqua breath from crude raphie
So the followup question to that is how effective is the A. Skirmish gear with Breath+ on it for damage?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-04 16:51:18
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »IIRC most of funguar ready moves are breath damage
also, aqua breath from crude raphie
So the followup question to that is how effective is the A. Skirmish gear with Breath+ on it for damage?
breath damage is pretty lackluster already on bst pets. I don't see myself putting the effort into to making the gear to test.
even if you double the damage, it won't be worthwhile methink.
By FaeQueenCory 2020-08-04 16:56:39
So the followup question to that is how effective is the A. Skirmish gear with Breath+ on it for damage? If it follows like previous Breath+ gear, then the +n is +n%... which would also be a convenient way to check which is and is not breath damage....
*looks at my horde of +1 stones*
*has BST at 99*
Looks like I can verify everything.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-04 16:58:52
I have acro set with breath+ augments that I made for dragoon breaths, is you need help testing it.
By FaeQueenCory 2020-08-04 17:01:56
Shouldn't need help with it. But thanks for the offer.
Just gonna toss some leaforbs at an acro/taeon piece until I get pet breath+8, then go buy the relevant jugs, then go and kill some lv0 stuff with the appropriate moves.
If the damage increases, it's Breath, if not, it's Magic.
Or there's shenanigans happening.
We'll see.
By Spaitin 2020-08-04 17:59:58
We need more than a melee buff. Agreed. A melee buff would work, but then we are just drg in denial. I would like to see a big pet buff.
Because it will always be advantageous to have a pet taking hits. not sure if I agree or dissagree. THe JP players refused to master because it made the pet the tank until the adjusted the job points. Refused to even use pangu because of it. In a world of malignance it is much easier to deal with curing the master than the pet. Pets are just too weak against enfeebles and curing them has a lockout.
Hopefully they make that rabbit better.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-05 08:14:11
A change in approach to pet design, like they mention, could work.
I know I am only basing this on the statement that they are making the pets 'sharper'.
I assume this means a more focused design, for example:
Crab pet is focused on being a tank
Scorpion pet is focused on dealing damage (but might be more vulnerable, or lower hp)
colibri pet might focus entirely on support abilities
That is similiar to how puppetmaster frames focus on roles with their own pro's and cons, beastmaster pets would be more streamlined to different roles.
You could then focus more power into those pet roles while still conforming to whatever silly rubric SE uses for baransu.
That is what I hope they mean. we'll find out soon if they can pull it off or not.
They could just make the more powerful, which is a useful temporary boost, but long term same old same old.
I hope that is not the case because they also talk about adjusting existing abilities.
... I mean maybe a tank-focused pet could actually generate enmity... that would be a far out there thought :P
By FaeQueenCory 2020-08-05 16:06:17
Just gonna toss some leaforbs at an acro/taeon piece until I get pet breath+8, then go buy the relevant jugs, then go and kill some lv0 stuff with the appropriate moves.
If the damage increases, it's Breath, if not, it's Magic.
Or there's shenanigans happening.
We'll see. So I'm back. Easily got Pet:Breath+8 on some Taeon shoes within 15 +1 stones.... every random augment needs to be like Alluvion Skirmish.
Here's the lame set I used to test:
ItemSet 374791
After initial damage, I swapped in the Breath+8 shoes to see if anything changed.
After I would swap in an Adad Amulet and take off the shoes; then add the shoes back in again.
From what it looks like one of two things are how it works:
A) None of BST pet's have access to Breath type damage.
B) Breath+n from Alluvion augs doesn't work like other Breath+ equipment and do something lame like is Macc+n for Breath stuff.
All enemies were Lv0 Mandies. With Adad will have parenthesis.
There was never a change in damage from equipping the Breath+8 shoes with or without Adad.
Spiders: Acid Spray - 2525 (2714)
Bunnies: Dust Cloud - 1915 (2070)
Crabs: Bubble Shower - 1570 (1687)
Mosquitoes: Infected Leech - (couldn't tell in this instance as the display was always 0 HP absorbed, but is most likely not Breath damage; same as similar BLU spells.)
Gloam Spray - 2225 (2391)
Dragonflies: Cursed Sphere - 2683 (2846)
Venom - 1922 (2039)
Fungus: Queasyshroom - 8439~8616 no affect from Adad, looks like its actually physical; same as the BLU spell.
Numbshroom - 8676~8727 same as the above, physical not magical
Shakeshroom - 8449~8655 same as above, these ranges indicate being physical as magic resists should floored and the damage was never the same twice
Silence Gas - 2653 (2851)
Dark Spore - 2653 (2851)
Slugs: Purulent Ooze - 2920 (3176)
Corrosive Ooze (funnily is mislabeled in game as fire damage, but it was waterday before I noticed and was getting the water proc before I stopped and threw those out until the next day) - 3634 (3953)
Snapweeds: Stink Bomb - 2984 (3206)
Nectarous Deluge - 2984 (3206)
Nepenthic Plunge - 3593 (3862)
Lizards: Fireball - 1962 (2119)
Acuexes: Foul Waters - 3306 (3496)
Pestilent Plume - 3306 (3496)
Tulfaires: Molting Plumage - 2662 (2861)
I didn't test Adamantoise, Hippogryph, or Leech cause the jugs weren't up on the AH and I didn't want to bother my cooking friend with that... but the only one of those who might be Breath damage would be the turtle, I would suspect. Maybe the Hippogryph.
By shamgi 2020-08-05 16:14:53
From what it looks like one of two things are how it works:
A) None of BST pet's have access to Breath type damage.
B) Breath+n from Alluvion augs doesn't work like other Breath+ equipment and do something lame like is Macc+n for Breath stuff.
I took a look around the DRG guides and such and the Breath damage does seem to be a damage increase, so it's almost certainly A.
Thank you for testing that though, I was quite curious but lacked the orbs to do it myself. Negative results are still results and all.
Oh well, we'll have some new jugs to play with in less than a day, hopefully they're interesting.
By Vankathka 2020-08-05 16:48:32
So went and tested Turtle as I'm a crazy who has all jug pets, Breath+ does affect Crude Raphies Aqua Breath
No Breath 5160
Pants with Breath +3 5314.
I also checked Choke Breath and, I don't even know whats happening here, huge variances even on level 1 mobs. *I think* it affects it but damage was 771 195 195 With pants I did hit 781 so was a higher max but that could just be another variance.